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Aurora or Vision

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Hello everyone,


I've found myself wanting to be surrounded by purple floating balls *que audible gasps*, and was wondering which of the legendary accessories is easier to obtain. I've heard that Vision has crafting gated behind it, with Aurora's only time-gate being Wayfarer's ( which I have already). I also have 2000 of each map currency (thank you WvW). With that being said, in your experience which one was easier to craft?

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Overall Vision is faster achievement wise both in actual time gates (14 days Henge of Denravi back piece anyone?) as well as activity on maps.


Living World Season 3 sees less play and getting crucial achievements can and will take longer.


For either it is recommended to make a gw2efficiency account and track the progress.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Overall Vision is faster achievement wise both in actual time gates (14 days Henge of Denravi back piece anyone?) as well as activity on maps.


> Living World Season 3 sees less play and getting crucial achievements can and will take longer.


> For either it is recommended to make a gw2efficiency account and track the progress.


I strongly encourage you to start with the last bit of advice: create an API key and use GW2 efficiency to see how much and which "stuff" you need to finish. (Directions for creating the API key are on GW2 Efficiency's home page.)


As @"Cyninja.2954" says: there is a serious minimum time gate for Aurora and none for Vision (since you have the Skyscale already). Personally, I think gathering the mats and non-Henge collections might be easier for Aurora; it's largely a matter of taste (and some luck with map populations, in either case).


After reviewing GW2/E's audit of your progress, if you still can't decide, come back here to share with us where you're at (if you want, it's safe to share your API key, so we can review in detail; otherwise, just give us a rough idea of your stockpiles-to-date). We can give you an idea of what's left to do and how long it would take.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Aurora is the cheaper one, since vision needs an additional 100 funerary incense (= 100 amalgamated gemstones).


The costs are close enough that anyone who could afford either probably doesn't need to concern themselves with the difference in gold value; the time investment and gating is likely to be more of a burden.




* 1500 gold crafting materials, of which ~half (723 gold) is from mystic coins

* Nearly 500k karma, nearly 350 spirit shards

* 21 lumps of time-gated mithrilium (unless purchasing xunlai from TP)

* 14-day time gate, minimum for one of the prerequisites

* Does not include the cost of some prerequisites, including 50 of some of the LS3 map materials, a lot of RNG drops, repeating all hearts on most maps, the lodestones for Wayfarer's Henge, etc)




* 1650 gold crafting materials, of which 723g is from mystic coins, 161 gold from AmGems

* Just over 700k karma, nearly 350 spirit shards

* Does not include cost of some prerequisites, including mithrilium/xunlai costs (since those are used to purchase an item used to complete a collection)

* 100 of each LS4's map materials


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100 of each LS4 currency also has a gold value since that can be converted to VM then to gold.


There is also the cost of the astral and dragonsblood weapons.


The RNG drop for Aurora an be pretty annoying. I had to do the UG event chain 9 times to get the Jade Core. =_=

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> @"nikelaus.9745" said:

> Hello everyone,


> I've found myself wanting to be surrounded by purple floating balls




Be aware (and as Yann said), if you in fact want the "_purple_ floating balls" (AKA - the **TWO** legendary trinket effect), you will need **BOTH** Aurora **AND** Vision, or one of them and Coalescence.


(If you're clear on the fact that you need TWO legendary trinkets to get the purple floating balls effect, then cool. I just didn't want you going into this not realizing what's needed, friend! :smile: )


Btw.. I personally have Aurora and Vision, and between those two, I felt Vision the easier to acquire.

Happy Hunting! :smile:


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