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Time for Protection to affect condition damage in PvP?


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I'd imagine that the original reason for protection was to have a boon that mitigates burst damage, and since conditions were made for sustained damage maybe it would've been too strong against them.


But now the tables have turned and condi builds often have higher burst than power ones, so I think it's only fair for protection to affect both. Vulnerability was changed ages ago to scale condition damage up, I don't see why protection shouldn't scale it down.

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> @roamzero.9486 said:

> Or maybe you know, just nerf Necros/Mesmers and whatever few problem classes/builds that are too strong condi-wise.


> @roamzero.9486 said:

> whatever few problem classes/builds


> @roamzero.9486 said:

> few problem


"Few" problem


Combat mechanic wise the game is a deep shit....


EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING is Bloated to hell with EVERYTHING and its worse with every new expansion....


a few more expansion and we gonna get infinite boons and condis by just simply looking at the screen........


when the game started it was Spammy but you needed to look out WHAT you spam... and neeeded to somewhat manage your boons...


now look where we are............. we are literaly farting everything on everyone around us without looking or caring about anything..... both boons and condies...


the ONLY class that still need to somewhat manage what he do is Pure Power builds but even they slowly turning into a jump on someone and just spam everything you have......

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Some will say because it can already be negated by cleansing/resistance and that there's already too much of that.

Others would argue that condies would be reapplied as fast anyway, there wouldn't be enough cleanses.


I would have liked if there was some kind of condition resistance stat. Heavy armors have better protection against direct damage, maybe light armors could have better resistance against conditions. Just an idea.

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Something has to give. My spec has 2 full condi clears, removes a condi every 3 seconds, and a constant 20% reduced damage from condis. Every single death recap is still topped by 50,000+ of some ridiculous condition that I ate seemingly endless of stacks of.


I am not sure if protection is the key, but conditions are out of control. I feel like the popular opinion is a scourge nerf is a good place to start, ideally with split functionality in PvE/PvP.


Edit: Was a little too hyperbolic.

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> @MyPuppy.8970 said:

> Some will say because it can already be negated by cleansing/resistance and that there's already too much of that.

> Others would argue that condies would be reapplied as fast anyway, there wouldn't be enough cleanses.


> I would have liked if there was some kind of condition resistance stat. Heavy armors have better protection against direct damage, maybe light armors could have better resistance against conditions. Just an idea.


i personaly would like a NEW stat againts condies..... that works similare to Toughness......


and you could decide if you want to be strong againts condies or power stuff....

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > @MyPuppy.8970 said:

> > Some will say because it can already be negated by cleansing/resistance and that there's already too much of that.

> > Others would argue that condies would be reapplied as fast anyway, there wouldn't be enough cleanses.

> >

> > I would have liked if there was some kind of condition resistance stat. Heavy armors have better protection against direct damage, maybe light armors could have better resistance against conditions. Just an idea.


> i personaly would like a NEW stat againts condies..... that works similare to Toughness......


> and you could decide if you want to be strong againts condies or power stuff....


Toughness doesn't really do much against physical damage these days. Damage is way too high.

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> @Aza.2105 said:

> > @Zoltreez.6435 said:

> > > @MyPuppy.8970 said:

> > > Some will say because it can already be negated by cleansing/resistance and that there's already too much of that.

> > > Others would argue that condies would be reapplied as fast anyway, there wouldn't be enough cleanses.

> > >

> > > I would have liked if there was some kind of condition resistance stat. Heavy armors have better protection against direct damage, maybe light armors could have better resistance against conditions. Just an idea.

> >

> > i personaly would like a NEW stat againts condies..... that works similare to Toughness......

> >

> > and you could decide if you want to be strong againts condies or power stuff....


> Toughness doesn't really do much against physical damage these days. Damage is way too high.


thats wrong.... as a necro that runs 2600-2700 even sometimes 3000 toughness the dmg difference i get in my face by Roamer thiefs that are WAY stronger in WvW then in Spvp is HUGE feels like an outright 50% dmg reduction againts Burst builds im not kidding.... since then im not looking on any gear that don't has a litle toughness on it...

