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Dragon Hologram Generator, srsly?!

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To made a Dragom hologram generator for guild hall the price is: 100 Jorbreakers 15g = 1500g + 30 xunlai electrum ingots 4,6g = 140g + 30 deldrimor steel ingots 4,4 = 132g

Total 1772G + Grandmaster's finishing kit.

Are you kidding me Anet?! srsly?! Lower the price.

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The Jorbreakers drop from dragon coffers. I do wonder if the drop rate for them has been increased this year or they've been included as a drop. As often they mess up my hoarding plans :D hehe But its too early to tell that for sure. I saw a post where someone opened 1,000 coffers and got 5 jors- not good odds i guess, but that was 1 person.


People who don't decorate don't care. Those of us that love decorating and basically Iron man it (solo) yeah, it sucks bad. There are other expensive things too though, fractal console, that Gold SAB king toad. This is just another example of super duper expensive decorations that hardly anyone will make except for huge guilds and the super rich. Anet catering to these groups is another sad day in Tyria.

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They are crazy....... remind me of uzolan orchestra which one require gift of magic (lol) and fractal console with pile and pile of stabilized matrix (omegalol) plz, fix the price, what happened? 1772g?!!!!!! Someone went crazy? Even globe of whispers or giant SAB mountains are cheaper! I put all my love decorating in the guild hall, but never for that price.... The deco is cool.


And I have to disagree sure many decos with finishing kit will cost around 1g (ex: elonian/bone/forged barricade or ascalonian tree) some little more like 25g (globe of whispers) but it's always doable alone. Everyone can craft them themselves to embelish a place.


One guildy started decorating, he already have 2 carpets, 2 painting, a bed, vases, table and chair and a bunch of elegant walls. Look easy. I guess it depends if you like decorating or not, you don't count when you like ^^ but still aren't crazy, when >30g you just say nah.


BUT THE TRUE QUESTION IS does it project an hologram of kralkatorrik? It may explain the price.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?


Not all guilds are fortune 500 seekers.. the effort/reward is therefore totally not equal.

There is no excuse for such excessive scribing efforts.. its just a completely broken guild system that from the very get go was only really a viable option to guilds with large numbers who were willing to share mats .. I would hazard a guess even in larger guilds there are only a few max level scribes that do the work and rely on others to feed them.


WORST Guild Hall and Decorating system I have ever come across in any MMO I have ever played over the last 20 yrs is all.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?

> Unfortunately the scribing system doesn't really support that.



The guild system doesn't, but the option to pass mats around does. That is not the issue though.. the efforts required from one guild to the next is just so out of whack and always has been since ANET introduced guild halls and decorations.

Then again when we began maxing out scribe we should of known what the shape of thins to come was going to be.. its a just another line they have opened to gem sales in the hope players will want it, but don't want to put in the 2nd job time requirements to farm the mats instead buying it all from the TP.

Just another reason my willingness to spend cash in game has dwindled extensively and won't be picking up anytime soon.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?


> Not all guilds are fortune 500 seekers.. the effort/reward is therefore totally not equal.

> There is no excuse for such excessive scribing efforts.. its just a completely broken guild system that from the very get go was only really a viable option to guilds with large numbers who were willing to share mats .. I would hazard a guess even in larger guilds there are only a few max level scribes that do the work and rely on others to feed them.


> WORST Guild Hall and Decorating system I have ever come across in any MMO I have ever played over the last 20 yrs is all.


Some ppl have multiple legendaries and you are telling this is a terrible system because a guild of 10 or a guild of 100 cant chime in and make this?


We has seen more and more longterm expensive items introduced into the game, this is simply one more. If someone wants player housing and they find the gh system to expensive for their taste the ask for player housing.

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>! > @"zealex.9410" said:

>! > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

>! > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

>! > > > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?

>! > >

>! > > Not all guilds are fortune 500 seekers.. the effort/reward is therefore totally not equal.

>! > > There is no excuse for such excessive scribing efforts.. its just a completely broken guild system that from the very get go was only really a viable option to guilds with large numbers who were willing to share mats .. I would hazard a guess even in larger guilds there are only a few max level scribes that do the work and rely on others to feed them.

>! > >

>! > > WORST Guild Hall and Decorating system I have ever come across in any MMO I have ever played over the last 20 yrs is all.


> Some ppl have multiple legendaries and you are telling this is a terrible system because a guild of 10 or a guild of 100 cant chime in and make this?


> The game has seen more and more longterm expensive items introduced into the game, this is simply one more.


No. 1800Gold for one decoration is insane.!

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> @"Masuta.1269" said:

> >! > @"zealex.9410" said:

> >! > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> >! > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> >! > > > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?

> >! > >

> >! > > Not all guilds are fortune 500 seekers.. the effort/reward is therefore totally not equal.

> >! > > There is no excuse for such excessive scribing efforts.. its just a completely broken guild system that from the very get go was only really a viable option to guilds with large numbers who were willing to share mats .. I would hazard a guess even in larger guilds there are only a few max level scribes that do the work and rely on others to feed them.

> >! > >

> >! > > WORST Guild Hall and Decorating system I have ever come across in any MMO I have ever played over the last 20 yrs is all.

> >

> > Some ppl have multiple legendaries and you are telling this is a terrible system because a guild of 10 or a guild of 100 cant chime in and make this?

> >

> > The game has seen more and more longterm expensive items introduced into the game, this is simply one more.


> No. 1800Gold for one decoration is insane.!


And i found 2k or so gold for a fugly legendary dagger equally insane. Or 1k gold for a title...

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?

> Unfortunately the scribing system doesn't really support that.


Isnt scribing based around resources in the guild bank?

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It’s a festival decoration not the building of a cathedral. It doesn’t need to be this excessive or cater to large guilds only. Even with half the mats it would still be challenging for most guilds


I get long term projects, I just don’t see the need for them in festivals.


Guild halls being in a position to decorate months after it ends seems a bizarre design

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Its a guild effort. Also picking the price of jorbreakers at the start of this event seems unfair, or just dumb if you pay that. We would need to see the price at the end or at least after a weekend.


While the guild system or scribing system does make it impractical, its not impossible for it to be a group effort.


They definitely should improve on the whole guild system imo.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Guild halls being in a position to decorate months after it ends seems a bizarre design


Indeed, though you could say the decoration would be ready for NEXT year's festival.


In a way it bothers me to see that they are adding to the guild hall decorations, as it is evidence ANET still recognizes that Guilds exist, yet no other updates or changes to missions, rewards, etc etc etc.


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > Its a guild hall decoration which implies that its designed to be a guild effort?

> > Unfortunately the scribing system doesn't really support that.

> >

> Isnt scribing based around resources in the guild bank?

No, it uses the personal storage. It doesn't access guild bank at all. The only guild resource that can be accessed is the decoration storage.


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I think some people would be surprised to see how valuable their guild halls are. It's not on one person (unless it's a 1 person guild) to spend the 1,800g. And if it is, that's your choice. I like that there's expensive/exclusive content in the game.


If everybody had a chaos staff, it wouldn't be as exclusive, now would it?

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