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Stop blobbing


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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.


> The lack of balance is why people are blobbing. And still we've had some side-smallscale the past months. It's not about rewards. Hey some people play games to have fun.


Fun is exactly why people blob, it is fun to blob, safety in numbers, lot of actions as a one large group. There are so many benefits to single individual when blobbing, why would one not blob? I bet everyone here is guilty of following a pug tag that already has 50 man when pugging.


People will only stop blobbing if and only if you have one op toon that dive and wipe 10 person, like those pvp mmorpg. Even then, it still won't stop people from blobbing, people will just adapt slightly different play style but in open fights, it will still blob, the only difference is just spread out a little more, like a massive cloud.


People will only literally thought of spreading out when the game has particular goals, important things that you wouldn't want to lose it and thus need to be protected. People attack and defend those goals. However, gw2 is a carebear game, I doubt it will make such a massive change that only works well for pvp mmorpg.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> Let’s think this through...


> Anet creates an entire support system that forces players to stack if they want heals and boons... So now some of you want Anet to create a debuff that penalizes players for stacking up...


> There is nothing logical about this argument. You will not get unlimited AoE either, for the rational reasons I provided.


> This entire mode was designed around the idea of mass combat like DAoC rvr gameplay. That’s the attraction of the mode for many who participate in WvW. If you can’t handle the way the mode was designed there is alternative to pvp play here in spvp.


True and thanks for the offer. However I personally prefer my solution. Go play other games, that do what GW2 is doing but much better. :trollface: At least until ANet starts making the game fun again, I'll be absent from GW2. Tho you will see me cruising the forums still. Just in the smallest chance ANet decides to make their gameplay and combat playable again. Then and only then will I start playing GW2 again. Tho I no longer hold my breath.


I personally don't have to lean on broken balance, and free I win builds to be good at a game. Nor will I play party to people who want to win against me, with such lacklustering tactics. :sunglasses:


Enjoy your mindless Server Stacking Wars :trollface:

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > @Jana.6831 said:

> > > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.

> >

> > The lack of balance is why people are blobbing. And still we've had some side-smallscale the past months. It's not about rewards. Hey some people play games to have fun.


> Fun is exactly why people blob, it is fun to blob, safety in numbers, lot of actions as a one large group. There are so many benefits to single individual when blobbing, why would one not blob? I bet everyone here is guilty of following a pug tag that already has 50 man when pugging.


> People will only stop blobbing if and only if you have one op toon that dive and wipe 10 person, like those pvp mmorpg. Even then, it still won't stop people from blobbing, people will just adapt slightly different play style but in open fights, it will still blob, the only difference is just spread out a little more, like a massive cloud.


> People will only literally thought of spreading out when the game has particular goals, important things that you wouldn't want to lose it and thus need to be protected. People attack and defend those goals. However, gw2 is a carebear game, I doubt it will make such a massive change that only works well for pvp mmorpg.


I don't really like to repeat myself.

But here you go: There was (and I guess still is) a lot of small scale action. People actually chose to be roamers - I was one of them. I was a valk/zerker thief running with the blob - but I only did that with commanders who knew what they were doing and even for them it became harder and harder. Also solo roaming is dead since June 2015. And all of that is due to the lack of balance. Sure people would still always blob, but if small scale made sense again they would also do that (and it was still a thing, there's not blobs around 24/7 no matter how NA tried to enforce that on us). It would be cool though if it were possible again to defeat larger groups with smaller groups due to skill. That has been possible in the past but thanks to the powercreep it isn't anymore.

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > @Jana.6831 said:

> > > > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > > > You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.

> > >

> > > The lack of balance is why people are blobbing. And still we've had some side-smallscale the past months. It's not about rewards. Hey some people play games to have fun.

> >

> > Fun is exactly why people blob, it is fun to blob, safety in numbers, lot of actions as a one large group. There are so many benefits to single individual when blobbing, why would one not blob? I bet everyone here is guilty of following a pug tag that already has 50 man when pugging.

> >

> > People will only stop blobbing if and only if you have one op toon that dive and wipe 10 person, like those pvp mmorpg. Even then, it still won't stop people from blobbing, people will just adapt slightly different play style but in open fights, it will still blob, the only difference is just spread out a little more, like a massive cloud.

> >

> > People will only literally thought of spreading out when the game has particular goals, important things that you wouldn't want to lose it and thus need to be protected. People attack and defend those goals. However, gw2 is a carebear game, I doubt it will make such a massive change that only works well for pvp mmorpg.


> I don't really like to repeat myself.

> But here you go: There was (and I guess still is) a lot of small scale action. People actually chose to be roamers - I was one of them. I was a valk/zerker thief running with the blob - but I only did that with commanders who knew what they were doing and even for them it became harder and harder. Also solo roaming is dead since June 2015. And all of that is due to the lack of balance. Sure people would still always blob, but if small scale made sense again they would also do that (and it was still a thing, there's not blobs around 24/7 no matter how NA tried to enforce that on us). It would be cool though if it were possible again to defeat larger groups with smaller groups due to skill. That has been possible in the past but thanks to the powercreep it isn't anymore.


