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Skyscale is a pleasure to fly!

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I agree with the OP, the skyscale is an absolute blast to ride around on, i'm really happy about it. my favourite mount hands down. The best exploration pal there is and perfect for my style of gameplay. I can basically get to anywhere I want in as straight of a line as i can make it. it's been so much fun and i've enjoyed it so much.

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It certainly fits the bill. My issues with it is that we could have a wyvern instead with a unique body shape, but they choose to re-use the griffon's rig again, and also that the skyscale seems to render the raptor and the springer obsoletes. Sure they can do their things faster, but when the skyscale is so much more precise and can go further and higher, is it really enough?

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> Flying the Skybrick is like driving a car that is missing a wheel.


> All the other mounts do the job better and faster.


Let me know when your other mounts get you to the top of mordremoth's perch in Dragon Stand.

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> @"ROMANG.1903" said:

> It certainly fits the bill. My issues with it is that we could have a wyvern instead with a unique body shape, but they choose to re-use the griffon's rig again, and also that the skyscale seems to render the raptor and the springer obsoletes. Sure they can do their things faster, but when the skyscale is so much more precise and can go further and higher, is it really enough?


Firstly, I would have to look really really hard to see the griffon 'rig'. Flying the Skyscale looks and feels different than the Griffon, so why does it matter? The Skyscale skin is similar to a wyvern, and who is to say they won't release a wyvern skin for thousands of gems?


Secondly, the Raptor will never be obsolete, as it is both a fast mount, and one that can be used offensively to tag / pull enemies together. The Springer though...I'm still practicing the wall cling / jump, but I haven't used my Springer for a week, outside of busting the defiance bar on the Choya Pinata. I don't know if the Springer becomes obsolete here or not, but time will tell.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Only two issues with it. The cling is extremely oversensitive. And the air rescue needs work. If you are too high, you plummet with red bar. Elsewise its a joy to use.


That's how I felt with the rented ones. Since I have my own I rarely ever stick on something and if I do I feel like I deserve it for being lazy and flying closely above the ground, sticking to some dead tree lol

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Only two issues with it. The cling is extremely oversensitive. And the air rescue needs work. If you are too high, you plummet with red bar. Elsewise its a joy to use.


> That's how I felt with the rented ones. Since I have my own I rarely ever stick on something and if I do I feel like I deserve it for being lazy and flying closely above the ground, sticking to some dead tree lol


Well ive mostly observed it in tangled depths, were the skyscale will cling onto fronds hanging down in a tunnel.

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Thank god it isn't "better than the griffon" - I would prefer no new mounts at all if it meant ruining the previous ones. This is exactly what makes the mount system in GW2 better than in other MMOs - all of them are useful, one more than the others in a specific situation. Devs went about the Skyscale's purpose more than once already, and people still whining about how it is "slower than griffon" and "it doesn't really fly". IT WAS NOT DESIGNED FOR THAT. THANK YOU ANet for not killing my griffon! "Real flying" around all the time would become boring in no time, btw.


If there's ONE thing I would change, though, it would be the wall grabbing thing. It would give a much better sense of control if it wasn't attached to the "forward" (W) key. Sometimes I just want to be close to the wall (probably to ensure I will fall on a narrow platform below when the flying juice runs out) without grabbing it. It would be great if we had a dedicated grab key IMO.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Only two issues with it. The cling is extremely oversensitive. And the air rescue needs work. If you are too high, you plummet with red bar. Elsewise its a joy to use.


agreed, first time using in air mounting after using a leyline during meta event in dragonfall, just to drop right back to the ground was disappointing to say the least

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> @"jinxykat.6519" said:

> Congrats on unlocking yours! I'm still working on map currency (please tell me there are no more surprise collections after this lol) I can't wait!


Getting the saddle parts is straight forward, just walk up to the vendors and buy them. They don't even go into your inventory so you can'd lose them by mistake. Then you have to hunt down Gorrik in yet a new location because he's a complete kitten. After that you get to go to 28 different locations to 'learn' to fly your skyscale. Don't worry, they are all like 10 seconds and done. I kept waiting for them to get more difficult. They don't.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Only two issues with it. The cling is extremely oversensitive. And the air rescue needs work. If you are too high, you plummet with red bar. Elsewise its a joy to use.


Those are the two issues that _truly_ need an overhaul, and soon. Everything else (ascending/descending speed and range) would just be a nice bonus.

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Its like swimming in the air at Skimmer speed! The only problem is the Jackal Mastery doesn't work and let you evade while draining the ascension bar.

