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I wish we could use Chairs in WvW.


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Yada yada it would cause too much skill lag due to all the chair animations and stress on the servers. Also roaming would be dead cause everyone would just watch stuff flip while sitting in their chairs. And the PPT would be massive because after a keep flip everyone would again sit in their chairs in the Lord's room instead of going out to fight another zerg. Yep chairs would absolutely kill wvw, yet again...


>! Well that's how I imagine all the anti-mount people would say it...

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I've been wanting this since chair were introduced.


I think they'd have to change the way they function a bit though and make it so that as soon as you're put in combat you're kicked off your chair. As it is right now in PvE, sitting in a chair reduces your health which could obviously be a problem in WvW. But assuming they changed that, I can't see how it could cause any problems.


I just want to sit on my chair while watching duels, scouting in towers, waiting for a zerg to stack, etc. C'mon, Anet.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> I've been wanting this since chair were introduced.


> I think they'd have to change the way they function a bit though and make it so that as soon as you're put in combat you're kicked off your chair. As it is right now in PvE, sitting in a chair reduces your health which could obviously be a problem in WvW. But assuming they changed that, I can't see how it could cause any problems.


> I just want to sit on my chair while watching duels, scouting in towers, waiting for a zerg to stack, etc. C'mon, Anet.


Nah, leave them as is. That way when you turn a corner and see the zerg bearing down on you you can just pop the chair and await oblivion in comfort.

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