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What changed in PvP?


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I have not played gw2 for 6 years now, last time PvP was:


4 maps

Everyone standing in circles

Mesmers spamming confusion

Everyone spamming stability

One team gets crushed at start and you wait for time to run out


And the developers focused fully on PvE with every single update being focused there.


Was not sure how to search for this information in forum, so sorry if there exists similar topics.

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PvP today is:


More maps (still just 3 point conquest)

Either stand in circles or play builds with stupid high mobility

Mesmers spam even more

Every class spams more

Boon spam is much worse

Lots of matches are still very one sided


Every class is much more powerful because of elite specs and power creep. Burst damage is insanely high, yet there are bunker builds with stupid amounts of sustain that are meant to stall 1v1 or 1v2 all game . All development still goes into pve, and all pvp gets are some band-aid balance changes that usually don't end up solving existing issues.


PvP can still be fun for some people, but its also very frustrating a lot of the time, and there are many issues that will likely never be addressed.

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> @"Lukin.4061" said:

> Hello,


> I have not played gw2 for 6 years now, last time PvP was:


> 4 maps

> Everyone standing in circles

> Mesmers spamming confusion

> Everyone spamming stability

> One team gets crushed at start and you wait for time to run out


> And the developers focused fully on PvE with every single update being focused there.


> Was not sure how to search for this information in forum, so sorry if there exists similar topics.


Not much has changed in that respect. The game is currently very spammy, as most competitive builds can spam CC, stability and extremely high damage. All that plus significant sustain.


I have not played 6 years ago. But when I started the game, it was a few month before HoT. Game was much slower then (for better or worse). It was a bit more tactical than it is now. Currently, you use one of the 7-8 meta builds and just go to the point and spam.


Do not get me wrong, it is not mindless spam. But if you try to bait or switch, it is not a good strategy. You can outsmart opponents, but most meta builds have layers upon layers of things to throw at you. You cannot really play a battle of iteration. Most of the tactics come down to CC and down the opponent in 1-2 secs before they have a chance to react.


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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.


Yes, I saw a really big potential in this game for pvp - no gear advantage, different roles, no healers spamming heal, big maps with goals. It could've been big, yet there was no support update after update...

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.


They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.


Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.


> They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.


> Gw2 had his chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.


Yes, I remember that argument that it is useless to focus on pvp since it is not worth it. That is how this vicious circle started PvP is bad -> low population playing pvp - > not worth investing - PvP is bad.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.


> They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.


> Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.


Srsly? I mean PvP in GW2 is very dynamic, i dont see how it gets boring

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.


> They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.


> Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.

If they went in the direction of smaller scale in 2v2 3v3 arena deathmatch they would have won, but no lets stick with circle quest. Look at WoW they have battlegrounds but the main thing that is watched for pvp is the Arena, since it is easier to follow small number of people at the same time and even though the mechanics in there were made worse and worse with every iteration it is still somewhat entertaining.


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> @"dtox.8397" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.

> >

> > They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.

> >

> > Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.


> Srsly? I mean PvP in GW2 is very dynamic, i dont see how it gets boring


Back then, it was simply a matter of who gets ownership first, since you wouldn't die from anything if played minimally well and things like "X skill makes you lose node" didn't exist. IE, chronobunker used to be able to capture node while in Continuum Split or Distorted, while it isn't the case anymore.


To OP: the PvP isn't that bad as to say it's hopeless, and it isn't *purely* spamming. But a few builds on, let's say Engineer or Revenant, outclass other builds with the same relative role, like Mesmer or Thief, respectively. Mesmer isn't the top of the food chain anymore if looked in comparison to what it was a year ago, compared to what Paradoxoglanis seemed inclined to say. It will shut you down if you misplay but it will do near no damage on you if you don't allow it to make its plays. It's... niche right now. Very much so. Coming from a Ranger/Mesmer main. Oh and Ranger's broken. It is normal if you get annoyed at how strong it is, as it is absurdly strong right now.


mAT castings should let you see if the playstyle is what you're looking for. Jawgeous and Sindrener on YouTube send some really good coverage of these in the EU community, while streamers in NA cast them too (Vallun sometimes, namely) (and I'm a NA person, whilst not knowing much people casting them XD).

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> @"dtox.8397" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.

> >

> > They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.

> >

> > Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.


> Srsly? I mean PvP in GW2 is very dynamic, i dont see how it gets boring


maybe to play, not to watch. They have a list of reasons why they drop the game, being boring to watch was one of them, that was during the meta bunker and made things even worse. I wasnt a very active player by them time, if you search on internet you can find more accurate info about it.

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> maybe to play, not to watch. They have a list of reasons why they drop the game, being boring to watch was one of them, that was during the meta bunker and made things even worse. I wasnt a very active player by them time, if you search on internet you can find more accurate info about it.


> @"DigiQWill.6378" said:


> Back then, it was simply a matter of who gets ownership first, since you wouldn't die from anything if played minimally well and things like "X skill makes you lose node" didn't exist. IE, chronobunker used to be able to capture node while in Continuum Split or Distorted, while it isn't the case anymore.



Yeah, thats right, i remember bunker meta. It was pretty boring. I got legendary badge with that tho lol

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> @"dtox.8397" said:

> > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > Do you know what is the worst part about it it is the best MMO PVP on the market. Holly hell MMO companies don't even try anymore with pvp.

> >

> > They won't even try, with other games fully commited to pvp with millions of dollars to work with mmos will just focus on pve stuff.

> >

> > Gw2 had its chance with ESL, they said game was boring to watch, and anet couldn't work around that.


> Srsly? I mean PvP in GW2 is very dynamic, i dont see how it gets boring


Its boring and fruatrating for me. Boring because its the same 5v5 conquest since day one. Gw1 had a slew of different pvp modes that all required different tatics and builds to accomplish a goal that only team coordination can accomplish.

Fruatrating because in this 5v5 conquest game mode for 7 years has no real team support like 5 man competitive ranked que, no team mics to work as a coordinated unit and have i mentioned the same game mode since day one almoat 7 years ago?

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