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Why I will never be able to get a Skyscale.

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> @"Liston.9708" said:

> party solution seems the easiest, but another option is 3 rounds as it is OR 5 failed attempts at each round also counts...….


This is not a bad idea actually, considering if you fail it X times you still put the time into it, just have to make sure people still put the effort into it even if they fail by not let them complete it by letting it fail it for 5 rounds by just standing afk. Some movement of keys still required.

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I too have completed all of the achievements to get the skyscale except the play catch with the skyscale achievement. I have been able to complete the easy and the medium levels, and have an almost immobile left hand and wrist to show for it. I am 70 years old - yes THAT old lol - and have severe arthritis and nerve damage, and I just cannot move my fingers fast enough to catch the ball on hard. I hate to think that all that I have done so far has been a waste of time and gold due to one level of one achievement that I physically cannot complete. I do feel that the skyscale is worth getting and I want it very badly, but unless someone has a suggestion not yet covered in this thread I will never get it. I agree with others that it would be very helpful if Anet developers would consider that there are many of us who have played the game for years - and Guild Wars before it - and the aging process is not kind to all of us. ;)

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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> Not to be rude or sound offencive but this thread makes me cringe.


> Specifically the eternal issues that game developers have to deal with: Accessibility vs gameplay

> At the end of the day you cant cater to all people and you have to make choices. GW2 tends to cater to alot of people with has its own merits but it sacrifices for this mainly in the difficulty department.

> Take the ball catching I personally enjoyed it it was a novel albeit not too challenging mini-game. Now to make this more "accessable" would be to "reduce" its difficulty so the OP could perform it easily. Though this would likely deprive players of enjoyment.


> At the end of the day you have to make sure core assumptions about players when making your game. Like heres a few obvious ones speaking X language. The ability to perform basic reasoning etc.


> All I can say for OP is well that sucks. Maybe Anet like so many times before can provide a intersting solution that keep most parties happy but well GL with that like the hardcore community in this game your the minority so I wouldnt expect too much.


There are plenty of alternate ways a problem can be solved without taking anything away from it's original difficulty.


As I and others have suggested, something as basic as allowing a friend to enter your instance and play the game with you would make a significant difference for people who struggle with disabilities, slow reaction time and even those who are just not so good with games in general.

For everyone else it would mearly be an optional feature they could choose to take advantage of or not.


Having multiple options to succeed is a trait I personaly favour in RPG's, hell I'd go as far as to say it's one of the defining traits of many a great RPG.

I don't know how much work it would take to make it so that a friend could help with this achievement but I certainly believe it's worth doing, and keeping in mind for future content.

MMO's are typically supposed to be enjoyed with friends after all, Even Gw2 with it's extremely solo friendly world is often more enjoyable to play with a friend.

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Nice to see a reply from Anet on this thread. (: I hope we see a solution.


I'm not personally affected by this issue, but if you are able to get this far without letting your conditions hold you back, you 100% deserve to make it to the end of the skyscale collection. I can't imagine how tough some parts of the game can be with mobility issues. Overcoming those obstacles must take a lot of skill and patience. It's really commendable.


I like the solution of letting your friends help you. I used to play with an elderly gamer who struggled a lot with mobility. Our guild would help her in instances whenever we could. It was always good fun for all of us.

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There were parts I could barely do with working hands so major props to OP. I hope something can be done for you. It really is something a friend or family member could probably do without a lot of problem. You just go to the center of the possible ball landing places (there are only like 5) and go back to that after each catch. Even on the fast speed it would be pretty trivial for somebody to help with. Don't give up!

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I'm quite surprised to read that this part is so difficult. I mean, I fully understand that can be difficult for some people, due to some physical problems, or even simply age; what surprises me, is that you guys managed to reach this point! Even if you used the pungent food, there are parts of the collection that I thought more difficult than the catching ball (like using the skyscale itself or complete the story).


Anyway, being forced to stop a collection when you're very close to the end is a pity (like finding a very difficult jump at the very end of a JP). I'm quite against the idea to let someone else join the instance though. Simply because the idea is to raise the bond with your skyscale, so it wouldn't make sense to let someone else play with our pet. Maybe we could use an extra-pungent food also to skip this trial. If it's allowed to use it to skip the previous parts of the collection, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed to skip the catching ball and the hide-and-seek too.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"ShadowGryphon.6257" said:

> > I have to agree with The Quad.8625 .

> > I find no reason to pursue the skyscale mount in the pursuits current implementation. It's overly "make work" and pointless.

> > And to be honest I also fail to see the point of the skayscale.


> Thats not what the OP said at all mate read again


Read again "mate", I was adding my thoughts to the situation as well as agreeing with Quad.

*face palm*

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Since the Skyscale is really the ideal mount for someone who needs (or wants) to take things more slowly and cautiously, I think it would be wonderful if Anet found an alternate way.


