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WvW seems dead this week? GOM


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> @"SWI.4127" said:

> Not dead, but definitely declining playerbase which is sad. The fact that so many servers are "full" right now, really goes to show how low that threshhold is at this point. I don't even know if NA has enough activity to justify 4 tiers anymore. Maybe consolidation would help, but not sure they would if they really are working on alliances.


For WvW I agree there is a decline, but for the actual game itself and coming from someone who plays a few MMO's this isn't an uncommon thing, Playbase fluctuates between content. Release of Shadowbringers on FF online, 8.2 on WoW, and GW2 is right in-between it's content so player-base in this respect fluctuates greatly. The game is far from being dead, and is very much regarded as a high standing MMO. It's also been at a pretty big rise since PoF.


Though GW2 has it's struggles and being a free to play MMO, without monthly subs is a big reason why they struggle to meet the needs and wants of the many. Frankly, being able to produce content as often as it does puts other MMO's (Without name shaming but you might know who I mean) to shame.


WvW needs help though and I couldn't agree more. This week has been abysmal for me the Commanders arguing amongst one another, and some going on other accounts to enjoy WvW on another server. Which irritated me enough to stop playing for a few days.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> the game is dead period


Year after year after year I see people posting this kind of thing in all sorts of WvW threads. Back in 2015 they'd mention upcoming games that'd "beat" GW2 wvw, most of which have appeared and disappeared in the last 4 years. Why do you feel compelled to spread your life sucking negativity everywhere. If it's dead, you're not playing it. Goodbye & thanks for all the pish.

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> @"gitflap.9031" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > the game is dead period


> Year after year after year I see people posting this kind of thing in all sorts of WvW threads. Back in 2015 they'd mention upcoming games that'd "beat" GW2 wvw, most of which have appeared and disappeared in the last 4 years. Why do you feel compelled to spread your life sucking negativity everywhere. If it's dead, you're not playing it. Goodbye & thanks for all the pish.


If you fail to see the vast drop in WvW population in recent months, you are either in denial, and i can understand why, or perhaps year after year you have been playing more and more forum than WvW?


Anyway, I see this as feedback not spreading negativity and it makes me wonder who are the real negative ones.

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Servers that looks Full and according the info from sites like stats.com are 22nd or 28th for activities. Broken Guilds that cannot join others because no linked. On the map in the afternoon , you see more population in Gobi Desert. I trust that ANET see the negative data and will find a solution that would encourage the wvw players to keep trusting in the game.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:



> Even on reset days in T1, the map queues are not there anymore, not bcos it's summer or events or whatnot.


> The white knights are always here to defend and as someone mentioned, you will get abundance sugar coating, topped with cherry : D


> My friends, guildlies and followers are disappearing for longer and longer periods.


> WvW has quiet down alot. It's real.


There used to be many different playstyles in WvW... Warclaw made it very much zerg only or gtfo.



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> @"bluberblasen.9684" said:

> > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > Hoelbrook has the Dragon Bash going on, and they may have travelled, 4th of July coming up this week.


> is the 4th july important for americans? Do you celebrate it?


Its the day Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith saved the world from extinction.


The Presidents speech:

"We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"gitflap.9031" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > the game is dead period

> >

> > Year after year after year I see people posting this kind of thing in all sorts of WvW threads. Back in 2015 they'd mention upcoming games that'd "beat" GW2 wvw, most of which have appeared and disappeared in the last 4 years. Why do you feel compelled to spread your life sucking negativity everywhere. If it's dead, you're not playing it. Goodbye & thanks for all the pish.


> If you fail to see the vast drop in WvW population in recent months, you are either in denial, and i can understand why, or perhaps year after year you have been playing more and more forum than WvW?


> Anyway, I see this as feedback not spreading negativity and it makes me wonder who are the real negative ones.


No denying that mounts changed things up,for the worse and the negative effects are slowly creeping in now.

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> @"LordEnki.9283" said:

> Final Fantasy XIV got their expansion this week so there are folks playing that I'm sure. Considering there are log in queues for the game right now. I guess that's what happens when you give a game content.


It happened when GW2 got expansions too. Well not queues because GW2 is better designed than archaic MMOs, but still. Guess what happens other times?


*googles "final fantasy xiv population" and filter on videos cause I wont bother to read forums*


*first hit is "why FFXIV is dying" from late last year*


Yep. This thread happens.


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GOM has been in tier 1 for a couple weeks now and unfortunatley the server has a poor attitude of being in tier 1 in general. Yes its frustrating to get run over constantly by BG ridiculously large cooridinated zerg.


In my opinion though this is indeed a poor attitude to have since its been proven that the GOM community has the skill but it just lacks the numbers of willing players to create good fights against BG. Yes its poopy to get stuck fighting BG over and over again but its not hard to just go for the good fights and not ppt which will eventually cause you to fall out of tier 1.


I will say this, i am a returning player to the game and new WvW player in the last month and a bit, therefore my opinion is most likely biased as i havent spent the months repeating this cycle of getting stuck vs BG and dont find it that bad fighting them currently.



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> @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > the game is dead period


> WvW - the only dead game mode, where you can steamroll over / get steamrolled over by 50-man zergs. Death is truly only the beginning.

Sounds like a true zombie apocalypse. :o

WvW is an undead game mode then? =)

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> @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > the game is dead period

> >

> > WvW - the only dead game mode, where you can steamroll over / get steamrolled over by 50-man zergs. Death is truly only the beginning.

> Sounds like a true zombie apocalypse. :o

> WvW is an undead game mode then? =)

I would hope not, because as we all know the only natural progression for a zombie game is making it battle royale.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"enkidu.5937" said:

> > > @"nthmetal.9652" said:

> > > > @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > > > the game is dead period

> > >

> > > WvW - the only dead game mode, where you can steamroll over / get steamrolled over by 50-man zergs. Death is truly only the beginning.

> > Sounds like a true zombie apocalypse. :o

> > WvW is an undead game mode then? =)

> I would hope not, because as we all know the only natural progression for a zombie game is making it battle royale.


I'm quite happy, that we don't have a last-man-standing mode with the area constantly shrinking. 7 years and Guild Wars 2 still has its own thing with WvW.

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I've been lucky to be on anvil rock this week, and we have been steamrolling the other two servers for the week. I think the game is kinda in a slump right now though, with most people and commanders waiting on upcoming stuff, but having double wxp this week has been gotten me at least to play much more than usual, and spend many celebration boosters.

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