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I get it on the raptor. Try to get on, stuck in the ground for a bit then it catches up and i'm on my mount at god knows where and at speed. Also been coming off any mount and i've still got only the mount skills.

I don't normally suffer with lag, but it is BAD at the moment.

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One thing that really has a strong mitigating effect is to install GW2 so it is not on the same "classical" HD as Windows. That could be having two (internal) HDs, with Windows on one and GW2 on the other, or it could (ideally) involve one or more SSDs, with GW2 on an SSD.


The problem is triggered by maps loading slowly, and the slowest combination is both Windows and GW2 on the same HD. When Windows Update is preparing an installation (after the download, of course), an evil little (...) called Windows Modules Installer Worker will run notionally in the background(1), except that it is doing stuff on disk, and that means that while a map is loading, the mechanical parts of an HD will be moving madly back and forth between where GW2 wants them to be and where WMIW wants them to be, which slows down both processes.


If Windows and GW2 are on different disks, the back-and-forth disappears, so loading goes faster. SSDs don't even *have* mechanical parts, so they cannot be affected by that, and in addition, they are faster than HDs anyway.


(1) Yes. Unlike e.g. run-in-the-background anti-virus scans, WMIW will not suspend its work while a game is running.

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If you’re having this issue, check that particular mount to make sure it’s not using the default mount skin. Apply a custom skin to eliminate this problem. The bug fix is not working for mounts using the defaults, and you can expect mount failure roughly 20% of the time.


You can’t just own a custom skin, it has to be applied.


If you already own any custom skins, it costs nothing to test this. Just revert any mounts with skins to their defaults to confirm if the problem now occurs on those mounts, too.

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