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Mystic coins price is out of control

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


> Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


> It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


If they were made cheaper then something else will take it's place just like they did. The increase is only temporary because we got a new legendary weapon recently followed by the legendary trinket two weeks later.


There are currently several ways to obtain them and several more to bypass needing to obtain as many. I suggest looking into those.





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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.

> >

> > Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.

> >

> > It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


> If they were made cheaper then something else will take it's place just like they did. The increase is only temporary because we got a new legendary weapon recently followed by the legendary trinket two weeks later.

I heard people saying exactly the same when they hit 1g for the first time. The increase ended up being anything _but_ temporary however.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.

> > >

> > > Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.

> > >

> > > It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.

> >

> > If they were made cheaper then something else will take it's place just like they did. The increase is only temporary because we got a new legendary weapon recently followed by the legendary trinket two weeks later.

> I heard people saying exactly the same when they hit 1g for the first time. The increase ended up being anything _but_ temporary however.



The cost has been stable for the past 1.5 years or so. We only saw the spike because two highly desirable legendaries were added at the same time. To be honest, I think it has more to do with Vision, and its wider appeal. than the new greatsword.

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tl;dr nothing to see here; the market responded to a change in demand (as one would expect); prices will return to near the old equilibrium soon/soonish.


> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Raid sellers take mystic coins as a form of payment and prefer it over gold.

Yes they do. That has absolutely nothing to do with the change in the price. Raid sellers prefer _commodities_ over coin because there's a limit on coin accepted via mail and no limit on items. They prefer mystic coins because the price has been extremely stable, versus other things like Ecto, which have not been. AmGems is also a decent choice, although it has a theoretically limitless supply, so is more prone to market variability.



As others have said:

* The price changed because of a sudden spike in demand (two new, coveted legendaries added near the same time).

* Supply in February was near 60k; it's dropped below 30k.

* TP demand, on the other hand, is virtually unchanged: it was around 160k; now it's around 159k


That strongly suggests that this a temporary spike and as soon as the immediate needs of the impatient are met, prices will drop again. We'll probably end up with something a bit higher than the last equilibrium.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > my other problem with the complaint ...

> >

> > What has the OP been doing with all the MC's that have been raining on him for the last few years from log in rewards? It's not like anyone should be starting with zero MC's here. Frankly, it sounds like a thinly veiled complaint that he sold them cheap and now needs them and they are more expensive.

> >

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > Raid sellers take mystic coins as a form of payment and prefer it over gold.

> > >

> >

> > and? What's your point? That doesn't mean they are too expensive.


> Lol.. they might rain on us, but they are soon washed away if your wanting to craft leggies, do guild upgrades and other things in game that might use them.

> Supply of MC's has always, been and always will be, outstripped by the demand based on the very high requirements of those items that use them.

> As for expensive.. perhaps they are expensive to the OP, but sure the price is very much controlled by the market, but the supply and demand are such that it keeps players having a reason to login as often as possible or whip out a credit card to buy gems to convert in order to use the TP MC pool.

> BTW, your "thinly veiled, OP sold cheap not fair has to buy high" synopsis of this thread is nothing more than a cheap shot at the OP and has no place in the thread.. sure counter the OP but no need to make up wild accusation like that imo.


That doesn't change what I said ... the price is what the market will bear ... always has, always will. What any particular player thinks the price should be is irrelevant. If a player thinks at any point in the future, they may need them, they should be keeping them or playing to earn them. Cheap shot at the OP? I think it's a completely reasonable question .. where are his MC's? We all get the free ones from logging in. So either he's not logging in or he's selling them. Either way, it's on him. If he doesn't log in enough to get MC's to curb the cost, it SHOULD be hard for him to get a legendary. If he's selling them, then he's not thinking ahead. Certainly not a cheap shot to question where his MC pool is if Anet hands them out for literally nothing every month.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Almost like a new legendary released that requires at least 350 of them.


> and an accessory ...


