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Any Tips for Grinding These Map-Specific Currencies?

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Ugh. I thought my Skyscale was within reach, having just unlocked the saddle collection, but now I have to grind for map specific currencies that I had assumed were either a. easier to get or b. purchasable from the trading post but NOPE. Seriously, one of the things I like about this game is how the grinding is minimal. But 250 of each? It's absurd! I'll be grinding for weeks at this rate, this'll take longer than all the other Skyscale collections put together. Ridiculous.


But any tips? Assuming I don't take a break for awhile because I'm just really disappointed. I know you can get a lot from PVP tracks, but I don't do PVP, so that's out (and it seems I'd have to do a ton of PVP to get them anyway) Otherwise, besides map completion goals, it seems the amount you get from anything is pitiful. Am I missing something, or did they just assume we'd all been working hard, grinding these currencies since they were released? When I'm sure I'm not the only one who only just unlocked these areas for this collection.

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to be fair... we knew about this for days now... if you werent preparing in advance thats on you... That aside the best way to do this is to do hearts every day on multiple characters and do meta events when you can again on each character as its 1 per character per day so starting in advance would have helped... holding off and waiting only hurt you.

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1) If you have multiple characters, spamming hearts can be a decent way to get ~20-25 map currency per day.


2) Remember to do map meta events while they're on (don't wait for them, but they ARE higher priority than heart spamming)


3) The trader in Dragonsfall will sell 5 of each map currency per day. You can buy all of the map currencies. This is great.


4) Dragonfall is relitively quick to explore, and can give 25 map currency on completion. Spam this if the map is going slow (but prioritise the Meta if avalable)


5) Map completion. It isn't worth doing in Kourna (5 MAP CURRENCY?! ARE YOU CRAZY!), but I'd recommend taking a look at this if you're close to 100%

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If you're in no immediate rush, you can get it in a little over 31 days by farming the home instance of someone with all of the LS4 nodes as well as buying the currency from the VM vendor. You'll get more than enough VM from farming the new meta for mistborn.

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Personally my advice is to spread it out. Do the big meta events in each map first, and then afterward you'll want to do the grind.


Domain of Istan: Do the Palawadan Raid + Great Hall.

Sandswept Isles: Do Gathering Storm and the Experiment Chamber

Domain of Kourna: Do the Moon Fortress Raid*

Jahai Bluffs: Shatterer, the Branded Djin Event, and Rifts if they're up.

Thunderhead Peaks: Do the Ice Flow and Keep Meta

Dragonfall: Do everything to get the keys, then go hog wild on the chests at the end.


The easiest ones are Domain of Kourna (because their meta isn't once per day) and Domain of Istan (because it just rains mats down on you). The hardest ones are Jahai Bluffs and Sanswept Isles. After you're done with the metas, you'll want to head to there and grind out the heart events, as well as the other metas, in order to get their mats.

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I've been doing 2 accounts for a week now. I think spreading it out makes it less tedious, it'll take time even if you try and rush it, but you'll either come out the other side mind numbingly bored or tired and resentful that there's another step after this (not as bad btw). So, pick your poison and try and have fun over the next # days.

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Why do people insist on that fake "this game has a no grind philosophy" mantra? Please, read what the devs said about the non grind part. I am more than happy to have stuff to do in this game. Why do people want everything here and now? And complain about lack of content afterwards?

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If you have multiple level 80's, make sure they all get access to each of the LW4 areas. Then you can grind the heart quests on each. Bear in mind you'll need around 2600 karma for each 5 mats you buy from the heart vendors so if you don't have a huge supply you'll need to pause occasionally to farm those. To make that easier, I suggest buying at least level 1 Karmic retribution in Kourna and Dragonfall and level 2 or 3 would be better if you have enough vol magic and gold. I just got level 2 in Kourna tonight and should be able to keep enough Karma going without too much time invested doing the Corsair camp supply and front lines hearts (you get karma for finishing those even once you have enough shards. This will also work for the future since you'll be able to get the bonus item gather tools to help farm wood, plants, and ore for crafting or to sell. You saw what the saddle parts will take so plan accordingly for gold and volatile magic.


I've been focusing mainly one one mat at a time and doing as many additional heart quests in other areas as I have time for since I can't just stay logged in for 8 hours doing this. Maxing out the hearts and nodes (where applicable) for one mat make me feel like I'm making real headway. Don't give up. It's not a race.

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  • 1 year later...

Yeah the heart quests are useful to buy LW4 currencies once a day from the vendor, but you have to redo the heart quests daily since they are infinitely repeatable. Also if you have lots of the currency used in Bjora Marches you can use the vendor in Bjora Marches to buy LW4 currencies daily.

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Not too sure why this thread was necro'd.


But anyway, I managed to get 250 of each currency in 2 days, just by doing Hearts and Map Completions on several characters and a couple of Dragonfall metas.


Hearts = 20 currency per character (Except Jahai which only has 3 hearts for 15 total per character) per day.

Map Completions = 25 currency per character (Except Sandswept Isles which only gives 5 per character... Also, Thunderhead Peak might not be worth doing MC due to requiring both meta completions to access the Dwarven Catacombs PoI's)


Grab some nodes for ~5-10 currency per character (More if you have not garbage tools like my pleb ones)


Can also by 5 of each currency (Sans Mistborne Motes) in Dragonfall for Volatile Magic per day.


Depending on how many characters you have at level 80, you could probably get all currencies to 250 within a few hours, provided you have some Karma to spend.

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