I like both ideas of letting someone join you and help, and the idea of crafting a special skyscale ball that would always return to you. The first would be good to promote group play and cooperation. Crafting a ball would be a better solution for those who prefer to avoid social encounters and would rather do a little extra grinding and remain independent.


Really hoping there is a solution forthcoming!

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I think it could work to make the third (hard) ball catch activity optional. If you love playing with your Skyscale, then knock yourself out. If you don't, skip it. I mean, what would it hurt? Would it make people who completed the activity any less accomplished? No, it wouldn't. I'm done with the activity (although freely admit the hard level took me 5 or 6 tries) and anything to make it less tedious for others gets a thumbs-up from me.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> I'm quite surprised to read that this part is so difficult. I mean, I fully understand that can be difficult for some people, due to some physical problems, or even simply age; what surprises me, is that you guys managed to reach this point! Even if you used the pungent food, there are parts of the collection that I thought more difficult than the catching ball (like using the skyscale itself or complete the story).


> Anyway, being forced to stop a collection when you're very close to the end is a pity (like finding a very difficult jump at the very end of a JP). I'm quite against the idea to let someone else join the instance though. Simply because the idea is to raise the bond with your skyscale, so it wouldn't make sense to let someone else play with our pet. Maybe we could use an extra-pungent food also to skip this trial. If it's allowed to use it to skip the previous parts of the collection, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed to skip the catching ball and the hide-and-seek too.


I pose a fun challenge to everyone reading this. Put a pair of gloves on so this way you can't feel the keys. Now choose a finger from each hand and put the rest of your fingers in a fist. Play GW2 for 1 hour like this and this includes using a mouse. Welcome to my world :-)


I got this far by taking my time and doing the achievements slowly and carefully and at my own pace. If it weren't for the reflex challenge I would not have opened the threat and we would all be none the wiser. I have a friend who will come over and help me get further.


As I said before, I don't anything to change in the game on my account as it is a great game. It has taken me +- 25 hours and over 100 gold to get this far and I was just looking for a way to bypass the challenge. My friend will help me out.

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I moved a few months ago to the country. I had no choice but to go with satellite internet. ~cries~ With a 1-3s (sometimes more, and in crowds, it's often much, much more) skill lag, I find I am excluded from a lot of the in-game activities I used to enjoy. I fear this would be a roadblock to my getting Skyscale. I'm glad this was brought up. I will be watching for any upcoming solutions.

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It's good that OP has another option now, but, I hope this issue doesn't get tossed aside just because OP has another option, because there will be others perhaps years down the road that may encounter similar issues.


Besides, if they could change the time gate on the feeding phase to accommodate the players that for whatever reason were unwilling to wait 4 days to complete it, then it makes sense they could adjust this part in some way to accommodate players with physical limitations. A few ideas: 1) Increase the radius of the catch circle and / or 2) Decrease the speed of throws between the different difficulties 3) Introduce a selectable infancy option (similar to SAB) whereby you'd still get credit for all 3 phases so long as you put in extra work on the easiest phase, like instead of completing normal easy, medium and hard once each, complete infancy 9 times or 3 times per difficulty.

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I do hope a workable solution is found for those who have lag and other issues in trying to get this achieve.


When I first saw I had to do this, I was worried also because I have problems with timed stuff. I have never been able to do the Chef Mastery Point in Crystal Oasis. However, I have done other similar events which were not timed such as the Heart at the Necropolis in Vabbi where you have to catch the organ and put it in the proper jar or the Heart in Thunderhead Peaks (History's End Waypoint) where you catch the artifacts and put them in their containers. They ended up being good practice for this achievement. Also I did watch [AyinMaiden's video](

") to see where to stand. Those things did help me get through that particular achieve.
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> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > I'm quite surprised to read that this part is so difficult. I mean, I fully understand that can be difficult for some people, due to some physical problems, or even simply age; what surprises me, is that you guys managed to reach this point! Even if you used the pungent food, there are parts of the collection that I thought more difficult than the catching ball (like using the skyscale itself or complete the story).

> >

> > Anyway, being forced to stop a collection when you're very close to the end is a pity (like finding a very difficult jump at the very end of a JP). I'm quite against the idea to let someone else join the instance though. Simply because the idea is to raise the bond with your skyscale, so it wouldn't make sense to let someone else play with our pet. Maybe we could use an extra-pungent food also to skip this trial. If it's allowed to use it to skip the previous parts of the collection, I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed to skip the catching ball and the hide-and-seek too.


> I pose a fun challenge to everyone reading this. Put a pair of gloves on so this way you can't feel the keys. Now choose a finger from each hand and put the rest of your fingers in a fist. Play GW2 for 1 hour like this and this includes using a mouse. Welcome to my world :-)


> I got this far by taking my time and doing the achievements slowly and carefully and at my own pace. If it weren't for the reflex challenge I would not have opened the threat and we would all be none the wiser. I have a friend who will come over and help me get further.


