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GW2's odd version of flying . . . Why can't your mount, like Just. Fly.??

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I

> guess

> that

> the

> skyscale

> works

> just

> the

> way

> in

> game

> that

> it

> is

> supposed

> to.

> I

> like

> it

> the

> way

> it

> is.


I was about to say something, but you made my point quite well, thank you. Everyone has this one pal that, when you turn on your phone in the morning, has sent you 10 or more IMs where anyone elses would have needed one, maybe two.


I can literally feel this guy hitting the send button after every line... and it hurts.

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Did others tell you that they wanted movement to be an active and engaging experience? That they didnt want it to just be a faster basic movement with just the 3 dimenional aspec of flying?


You can mostly benefit from griffon like u do in other mmos, it just something u have to actively do. That makes it cool imo.

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Skyscale can do too much. Since skyscale can skip EVERYTHING.

I still think mount was mistake. Guild Wars 2 core map was fun to exploring, still HoT with glider was nice somehow. Worried about how Anet can make the terrain after the launch of this flying mount.

So i hope there's a map where flying mounts are restricted, but know it won't happen because Anet selling mount skins for product.

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > how a bird,

> > > behaving exactly like a real bird,

> > > is somehow artificial?

> >

> > No one is making that argument.

> > Because (a) a Griffon is not a bird, (b) a Griffon doesn't exist in our world, © and everything in GW2 is artificial in some way besides the obvious.

> >

> > ****

> > There are, however, lots of reasons why it would be bad for Guild Wars 2, and fine for other games.

> > * GW2 already allows skipping zones by use of waypoints; mount travel is slower.

> > * Other games tend to have more stuff that people want to skip; generally, all zones in GW2 have potentially interesting areas.

> > * Everything in GW2 is balanced (theoretically). Each mount is setup to have their own niche, to be less useful in some arenas. Each is setup to have advantages/disadvantages compared to 'walking'.

> >

> > In the end, it's a design choice: it's more fun this way (in ANet's opinion, and that of many players).


> Actually, it seems otherwise . . .

> GW2 wants you to spend the time, energy, blood, sweat, tears and

> (not insignificantly)


> to acquire a half-dozen or more mounts to accomplish the same thing

> that two

> would easily accomplish:

> A land-based creature,

> and a Bird.



That sounds boring as shit though.

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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> Skyscale can do too much. Since skyscale can skip EVERYTHING.

> I still think mount was mistake. Guild Wars 2 core map was fun to exploring, still HoT with glider was nice somehow. Worried about how Anet can make the terrain after the launch of this flying mount.

> So i hope there's a map where flying mounts are restricted, but know it won't happen because Anet selling mount skins for product.


Dude, there isn't anything in the game we couldn't already skip long before the skybrick. Heck, you don't even need a gliding mount, just jump through on your raptor.

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I could totally get behind a "real" flying mount if there were flying enemies to fight in the air as well. I think Anet has made turrets and "baddies" to combat free flying wherever you want but if we had a battle between wyverns in the air for example that would be just cool.



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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > And how Exactly

> > would it "ruin the game."?

> > Seems to me other MMOs have not been

> > "ruined"

> > by having flying mounts that act just like real birds.

> >


> wow was ruined with introduction of flying mounts


And that's why Blizzard had to close WoW down. Also I heard FFIV closed too when they added real flying.

Who would have thought that adding something joyful that people dream about from their childhoods would destroy two large companies..

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> @"Echostorm.9143" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > And how Exactly

> > > would it "ruin the game."?

> > > Seems to me other MMOs have not been

> > > "ruined"

> > > by having flying mounts that act just like real birds.

> > >

> >

> > wow was ruined with introduction of flying mounts


> And that's why Blizzard had to close WoW down. Also I heard FFIV closed too when they added real flying.

> Who would have thought that adding something joyful that people dream about from their childhoods would destroy two large companies..


No, that's why Blizzard heavily restricts flight with every new add-on and doesn't care about abandoned old world content (which GW2 for example doesn't have in the same way).


Please, if you are going to be sarcastic, at least stick to the topic at hand.

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Wow is borderless, GW isnt. Thats it.

No need to fly into the outer stratosphere.

Dont know wtf you keep discussing this bs. Its af** fanatasy game.

