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Mystic coins price is out of control

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Yes it does. Regardless of the things the devs implement, the market dictates the price and is controlled by players. Don't confuse control of the market for the creation of the supply; two completely separate things and anyone that confuses them does not understand the market dynamics enough to comment on them. The market is more complex than that; Fact in point is that it's easier than ever to get MC's ... but the price has been going up for years ... so no, it's not a strong correlation between Anet increasing supply methods and the price on the TP. That correlation is NOT as strong as you think it is.


> There is absolutely nothing insurmountable about getting the MC's for a legendary, especially since Anet throws a couple of dozen at you every month for just logging in or the fact you can farm the gold for them in a reasonable time and simply buy them. The cost isn't actually that outrageous considering the overall cost of all the mats that goes into one of these things.


No it doesn't. Control of the market has nothing to do with an item being in shortage for quite some time now - actually since gen2 legendaries were introduced. You seem to be unaware of what kind of economy we have into the game - first heavily regulated (soulbound, account bound, etc) then greatly influenced by 'external factors' such as developers' decisions - remember how nullification went from some silvers to 10g in a snap? that wasn't the market dictating the value ...just a game update.


Then you claim that there is no correlation between Anet efforts to increase supply and the price on the TP. So what was their reasoning behind putting those extra methods in the first place?


The supply of MCs is clearly not sufficient and can't satisfy the great demand, that's why the price is constantly rising. If they keep things as is now and introduce more legendaries in the game the price will go even higher. Of course there are people with vast riches that don't care, others that have plenty of time and will grind the gold and others that as you suggest that will wait to acquire them by ...logging in every day. :)


But for which of the above players' categories is gw2? That is the real question.

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Yes it does. Regardless of the things the devs implement, the market dictates the price and is controlled by players. Don't confuse control of the market for the creation of the supply; two completely separate things and anyone that confuses them does not understand the market dynamics enough to comment on them. The market is more complex than that; Fact in point is that it's easier than ever to get MC's ... but the price has been going up for years ... so no, it's not a strong correlation between Anet increasing supply methods and the price on the TP. That correlation is NOT as strong as you think it is.

> >

> > There is absolutely nothing insurmountable about getting the MC's for a legendary, especially since Anet throws a couple of dozen at you every month for just logging in or the fact you can farm the gold for them in a reasonable time and simply buy them. The cost isn't actually that outrageous considering the overall cost of all the mats that goes into one of these things.


> No it doesn't. Control of the market has nothing to do with an item being in shortage for quite some time now - actually since gen2 legendaries were introduced. You seem to be unaware of what kind of economy we have into the game - first heavily regulated (soulbound, account bound, etc) then greatly influenced by 'external factors' such as developers' decisions - remember how nullification went from some silvers to 10g in a snap? that wasn't the market dictating the value ...just a game update.


> Then you claim that there is no correlation between Anet efforts to increase supply and the price on the TP. So what was their reasoning behind putting those extra methods in the first place?


> The supply of MCs is clearly not sufficient and can't satisfy the great demand, that's why the price is constantly rising. If they keep things as is now and introduce more legendaries in the game the price will go even higher. Of course there are people with vast riches that don't care, others that have plenty of time and will grind the gold and others that as you suggest that will wait to acquire them by ...logging in every day. :)


> But for which of the above players' categories is gw2? That is the real question.


And those methods did not introduce a huge number of mystic coins to the system. Meaning that ANet did not feel the current rate of generation of mystic coins or the cost of the them on the TP was too far off where they want it to be.


And the mystic coins are primarily used for legendary weapons. Those are the long term items in the game. Costs a lot of gold and/or time to make. The current price on the TP and methods to obtain off of the TP are just fine.

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According to gw2spidy.com, the price has gradually but steadily risen since 2016. It's gone from nearly nothing to the current price moderately smoothly, indicating that the reason is because people need them for longer-term content (like, getting legendaries).


It's not a problem. And, it certainly isn't out of control.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


> Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


> It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


They've been 2.2g instant buy, 2g buy order before.


It's fine. Lower than average even.


