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Make The Super Adventure Box Permanent!

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Hey, I used to play Guild Wars 2 big time four or five years ago, I just got back into the game because my little brother wanted to play it with me, he is a teenager now and since it was such an important part of my teenage life back then I wanted him to enjoy a similar thing, and I wanted to enjoy it with him. My little brother loved the Super Adventure Box, and since it was simple I used to let him play it, upon starting GW2 he remembered it and wanted to go there, he made an Asura just so that he could get there easy.


Upon research I found that it still only comes around yearly, I revived a thread about it in the forums...



I see that I am not alone in wanting it to be around all year. I know that the developers put a lot of effort into making it, it goes far beyond any other event. They made a whole world just for it and it seems like such a waste to only allow it around once a year. I realize that the rarity of the event (only being around once a year) adds to the excitement but to suggest that having it year round would make people enjoy it less is ridiculous.


Just look at this comment section, I know me and many others would be willing to pay as much as heart of thorns just for this to be around all the time.


If you want SAB to still be an event, then once a year allow everyone in the game to have a free pass, while for the rest of the year you have to pay to enter, almost like a carnival or amusement park.


It has become a game in it of itself, many do not even play year round until it is out.


You have to understand to me this part of the game is more important than anything really, there is almost an emotional attachment to it, for both me and my brother. 5 years ago in my life, my brother and I were in a really hard place. Specifically an abusive home. All we had was a little desktop and guildwars, and that week before school started again the super adventure box was more exciting than going to a real carnival for us.


many people feel like the developers are not listening to them...

>where's the "my feedback doesn't matter to this developer" option?


>Honestly I'd like it to be permanent. I've maybe done one world on infantile, due to always being busy during April, so never get to try it :( Making it permanent would actually allow me to do the content.


>I can agree with those that want it to be seasonal only because they don't want SAB to grow stale. But at the same time there are those that love SAB enough to want to just spend most of their time in it whenever they want for as long as they want. If people want to pay for the option of having it permanent, I say just let them have it. It's not like those who want it to stay seasonal have to buy a permanent pass after all...


**If you really want this GW2 to be special for some folks, give those of us who want it year round the ability to buy the permanent pass while everyone else can get the yearly free access. It's just that simple**


I'm begging you, bring back the Super Adventure Box! You don't have to force people to play it just as a little side game.

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I would definitely prefer if SAB was available all year round, and I think I would enjoy it a lot more that way since I'd be able to take my time over it.


> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> If it is made available at all times, I can guarantee you, it'll be a ghost town.


It's essentially single player/very small group content, so why would that be a problem?


> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Imo some events should be special and only available at certain times of the year. To me it's just part of the game to see people stacking up in the town hours before the event begins.


What's so great about getting to see a crowd of people? And why are they there so early?

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Whilst i would prefer it to be all year round since I'm never in the mood for it when it comes round, but often am at different times, this has been discussed for years. It ultimately wont be happening as Anet prefer to seasonalise it and they prob find it is easier to monetise this way as well.

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I'm glad you and many others like SAB but I loathe it. And while I like Halloween and Wintersday, part of what makes them special (just like in real life) is that they are seasonal and temporary.


Thats great, but why should your opinion stop us from having the option to play it? if you hate it so much, just don't play it! Like I said, sure let there be a seasonal event where everyone can get in for free, while the rest of the year only devote SAB players can pay to get a year round pass, people like you can completely ignore it.


I don't see why something like that would even bother someone who hates it and even if somehow it makes SAB less special, wouldn't you like that because you hate it?

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> @"whitesmoque.2971" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > I'm glad you and many others like SAB but I loathe it. And while I like Halloween and Wintersday, part of what makes them special (just like in real life) is that they are seasonal and temporary.


> Thats great, but why should your opinion stop us from having the option to play it? if you hate it so much, just don't play it! Like I said, sure let there be a seasonal event where everyone can get in for free, while the rest of the year only devote SAB players can pay to get a year round pass, people like you can completely ignore it.


> I don't see why something like that would even bother someone who hates it and even if somehow it makes SAB less special, wouldn't you like that because you hate it?


You're right, I don't play it. And we can't "completely ignore it" since we see SAB things in the world. I completely understand that it's a festival that many players enjoy so I don't "wish them away" or anything like that, and am OK putting up with it temporarily each year with no complaints.


Perhaps you missed my point -- I love Halloween and most other festivals in GW2 but if they were constant, they wouldn't be as special. That's life; you can't always have everything you want all the time. Peace & happy gaming.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:


> > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > If it is made available at all times, I can guarantee you, it'll be a ghost town.


> It's essentially single player/very small group content, so why would that be a problem?