That's the one I am talking about :)


I don't really consider Exordium because we've had little over 4 months of time to save up for it, whereas Vision was more of a wild card addition that not too many people were expecting (and even less people would have had time to get enough for both right away)

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As they've said in the past, the supply is already higher than the demand. Most people will never use them, they will simply deposit them like every other material, which will take 1 to 8 years before the player is forced to deal with the overflow. If everyone were to begin selling them, they would be worthless. Also, they already made them easier to acquire within the last year when they gave away tens of thousands of free keys.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Almost like a new legendary released that requires at least 350 of them.

> The price went down when exordium released, required 500.



People were ready for Exordium, people weren't ready for Vision and upcoming new raid wing might get that ring, so we have the picture.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Almost like a new legendary released that requires at least 350 of them.

> >

> > and an accessory ...


> That's the one I am talking about :)


> I don't really consider Exordium because we've had little over 4 months of time to save up for it, whereas Vision was more of a wild card addition that not too many people were expecting (and even less people would have had time to get enough for both right away)


Potentially a lot more than 4 months since we knew the full set was getting released, it was just a matter what order.


The delayed demand is also not surprising considering the ring is gated behind the skyscale and the time gate would have delayed a lot of people.


> @"Shiyo.3578" said:


> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > Need some items that will not rapidly deflate. You may know you can at least get one per day from the ley line anomaly. Good luck.


> Only 500 days for a single gen2 or gen 2.5.


You shouldn't need more than 350 days


77 clovers from 11 chest of loyalty

220 coins from the login rewards

700g from daily completion

-400g to buy 250 amalgamated gemstone

300g remaining to spend on the other parts


alternatively get the clovers via the fractal vendor which will require 35 days

buying 2 per days which gets you to 70 clovers and get the last 7 from the chest of loyalty

This also requires 300 fractal relics per day but those ARE farmable.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That doesn't change what I said ... the price is what the market will bear ... always has, always will. What any particular player thinks the price should be is irrelevant. If a player thinks at any point in the future, they may need them, they should be keeping them or playing to earn them. Cheap shot at the OP? I think it's a completely reasonable question .. where are his MC's? We all get the free ones from logging in. So either he's not logging in or he's selling them.


Or they are using them for crafting.

The earlier comment was right. Your comment was an absolute cheap shot that makes assumptions.

Attempting to cast shade as you have does nothing but detract from your already weak point.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


Which maybe should tell you that the devs are just fine with the current price of Mystic Coins and the supply, demand, and means of obtaining them.


Keep in mind that in one of the threads from people complaining about Mystic Coins is that someone from ANet came out and said that most of the coins are sitting in people's banks. Meaning players are hoarding them.


T6 materials are used in a variety of other non-legendary tier items, many of which are exotic or rare tier - items meant to not take very long to make. Mystic Coins are used in very few things that are not legendary tier or items that are obviously meant to take a decent bit of time to obtain. Comparing to T6 materials is not a valid comparison given the differences in their usage.

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


The fact that the devs have influence doesnt mean that the player base do not have control.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That doesn't change what I said ... the price is what the market will bear ... always has, always will. What any particular player thinks the price should be is irrelevant. If a player thinks at any point in the future, they may need them, they should be keeping them or playing to earn them. Cheap shot at the OP? I think it's a completely reasonable question .. where are his MC's? We all get the free ones from logging in. So either he's not logging in or he's selling them.


> Or they are using them for crafting.


If they are using them for crafting, then what I said still holds. I mean ... does anyone in this game get infinite mats to craft everything they want? No, they don't. They play to earn the mats or they should be keeping them knowing there is a chance they might want a legendary more than the thing they are crafting. OP has made a choice somewhere along the way that resulted in him not having the MC's he needs to craft a legendary. That's not Anet's problem to fix.

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> @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.


> I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


Yes it does. Regardless of the things the devs implement, the market dictates the price and is controlled by players. Don't confuse control of the market for the creation of the supply; two completely separate things and anyone that confuses them does not understand the market dynamics enough to comment on them. The market is more complex than that; Fact in point is that it's easier than ever to get MC's ... but the price has been going up for years ... so no, it's not a strong correlation between Anet increasing supply methods and the price on the TP. That correlation is NOT as strong as you think it is.