People blob since 2012.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> People blob since 2012.

If they could, yes, but there were still havoc groups and nowadays bigger = better.

You can't stop people from blobbing but you can make it possible for smaller groups to win a fight.

If there's balance people are more willing to do so.

Finally got my point? =)



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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.

What they'd need to do is _force_ people to split up in order to succeed in all, which is how they mostly solved this problem in PVE (it's not a coincidence that all 4 HoT meta events require an attack on multiple fronts, and you can see prototypes of this design in Southsun, Dry Top, and Silverwastes).


In a game mode where mass combat is one of the primary draws, that's not easy to do.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> Other games people didn't blob because couple mages would come, shoot meteor and whole blob would be dead. Actually 60 dudes staying in one place is probably most stupid thing to do in battlefield.


Not in gw2 ... lol, that why i wanted ANet to remove cleaves from autos and reduce aoes but improve the targets lmiit on some better aoe specs, make roles actually importan than what we have here where everything is aoe ... but that would make game way to difcult for the gw2 audience, they need every skill to hit more than 1 target.



Blunt note:

We are not the auduience target of ANet, i bet they want most of us to leave so they can do whatever w/o critics on the forum... and every spread <3 from how amazing the skins are dresses are balanced on the TP..... this is what game gw2 is... even pvp was designed for pve players.


ANet does not care about BALANCE, game was ment for awfull players leech from what is strong with builds( actually with press button this order gimmicks)

ANet does not care about server loads, they have been increasing the skill spam, to make pve more easy to new players and better than older specs/classes, wich looks more like a trully vertical class design on the traits, they wil ljust adjust some skills but combat will still be a mess.

ANet didnt care about pvp... pve is all what this game is about, we dont see mobs complaining so game must be perfect.´


This game has serious issues, but ANet is ok with it cause the game was built arround those things that for many of us are .. well issues... its a no brain game at the end...just find a easy and lame way to win.



EDIT:; Meanwhile any one playing Nerverwinter, im actually a Dungeons n Dragons fan :< ???

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @Junkpile.7439 said:

> > Other games people didn't blob because couple mages would come, shoot meteor and whole blob would be dead. Actually 60 dudes staying in one place is probably most stupid thing to do in battlefield.


> Not in gw2 ... lol, that why i wanted ANet to remove cleaves from autos and reduce aoes but improve the targets lmiit on some better aoe specs, make roles actually importan than what we have here where everything is aoe ... but that would make game way to difcult for the gw2 audience, they need every skill to hit more than 1 target.



> Blunt note:

> We are not the auduience target of ANet, i bet they want most of us to leave so they can do whatever w/o critics on the forum... and every spread <3 from how amazing the skins are dresses are balanced on the TP..... this is what game gw2 is... even pvp was designed for pve players.


> ANet does not care about BALANCE, game was ment for awfull players leech from what is strong with builds( actually with press button this order gimmicks)

> ANet does not care about server loads, they have been increasing the skill spam, to make pve more easy to new players and better than older specs/classes, wich looks more like a trully vertical class design on the traits, they wil ljust adjust some skills but combat will still be a mess.

> ANet didnt care about pvp... pve is all what this game is about, we dont see mobs complaining so game must be perfect.´


> This game has serious issues, but ANet is ok with it cause the game was built arround those things that for many of us are .. well issues... its a no brain game at the end...just find a easy and lame way to win.



> EDIT:; Meanwhile any one playing Nerverwinter, im actually a Dungeons n Dragons fan :< ???


Lol I thought Neverwinter was a full on P2W game with exclusive cash shop items? Nah no thank you, I'm quite happy with ESO and Eve Online. At least until ANet makes GW2 combat, and PvP interactions interesting and fun again.

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> @Rangerdeity.5847 said:

> > @Ikihiki.2316 said:

> > > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

> > > Why would you delete something which ppl like, without beeing forced to do it on ur own.

> > >

> > > Wvw is big , if u dont likle blobs or Zergs, go roaming.

> >

> > Problem being that there's not much one can do while roaming, as there's no small scale present. Just blobedy blob blob.


> make a 10 man havok squad they are super powerful. you can take towers camps and break up the pirate ships. if your zones zerg is dueling the other teams zerg a 10 man havok squad can instantly end it by coming in at the side and slicing the enemy zerg in two.


The fight would be longer over before that 10 man havoc squad could do any harm to enemy blob.


> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> Other games people didn't blob because couple mages would come, shoot meteor and whole blob would be dead. Actually 60 dudes staying in one place is probably most stupid thing to do in battlefield.