Doing it solo is a bore for me. Subjective issue, I know. But since its rewards don't matter for the entire rest of the game (opinion), it would be rare to find four other people to do it regularly with for fun, I feel. Sure it'd be fine for those who just want to stay there forever, but then even the seasonal folk would likely not come around anymore either (unless world 3 comes out). And seeing shiny places dead or scarce is depressing.


From what I've observed, these seasonal interests are used to keep players occupied while the developers work on releases behind the scenes. This feels like a move that would have players leave in boredom instead. And, let's face it---they won't, but even if they did make a pay-to-access pass for SAB, the outrage would be nuts even from people who would have no intention of even getting it.


It's just how interweb peeps roll.

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Imo some events should be special and only available at certain times of the year. To me it's just part of the game to see people stacking up in the town hours before the event begins. Same for the Labyrinthine cliffs, halloween & christmas.


So what? Really, what does this matter? If we're willing to pay for it then it being a ghost town after people paid for it is entirely irrelevant. This is a win-win for ArenaNet AND those who actually like it or play with people they know. Heck, I don't play this game but only with family and close friends - I have no interest playing with other people and that's something that's nice about GW2.


So yeah, entirely irrelevant argument. Bring it back, make it permanent, let us pay for it. Everyone wins.

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Imo some events should be special and only available at certain times of the year. To me it's just part of the game to see people stacking up in the town hours before the event begins. Same for the Labyrinthine cliffs, halloween & christmas.


Not at all true. I believe ArenaNet also thinks like this especially with regards to their monetization model. Since SAB is such an obviously POLARIZING in game event then they would profit from making it available to those of us willing to throw some money towards a pass just like in their convenience passes and items that they sell otherwise. This is a win-win proposition and so no, this really doesn't hold water - plus SAB is TREMENDOUSLY different (both in tone, scope and purpose) than the other events you mention.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Whilst i would prefer it to be all year round since I'm never in the mood for it when it comes round, but often am at different times, this has been discussed for years. It ultimately wont be happening as Anet prefer to seasonalise it and they prob find it is easier to monetise this way as well.


Nah, they can monetize this much better by making a purchasable pass for it. As it stands now the timing is horrible and is an enormous problem for all of the players I know. I also know 5 people that quit GW2 for essentially 4 years over SAB being only seasonal and I haven't really been able to get them back to the game yet. So yeah, I think ArenaNet, if they have a modicum of intelligence, can see that it's much more beneficial to monetize off of it in a more permanent fashion (or even allow us to pay for yearly passes into the SAB "Arcade" - there are a lot of us who will put our money where our mouths are).

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I'm glad you and many others like SAB but I loathe it. And while I like Halloween and Wintersday, part of what makes them special (just like in real life) is that they are seasonal and temporary.


Right and this is a very good point as to why SAB fits the all year model perfectly - especially for an extra sale of a pass. This is not a real event that's timed with life and so it's nearly impossible to remember. The yearly recurrence of this has been entirely dysfunctional and an utter fail to be frank given this kind of problematic inappropriately scheduled timing. But yeah, this is a perfect candidate for allowing those who like it to pay ArenaNet for it.


Honestly ArenaNet devs: I don't really care much for the last two expansions, but I would have paid the price of an expansion for SAB alone - plus SAB can be an ongoing source of revenue aside from the pass. Play your cards right here guys - just take a peak on Twitter, there have been enough people that they even pushed a hashtag #SABorRIOT. Obviously there are some poignant feelings about this and so it would behoove ANet to not only take _**advantage**_ of this, but to also do a nice service to the fans.

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> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > @"ylluminate.3159" said:

> > > @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> > > Wow, I get to use this twice in the same day!

> > > It's like Mcdonalds selling the Mcrib or shamrock shakes, they are only popular because of their limited time offering because they are not given a chance to become "Normalized"

> >

> > Lol, this is total bullcrap. I know a lot of people who don't buy these kinds of things out of principle for the same reason, further this isn't the same kind of "gimmick" as a "Shamrock Shake" at all. This is a dynamic component that, when poorly timed (as it has been for all of these years), creates RESENTMENT towards the game instead of excitement or patronage. Almost an entire treatise could be written to refute this logic.

> >

> > So no, no water held here - let's get SAB back for good and making money for ArenaNet!


> Denial is a powerful force I guess *shrug*


Its not denial, you are the one comparing apples to oranges with your "twice in one day" analogy...


The Super Adventure box is nothing like the "Shamrock Shake" or Mcrib it it is a game in and of it's self. Some people don't have the chance to play in April. The Shamrock Shake is dessert that people some times want, people want the opportunity to play SAB all the time. We want to be able to spend time on it because it is so fun. The devs clearly spent a lot of time on it and it should not be for a limited time only. You can make a "Shamrock Shake" by yourself if you really want, You can look up the ingredients and make it the same way McDonalds makes it... You can't just program your own SAB in a snap. To make SAB alone, it would take at least 2 to 3 developers 6 to 12 months on the GW2 engine, just for the first version.


