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Removing Language Restrictions for EU World Linking

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I'm a german player from Drakkar Lake. Since the new World Linkings I have seen strange behavor in our Chat. First, People did not even understand that we are now linked with a non-german Server. So they spoke german of course. Then, after a few days, more and more people communicated in english. But that didn't last Long. Currently, I do see 90 % german comments in the chat.


I don't know what's happening on our Teamspeak/Discord/Whatever, because I'm just a Roamer and Map/Teamchat works fine for me. All I can say is: Since the World Linkings I'm using English language to communicate with others out of decency (Exeption: I know for sure they are german players). That's the behavior things should be handled right now.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> As we prepare for world restructuring in World vs. World, we’ll be removing language restrictions in the upcoming EU world links. This will help us create fairer links and gather data on the impact of grouping together players who speak different languages.


> To discuss the change, we have created this thread and we welcome your feedback. Please make sure to only use the current thread and not create new threads, so that we can gather your feedback. Thank you!


There's a reason Blizzard dropped this stupid idea from their initial planning for WOW Classic servers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. i'm a good boy. i wanna play in my freetime and undestand what's happening when i'm playing.

I choosed for an international english speaking server, and now Anet asks me for gems for change server and return to play wvw in gw2 again.


This is fair? I do really have to pay for speak english? what's happend if after some months the new server that i choose starts to speak (for exemple) french?


Really disappointed. I hope for a fix asap. Maybe a chat for any language.. dunno. But we really need a solution.


Please! :(

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I must say, I have been pretty optimistic before, but that didn't last. :(

I'm on a German server linked to a French server. Most of the time, team chat is in French. I did learn French at school, but not chat language. I don't understand a thing. If it's not French, the chat is in German, where the problem is just reversed.


I thought people would settle on English, but apparently I was wrong. :(

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> @"APELLA.2415" said:

> Hello. i'm a good boy. i wanna play in my freetime and undestand what's happening when i'm playing.

> I choosed for an international english speaking server, and now Anet asks me for gems for change server and return to play wvw in gw2 again.


> This is fair? I do really have to pay for speak english? what's happend if after some months the new server that i choose starts to speak (for exemple) french?


> Really disappointed. I hope for a fix asap. Maybe a chat for any language.. dunno. But we really need a solution.


> Please! :(



Im dutch and adapt

Get over it

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  • 2 months later...

its quite sometime ago this topic was created but it still remains the same ?

as i understand it, you are gonna remove native servers ?

I personally believe that there shouldnt have been native servers and even if so they shouldnt be allowed to compete with the international servers because it is simply ruining the match links aswell as leaderboards upon wvw, how ? well its pretty simple, lets say u have 2x DE servers on team blue and team green, and you are the only international on team red ( just like how it is right now playing on far shiverpeaks against elona on blue and drakkar lake on green, both DE servers ). what happens is that they have friends playing on each servers and inviduals that know eachother very well due to being from the same origin as the oppose server, yet what u see is that even they are 'supposed' to be enemies and play actual wvw they end up teaming against the international server, bringing it down and destroying the balance of match making and leaderboards . i personally am against this and always been because it is obvious to see that everytime FR and DE servers gets against eachother vs a third international server, they end up teaming against the server to not destroy their relative native servers and leaderboards.


I hope even this been so long already since this was mentioned to see either of these solutions:

A: Remove native servers completly and merge them into international servers.

B: Remove native servers from the EU Leaderboards and make them have their own wvw match-ups with native-only servers.


i hope that WvW will become great again and that we will be able to roam solo / duo / trios more often again as that seems quite meaningless now at days .


Best Regards,

Xaint .

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> @"Noobondrugs.8320" said:

> its quite sometime ago this topic was created but it still remains the same ?

> as i understand it, you are gonna remove native servers ?

