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More GW2 or GW3?

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GW1.5. Just the same game, but with mount-style movement available as regular player abilities, movement casting, a greater emphasis on free-aim abilities over the ubiquitous target-lock style abilities, and a graphics update. Ditch the overall open-world design for instanced content and hub zones; isolate the "open world" design to specially designated zones that would need to be built around huge meta events (i.e. Dragon's Stand). That said, the franchise's engine was outdated even when GW1 released, so no matter what, in order to ditch the dumpster fire that has been GW2's lifespan, it would be best to just move to a different engine or perform a massive modification to the current one (just as a single example, this whole "AoEs are actually just gargantuan cylinders" thing is pretty horrendous and that's just one of the engine oddities which would need to be addressed going forward; that and GW2 is performance optimized like a wet wool sock).

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GW3 would largely canabalize and hurt the franchise as too many people have devoted resources and time to this game. Id rather this game keep going as the graphics are still strong and the game is fine it just needs work. If they went into maitance mode right now and said Gw3 was next I wouldn't even look at it due to how this one came out, and how things have gone on and off over the years.


We are not at a point where ending guild wars 2 is feesable money wise nor would it be good for business as it would take 7+ Years to develop and Im not sure if they have the funds considering the layoffs and all that has happened leading to this point. Plus there is no reason too as Guild wars 2 has proven its engine can be added too which was one of the reasons we went from Gw1 to Gw2 because the first games engine couldn't do some of the things they wanted to do so they had to build a new engine? What would be the reason to go to Gw3? If it is to escape some of the stigma among gamers for this game it won't work because all it would be to them is a sequel to a game they may not like which won't change their minds.


Guild wars 2 should double down on what it is, and work to be better which I believe is what will happen going forward.

* More customization for character creation

* More nuisance and class customization

* PvP and WvW fixes (We know its coming)

* More customization in general (Appearances, since this game is fashion wars 2)

* more elite specs/classes (New never hurts.)

* New races

* Revamping of Core Tyria

* Focus on other races outside of sylvari/human


All of this could bring player good will and good PR as it would show they listen, all of these things circle the forums at some way shape or form. So in the long game its good to give your playerbase what they are asking for. Cosmetics make a huge part of any game like this and making there more for people who either left, or haven't dived in yet to look at and go "Yea Ill try it why not!" Is good for business.


They need to focus on retaining players and stop trying to be a theme-park and more of a world, give people a reason to care emotionally and even maybe grow attached to things in the world like you did in Guild wars 1, The only reason WoW has lived this long is because at some level they adhered to these ideals and now that they have discarded them in BfA look at how bad things have gotten for them? The proof is in the pudding, and I know you guys can fix this... its only a matter of time.

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GW3, set in the time of Guild Wars era, when the first guild wars erupt in Ascalon. It is set about 55 years before the Charr invasion and Searing happened.


We could learn more about the history, the story could follow guild wars - bringing the importance of being a part of the guild back into Guild Wars universe, learning how did it come to those wars, the political struggles, the end of the formal diplomatic contact between Luxons and Kurzicks, the end of the Second Great Corsair War and how Istan was established as a maritime power, the rise of Kisu the 1st Canthan emperor. We could learn more about Shiro or maybe even Lord Odran - the first mortal to enter the Rift, and maybe even firsthand learn about younger versions of our heroes (Devona, Cynn, Aidan, Mhenlo, Eve, Talon Silverwing, Danika, etc.)


Maybe some of you think why would we play events where we already know the outcome, but then again, many great movies, books, and tv shows start with the end and then explain how did it come to it, and it can be great fun.


