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Shared Utility Slots

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With the plethora of new infinitive use axes/picks/scythes wouldn't it be a good idea to have a account wide shared slot for each (800 gems each possible price?) to a maximum of 3 for each tool that can be used across all toons in the account (at present I personally am using shared inventory slots and changing them all the time when i switch character is a bit annoying, especially if you have a LOT of characters created (I personally have 31 on my main account) it would be so much easier just having 3 permanent shared tool slots, might encourage people to buy multiple types axes/picks/scythes..


just a thought..

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Doing so would cause them to lose profits on the number of people who buy infinite tools.


Personally I'd like to be able to share infinite tool skins. There are sometimes I like the look of the bone pick and tireless minion infinite gathering tools.. but due to also needing unbound magic, I'm constantly using the Unbound magic gathering tools. Let us change the animation Anet!

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I don't think so, I think it would encourage people to buy different types, a collection perhaps? right now people will be doing what im doing and using shared inventory slots between toons. and to buy 3 tools for each toon I have would cost 1000 gems x 3 x 31, and 1000x 3 x 10 (this account) thats a load of cash noone in thier right mind would spend.


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I don't own infinite tools, but if there were shared slots for them, I might. I just can not justify the cost of the infinite tools if I have to buy a set for each character, and I know I'll just get annoyed of needing to switch a shared set amongst the characters. As is, standard tools are fairly inexpensive and I can always pop into the guild hall to buy whatever set I need if one does run out.

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When I joined, there wasn't even an option to share them with other toons. Once you bought and used it, it became soul-bound. The infinite tools give you the option to completely avoid a major gold sink and may even grant you additional loot such as the unbound energy and the sprockets for crafting (which stacks with boosters). That being said, you need some sort of control. Our in game economy and gem value hang in the balance here. It's bad enough with the stacking gold find bonuses just for logging in for 30 days. Granting it account wide would cause some serious damage. After a year or so of playing they will pay for themselves as it stands, anyway.

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> @Ravij.9856 said:

> Doing so would cause them to lose profits on the number of people who buy infinite tools.


> Personally I'd like to be able to share infinite tool skins. There are sometimes I like the look of the bone pick and tireless minion infinite gathering tools.. but due to also needing unbound magic, I'm constantly using the Unbound magic gathering tools. Let us change the animation Anet!


There can't be a significant amount of people that legitimately buy 2 or more sets of infinite gathering tools just because they are too lazy to use shared inventory slots and change them out. I know they exist, but it can't be any significant number of people. There's no chance Anet would lose money off of this idea

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Ravij.9856" said:

> Doing so would cause them to lose profits on the number of people who buy infinite tools.


> Personally I'd like to be able to share infinite tool skins. There are sometimes I like the look of the bone pick and tireless minion infinite gathering tools.. but due to also needing unbound magic, I'm constantly using the Unbound magic gathering tools. Let us change the animation Anet!


Just like they lost profit on the number of people that used to buy Copper- and Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matics for every character, before we had shared inventory slots... I personally threw away seven Copper-Fed ones after the shared slots were released (total cost 5,600 gems). I'd pay 5,000 gems for shared gathering tool slots, nemas problemas, and I know this will happen sooner or later due to all the returning vets. It's a massive discount over the 27,000 gems for all professions (I have 8 sets of them).

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If shared utility slots cost the same as shared inventory slots, they don't loose any money by people buying shared utility vs shared inventory. They might make some more, since some people have maxed out shared inventory and would be happy for 3 more slots by moving their tools into them.

I suspect that not many people buy permanent tools for each of their characters, and instead buy 1 set they share. So they probably do not lose much money there.

Where they may make money is for people like me, who do not have permanent tools and don't want to have to deal with moving tools to shared slots whenever I play a different character. To me, the convenience of permanent tools vs doing that is not much a gain.

If the shared tool slots also only took permanent tools (could not put specialized non permanent ones like the snowflake one, etc), that might also push some additional purchases. It's hard to say for sure.


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  • 8 months later...

I agree that shared tool slots would be a wonderful option. Each character could "opt in" to shared tool slots for a reasonable fee. Alternatively, the account could pay a one-time higher fee that covers all characters both present and future. Anet's bean counters would have to think hard about pricing, but the programmers have mostly worked out the technical details while working on shared inventory slots. Why shared tool slots didn't premiere at the same time as shared inventory slots is a mystery to me.

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