Looks like OP abandoned this thread days ago, bored of his owned stupid troll thread, which u can solve just by thinking 2min on your own about it.


I know a little lore and discussing can be fun. But some aspects are just BS.

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > @"ChronoPinoyX.7923" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > Three words: "fly-over zones". You play WoW, so you know what that term means, and why GW2 should avoid it like the plague.

> > >

> > > Please explain to me in plain words,

> > > how a bird,

> > > behaving exactly like a real bird,

> > > is somehow artificial?

> > >

> >

> > By carrying a person on its back when it shouldn't be.


> And the mythical Griffon and Skyscale is being realistic by carrying people on its back?

> At least an Eagle can carry off a sheep with no problem at all.




Have you ever tried carrying a person on you back while running? Not super easy, but doable. Definitely not going to be going as far as normal. How about one around your waist? Much more difficult. Sitting on/near the wings of a bird would greatly hinder their ability to fly.


The way ANet has decided to implement mounts is the absolute best idea of any game I've played so far. Flying is not only not necessary, it would ruin things like map traversal, and jumping puzzles, by either making them far too easy, or creating no mount zones in way too many places.

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> Reading the following in another thread:


> "I just realized something. With the Skyscale, this is an infinite elevator though a slow one. Get to the highest point you can with the skyscale/springer, jump with the springer, Bound of Faith, glide, mount the Skyscale (that's the first mastery and works just like the Griffon). Use your new flight bar to go up, hover until Bound of Faith cools down, repeat. Unless you lose as much or more altitude gliding before you can re-mount, you could go as high as you wanted this way."


> Holy. Moly.


> In other MMOs, let's just say WoW for now, but there are numerous others,

> when you get a flying mount,


> It.

> Just.

> Flies.


> No gliding, climbing, launching, jumping, etc.


> Just.

> Like.

> An.

> Actual.

> Bird.

> You know, it just takes off, flies through the sky, and then lands wherever it feels like.

> Like an actual Eagle, Condor, Robin, Wren, Starling, Crow, or


> Pterodactyl.


> What gives?

> Flight by bird-like beings has been around for Billions of Years.


> Why complicate it so much?


> What EXACTLY is the point with flying mounts GW2 wants to make SO COMPLICATED???





Here's why.

1] Even birds can't fly forever. They get tired and land on stuff.

2] Birds fly long distances in flocks and GW2 doesn't have a flock system.

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Mounts in games like WoW and FFXIV are really generic, stale, boring, and uninspired. Mounts in this game CAN in fact fly. It takes practice, but it's viable. Skyscale up to a high elevation, park yourself on your springer, jump for additional height, bond of faith off and onto your griffon, dive and pull up then have fun as you work to maintain that height. It's basically a 3D MMO Metroidvania and personally I love it. Clearly you do not. Might I suggest playing something else instead of complaining about one of the things that makes this game so good and unique compared to everything else?


Fun fact: Platforming is an integral part of GW2. Mounts not only need to be done this way, but they've been done in such a way that it synergizes with existing game elements.


Just be happy you can actually fly with said mounts let alone use them in starting areas unlike most other games who won't do jack shit with their's.


Speaking of, I'm riding a dragon in FFXIV. I can fly in HW and SB areas. Why can't I fly it in ARR areas? What's so complicated? There are virtually no implications for anyone doing do other than hitting an invisible barrier. Oh so immersion breaking, it's almost as if the zones weren't small and empty enough to begin with. Especially compared to GW2 who has not only basically allowed players to go as far as breaking the game, but allowed them to do so however and wherever they wish for the sake of fun in zones that are actually full of things to do.


Fun comes first. If you don't like fun, go back to those jobs people call "video games".

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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> Skyscale can do too much. Since skyscale can skip EVERYTHING.

> I still think mount was mistake. Guild Wars 2 core map was fun to exploring, still HoT with glider was nice somehow. Worried about how Anet can make the terrain after the launch of this flying mount.

> So i hope there's a map where flying mounts are restricted, but know it won't happen because Anet selling mount skins for product.


Please don't advocate for restricting other players' fun. Just because you find that mounts allow some players to skip over content does not mean that you must do so as well. One can still explore Core and HoT without mounts if one so chooses.