> I personally believe that there shouldnt have been native servers and even if so they shouldnt be allowed to compete with the international servers because it is simply ruining the match links aswell as leaderboards upon wvw, how ? well its pretty simple, lets say u have 2x DE servers on team blue and team green, and you are the only international on team red ( just like how it is right now playing on far shiverpeaks against elona on blue and drakkar lake on green, both DE servers ). what happens is that they have friends playing on each servers and inviduals that know eachother very well due to being from the same origin as the oppose server, yet what u see is that even they are 'supposed' to be enemies and play actual wvw they end up teaming against the international server, bringing it down and destroying the balance of match making and leaderboards . i personally am against this and always been because it is obvious to see that everytime FR and DE servers gets against eachother vs a third international server, they end up teaming against the server to not destroy their relative native servers and leaderboards.


> I hope even this been so long already since this was mentioned to see either of these solutions:

> A: Remove native servers completly and merge them into international servers.

> B: Remove native servers from the EU Leaderboards and make them have their own wvw match-ups with native-only servers.


> i hope that WvW will become great again and that we will be able to roam solo / duo / trios more often again as that seems quite meaningless now at days .


> Best Regards,

> Xaint .


Weird, my experience is completely different:

Before the linkings whenever there were two DE servers in a match up, they fought against each other while the international server was the lucky winner. There was and still is a lot of rivalry between the DE servers.


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> @"yumee.1405" said:

> Talking as a part of the french community, I think it will be well receive from half of the community and the other will hate it.


Can confirm this for the german community, too. There is a reason people stayed on national servers. Just Immagine what would happen if the official language on US Servers would suddenly become french or spannish.


But it all doesnt matter, since alliances will be national again

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> @"Char.4209" said:

> > @"yumee.1405" said:

> > Talking as a part of the french community, I think it will be well receive from half of the community and the other will hate it.


> But it all doesnt matter, since alliances will be national again


The alliance would be. But the world they would be assigned to wouldn’t necessarily.


Which is very likely why this was tried early to see and try to work out potential problems.


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> @"Rhiannon.1726" said:

> > @"Noobondrugs.8320" said:

> > its quite sometime ago this topic was created but it still remains the same ?

> > as i understand it, you are gonna remove native servers ?

> > I personally believe that there shouldnt have been native servers and even if so they shouldnt be allowed to compete with the international servers because it is simply ruining the match links aswell as leaderboards upon wvw, how ? well its pretty simple, lets say u have 2x DE servers on team blue and team green, and you are the only international on team red ( just like how it is right now playing on far shiverpeaks against elona on blue and drakkar lake on green, both DE servers ). what happens is that they have friends playing on each servers and inviduals that know eachother very well due to being from the same origin as the oppose server, yet what u see is that even they are 'supposed' to be enemies and play actual wvw they end up teaming against the international server, bringing it down and destroying the balance of match making and leaderboards . i personally am against this and always been because it is obvious to see that everytime FR and DE servers gets against eachother vs a third international server, they end up teaming against the server to not destroy their relative native servers and leaderboards.

> >

> > I hope even this been so long already since this was mentioned to see either of these solutions:

> > A: Remove native servers completly and merge them into international servers.

> > B: Remove native servers from the EU Leaderboards and make them have their own wvw match-ups with native-only servers.

> >

> > i hope that WvW will become great again and that we will be able to roam solo / duo / trios more often again as that seems quite meaningless now at days .

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > Xaint .


> Weird, my experience is completely different:

> Before the linkings whenever there were two DE servers in a match up, they fought against each other while the international server was the lucky winner. There was and still is a lot of rivalry between the DE servers.



this is ofcourse hard to actually prove because some might do but it doesnt mean everyone does and sure there will be enemies and people that dont like eachother even they might be same nationality, but in 50% of the times it does happen atleast in my eyes, it is obvious to see that when one DE server is dominating the whole wvw and the international server is supressed and the less dominant DE server still remain to have t2 / t3 towers and keeps in both EBG + their own HBL while the international is totally supressed even its in the middle of the night and there is not even many in wvw that it appears to be teaming. i even experienced where all of the international server was capped and dominated by a native server but the other native server was left untouched completly even it would be obvious that they could easily dominate them aswell that it appears or is a sign of some form of teaming .

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