There is absolutely nothing insurmountable about getting the MC's for a legendary, especially since Anet throws a couple of dozen at you every month for just logging in or the fact you can farm the gold for them in a reasonable time and simply buy them. The cost isn't actually that outrageous considering the overall cost of all the mats that goes into one of these things.

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Mystic coin prices are one of the most stable items on the TP.

The current price of 1G 50S has been like this for at least 2 years, theres a mild variation but not much, and theres no shortage of sellers with currently 28000 coins for sale.

These types of threads are common when someone needs to buy a lot of some commodity and realises they dont have enuf gold .

Must be the prices are out of control.


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > That doesn't change what I said ... the price is what the market will bear ... always has, always will. What any particular player thinks the price should be is irrelevant. If a player thinks at any point in the future, they may need them, they should be keeping them or playing to earn them. Cheap shot at the OP? I think it's a completely reasonable question .. where are his MC's? We all get the free ones from logging in. So either he's not logging in or he's selling them.

> >

> > Or they are using them for crafting.


> If they are using them for crafting, then what I said still holds. I mean ... does anyone in this game get infinite mats to craft everything they want? No, they don't. They play to earn the mats or they should be keeping them knowing there is a chance they might want a legendary more than the thing they are crafting. OP has made a choice somewhere along the way that resulted in him not having the MC's he needs to craft a legendary. That's not Anet's problem to fix.


Over time we have also gotten multiple methods that offer varying degrees of reduction in how many coins are needed.


In terms of acquiring things yourself I think we are actually able to get more than back when the coins were dirt cheap. It used to be 1 per day from daily plus 10? from the monthly. Now it is 1 per day from the anomaly and 20 from the login rewards.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> There is absolutely nothing insurmountable about getting the MC's for a legendary, especially since Anet throws a couple of dozen at you every month for just logging in or the fact you can farm the gold for them in a reasonable time and simply buy them. The cost isn't actually that outrageous considering the overall cost of all the mats that goes into one of these things.


One and two thirds of a dozen. That is not quite "a couple of dozen" :p

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> >

> > I am sorry but your argument doesn't hold value. The supply is not 'playerbase controlled' but heavily influenced by the devs' decisions. We 've all witnessed how many leg needed materials (T6 mats, ectoplasm, etc) have gone the other way and that happened not due to ...lower players' demand but due to developers altering the supply methods.


> Which maybe should tell you that the devs are just fine with the current price of Mystic Coins and the supply, demand, and means of obtaining them.


> Keep in mind that in one of the threads from people complaining about Mystic Coins is that someone from ANet came out and said that most of the coins are sitting in people's banks. Meaning players are hoarding them.


> T6 materials are used in a variety of other non-legendary tier items, many of which are exotic or rare tier - items meant to not take very long to make. Mystic Coins are used in very few things that are not legendary tier or items that are obviously meant to take a decent bit of time to obtain. Comparing to T6 materials is not a valid comparison given the differences in their usage.


I bet a lot of people forget about them or don’t realize that they’re tradeable. I know I didn’t for a long time and thought them a semi-useless accumulating item since I was not planning on crafting legendaries...

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


This is how it's been for years.


> Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


> It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


Well, they are meant to be the ultimate gear in the game. Why shouldn't they be expensive?


The issue with mystic coins come not from their individual price nor the number of legendary gear requiring them, but lesser gear requiring them.


In other words, [this list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Feast_of_food) should not exist. From a dozen to two dozen mystic coins for a _recipe_ of a feast is downright silly. Nor, in all honesty, should [this list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Armor_in_bulk_1) and [this list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Armor_in_bulk_2) exist- up to 41 mystic coins for a recipe of a set of _fine_ or 50 for _masterwork_ armor? Yuck.


I'd even suggest looking over [this list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Other), some of which require too many mystic coins for the worth (like the bloodstone brick deconstruction recipe, even a singular mystic coin is far too steep a price for turning a brick back into 100 dust).


Of course, I doubt anyone uses those recipes, so altering them will probably be minimal impact on the MC prices. But some of the more desired non-Legendary recipes being reduced would.

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