> >

> > I've tested that it also doesn't work while draining endurance while wall clinging.

> >

> > Regardless, I almost entirely stopped using Springer.


> Jackal mastery works while spending *endurance* on the other mounts - while

> * leaping on raptor

> * charging the jump on springer

> * hovering on the skimmer

> * flapping the griffon's wings


> Based on that, I'd expect the Skyscale to evade while

> * doing its barrel roll dash

> * charging its "flight juice" while wall clinging


I've already said that it doesn't evade while wall clinging and consuming endurance to refill the meter.

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I mostly enjoy using it. However, there is one nagging little thing: The boo-BEEP sound when you take off. It makes me think I've run through an Engineer medipack. It has no discernible relation to the skyscale, no reason for it to happen, so why the heck is it there? The high pitch just sets my teeth on edge.


@"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" Do you know if that's an intentional sound effect? Any chance it could be removed? It just doesn't *fit*.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I mostly enjoy using it. However, there is one nagging little thing: The boo-BEEP sound when you take off. It makes me think I've run through an Engineer medipack. It has no discernible relation to the skyscale, no reason for it to happen, so why the heck is it there? The high pitch just sets my teeth on edge.


> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" Do you know if that's an intentional sound effect? Any chance it could be removed? It just doesn't *fit*.


I have no idea what sound effect you're talking about, as i've never heard of it. I've heard *A* sound which sounds like the dragon just making a noise but it isn't high pitched or any sort of "boo beep" sound. Have you tried to reinstall?

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> If the Skyscale can regen stamina while grabbing on a ledge, sure it's better than the Griffin.

> If the Skyscale can crawl up the ledge to gain more height, then sure it's better than the Grifffin.

> Unfortunately, it can do neither.


> Skyscale is a helicopter compared to a jet plane, the Griffin.


Skyscale is a helicopter.



Griffon is a rocket powered hang glider, not a true get with true flight.


Both are good, both have their own purposes and their own restrictions.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > If the Skyscale can regen stamina while grabbing on a ledge, sure it's better than the Griffin.

> > If the Skyscale can crawl up the ledge to gain more height, then sure it's better than the Grifffin.

> > Unfortunately, it can do neither.

> >

> > Skyscale is a helicopter compared to a jet plane, the Griffin.


> Skyscale is a helicopter.



> Griffon is a rocket powered hang glider, not a true get with true flight.


> Both are good, both have their own purposes and their own restrictions.




The Skyscale is a helicopter in the same sense that a child's tricycle is a 1969 Dodge Charger.



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> @"Echostorm.9143" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > If the Skyscale can regen stamina while grabbing on a ledge, sure it's better than the Griffin.

> > > If the Skyscale can crawl up the ledge to gain more height, then sure it's better than the Grifffin.

> > > Unfortunately, it can do neither.

> > >

> > > Skyscale is a helicopter compared to a jet plane, the Griffin.

> >

> > Skyscale is a helicopter.

> >

> >

> > Griffon is a rocket powered hang glider, not a true get with true flight.

> >

> > Both are good, both have their own purposes and their own restrictions.

> >



> The Skyscale is a helicopter in the same sense that a child's tricycle is a 1969 Dodge Charger.




The skyscale is hilariously game breaking.


For starters with bond of vigor and walls you can literally break maps entirely. No other mount is going to let you do ridiculous nonsense like get on top of the durmand priory or Mordremoth's Tree or on top of Tangled Depths where you aren't supposed to be.




In terms of its sheer ability to overcome terrain its hands down the best mount. Its not even close.


Aside from hard mechanical barriers such as Jackle sand portals and Roller Beetle walls it can go anywhere any other mount can. Heck it can go to places any other combination of mount skills can't.


Other mounts still have niches. Jackle and Raptor will go faster if you have no concern about terrain obstacles like getting over walls or even past cliffs too wide for them to leap. Roller Beetle's speed is unmatched on long rided with lots of flat terrain. When you reach a spot on the map thats significantly higher than anywhere else the griffons speed is unmatched. Thats fine. I dont want any mount to just make all the other mounts irrelevant.


But when it comes to just moving through the world and not letting the terrain like chasms, mountains, walls, water, slow you down skyscale just dunks on everything.


But the way tons of people us griffon all the time when they arent going to get a high point to use its speed dive just because of how handy its ability to get a wingflap over terrain is just super convenient, the skyscale is a better and faster version of that. And it breaks map geometry in never before seen ways to boot.

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