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GW2 management made the worst possible decisions. GW2 is taking massive damage.

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No Expansion or GW3 coming, instead working on failed mobile games, now layed off more than a third of the staff.


Thats the biggest possible mess up!

The management should fully take responsibility for this giant failure and mess they did.

I wont have time and wont anymore play this game in 2020. Not only because the management messed up hugely, but I also just wont have time and got better things to do.

I really was the whole time looking forward to play on this new continent I heard of while playing GW2. Cantha. I always, always was looking so much forward to it.

Also I would really like to see GW3. But there wont be any of it, instead failed mobile games and mass lay offs.

These people could have worked on a new expansion or GW3. But they didnt, and now they even got fired.

Thats a great strategy!

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I don’t want GW3, thank you, but preferably continued growth of GW2, which we have been receiving. Elona is cool but I would be disappointed if the next expansion were to another human land. I’m hoping for lots of underwater or an expansion featuring the norn and I hope the story and lore of the sylvari is continued and grown along the way too. :3


But guess you won’t be enjoying whatever we have in store — don’t let the door hit you on the way out! :p

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> Unless I missed something drastic in the two months I've been away - didn't we know about this (layoffs, LWS5 instead of expansion) back in February or so? You're a bit late to the party, friend.


Yes. I usually dont write on forums. But today I was really upset because of the wrong management decisions. And I couldnt help myself to write it down today.

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What is this 'massive damage'? What made you believe there would ever be a Guild Wars 3? What convinced you, should there be another expansion, that it was headed to Cantha?

Be aware: the amount of employees leaving were equal to the amount hired to work on other projects, so no loss in overall Guild Wars 2-centric staff.

It might be best to temper expectations to avoid disappointment.


Good luck.

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> @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > Unless I missed something drastic in the two months I've been away - didn't we know about this (layoffs, LWS5 instead of expansion) back in February or so? You're a bit late to the party, friend.


> Yes. I usually dont write on forums. But today I was really upset because of the wrong management decisions. And I couldnt help myself to write it down today.


Ah, I see.


I urge you to stick around for a while longer; we don't really know what's to come in the upcoming Living World season. You might be pleasantly surprised. :) I'm not saying Cantha in particular will or won't happen (personally, I can't see the appeal), but who knows - anything's possible at this point, I guess.

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Guild Wars is the first and last Guild Wars.




(The massive damage that was done to Guild Wars 2 was removing everything that Guild Wars stood for)


**The damage done to Guild Wars 2 is irreversal and its beyond repair**


The only last resort to reverse this damage is to fully remove Thief profession entirely from the game whose is responsible for the game being Toxic)


So take it as it is- Guild Wars 2 is entirely a just a game of its own.


**A game of 'wild-wild-west'= whoever can spam damage the fastest, the hardest....instantly= Wins**


Enjoy it if you can while it lasts



----Don't forget to buy the true Guild Wars---


'Classic Guild Wars® content is 50% off until July 9! Purchase the Guild Wars Complete Collection or individual Guild Wars campaigns through the official Guild Wars website*—or visit Steam to pick up the Guild Wars Trilogy+—and take advantage of these cool prices'



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Who are you to talk about "managment decisions". Do you lead milion-worth company? Do you lead ANY company at this point? Probably no, so why you talk about building nuclear weapon? Sorry, it would be probably easier.


GW 3 would be BIGGEST mistake EVER, period. Imagine WoW having gw2 systems about equality, adding new content and keeping everything "worth". Imagine how many zones you would have, how many activities and dungeons. And you would just throw it all away when people still playing it? It doesnt make even the slightest sense. Especially when game still looks nice, still is of the newest on market, still got many mechanics that no one else have (for example dynamic events - its the only game that got such feeling of "living" world).


They also said a long time ago that there will be another LWS season before update, so why you are so shocked now? Its not like they keep you in darkness for few month after end of the season. As far as we know there will be 2-3 years between each expansion with 2 LWS seasons. Yes, i know that HoT got only one, but they said they learn from it that they should release first season earlier and then second one to keep players with updates all the time (everyone who was playing around HoT know what im talking about - we dont get any content for literally whole year, and many of us just stopped playing). If that doesnt sound "fair" to you then i dont know what would.