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> @Shala.8352 said:

> Protection should not effect condi dmg. Condi dmg should be less bursty


Let the light classes have there pittance.. there really isn't much more margin to cut them back and have them be playable at all. Power damage is so heavy that we are almost back to the old "zerker" meta. There simply is no time to wait for condi to slowly tick.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> Not only "no" but "kitten no." If you nerfed condi that hard Mesmer would be pretty much out of the game. So would builds on other classes. You can't simply charge into a condition storm and hack your way through it. That's the way things are designed and it's as it should be.


Are you serious? Soulbeasts already have this functionality and they still melt from conditions as if they didn't have it at all. Condi specs would still thrive with this. It's a marginal reduction at best considering protection boon generally has low uptime and it gets corrupted often in this meta.


Condi mesmers would still be super strong.

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protection boon is not the solution here


the problem is if there is any build which rule in 1v1 in pvp as roamer or point holder. if so there have no counter which now nerf is a must.


consider full direct dmg team versus full condi dmg team. direct will win. cause there are few dodges evade 1 player can have. same goes for condis . there are few cleasne you can take.


now the problem with condition dmg is this

**class who can stacks many condition with lots of stacks **


guard - mainly focus on burning but have 1-3 cover conditions with low stacks which is ok

mesmer - focus on torment and confusion on average 10 stacks when burst with 3 cover conditions but cannot perma burst as its need illusions.

necro - atm seems too strong with burning, torment, poison, bleeding and corrupt boons with 3 cover condition which can make 2-3 burst aoe.

thief - poison and bleed with 2 cover condition with 2 burst

rev - too weak as he cannot stacks fast bursts due to nrg consumption even though the skills have low cd.

so i think the solution must consider these:

1. time between bursts - 15 sec min between burst so increase cd on big skills . necro should have f5 35 sec, f4 25 sec, f3 12 sec, f2 10 sec. elite 120 sec.

2. longer casting time with bigger animation so it become crucial to interrupt them. necro on F skills has no casting time while they should have some 0.25-0.75 sec casting time.

3. balance quantity of conditions with quantity of stacks - necro should have lower stacks available with many conditions while guard have higher stacks with few cover conditions. you can achieve it by lowering the duration of conditions.


check also rev. he has healing skill which reduce condi dmg by 50%, elite skill with dwarf which also reduce condition dmg by 50%, hammers which reduce dmg by 20%, trait which reduce condition dmg by 33%. still rev will die quickly from condition dmg.

so protection wont help as also it can be removed pretty easily

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> They have a mechanic that controls the amount of stability that can be removed over time, they can just create something similar that limits the amount of conditions that can be applied in a particular time.


This is the problem I always have with suggestions like this. Not only do they limit and punish multiple players attacking the same target and using the same main damage type but there is no functional limit to how much power damage you can take from any number of sources at any given time. This is not and never will be a real solution.

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LOL i quit this game for 2 months, come back and it is even worse: spam, spam everywhere (including condis). Pretty much everyone ran condi cleanse builds back then (and Anet got glorious idea to remove generocity sigil for some reason) now i frankly don't know what else i could slot. But it has been same issue for ages now, too much aoe, too much spam, hence even condis feel now like too much (but it would be same issue with power assuming condi wasn't a thing). Timing and resource management, why was it thrown out of window is beyond me. PvP in this game won't get any better until balance team realizes that conquest and skill/aoe spam simply don't lead to good balance.

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> @Zoltreez.6435 said:



> we could make Vitality to give % dmg reduction againts Condition dmg ?


So because few classes can really abuse condis you want to add a buff to a hp buff of that stat already? So as regular condi damager I do less damage and he has more hp? Um no thanks. Also there is no other stat with 2 effects. Toughness only affects toughness.

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