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Funerary Incense

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It looks to me that ANet's given us the choice between cheaper or faster.



Most of the other sources are 1x/day.


To make a crystalline ingot requires [one obby, one ecto, and one AmGem](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Special:RunQuery/Base_ingredients_query&Base_ingredients%5Bitem%5D=Crystalline%20Ingot&Base_ingredients%5Bid%5D=11358&Base_ingredients%5Bquantity%5D=1&wpRunQuery=true) (plus the various HoT local mats. This is limited to 5x/day.


The 1x/day sources cost one obby, one ecto, and one AmGem, plus 5 trade contracts.


The unlimited sources cost harder-to-obtain currency: 100 trade contracts (20x more to be in a rush) or 3 elegy mosaics, which drop sparingly (even after the recent update).



Why would you want to convert the ingots back? The obby|ecto|AmGem can be replaced for gold and karma.

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I'd like to add a note about elegy mosaics. While I've completed the trinket, I've still been doing the Treasure Hunt in Desert Highlands (every 2 hours, '/wiki et') once a day and usually give up with 2-3 minutes left, depending on how far away the one I get is when there's that much time left, and I've been getting 13-14 boxes and like 10 or more elegy mosaics and I think 100-ish contracts, to replenish my supplies. That would generate 4-5 funerary's/day, if I were still needing to buy them.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Why did you turn them all into crystalline ingots? That never made any sense if your goal was to acquire the incense as fast as possible ...


OP might have been considering a Gen 2 legendary. Or some people in a rush to get rid of HoT materials (ley-line sparks etc) convert to fulgurite and then to crystalline ore (instead of making jeweled patches or dowels). That is: maybe they did it _before_ the existence of Vision. (Because they couldn't, ahem, see the future.)


> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> Crystalline ingots aren't exactly easy to acquire. The exchange is still very inconsistent.

The OP didn't ask for a change; they asked why there was a difference. "Ease of acquisition" isn't the only relevant point to compare, when addressing that.




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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Why did you turn them all into crystalline ingots? That never made any sense if your goal was to acquire the incense as fast as possible ...


> OP might have been considering a Gen 2 legendary. Or some people in a rush to get rid of HoT materials (ley-line sparks etc) convert to fulgurite and then to crystalline ore (instead of making jeweled patches or dowels). That is: maybe they did it _before_ the existence of Vision. (Because they couldn't, ahem, see the future.)


Not being able to see the future is exactly why that shouldn't be done since there is no undo.


OP could always try their luck as having support fix their mistake like other people seem to expect support to do.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > Why did you turn them all into crystalline ingots? That never made any sense if your goal was to acquire the incense as fast as possible ...

> >

> > OP might have been considering a Gen 2 legendary. Or some people in a rush to get rid of HoT materials (ley-line sparks etc) convert to fulgurite and then to crystalline ore (instead of making jeweled patches or dowels). That is: maybe they did it _before_ the existence of Vision. (Because they couldn't, ahem, see the future.)


> Not being able to see the future is exactly why that shouldn't be done since there is no undo.

Indeed. That's why my fulgurite sits awaiting (its constituent items haven't had any other use in years, so I'm comfortable with that conversion).



> OP could always try their luck as having support fix their mistake like other people seem to expect support to do.

It's free to ask.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Crystalline ingots aren't exactly easy to acquire. The exchange is still very inconsistent.

> The OP didn't ask for a change; they asked why there was a difference. "Ease of acquisition" isn't the only relevant point to compare, when addressing that.


Anything you said doesn't contradict what I said.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm unsure what harm removing the daily cap from exchanging ingots into incense or implementing a way to turn ingots into incense (for the one needed for aurora) would cause. Both items are top crafting items for their respected expansion and it isn't easier to get one over the other. Plus the only legendaries that don't use either of them are the trinkets and ring.

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Yeah it's pretty dumb to go through all that effort and be stuck at a cap. It's comes off as pretty arbitrary. You aren't saving yourself any cost at all doing it, so why time gate it? It's like Anet WANTS you to not go for desert mastery at all. Especially not for any of the legendary weapons.

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Crystalline Ingots completely circumvent PoF content.


The reason they are time gated is so people are forced to play PoF content for mosaics or trade contracts. Furthermore the exchanges for trade contracts which is unlimited costs 20 times as much as the daily capped ones which require content completion.

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I wouldn't say it circumvents it entirely. The maps in PoF are far easier to do. So what you would be doing is promoting use of BOTH HoT and PoF. Allowing you to do the map completion set in PoF and allowing you to use both crystalline ore from DS to blend easier with the contracts you would get from map completion. Trying to farm 25k trade contracts and/or 750 mosaics is a headache and a half. Which makes it not worth it to do at all. Given the opportunity to blend the use, without an arbitrary time gate would allow you do use all of your options more efficiently.

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> @"radiantbliss.6875" said:

> I wouldn't say it circumvents it entirely. The maps in PoF are far easier to do. So what you would be doing is promoting use of BOTH HoT and PoF. Allowing you to do the map completion set in PoF and allowing you to use both crystalline ore from DS to blend easier with the contracts you would get from map completion. Trying to farm 25k trade contracts and/or 750 mosaics is a headache and a half. Which makes it not worth it to do at all. Given the opportunity to blend the use, without an arbitrary time gate would allow you do use all of your options more efficiently.