If you don't approve or care for the mechanics that mounts bring to the game, then you needn't use them. HoT and PoF are expansions and not required to play GW2.


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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said

> What EXACTLY is the point with flying mounts GW2 wants to make SO COMPLICATED???


No matter how ridiculous any aspect of this game is, there will always be vocal group of people on this board to passionately argue that it has to be EXACTLY that way, or the game would catastrophically collapse overnight. The real reason is because they released an entire expansion with four days of new gameplay. And it turns out that mounts actually WERE the expansion. So they need to string you along, for 2-3 years with new mounts, new mount skins, and new mount abilities, to fill in for all the alternative content that never was.


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> @"Fallesafe.5932" said:

> > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said

> > What EXACTLY is the point with flying mounts GW2 wants to make SO COMPLICATED???


> No matter how ridiculous any aspect of this game is, there will always be vocal group of people on this board to passionately argue that it has to be EXACTLY that way, or the game would catastrophically collapse overnight. The real reason is because they released an entire expansion with four days of new gameplay. And it turns out that mounts actually WERE the expansion. So they need to string you along, for 2-3 years with new mounts, new mount skins, and new mount abilities, to fill in for all the alternative content that never was.


Ehh, no need to exaggerate. PoF provides amazing new maps, new enemies, great story instances, a new elite spec on every class, great new items, and so on.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:


> People would just skip the content if they could fly freely. It would break the game.


> Honestly, this falls within the category of "things players believe they want but that would hurt more than benefit the game".


HOW exactly would it break the game? The Roller Beetle is in the game and it's not broken. You can zoom through a map in seconds with that mount and yet the game isn't broken. The Skyscale can basically do the same thing if you find a high point to start from so why not just make the damn thing just FLY from any point? The mechanic is NOT fun, it's not challenging - it's annoying.



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Flying mounts are anathema to MMOs. They single handidly completely and totally ruined WoW, even Blizzard admitted their introduction was a mistake. With any sort of flying mount, you risk trivialising the value of actually traversing a map. You miss events, creatures, the environment, players, the entire game. This should not be possible, it should not be desireable, and players who want it should not be listened to because they don't actually understand what an MMO is supposed to be. If everyone had flying mounts, the world would essentially be dead on the ground except for certain hot spots of activity. Then shortly after, players will begin complaining that there is nothing to do in game, that whatever activities there are are an endless grind, that the world is dead and so on and so forth, all without a flipping clue that it was their suggestion for flying mounts that led to this result. It's bad enough that you can easily port to waypoints, but at least the developers have control over, and can contest those points.

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Fact is that there are no flying mounts in the game. No, double jump into gliding or hovering at a specific height is not flight. The reason flight isn't a thing because according to the community it will break the game and make other mounts obsolete. I personally don't understand this reasoning one bit, we already have invisible barriers around the maps and jumping puzzle areas are completely mount locked i.e, you cant mount there, so what exactly is flight breaking here? If its the issue of making other mounts obsolete then simply make the flying mount comparatively slower.

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One way to handle skipping new content is to grant a flying stamina buff for each zone you have 100% completion on.


This gives the best of both worlds, you cant skip new content/zones by flying over it until you have fully experienced the entire zone and once you have fully enjoyed all the content you can fly over it next time if you wish.

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> @"Xervite.5493" said:

> Fact is that there are no flying mounts in the game. No, double jump into gliding or hovering at a specific height is not flight. The reason flight isn't a thing because according to the community it will break the game and make other mounts obsolete. I personally don't understand this reasoning one bit, we already have invisible barriers around the maps and jumping puzzle areas are completely mount locked i.e, you cant mount there, so what exactly is flight breaking here? If its the issue of making other mounts obsolete then simply make the flying mount comparatively slower.


Just to clarify, what you're asking for is not actually "flying" either, it's actually "Levitation". Flying would be how a bird flies, including incapable of hover in the air or standing still, constantly in motion, and has to work for altitude, and watch out of air currents and warm air etc. So honestly the Griffon is pretty darn close.


The kind of "flying" that WoW mounts etc got, would be better described as a helicopter, as it's the only thing I can think of that can "fly" that way. (Humming birds doesn't count, as the physical limitations they have to maintain in order to manage brief periods of hovering are pretty crazy).

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