Mystic coins are also a huge blessing for new players because when you're just starting out logging into 3g, 6g, and 10g is amazing and you dont need super expensive skins right away anyway.


This is way better than the time where you couldn't even undercut the lowest seller because the price was so deflated.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> yeah let's give ways till it becomes Resonating Sliver #2


The coins were dirt cheap long before Resonating Slivers were even a thought in the devs' mind.


Also GH decorations had no reason to be so stupidly expensive. A single hedge piece was 1/3rd the price of a legendary and those weren't even the most expensive.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order

> Heh.


Those TP Barons at work again ^^


I think it's best to just treat Mystic Coins like any other item you need to craft or achieve a goal. Just look at the price in gold, that's the whole reason for the existance of money. You take away the uniqueness of items and have a comparable value. Reminds me on crafting Quip, when I needed Boxes of Fun, and I used to just throw them away to not clutter up my inventory with trash. I ended up having to trade gold for gems and buy two of them from the gem store. You can imagine what I first thought: kitt Anet makes me purchase gems to craft a legendary weapon! But after using gold as currency, that all vanished. The item was just more expensive than I expected.


They'll never make Mystic Coins more farmable, and they shouldn't. It's the most stable currency in the game.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> >

> > I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


> The fact that the devs have influence doesnt mean that the player base do not have control.


If, for that control to work, all the playerbase needs to act in agreement, it means there is no control.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


> Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


> It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


buy mystic clovers from fractal vendor, 2 each day. Do pvp/wvw tracks, 2 per track. Do berry farm and open boxes with a chance to get some clovers, i have about 50 clovers, just from these activitiea

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Yes it does. Regardless of the things the devs implement, the market dictates the price and is controlled by players. Don't confuse control of the market for the creation of the supply; two completely separate things and anyone that confuses them does not understand the market dynamics enough to comment on them. The market is more complex than that; Fact in point is that it's easier than ever to get MC's ... but the price has been going up for years ... so no, it's not a strong correlation between Anet increasing supply methods and the price on the TP. That correlation is NOT as strong as you think it is.

> >

> > There is absolutely nothing insurmountable about getting the MC's for a legendary, especially since Anet throws a couple of dozen at you every month for just logging in or the fact you can farm the gold for them in a reasonable time and simply buy them. The cost isn't actually that outrageous considering the overall cost of all the mats that goes into one of these things.


> No it doesn't. Control of the market has nothing to do with an item being in shortage for quite some time now - actually since gen2 legendaries were introduced. You seem to be unaware of what kind of economy we have into the game - first heavily regulated (soulbound, account bound, etc) then greatly influenced by 'external factors' such as developers' decisions - remember how nullification went from some silvers to 10g in a snap? that wasn't the market dictating the value ...just a game update.



You are mixing two completely separate things and trying to make some bogus argument both with lacking data on your side and with lacking understanding of how markets and supply work.


Yes, the supply into the game economy is controlled by Arenanet. The supply on the market is a sub-function and while indeed dependent on the total supply into the game, not in direct control of Arenanet. If Mystic Coins price keeps increasing on the trading post, while also the total supply in the game is increasing (according to the developers feedback on this subject), then there is multiple reasons outside of supply into the game which cause for a shortage of Mystic Coins on the trading post unrelated to supply into the game. Asking for supply into the game to be increased in this case just means: flood the game so the price drops to a level you feel comfortable with. That's not a metric worth balancing for.


The reasons as to why some supply doesn't make it to the trading post can be as simple as players not paying attention and just dumping Mystic Coin into the material shortage.


> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> Then you claim that there is no correlation between Anet efforts to increase supply and the price on the TP. So what was their reasoning behind putting those extra methods in the first place?


Obviously there is correlation. As to why to put in extra ways to obtain Mystic Coins, simple: they might have reconsidered on how much total supply they want in the game. They might have reevaluated on which Mystic Coins they count as active in the games economy and which they consider as loss to the market (due to players not interacting with the trading post or accounts becoming inactive). Then finally they might just have considered to give active players better ways, and less rng ways to acquire Mystic Coins while retaining a drain on in game commodities.


There is dozens of possible reasons as to why they introduced additional methods for Mystic Coins acquisition which are unrelated to a shortage in supply.


> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> The supply of MCs is clearly not sufficient and can't satisfy the great demand, that's why the price is constantly rising. If they keep things as is now and introduce more legendaries in the game the price will go even higher. Of course there are people with vast riches that don't care, others that have plenty of time and will grind the gold and others that as you suggest that will wait to acquire them by ...logging in every day. :)


You are in no position to make this distinction by lack of information you have access to. The only access you have is a limited view into part of the supply entering the trading post. Not even the total amount of mystic coins entering the trading post or being traded. As stated, there are multiple logical reasons as to why some fraction of the Mystic Coins do not make it into the trading post. If you wanted to argue lack of supply to the game (which you'd have to since that is what Arenanet controls primarily), you'd have to first engage the reasons as to why certain Mystic Coins are not finding their way into the market and how to remove these blockades.


As of this writing, Mystic Coins are down to 1g37s/1g48s, down 5 silver on the buy order. If one looks far enough into the past, one can clearly see that this price spike has occurred in the past (https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/19976-Mystic-Coin). Players were freaking out back then too.


As mentioned by others, we are in the middle of a new legendary rich release window. Exordium was added (and even with people being prepared, there was enough who had to buy additional Mystic Coins such as my self), then Vision was added unexpected and the possibility for the legendary ring being added is also driving demand. A spike in price is to be expected.



FYI: I'm currently sitting on 32 Mystic Coins (pretty much all from fractals) and 1 Mystic Clover with my gold supplies heavily drained after crafting Exordium and Vision. Yet even now I would not favor market disrupting actions which might benefit me directly.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


The complain is very correct. Because the prices are **controlled** indeed. But not by the marked. But by ANet. And all the complains we had over the last years tell ANet that the way they control the prices for MC is not good for players. But for some players - aka the TP actors. Having the number of monthly logins, Anet can very easy calculate how many MC enters the game each month. And by designing recipes (or introducing more ways to spend the MC) ANet can calculate the demand. It is not very difficult to translate this into prices.


Did you see so many complains that a crafting material dropped ingame is too expensive (or too rare)? With the notable exception of leather - another item ANet tried to **control**. And ending in what we have now. But ANet gained its share from this problem - by passing the responsibility of solving it to the players, they gained some real money - see the leather glyphs. Still, the other crafting materials even by being rare, are required in a smaller quantity (200 T6 vs 250MC + 77 clovers) for a Legendary. And these items drop in game, so the price is indeed controlled by market, and not by ANet.


> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Mystic coin prices are one of the most stable items on the TP.

> The current price of 1G 50S has been like this for at least 2 years, theres a mild variation but not much, and theres no shortage of sellers with currently 28000 coins for sale.

> These types of threads are common when someone needs to buy a lot of some commodity and realises they dont have enuf gold .

> Must be the prices are out of control.



The fact that the price is stable does not mean that the price is acceptable. How many **tens of thousand** of sellers having +28 K MC you know? The OP complained he lacks even 500. I'm in the same boat - less than 500. Without selling any single MC from the beginning of the play (+four years ago). And if you read the topics on this theme, you will see that number of players with less than 500 MC are much larger than the number of players with +28 k. Is as I said before - the MC are controlled by ANet for the benefit of some TP players. Because, if ANet desires to eliminate this they can make MC account bound on acquire, like the laurels.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> The complain is very correct. Because the prices are **controlled** indeed. But not by the marked. But by ANet. And all the complains we had over the last years tell ANet that the way they control the prices for MC is not good for players. But for some players - aka the TP actors. Having the number of monthly logins, Anet can very easy calculate how many MC enters the game each month. And by designing recipes (or introducing more ways to spend the MC) ANet can calculate the demand. It is not very difficult to translate this into prices.


> Did you see so many complains that a crafting material dropped ingame is too expensive (or too rare)? With the notable exception of leather - another item ANet tried to **control**. And ending in what we have now. But ANet gained its share from this problem - by passing the responsibility of solving it to the players, they gained some real money - see the leather glyphs. Still, the other crafting materials even by being rare, are required in a smaller quantity (200 T6 vs 250MC + 77 clovers) for a Legendary. And these items drop in game, so the price is indeed controlled by market, and not by ANet.


> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > Mystic coin prices are one of the most stable items on the TP.

> > The current price of 1G 50S has been like this for at least 2 years, theres a mild variation but not much, and theres no shortage of sellers with currently 28000 coins for sale.

> > These types of threads are common when someone needs to buy a lot of some commodity and realises they dont have enuf gold .

> > Must be the prices are out of control.

> >


> The fact that the price is stable does not mean that the price is acceptable. How many **tens of thousand** of sellers having +28 K MC you know? The OP complained he lacks even 500. I'm in the same boat - less than 500. Without selling any single MC from the beginning of the play (+four years ago). And if you read the topics on this theme, you will see that number of players with less than 500 MC are much larger than the number of players with +28 k. Is as I said before - the MC are controlled by ANet for the benefit of some TP players. Because, if ANet desires to eliminate this they can make MC account bound on acquire, like the laurels.



The current Mystic Coins actually favor newer players as they can sell them to gain a nice starterincome

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No such thing as an acceptable price in a trading economy.

If you want to buy something on the TP , then you have to pay what the seller wants.

If you dont like the price , then you are free to not buy the item.

Exactly the same happens in the real world. .

If you think that mystic coins are too expensive , then you are free to go and find some like everyone else does, and then sell them on the TP for a price that you think is acceptable, which increases the supply , thus reducing the price.


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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> The complain is very correct. Because the prices are **controlled** indeed. But not by the marked. But by ANet. And all the complains we had over the last years tell ANet that the way they control the prices for MC is not good for players. But for some players - aka the TP actors. Having the number of monthly logins, Anet can very easy calculate how many MC enters the game each month. And by designing recipes (or introducing more ways to spend the MC) ANet can calculate the demand. It is not very difficult to translate this into prices.



Yes, and they have stated in the past that total Mystic Coin amount present in the game is growing. Your point?


> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> Did you see so many complains that a crafting material dropped ingame is too expensive (or too rare)? With the notable exception of leather - another item ANet tried to **control**. And ending in what we have now. But ANet gained its share from this problem - by passing the responsibility of solving it to the players, they gained some real money - see the leather glyphs. Still, the other crafting materials even by being rare, are required in a smaller quantity (200 T6 vs 250MC + 77 clovers) for a Legendary. And these items drop in game, so the price is indeed controlled by market, and not by ANet.


All supply into the game is controlled by Arenanet. They can change drop rate on a moments notice (and have) if they so desire. Mystic Coins are simply not farm-able as other materials which makes them less subject to vast oversupply and low drops in the games economy and more direct subject to demand. We are currently in a low value material setting (or when was the last time you saw Ectos for 35+ silver? Something they held stable at for years) and Mystic Coins are one commodity less affected by the insane amount of rewards thrown at the players.


Mystic Coin increasing in price makes absolute sense when all other items required for a legendary drop in value (on top of the legendary rich release window).


> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > Mystic coin prices are one of the most stable items on the TP.

> > The current price of 1G 50S has been like this for at least 2 years, theres a mild variation but not much, and theres no shortage of sellers with currently 28000 coins for sale.

> > These types of threads are common when someone needs to buy a lot of some commodity and realises they dont have enuf gold .

> > Must be the prices are out of control.

> >


> The fact that the price is stable does not mean that the price is acceptable. How many **tens of thousand** of sellers having +28 K MC you know? The OP complained he lacks even 500. I'm in the same boat - less than 500. Without selling any single MC from the beginning of the play (+four years ago). And if you read the topics on this theme, you will see that number of players with less than 500 MC are much larger than the number of players with +28 k. Is as I said before - the MC are controlled by ANet for the benefit of some TP players. Because, if ANet desires to eliminate this they can make MC account bound on acquire, like the laurels.


You don't get to define what is acceptable. Obviously the price is acceptable to the market, since trade keeps happening. Your personal desire of what the price should be is without meaning in the grand scheme of things.


