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Outfit improvements

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On basically all outfits the helmet can be hidden. On a number of outfits gloves can be hidden, too. It'd be nice to see the gloves optional on each set.

And from there, **hiding the shoulders** would be a logical next step, right?


See, some of the best outfits have bulking shoulders that clip into character faces or necks (in combat) - a real waste of some artists' hard work.

I've no doubt I am not alone in feeling this way. Just a thought I did not want to leave unspoken. Fingers crossed for it to be implemented one day. Cheers!

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From what I understand of the techical make-up of outfits, the head pieces on all of them and the gloves on some are created in a way that it is possible to separate them from the rest of the outfit, and thus turn them on or off by themselves. The shoulders however are not. There is nothing in the outfit model that is "under" the shoulder pieces, a huge big nothing. Unless somebody goes and adds a model for the "top without/underneath the shoulders", turning them off will leave just a part of bare skin (provided the game substitutes the character's "naked" model into the missing spots) where you would expect the shoulder part of the shirt/jacket/whatever to be. And most likely there's not even a defined border that separates each outfit's shoulders from the rest of the piece.


Outfits really are one-piece deals, considerably easier to create since the artists don't have to worry about where one part ends and another starts (except for the headpiece), but that comes at the cost that it is a one-piece deal and you can't easily separate it into parts.

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Ah, I am aware of this, but it seemingly doesn't hold up for every outfit. Some of the 3D models do have textured (and properly UV'd) flat parts under the shoulder pieces and I'd gladly take a "boring" flat shade that matches the rest of the attire, if it prevents clipping errors.


Found a couple of outfits showcased by artists on Artstation - Arena Net outsource the creation of outfits to another company at times, which is an interesting side note.

Nonetheless, I still have my fingers crossed for them to consider tweaking the outfits in the future. If only to avoid the painfully awkward clipping errors... especially considering they dipped into the outfit territory to avoid that very issue.


I'm just a little hopeful for a distant future tweak, and felt like throwing it out there, in case any of them ever pick up on it and see the merits. If not; all is well. I enjoy them anyway.

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I think it's only outfits that used to be town clothes which have gloves that can be hidden - because the two variants already existed so it was easy to keep that option. I'd like to see that added to more outfits, and I'd love to be able to hide shoulders as well because there's a few outfits where I like everything except the huge shoulders and that puts me off getting it. But I realise that's more work because it's never been an option before.


Top of my personal wishlist for outfits however is the ability to have different dyes set on each one. At the moment I either have to find a dye scheme which works with all the outfits that character wears (which is not easy and gets harder each time I add one) or I have to change the dyes every time I change outfits, which defeats the point of having them as a quick alternative to changing my armour. They are still slightly more useful than different armour in that they don't cost transmutation charges or take up inventory space but not nearly as convenient as they'd be if I could set the ideal dyes for each one individually.


That's the main thing which puts me off getting more outfits, because each time I buy one I have to weigh up how much I like it against the risk that it won't work with the current dye scheme so I'll have to change it whenever I use that outfit...which will put me off using it as much.

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Sometimes I wish we at least had an option to make shoulder pieces exactly the same on both sides, for armor skins and outfits too. There are not enough black lion chests on the Trading Post to contain the entirety of my disappointment and irritation when I discover that I like only one side of the shoulder pieces and the other is either too light or too heavy and ruins the "balance" (for lack of a better word) of the character's appearance for me.

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It depends entirely on the original design whether any piece can be hidden, because Outfits are designed as "onesies." They aren't meant to mix & match. So sometimes, what looks like "headgear" to us integrates into the design in such a way that hiding it would mean creating two outfits, one with "headgear" and one without. Often, though, it's easy enough to hide. Similarly, gloves can be hidden _if_ they are separate in the original design. In contrast, shoulders are almost always integrated into the torso elements, making them mandatory.


I'd be in favor of ANet adding outfits that have less ornate designs for the shoulders, with or without the ability to hide it.

I don't see it as remotely likely that they could go back to existing outfits to hide shoulders, except maybe a tiny subset. The OP might have some luck picking 1-2 outfits and asking for them to have toggle-able shoulder designs.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I wish we could hide the outfits tab in our hero panel. The only improvement I want to see from outfits is to make them armor pieces.


Whereas I think *most* outfits are too detailed/themed to mix and match with other armour pieces. I say that as a person who wants more armour skins for fashion wars.

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> @"Auruan.2837" said:

> Ah, I am aware of this, but it seemingly doesn't hold up for every outfit. Some of the 3D models do have textured (and properly UV'd) flat parts under the shoulder pieces and I'd gladly take a "boring" flat shade that matches the rest of the attire, if it prevents clipping errors.


> Found a couple of outfits showcased by artists on Artstation - Arena Net outsource the creation of outfits to another company at times, which is an interesting side note.

> Nonetheless, I still have my fingers crossed for them to consider tweaking the outfits in the future. If only to avoid the painfully awkward clipping errors... especially considering they dipped into the outfit territory to avoid that very issue.


> I'm just a little hopeful for a distant future tweak, and felt like throwing it out there, in case any of them ever pick up on it and see the merits. If not; all is well. I enjoy them anyway.


I think you may find that those artists (on Artstation) worked for ArenaNet at the time.

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As I live and breathe...


A suggestion to improve outfits that I didn't post myself?


I think it's probably better if options to hide an outfit's parts be contextual. I'm sure they have to design the outfit initially for parts to be turned off. The more parts that can be hidden, the more work involved. I think it's definitely a good thing to improve these options over time and push the envelope.

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Gasp! Isn't it marvelous?


I realise it was a bit too concise to really convey my tone and understanding of the topic. I'm well aware of how taxing it is to go back and adjust these things - additional meshes, texture (and UV) overhauls, readjusting animations and particle scripts, possibly rigging and skinning that needs to be addressed all over again - it's quite a lot and I'm sure I missed a dozen things. Am just crossing into the 3D industry myself, so I dread to think of what effort goes into creating these and still...


Still I wanted to try! See, I feel confident that one day Arena Net might pick up on the plethora of people who would more eagerly reach into their pockets to pay for an outfit if it's a tidbit more flexible in its presentation. Push that envelope, as Leo G says! After all, for years they said they didn't like the idea of mounts. Never stopped the community from excitedly providing an endless stream of ideas - ranging from brilliant to lazy, silly to "now or I quit" - but in the long run they entertained the idea nonetheless.


Same goes for the chairs. A teensy tiny group of players wished they could sit on chairs, in any way. After a two year break, I get back and 'lo and behold, the chairs were a reality.


It doesn't hurt to share suggestions! If anything, it can be a lot of fun. And I greatly appreciate the comments and explanations. Have a great day, everyone!

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