Thats guild wars 2 not battlefield 1. Are you trying to bring rl logic into a high fantasy game? :)


Can you guys just stop to change a game mode which the majority of ppl who play it enjoy alot? It is possible to wipe 50 ppl with 25 players. Get a proper setup. Take some spellbreakers and scourges. Dont try to change a game ppl enjoy. If you dont like it just quit.






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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

> > Just make it so if over 15 allies are within 2000-2500 distance of each other they all receive reduced stats by 25%, and of over 25+ reduced stats by 50%.


> Personally, I would make it movement speed, so for each ally above 10, movement speed is reduced by 1% or whatever number.

Yes, that *surely* wouldnt be exploitable by the mere random presence of... *gasp* **people** in WvW *the shock*... or make elitist guilds even more elitists toward the pugs now dragging them down by having the *audacity* to run past. Guilds working together? No... no... stay away from the border, dont come near. In fact, everyone just stay away. And no one tag up.

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > People blob since 2012.

> If they could, yes, but there were still havoc groups and nowadays bigger = better.

> You can't stop people from blobbing but you can make it possible for smaller groups to win a fight.

> If there's balance people are more willing to do so.

> Finally got my point? =)




That will not be called balance.

Balanace is about having the same firepower level. 2 guns will win 1 gun.

In 2012/2013, zerg can win blob because people were noob, people won't stay noob forever.


What you want is a nerf, so you won't get face rolled over by a greater power made possible by greater numbers.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > You won't stop blobbing unless you made it that one person can wipe 10 person, even then, you still won't stop blobbing because wvw is about blobbing. Unless, they revamp wvw completely to involve attacking particular objectives for "rewards" and likewise defending it for "rewards" then maybe people will split up to attack these objectives.

> What they'd need to do is _force_ people to split up in order to succeed in all, which is how they mostly solved this problem in PVE (it's not a coincidence that all 4 HoT meta events require an attack on multiple fronts, and you can see prototypes of this design in Southsun, Dry Top, and Silverwastes).


> In a game mode where mass combat is one of the primary draws, that's not easy to do.


Yes, because those meta has a goal and the goal is to break down all 4 sides otherwise you can't move on. In WvW, you do not have any goals. Your only goal is a self-determine one which is to defend and attack things, in reality those things are not of any importance. Since it is not important it is why people can create this idea called "tanking". WvW need high value goals which people will defend and attack at all cost.

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> @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> That will not be called balance.

> Balanace is about having the same firepower level. 2 guns will win 1 gun.

> In 2012/2013, zerg can win blob because people were noob, people won't stay noob forever.


> What you want is a nerf, so you won't get face rolled over by a greater power made possible by greater numbers.


You have no idea why people are playing games, do you?

To beat either the computers (npcs) or other players. Those who know better how to play are more successful.

Before HoT there were combos - I taught quite a few people about them because I was taught them when I started WvW (late 2013). Those who knew combos were more successful.

And there were a lot who didn't know about them. Then came HoT and with that passives and shared boons and whatever. You don't need to learn combos anymore = everybody is equal, the noobs, the vets because combos and knowledge of the game are null and void.

What I want is a nerf, yes, and sense, I want a game that makes sense.


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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @SkyShroud.2865 said:

> > That will not be called balance.

> > Balanace is about having the same firepower level. 2 guns will win 1 gun.

> > In 2012/2013, zerg can win blob because people were noob, people won't stay noob forever.

> >

> > What you want is a nerf, so you won't get face rolled over by a greater power made possible by greater numbers.


> You have no idea why people are playing games, do you?

> To beat either the computers (npcs) or other players. Those who know better how to play are more successful.

> Before HoT there were combos - I taught quite a few people about them because I was taught them when I started WvW (late 2013). Those who knew combos were more successful.

> And there were a lot who didn't know about them. Then came HoT and with that passives and shared boons and whatever. You don't need to learn combos anymore = everybody is equal, the noobs, the vets because combos and knowledge of the game are null and void.

> What I want is a nerf, yes, and sense, I want a game that makes sense.



There are always newbies in WvW, there will always be things people do not know. Knowledge of the game also does not limit to only combos, there is also knowledge of skills. HOT and POF change the focus and move towards active and passive skills. Until now, I am not used to that change but it is the change they have made and it is not gonna disappear. The power creeping indeed is making frontline play really hard currently but the point is breaking up blob is not gonna resolve that, and we all know that blob is not gonna break anyway unless enforced with a iron grip. The primary issue is still the damage and a appropriate thread already created for it and is called "More Condi in WvW".

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The answer isn't in destroying a playstyle many people enjoy. People -do- enjoy zerging.


I would suggest bringing the zerg-busting playstyle back. Make coordinated gameplay effective against uncoordinated play (say, double the smaller group's size), i.e. blasting fields, movement, timing/chaining group buffs, etc. This style used to be fun and its whole enjoyment was derived from harassing zergs.


Put the control in player's hands instead of outright destroying something many consider fun. What makes your fun more important than someone else's?

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