Yes, Mystic Coins are specifically implemented to encourage trade. Especially between newer accounts, for whom the gold boost is huge, and veteran accounts, which are more likely to work on prestige items like legendarys. Working as intended.

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When I need something that is harder to get like Mystic Coins, I go farm something that is easier to obtain, sell it on the TP and use that money to buy the desired items.


For exemple, you can farm the rich iron nodes, taking around 15 to 20 minutes for a run. Sell the iron (and the gems you can also get from gathering iron nodes) and you will be able to buy a couple of mystic coins. Repeat on your other chars and you can easily get a dozen or more each day.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> The complain is very correct. Because the prices are **controlled** indeed. But not by the marked. But by ANet.


No they aren't ... the price depends on players buying and selling MC's on the TP. If you don't understand that basic fact, you aren't qualified to discuss it. Creating supply of MC's in the game is NOT directly correlated to the price on the TP.

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Well y'know, up until a week ago I don't know if any of us thought Amalgamated Gemstones would become easier to get, and then poof, ANET adds Heroic Chests to PoF metas. No reason to think they can't do the same for Mystic Coins, and that they haven't done so already, likely means they are happy with where MCs are at presently.

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> @"yann.1946" said:


> The current Mystic Coins actually favor newer players as they can sell them to gain a nice starterincome


You see, in a true free market, nobody is favorized. All have the same chances. By this statement you highlighted a good part of what is wrong with the actual "model" of delivery for MC. And also higlighted the true that Anet controlls the MC for the advantage of certain players. You said here new players. HM. This is stil debatable.


> @"mauried.5608" said:

> No such thing as an acceptable price in a trading economy.

> If you want to buy something on the TP , then you have to pay what the seller wants.

> If you dont like the price , then you are free to not buy the item.

> Exactly the same happens in the real world. .

> If you think that mystic coins are too expensive , then you are free to go and find some like everyone else does, and then sell them on the TP for a price that you think is acceptable, which increases the supply , thus reducing the price.



What a nonsense :D ! Do you read what you write? Let's see: If you don't like the price for MC, then go and farm some (except that this is not farmable, the income is determined). Then, **sell** the MC on TP. Why? To generate a decrease in price. And then, use this decrease in price to **buy** the MC :D. LOL? Are you serious? If you are serious, then, please read what ANet told us several times, during several ocasions: "No player or group of players can influence the prices on the market in a significant way". So, by doing what you suggest you waste your time. And your gold. Or this is the reason you advise other players to do this?


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Yes, and they have stated in the past that total Mystic Coin amount present in the game is growing. Your point?


My point is that the need for MC grows even faster. And the way the MC enters the game is not what some of us calls "free market".



> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> You don't get to define what is acceptable. Obviously the price is acceptable to the market, since trade keeps happening. Your personal desire of what the price should be is without meaning in the grand scheme of things.


> Yes, Mystic Coins are specifically implemented to encourage trade. Especially between newer accounts, for whom the gold boost is huge, and veteran accounts, which are more likely to work on prestige items like legendarys. Working as intended.


Even if the trade keeps happening, this does not mean that the price is acceptable. Let's go to the extreme to try to make this clear: Let's suppose that one of the vital resources for any human being is controlled by an entity (a government / organization / political faction). Let's suppose the resource is **the water**. Well, even if the price of the water will grow to the point where you spent on it everything you have after paying for the food / utility bills / taxes, the humans will buy it. Why? Not because the price is acceptable. But because it is a need. This is (more or less) the situation with our MC. If you want to craft something using MC, then you should pay the price. Not because you like the price. But because you want that something.


And, YES, the MC are indeed implemented to encourage trade. Between credit cards and Gem Store. Because, if you make a simple calculation, keeping the actual incoming ratio you will need around 150 months to complete the first gen Legendary weapons + around 400 months to complete the Gen2 legendary weapons. You can have 7 mystic clovers at the end of the month. That means roughly 20 MC - what you get in a month of login. So, the times can be reduced to half. So, in only 275 months you can have all the legendary weapons from this game if you use the method implemented by Anet. Really? And you say this is OK? AA - this is without even thinking at the legendary armors / trinkets. And completely ignoring all the other recipes containing MC.