Heh, they try to keep players informed as best as possible, announce everything few months earlier... and there still will be someone too lazy to google it in 2 minutes. I can almost understand devs who ignore community as its just waste of their time. I really admire ANet for keeping us informed, even with assholes around. No offense, i just reflect back your attitude.

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> @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> No Expansion or GW3 coming, instead working on failed mobile games, now layed off more than a third of the staff.

> WOOOOW!!!!!

> Thats the biggest possible mess up!

> The management should fully take responsibility for this giant failure and mess they did.

> I wont have time and wont anymore play this game in 2020. Not only because the management messed up hugely, but I also just wont have time and got better things to do.

> I really was the whole time looking forward to play on this new continent I heard of while playing GW2. Cantha. I always, always was looking so much forward to it.

> Also I would really like to see GW3. But there wont be any of it, instead failed mobile games and mass lay offs.

> These people could have worked on a new expansion or GW3. But they didnt, and now they even got fired.

> Thats a great strategy!


Since no one else has asked:

Can I have your stuff?

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> @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> No Expansion or GW3 coming, instead working on failed mobile games, now layed off more than a third of the staff.

> WOOOOW!!!!!

> Thats the biggest possible mess up!

> The management should fully take responsibility for this giant failure and mess they did.

> I wont have time and wont anymore play this game in 2020. Not only because the management messed up hugely, but I also just wont have time and got better things to do.

> I really was the whole time looking forward to play on this new continent I heard of while playing GW2. Cantha. I always, always was looking so much forward to it.

> Also I would really like to see GW3. But there wont be any of it, instead failed mobile games and mass lay offs.

> These people could have worked on a new expansion or GW3. But they didnt, and now they even got fired.

> Thats a great strategy!


Apart from being way late to the party, you clearly have no grasp on business.

If memory serves me, GW2 was/is performing well, but alas its just one cog in a global corp that is seeing a decline across it's whole portfolio and yeah stuff ANET has been working on for a while didn't pan out too well from a cost perspective.

Question - What would you be doing with your business to try to ensure it has other sources of revenue in the future, to keep all those people employed, to actually try to ensure there is a future for the company.. siting on your hands with your head in the sand hoping a 6-7yr old product is going to keep the business solid for ever doesn't tend to work too well for business in the short, medium or long term, but hey maybe you have a magic formula that works that way.

And maybe I missed it, but where did ANET ever say they would be developing Cantha for GW2... I could be wrong, but I think maybe they never said anything of the sort.

Loosing people from any business is a tough pill to swallow, but things happen in business all the time much of which you will likely never be able to comprehend.

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> @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> No Expansion or GW3 coming, instead working on failed mobile games, now layed off more than a third of the staff.

> WOOOOW!!!!!

> Thats the biggest possible mess up!

> The management should fully take responsibility for this giant failure and mess they did.

> I wont have time and wont anymore play this game in 2020. Not only because the management messed up hugely, but I also just wont have time and got better things to do.

> I really was the whole time looking forward to play on this new continent I heard of while playing GW2. Cantha. I always, always was looking so much forward to it.

> Also I would really like to see GW3. But there wont be any of it, instead failed mobile games and mass lay offs.

> These people could have worked on a new expansion or GW3. But they didnt, and now they even got fired.

> Thats a great strategy!


Coming from someone who's played a few MMO's, this feels like a reaction to something you don't fully understand. You claim this is a big mess up? Blizzard is a big company, who had a huge lay off before Anet had theirs. On a beta test for their latest expansion didn't listen to any of the feedback, creating the worst expansions thats caused 85% of my friends to completely quit. Taking this one step further, this company are also investing into mobile games because thats sadly where the biggest market is. Pokemon Go alone has made Gamefreak Billions, and in the last 3 years, it's already reached 5% of whats it's made in the last 20 years. Sadly, this is business, and the games we love to see updated and stuff costs money.


Going into Content. Sadly i'm only comparing Anet and Blizzard as those are the most recent ones I've touched. You get content every 3 months from without having to pay a single penny.