I missed the SAB this year because I was busy with school and finals... I waited the whole year to play it and finally remembered it when it had just ended. SAB is a huge event it could be a whole game by itself.


I think the Super Adventure Box should be year round and if the devs actually take this into consideration they could expand the game and maybe make it more difficult to get rewards and expand the levels and make more bosses. At least bring it around multiple times in a year...

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> @"ylluminate.3159" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > Please use the forum's search function. There are multiple threads on this topic.

> > Yours unfortunately brings nothing new to the conversation.

> >


> I think posting again is extremely helpful vs carrying on an old - and dated - post. This brings a fresh round of attention up for the developers to see. ArenaNet has time and again pointed users to "use the forums for feature requests" and it is important that the developers realize that this is still a very fresh and desirable topic. This is something people are actively interested in and it will not stop. Frankly we're talking about virtual bits and bites here so there's really nothing lost in making a new post. I think @"whitesmoque.2971"'s viewpoint is VERY important and pertinent. Think about what he shared. This is emotional for him and to be treated as flippantly as is being done here smacks of a poor community that perhaps should have a second look by ArenaNet itself. Please, please don't say things like how someone's remarks don't bring anything new to the table when they've obviously poured out their heart here.


Every thread that calls for this uses a similar "emotional story" or business case without facts/numbers. The developers can see the post just as easily in the existing threads, some of which have been active within the past week.

All a fresh thread does is prove a lack of courtesy and etiquette by the OP.

If the developers required multiple threads to appreciate a community desire they wouldn't have consolidated the recent threads about the Skyscale.

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Yep this is the one forum that encourages necromancy with its threads.


Not a fan of McDonald's then...


Okay think of it in terms of [insert holiday here].

[insert holiday here] may be great but if you celebrate [insert holiday here] everyday it is no longer anything special.


Anet has done a good job of ensuring there is a constant flow of content that is constantly changing. things like the adventure box are thinsg they can whip out with relatively few changes to break up the flow and give people a change of pace.


*further shrugging*

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Well then Anet should at least put SAB in summer because People don't have time to play near the end of school it is very inconvenient that it is right next to summer and not in summer and SAB is not a holiday, even though its treated like a holiday, it is its own game. If Anet really wanted to they could make their own game about it.


They should have it for the whole summer as a summer event right? it is more logical to relocate it there because there is more opportunities for all types of people wether you work or in school or are busy this gives people that miss SAB more of an opportunity to play as an actual event. April is nothing special for most people. At least in summer most people can enjoy it more often.

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> >

> > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > > If it is made available at all times, I can guarantee you, it'll be a ghost town.

> >

> > It's essentially single player/very small group content, so why would that be a problem?


> Doing it solo is a bore for me. Subjective issue, I know. But since its rewards don't matter for the entire rest of the game (opinion), it would be rare to find four other people to do it regularly with for fun, I feel. Sure it'd be fine for those who just want to stay there forever, but then even the seasonal folk would likely not come around anymore either (unless world 3 comes out). And seeing shiny places dead or scarce is depressing.


Fair enough. They tried to expand on the rewards a bit this year with the weekly trader, but I think you're right that it would take more than that. Of course, most SAB rewards are quite similar to those for Dungeons, which probably suffer from the same issue of being a ghost town.


> @"Calvsie.3675" said:

> Wow, I get to use this twice in the same day!

> It's like Mcdonalds selling the Mcrib or shamrock shakes, they are only popular because of their limited time offering because they are not given a chance to become "Normalized"


For me, the difference is that with seasonal foodstuffs, I don't have to eat them as fast as possible so that I can finish them before they disappear. The fact that they're seasonal affects when I eat them, but not how I eat them. Plus I often still have Christmas cake left in February or March! I was a bit confused to see hot cross buns for sale last week though...


> @"ylluminate.3159" said:

This is not a real event that's timed with life and so it's nearly impossible to remember. The yearly recurrence of this has been entirely dysfunctional and an utter fail to be frank given this kind of problematic inappropriately scheduled timing.


It's timed to coincide with April Fool's Day, which is at least real, and arguably an event.

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> @"ylluminate.3159" said:

> All of the other remarks here against this are frankly invalid ...


I stopped listening to anything you posted after that. Wow.


> @"ylluminate.3159" said:

> I think posting again is extremely helpful vs carrying on an old - and dated - post.


It actually could be considered going against the forums CoC.


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