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4 years later, your scribing level is...

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I maxed out some time ago, but imo scribing is just a waste of time and effort. Some decos your just locked out of scribing until RNG shines down on you or your prepared to buy someone's else's good fortune. Even things like a basic Lattice deco is locked away until your guild reaches a certain level in some part of your Guild Hall upgrades meaning small to medium guilds have to bust a gut just to be able to realise the most basic of scribe deco's.

Of course when you do get the motivation to scribe something, the end result is often pretty disappointing.. I am looking at you snow maker machines, wintersday trees - -need I go on.

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I have two 400 scribes now, since I farm a lot I find pretty practical that scribe can refine any type of mats so I don't have to swap from a character to an other to refine everything. So when I have like 4k mithril ingot or any boatload of leather/scraps to refine, I just hop into my guild hall and craft everything on one char.

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Scribing is a trash skill and really isn't worth it. In every guild I've been a part of, guild members have either:


~ Started crowd funding for 400 scribe (but never did anything with it beyond making a single object, usually an uzalon's orchistra or Globe of Secrets)

~ Donated raid and event trophies and nothing else. (gl getting people to donate snow, luck, furniture coins or candy corn for holliday decorations)

~ Stuffed the guild bank with <90copper mini's, dyes and trash that won't sell on the trading post (while selling any usable scribing related good worth $$$)

~ Relied on a handful of people to fund, plan or place decorations.

~ Filled the Assembly Device with cheap recipies while training scribing, but never bothering to queue them.


You're honestly so much better off just ignoring the skill entirely. Even its primary purpose, building guild flags and wvw siege, is kinda cost-prohibitive.

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The motivation however was a bit weird. A couple of years ago, around autumn. I knew the BDay of our guildleader was close and I was quite interested in this one fancy decoration, Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra. I was working on my Legendary Hammer, so I had the materials ready for the gifts - sort of. The tasks seemed to be possible for me, so I gave it a try.


The quest was quite funny, collecting the parts for the recipe was easy. Some of the parts had a weird drop-rate, but I quickly managed to get the recipe. Then I noticed that I would need a scribe 400 O_O. I knew one person who had a level 400 scribe, my guildleader. But it would not be much of a birthday present, if I hand him over the mats and ask him to craft it. And he did not have the recipe, I thought. Months later I learned, he had the recipe already but did not craft it because of the costs xD.


So let's powerlevel a scribe? By then I had all my regular crafting professions outmaxed, some with the gw2crafts.net. Now I was a bit in a hurry, so I had one last hopeful look on my gold-storage and then started leveling. It went quite smoothly, thanks to the tons of materials I have saved for the legendary weapon. Until I reached level 375. Then I painfully realized, that our guild did not have the proper recipes unlocked yet. So I improvized and burned almost 70 g to get to 400.


After selling a few more of my materials, even my gold was within reasonable balance again. Time for the gifts, almost broke XD. My plan was to craft the blueprint and keep it until day X, then craft it and surprise him. Sadly I was not very experienced with the scribing, else I would not have tried to craft that blueprint. So I crafted it and it was automatically sent to the assembly and crafted. Back in those days, my leader was checking the guildhistory daily - ouch. So I quickly picked the orchestra up placed it inside our lobby. So at least everyone could enjoy the music.


As a result of my impatience, our guildleader never really thought of the orchestra as a personal gift. It was mostly MY decoration, I had to decide where to place it and he never touched it. Most of our members have no clue that thing exists or what it actually does, they do not care :S. I still like the music and opposite to my friends, I do not regret postponing my legendary hammer by almost a year for it. About a year later, I had my finances balanced again and had a thrill of decoration. Then the scribe 400 was awesome. I was able to craft every decoration I wanted, re-designed our lobby into a krytan park area with springs and shrubberies, upgraded most of the places and created a few JPs.


Currently the scribe remains untouched. I do not feel the urge to decorate much, guild interest for the hall is at an all time 0 %. No one cares. A few months ago I started a few guild events, organizing treasure hunts with SAB chests and passwords to find, each box had loot worth 5g+. Not a chance, people do not like the guildhall as content to spend time inside.


I have purchased some of the LS4 decorations, but the scribe-char is a gathering mule at the moment. The guildhalls are stuck in the past. We never get any useful upgrades, vendors, crafting stations or other useful stuff. Last wintersday I redecorated the lobby with a winter-theme and got tons of complaints from guildmembers because of eye-strain (the white of the snow-piles). I quickly changed everything back and decided not to decorate anything that includes dailies and farming. Instead I created a snowball arena, which was ignored XD. I crafted the snow castle as an attachment to our tavern and built beetle-race-track around the hall.


The last thing I created, the Djin Portals. If you have access to the Gilded Hollow, you maybe know about the highly complex upper areas and that there is NO WAY to waypoint there. But as I do not raid, I had to purchase the doubloons. Four portals. Now we can access the upper levels, which are decorated as well, via the portals in the tavern - yay. But no one does ^^.


As I have started with WvW a couple of months ago, I maybe give the scribe another go. But unfortunately WvW is so boring and tedious, wasting any resources is a waste. I mean, every object I may claim can get flipped within the next 5 minutes, with all upgrades I have spent gone. Last guildupgrade I have unlocked for scribes, the infamous dune-buggy. Before I continue unlocking more WvW recipes, I want a serious time-window for the alliances-patch.


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I waited a long time to do it bc I didn't have any use for it, then once I needed it for something idr what I went ahead and did it the whole way. I don't really remember it being all the expensive, and it's nice to have now if only to have all the mat refining things in one place :p

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For guild decos. Sadly people who had said they would 'help' with gathering and donating never did, except for one of my daughters who religiously sent me get flax. Bless her heart.


It is ridiculous how expensive some of the decos are. A gift of exploration for a globe, for example.

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Levelled it very quickly, did a few decos, and then never really touched it afterwards.


Scribing and deco crafting, imo, was never a really well thought out subsystem. It's really painful to deal with (due to the multitiered crafting for everything), scales very badly depending on the guild size. It's also flawed in its design as it utilizes personal crafting mats, instead of some guild material storage, which pushes the weight of deco system on the shoulders of individual players, instead of the guild as a whole.

It should have probably been done not as a crafting system, but rather as a guildhall upgrade path, with assignable permissions (where the guild crafts a deco workshop with upgrades that let it craft higher tiers of decorations, and where there's a material tab in the guidl bank - also with permission tiers to manipulate it for different purposes)

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I just hit 400 a few weeks ago with some cheap guild consumables and backpacks. They should finally decide if they want everyoneto be able to scribe, then the decorations need to become much less of a gold sink or to have just one or two dedicated guild scribes in which case they need to make a lot of scribe material tradeable so a guild can actually give a scribe the needed materials, like elonian matrix.

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