But you can make this time shorter if you **buy** the MC. Either with gold from the game or with gold from gems :o

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I kind of like that mystic coins have been pretty stable, to be honest. They are a good solid investment, a reason to be glad I paid for a second account, and an easy way to give and receive 'money' without being bound by the 500g maximum you can mail.


Increasing supply enough that the price would significantly drop would make me sad. :( I mean, I'd probably make a few of the mystic weapons that I won't now, but in the long run, I'd be sad.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> >

> > The current Mystic Coins actually favor newer players as they can sell them to gain a nice starterincome


> You see, in a true free market, nobody is favorized. All have the same chances. By this statement you highlighted a good part of what is wrong with the actual "model" of delivery for MC. And also higlighted the true that Anet controlls the MC for the advantage of certain players. You said here new players. HM. This is stil debatable.



A free market favors those that have what other people want. It's that simple.


> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > No such thing as an acceptable price in a trading economy.

> > If you want to buy something on the TP , then you have to pay what the seller wants.

> > If you dont like the price , then you are free to not buy the item.

> > Exactly the same happens in the real world. .

> > If you think that mystic coins are too expensive , then you are free to go and find some like everyone else does, and then sell them on the TP for a price that you think is acceptable, which increases the supply , thus reducing the price.

> >


> What a nonsense :D ! Do you read what you write? Let's see: If you don't like the price for MC, then go and farm some (except that this is not farmable, the income is determined). Then, **sell** the MC on TP. Why? To generate a decrease in price. And then, use this decrease in price to **buy** the MC :D. LOL? Are you serious? If you are serious, then, please read what ANet told us several times, during several ocasions: "No player or group of players can influence the prices on the market in a significant way". So, by doing what you suggest you waste your time. And your gold. Or this is the reason you advise other players to do this?



You totally missed the point right. He said that if you consider the price to high you can make it lower. Just at a big loss for you personally.


> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Yes, and they have stated in the past that total Mystic Coin amount present in the game is growing. Your point?

> >

> My point is that the need for MC grows even faster. And the way the MC enters the game is not what some of us calls "free market".




It is as much a free market as real world ones. Theirs always a limitation on how much of a resource enter the economy.


> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > You don't get to define what is acceptable. Obviously the price is acceptable to the market, since trade keeps happening. Your personal desire of what the price should be is without meaning in the grand scheme of things.

> >

> > Yes, Mystic Coins are specifically implemented to encourage trade. Especially between newer accounts, for whom the gold boost is huge, and veteran accounts, which are more likely to work on prestige items like legendarys. Working as intended.


> Even if the trade keeps happening, this does not mean that the price is acceptable. Let's go to the extreme to try to make this clear: Let's suppose that one of the vital resources for any human being is controlled by an entity (a government / organization / political faction). Let's suppose the resource is **the water**. Well, even if the price of the water will grow to the point where you spent on it everything you have after paying for the food / utility bills / taxes, the humans will buy it. Why? Not because the price is acceptable. But because it is a need. This is (more or less) the situation with our MC. If you want to craft something using MC, then you should pay the price. Not because you like the price. But because you want that something.



First, water is a nessecity mcs are not.

Secondly, their is no grand acceptable price as their is always one who wants it cheaper and people who want it to be more expensive



> And, YES, the MC are indeed implemented to encourage trade. Between credit cards and Gem Store. Because, if you make a simple calculation, keeping the actual incoming ratio you will need around 150 months to complete the first gen Legendary weapons + around 400 months to complete the Gen2 legendary weapons. You can have 7 mystic clovers at the end of the month. That means roughly 20 MC - what you get in a month of login. So, the times can be reduced to half. So, in only 275 months you can have all the legendary weapons from this game if you use the method implemented by Anet. Really? And you say this is OK? AA - this is without even thinking at the legendary armors / trinkets. And completely ignoring all the other recipes containing MC.


> But you can make this time shorter if you **buy** the MC. Either with gold from the game or with gold from gems :o


So people who played a lot can use the wealth to ammased to speed things up.

Seems like it's working as intended.


You're argument is based on the idea that everyone should be able to get every legendary which I don't agree with.


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