Blizzard does an expansion and 3 content patches within the space of 2 years. You have to pay for the expansion and your paying a monthly sub of £10 a month. So Normal price is £30 for the base expansion + £240 worth of subs. Can be different depending if people have packages and all that but thats roughly what your looking at. You get more content here than you do on other games you pay for.


As far as I was aware there is another Living world season coming out, before the next expansion so I don't see what you're on about. Anet doesn't need to work on GW2 but improve GW2 like it has been doing. Factions was my faveorite from the GW series, I'd love to go to Cantha again, but I'm also happy with what we have, the maps are incredible and they keep improving. It's bloody time consuming but.. I don't feel pressured to play? I can come back to it when my busy week from work is done?


Throwing toys out of your pram because things don't go your way is extremely childish. Especially when you don't have anything to back up your claims. If this is how you react for something you don't understand then enjoy your future endeavours. I hope you have more patience with other games you play. You join the many that needs to learn to be constructive over critical when they have little to no insight into the matter.


I'll finish by saying I don't think Anet is perfect, far from it. Reading on the forums I noticed a lot of mistakes, including in Lore. Does not mean I'll kick them when they're down, I only look to help the company improve with constructive feedback where I can. Why? Because I love this game.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"Urahara Kisuke.5806" said:

> > No Expansion or GW3 coming, instead working on failed mobile games, now layed off more than a third of the staff.

> > WOOOOW!!!!!

> > Thats the biggest possible mess up!

> > The management should fully take responsibility for this giant failure and mess they did.

> > I wont have time and wont anymore play this game in 2020. Not only because the management messed up hugely, but I also just wont have time and got better things to do.

> > I really was the whole time looking forward to play on this new continent I heard of while playing GW2. Cantha. I always, always was looking so much forward to it.

> > Also I would really like to see GW3. But there wont be any of it, instead failed mobile games and mass lay offs.

> > These people could have worked on a new expansion or GW3. But they didnt, and now they even got fired.

> > Thats a great strategy!


> Coming from someone who's played a few MMO's, this feels like a reaction to something you don't fully understand. You claim this is a big mess up? Blizzard is a big company, who had a huge lay off before Anet had theirs. On a beta test for their latest expansion didn't listen to any of the feedback, creating the worst expansions thats caused 85% of my friends to completely quit. Taking this one step further, this company are also investing into mobile games because thats sadly where the biggest market is. Pokemon Go alone has made Gamefreak Billions, and in the last 3 years, it's already reached 5% of whats it's made in the last 20 years. Sadly, this is business, and the games we love to see updated and stuff costs money.


> Going into Content. Sadly i'm only comparing Anet and Blizzard as those are the most recent ones I've touched. You get content every 3 months from without having to pay a single penny.


> Blizzard does an expansion and 3 content patches within the space of 2 years. You have to pay for the expansion and your paying a monthly sub of £10 a month. So Normal price is £30 for the base expansion + £240 worth of subs. Can be different depending if people have packages and all that but thats roughly what your looking at. You get more content here than you do on other games you pay for.


> As far as I was aware there is another Living world season coming out, before the next expansion so I don't see what you're on about. Anet doesn't need to work on GW2 but improve GW2 like it has been doing. Factions was my faveorite from the GW series, I'd love to go to Cantha again, but I'm also happy with what we have, the maps are incredible and they keep improving. It's bloody time consuming but.. I don't feel pressured to play? I can come back to it when my busy week from work is done?


> Throwing toys out of your pram because things don't go your way is extremely childish. Especially when you don't have anything to back up your claims. If this is how you react for something you don't understand then enjoy your future endeavours. I hope you have more patience with other games you play. You join the many that needs to learn to be constructive over critical when they have little to no insight into the matter.


> I'll finish by saying I don't think Anet is perfect, far from it. Reading on the forums I noticed a lot of mistakes, including in Lore. Does not mean I'll kick them when they're down, I only look to help the company improve with constructive feedback where I can. Why? Because I love this game.


Correcting one thing I've said here, you do pay for the expansions with GW2. I failed to mention them because they were not as frequent as other games.

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