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meta event rush is goign TOO well, can we get an upgrade?

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> Judging by our current progress we should be capped out at tier 5 by friday night. Considering hwo much more busy it will be on the weekend.. we could reach tier 7 if the event past tier 5!

> Any chance the devs will expand the reward tiers?


I second that!

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* ANet sets the goals high → community complains there's too little chance to succeed.

* ANet sets the goals low → community complains that there's no incentive to continue


Personally, I think it's great we get any sort of bonus at all, for doing stuff we probably would doing anyhow. People seem to like the bonus boxes in this iteration. I'm content to wait to see how people feel after the week-long event has ended.

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After the WBRush, seeing how the boxes were, I bailed immediately after getting about 15 boxes of random mats, knowing that I would not be getting anything interesting.


With the updated boxes, even knowing I'm still not likely to get anything interesting, the updated mats make this at least interesting, along with gathering AmalStones.

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Bonus loot is always a nice reward, I’d recommend a new currency really. Tokens you get from the bonus loot for participating in what the events are involved with at the time.


Maybe they could be turned in for other currencies like Volatile Magic, Keys or even the chests of Ore/Wood/Leather/Etc. Narrows it down something similar to Laurels where rewards are not random loot (As we get that already in doing the Meta) but something the players can pick and have earned it since they participated.


Just my two cents.

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> @"Memoranda.9386" said:

> After the WBRush, seeing how the boxes were, I bailed immediately after getting about 15 boxes of random mats, knowing that I would not be getting anything interesting.


> With the updated boxes, even knowing I'm still not likely to get anything interesting, the updated mats make this at least interesting, along with gathering AmalStones.


They increased the amount of boxes + increased the contents by a lot. If they still bore you I highly recommend never salvaging anything!

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> The one says it's repeatable. I figured it would just wrap back around and restart with level 1? :/


I feel like that's prolly what will happen. I could also see t5 just repeating until the event ends, or the community bonuses just stopping after t5 is complete. I'm fine with any of these outcomes, but I am curious . . .


Another thing I was curious about that I got an answer to today: if you miss a tier you get those rewards once the next tier you participated in completes. So that's nice, given how fast the tiers are moving I was worried about ppl who don't log in as frequently as some other ppl I know :)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * ANet sets the goals high → community complains there's too little chance to succeed.

> * ANet sets the goals low → community complains that there's no incentive to continue


> Personally, I think it's great we get any sort of bonus at all, for doing stuff we probably would doing anyhow. People seem to like the bonus boxes in this iteration. I'm content to wait to see how people feel after the week-long event has ended.


IT is the way of all things.


I don't see why they can't just take a page from the Skirmish Chest playbook, and just put the T5 reward on loop, but without the tonic . More boosters, banners and karma. The mats we are getting from the bonus chests are incentive enough I feel to run these events. Guy in my squad this morning sold a Chalk egg the other night, bought 4 Gen 1's with the proceeds :+1:

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We are basically going to reach tier 5 in half of the event's duration. OP makes a good point - on weekend the game is gonna be flooded with players, but the event will cap at tier 5.


We need to push the event at least to the tier 8. But I would argue that even tier 10 is possible.


ANet please add at least 3 more tiers and add Verdant Brink to the mix! I get that Auric Basin is rewarding enough and this meta is very popular, but VB deserves some attention as well.

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I feel like there should always have been an infinite amount of "bonus tiers" that have the same reward. Basically a repeatable achievement. Issue is that players would likely have to be logged in frequently for those, depending on how Anet set up the connection between achievements and the community event.


> @"Assic.2746" said:

> ANet please add at least 3 more tiers and add Verdant Brink to the mix! I get that Auric Basin is rewarding enough and this meta is very popular, but VB deserves some attention as well.


People do the Matriarch far more frequently than AB. If they were to add VB to the mix, it would have to be getting Tier 2+ (maybe 3+) and reward at the end of Night and the Enemy, rather than boss kill.

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> @"Assic.2746" said:

> ANet please add at least 3 more tiers and add Verdant Brink to the mix! I get that Auric Basin is rewarding enough and this meta is very popular, but VB deserves some attention as well.


I strongly suspect that one of the goals of this event was to introduce new players to less popular metas, which explains for the most part the selection we have. Additionally, I also suspect that should this event be considered successful (which I think it's fair to say YES, it is), then they will launch this type of event again in the future, only with a different selection of metas to keep it feeling fresh, and therefore including too many metas into the event would be a mistake.


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As suggested in the other thread(s), I'd love to see us get a **Teal Branded Mists effect infusion** <3 with Tier 6 or 7:


![](https://i.imgur.com/3NmjmGk.jpg "")


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * ANet sets the goals high → community complains there's too little chance to succeed.

> * ANet sets the goals low → community complains that there's no incentive to continue


LOL, I guess this is true. ;)

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> The one says it's repeatable. I figured it would just wrap back around and restart with level 1? :/


Agree I was thinking it will roll after top, but maybe that was me misinterpreting the achievement page. Will have to look at it again. It does show people are interested in this kind of event for whatever reason drew people to it.

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> @"Samuel.4812" said:

> Judging by our current progress we should be capped out at tier 5 by friday night. Considering hwo much more busy it will be on the weekend.. we could reach tier 7 if the event past tier 5!

> Any chance the devs will expand the reward tiers?


Probably not this time, but perhaps for the next time we have it.> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > The one says it's repeatable. I figured it would just wrap back around and restart with level 1? :/


> Agree I was thinking it will roll after top, but maybe that was me misinterpreting the achievement page. Will have to look at it again. It does show people are interested in this kind of event for whatever reason drew people to it.


The repeatable achievement is for the meta events you participate in, that's an individual reward, just like the other repeatable ones you get with festivals.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> The mats we are getting from the bonus chests are incentive enough I feel to run these events.


Yeah, well, you could say that. People prefer shinies, though. ;)


> Guy in my squad this morning sold a Chalk egg the other night, bought 4 Gen 1's with the proceeds :+1:


Unrealistic expectation for 99.999% of the people participating in this.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Unrealistic expectation for 99.999% of the people participating in this.


I agree completely, which is why I'm very happy with the changes to the bonus chests. Linen, Hard Wood, Rugged Leather, Platinum, bunch of T4 and T5 trophies...oh yes, all very much welcome as I'm working on my next legendary and/or selling excess mats on TP.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> The tier should run out only when ANET runs out of boosters to give us.


> ANET: tell those Quaggan to get back to work, we need moar boosters!



Ohh ?. No one told me Quggans make the boosters. I should be nicer to them ?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If a Tier were to repeat, I'd rather have it be Tier 4 than Tier 5.


Most people will agree. Btw, I love the tonic after all! When you draw your weapon, you can open/close the chest. :)


Here's another suggestion @ ANet for a new tier reward, besides the ones I mentioned earlier (Endless Djinn Tonic, Teal Branded Mists Infusion): a **Blish mini**! Been waiting for one for months now. ;)

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