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Why don't you sPvP?

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I used to play that mode quite often earlier and even took part in several league seasons but the envoromnent became too toxic for me. People tell others stuff that goes way too far these days. And aside from the insults the gold sellers are somehow worse there. Haven't gotten any gold seller message in PvE in like a year now and that's quite impressive. In PvP you'll get a whisper like every 5 minutes from them. Also it's not enjoyable for me anymore as I tend to focus on other things and pay attention to real life matters now.

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Critical reasons:


1. It's not like gw1

2. Elite specs and powercreep have ruined it

3. Devs can't decide on what they want pvp and professions to be and listen to the community too much

4. Community has way too much input in balance and have become arrogant and toxic ("Casuals, gitgud and stop complaining!") ("This class killed me, neeerrf!")

5. No team queue (This is ALL on the community.)

6. Wintraders, hackers, etc

7. wvw is simply better in every way

8. It's simply not fun anymore



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Various reasons, but to cut it down shortly instead of a well explained wall of text I'll just put up a list.


-Competitive scene is a big old clown fiesta meme, along with its top player end drama,


-The Anet supports exploiters and bad practices / don't care about game mode competative integrity/health.


-Only stale 7 year old conquest, nothing else is officially supported (Don't bring up stronghold because they threw that game mode in the dumpster a long time ago.)


-Continuously stripping down the game modes options. When i say that I mean stat choices/runes/sigils. before you know it, you'll be stuck with only 4 amulets.


If I do anything pvp related now a days it happens in WvW. Also you know after I stopped playing ranked and caring about the Spvp game mode, I became a happier person since then. So if you're feeling utterly dissatisfied with the game mode i'd recommend either jumping over to WvW for your fill (if finding fights are your thing), or moving on to a actual competative PvP focused game until anet gets their act together or does something that really knocks our expectations out of the park. I say this as a player with 11k overall matches and 22.6k hours so far in Gw2. it saddens me to see the game the way it is in its current state of support.

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I mainly play pvp for the rewards, it's a easy way to get the daily done and it's gets me closer to the legendary armor bit by bit.


Already got my pvp back piece and 2 pvp armor pieces, just need to find a fun and good build now. Played a ton of reaper but that class now feels like it can be kited too easily, scourge is pretty strong but is seen as a high priority target and killed and focused hard.


Playing mirage and may try renevant but with the new balance changes I will wait and see



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