It does by the very definition that you do not require any PoF content at all when using Crystaline Ingots. Trade Contracts can be stored en mass by simply running the 6 chests in the Tomb of Primeval Kings daily with some characters parked there. Mosaics don't take that long unless you get VERY unlucky with the return. That is without considering the fact that many players are stock full on HoT maps after years of meta farming.


Funerary Incense was added as both a material drain as well as to push PoF maps and metas (in this case bountys seeing as most maps have no proper meta).

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And yet people still don't want to do them. So why make an arbitrary cap on five a day. To punitively punish people that have HoT crystalline? To keep people from maximizing efficiency using both PoF and HoT? As said it still doesn't circumvent PoF entirely, as the maps are quite easy to finish. While it's anecdotal, everyone I know hates HoT map completion if for anything that forces them to Tangled Depths. With a cap on 5 a day it doesn't promote use of both maps as it either locks you into HoT maps or PoF maps for mastery rather than allowing people to take their HoT crystalline and finish off with PoF. It's punitive punishment for having HoT. You decided you absolutely do not want to have to grind more DS, or any of the other maps. Suddenly you are locked into days of timegated transfer for what? To punish people for doing HoT instead of PoF? You may as well not even have it then if you are going to try to dissuade people from doing it. Otherwise, like I said, it's arbitrary. Makes even less sense than having daily charged quartz. Timegates are dumb.

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> @"radiantbliss.6875" said:

> And yet people still don't want to do them. So why make an arbitrary cap on five a day. To punitively punish people that have HoT crystalline? To keep people from maximizing efficiency using both PoF and HoT? As said it still doesn't circumvent PoF entirely, as the maps are quite easy to finish. While it's anecdotal, everyone I know hates HoT map completion if for anything that forces them to Tangled Depths. With a cap on 5 a day it doesn't promote use of both maps as it either locks you into HoT maps or PoF maps for mastery rather than allowing people to take their HoT crystalline and finish off with PoF. It's punitive punishment for having HoT. You decided you absolutely do not want to have to grind more DS, or any of the other maps. Suddenly you are locked into days of timegated transfer for what? To punish people for doing HoT instead of PoF? You may as well not even have it then if you are going to try to dissuade people from doing it. Otherwise, like I said, it's arbitrary. Makes even less sense than having daily charged quartz. Timegates are dumb.


It's not arbitrary. You not agreeing or disaproving of a method is not the same as the method being arbitrary. I explained to you why it is in place. You don't have to agree. You don't have to cave into the incentive and can refuse to play PoF maps. That's fine too. You have that option, it will just take you longer.


Now imagine if there was no Crystaline Ingot to Funerary Incense conversion. You get the OPTION to not do PoF if you do not want to (which by the way does not work for some HoT rewards which absolutely require HoT for exmaple). Be thankful for that.


Your subjective experience is rather meaningless considering that HoT metas remain among the most done and played metas in the game. Especially the Tangled Depths Gerent into Golden CIty in Auric Basin combo remains one of the most done meta combos ever since they were introduced only surpassed by Tequatle.


I'm not even sure what you want. You complain about HoT metas but then on the same sentence complain that the HoT based conversion is limited? What do you care then? Play PoF and be happy. As is right now, you can combo HoT and PoF nicely to get Funerary Incense. The only thing you can't do is use massive stored amounts of HoT materials to craft Crystaline Ingots and immediately get a lot of Funerary Incense.

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You don't know what I want? I spelled it out pretty clearly. I want there to be no time gate. Sure we don't have to agree but don't act like I didn't say it outright. I found the timegate to be arbitrary (funny enough most of them don't make sense). Doing metas =/= map completing them. You can do Gerent without going through the headache of mapping. You like having time gates on things, for whatever reason, knock your socks off waiting for no reason. I do not, others do not, and the only way anyone will know there is an issue is if it's brought up. If they don't care or there isn't enough people that have an issue, fine. It is what it is, the complaint was made and that is all anyone can do.

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> @"radiantbliss.6875" said:

> You don't know what I want? I spelled it out pretty clearly. I want there to be no time gate. Sure we don't have to agree but don't act like I didn't say it outright. I found the timegate to be arbitrary (funny enough most of them don't make sense). Doing metas =/= map completing them. You can do Gerent without going through the headache of mapping. You like having time gates on things, for whatever reason, knock your socks off waiting for no reason. I do not, others do not, and the only way anyone will know there is an issue is if it's brought up. If they don't care or there isn't enough people that have an issue, fine. It is what it is, the complaint was made and that is all anyone can do.


I don't like having time gates. I understand what time gates are implemented for on certain things. Those 2 are not the same.


If you disagree with the time gate, offer a better alternative or make a strong case as to why it's not needed or it should be removed. Something beyond "because I personally don't like it" because you will always find people who dislike something about something. I explained why the time gate exists. It was added alongside Funerary Incense and other changes to PoF as to make metas and PoF content more interesting to players and have it see more play like changing Mosaic drop rates and what they get used for, changing trade contract uses, adding ascended loot, etc.


When I was refering to not understanding what you want, I was making referance to your inconsistent argumentation which both included dislike for HoT, yet the demand to remove a time gate on that contents rewards exchange. If you disliked HoT as much as stated, you wouldn't care about the time gate. Thus you are either exagerating your dislike trying to downplay the significance of having stored materials, or you literally are confused on what you want (and as pointed out by me, HoT metas remain as some of the most played content, thus materials gained from them will significantly impact content they can get used in). The same applies to PoF content and your arguemnt that it's not being circumvented. Ease of completion of content does not make it a requirement.

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