> As I said before, I don't anything to change in the game on my account as it is a great game. It has taken me +- 25 hours and over 100 gold to get this far and I was just looking for a way to bypass the challenge. My friend will help me out.


Quite a few of us, myself included, have done our share of whining on the skyscale matter. Hearing from you how much effort you put in, how many obstacles you overcome, how much joy and appreciation you feel and how rewarding these successes most likely are to you, really puts things into perspective. Thank you very very much for reminding me that my problems here in this game are the pinnacle of first world problems and that pondering on them is hindering me from doing what I should be doing in this great game: simply having fun.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> Hi,


> The development team behind the Skyscale is going to lower some of the timing constraints on this part of the Skyscale collection in an upcoming build release and we hope that it’s going to make it easier for you to complete it.


Great to see something being done :)

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Devs really should take disabilities and possible health issues into consideration when designing contents


One of the bad ones I can think of is the 'Three Golem Monte' achieve, it can pretty much give you a seizure

Though I got it done on my third try, but I got a bit of headache from eye strain of eyeballs moving too fast afterwards; hence I have stopping playing FPS games like CS:GO, CoD, etc, gives me a headache in 10-20min

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I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy. However, I will admit that this argument holds:


> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> Catching a ball has nothing to do with flying a skyscale!


And, while I am against making the challenge easyer, I would be totally fine with an easyer alternative, if it was balanced by being longer to run than the ball challenge, as you suggested:


> @"The Quad.8625" said:

> Arenanet, please [...] make a way for me to bypass it




> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> Thanks


> Devs really should take disabilities and possible health issues into consideration when designing contents


> One of the bad ones I can think of is the 'Three Golem Monte' achieve, it can pretty much give you a seizure

> Though I got it done on my third try, but I got a bit of headache from eye strain of eyeballs moving too fast afterwards; hence I have stopping playing FPS games like CS:GO, CoD, etc, gives me a headache in 10-20min


This is an achievment, it's supposed to be challenging and isn't required for anything else in the game. I'm completely against balancing this kind of content around disabilities.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy. However, I will admit that this argument holds:


> This is an achievment, it's supposed to be challenging and isn't required for anything else in the game. I'm completely against balancing this kind of content around disabilities.


This achievement is one of the components of acquiring the Skyscale mount and we want that journey to be accessible to the entire playerbase, including Guild Wars 2 players with disabilities. We're happy to make adjustments wherever relevant and believe that making the game more accessible improves it, without removing anything from everyone's experience.

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Balancing content around individuals and minorities isn't a reasonable expectation, and it opens a few terrible doors.


- How do you determine whether the person in question is actually disabled? Does it matter?

- What types of disabilities are qualifying _enough_ to warrant ArenaNet's intervention?

- How do you reconcile accommodating one person while requiring more of everyone else?

- What stops an adjustment for disabilities from becoming an easy mode for people who aren't disabled?


It's great that the OP enjoys the game and has stuck with it for this long despite their limitations, and they themselves have already said that they wouldn't change a thing. The correct solution in this case was to enlist their friends to help them complete the content, and ArenaNet is also looking at minor adjustments like slackening the timing between ball tosses, which will not severely impact the achievement process.


There are rewards in this game and achievements I would love to have and never will because of my lack of coordination or competitive spirit, but they, like the Skyscale, are not necessary to experience what GW2 has to offer. I am not entitled to items and achievements I have not met the requirements for, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


To expect a mount to be given away for free or any achievement to be auto-granted because a user can't complete the content is no different in practice than someone refusing to do a JP but still wanting JP rewards. This kind of expectation creates 'special cases' among users, and muddies the line of what is or isn't actionable. In an MMO, this sort of imbalance isn't a good idea.


I wish the OP good luck in future endeavors and hope that people understand why it is that ArenaNet aims for the majority and cannot custom fit the game for every user experience.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> > I've always been against making the game easyer for the minorities who have a terrible internet or serious disabilities. I know it's hard, but difficulty is what makes the fun of the game, and ajusting this difficulty to these people would mean that the whole rest of the playerbase would have it too easy. However, I will admit that this argument holds:

> >

> > This is an achievment, it's supposed to be challenging and isn't required for anything else in the game. I'm completely against balancing this kind of content around disabilities.


> This achievement is one of the components of acquiring the Skyscale mount and we want that journey to be accessible to the entire playerbase, including Guild Wars 2 players with disabilities. We're happy to make adjustments wherever relevant and believe that making the game more accessible improves it, without removing anything from everyone's experience.


Have to say, whilst I have been extra critical of late of Anet and the latest contents, to see you acknowledge, act upon and implement feedback based on what players who love your game, yet may struggle due to a disability is refreshing to see. I know you have previous form with making things easier for those with colour blindness, but it is still great to see.


Obviously you can't always be as accommodating, but it does continue to show that Anet is a very inclusive company across a very wide spectrum of the community.

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