Gamewise, I have a feeling that GW2 made a mistake since the start, of not having "soft trinity", tanks, dps, healers. It can be seen as the acceptance by Anet itself when they introduced them later. Soft trinity, in my words, meaning not really having tanks, at least not taunt mechanic, like it was in Guild Wars 1. You needed to have every party member to do their job, even Elementalist had skills that supported their team (blinds/slows/knockdown for example). That made it so every party member was aware of their role and had to do their job right to succeed in the encounter. I also freaking miss monks, the best healer profession/class ever made. I also freaking miss rangers and their interrupt gameplay. You could really tell who was the good player there.


The combat would be a hybrid. Free flow "auto attacks", the way first skills work in Guild Wars 2 (no target needed to use them, they cleave, can be used while moving), they could work in a similar fashion as in Black Desert Online - by using WASD and LMB you get different versions of that "auto attack" - it can be a forward attack, side attack, attack that moves you away from the target. The difference would be that it always does the same damage, all the versions of that "auto attack" and is not primary damage output like it is in GW2 - so, it is more like in GW1 damage-wise, but the free flow and action-oriented.


The other skills are both targetted and aimed. Depends on the nature of the skill. More single target oriented and less AoE and cleave cuz GW2 just went too overboard with it and every mode suffers because of it. I seriously think that tab target is the way to go if you want any kind of a good party play. Even GW2 has a few, so no need to panic how it would be a boring stand-in-the-place gameplay.


I would bring back more focus on PvP, it does not need to be Open World PvP, but at least something GW1 had. Though, Open World could work for GW because there are no gear tiers or levels to unbalance the encounter as it does in every other MMO.


I would also love more scaling in GW3. I think trees, mountains, towns, etc. are just not tall and big enough in GW2. I freaking liked feeling small in a game like a Lineage 2, it brings more epicness. It feels more like a fantasy.


I like dynamic events and meta events GW2 has, and I would bring them in GW3. Fewer quests, and more events like this, they are less expensive to do, they make the world feel more alive, and they are repeatable content - not like quests which are one time only experience.


Why not continuing GW2 you ask? Because I feel like the story is a mess, we basically beat gods, dragons and every freaking dangerous being out there, I feel that we are too overpowered and that the story can't just bring more and more powerful enemies, it is just becoming silly and I see no future after dragons, unless they make it political? I am also tired of dragons.


Anyhow, yeah, a hybrid between GW1 and GW2 would be what I want.

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More GW2 as for one, this game is not finished yet. We still have Cantha to visit. Also, I don't want to start over again so I have very little interest in a GW3.


But besides that, what would be the point of GW3? I can't think of any compelling reason to get GW3 and start over as opposed to more expansions for GW2.

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GW2 with an updated engine. GW2 is still unfinished, lore, maps etc. Plus like many have said; invested a lot of time.


The only main positive(s) for having GW3 (that I can think of) is that mounts will be a given. As it won't break core maps. Also brand spanking new continent altogether, that meaning no cantha!. Guild halls and player housing will come by default. Not to say guild halls or player housing can come in to GW2, as anet have proven they can drop those things in via lw or expac.

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So many jokes....


Guild Wars 3: Sims of Tyria (For all your dressup needs, just remove all that boring combat stuff!)

Guild Wars 3: Raptor Racing! (Because who wants to actually go off the mount any longer?)

Guild Wars 3: Grind of the North (Because players want more grind, now we have to grind our way to open path to Jormag)

Guild Wars 3: The Trade Wars (A new and exciting chapter in the history of Tyria, as the new guilds prefer doing trade wars and sabotaging each others trades than fight dragons)

Guild Wars 3: How to Tame Your Dragon (A whole game dedicated to go catch them all and learn to ride them!)


Anyways, personally I'd be for a gw3 simply because I personally am getting very bored of gw2 and would like something new, new gameplay/mechanics to learn, new maps/world to explore, new classes/builds to learn and find something I liked etc.


Obviously others disagree with me on that.


But I don't think ANet is done with GW2 just yet (unfortunately for me), so I expect it to stick around for quite a few years.

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Here why GW2 :


- People have invested too much money, time, and everything on guild wars 2.

- only 2 expansions, game have a lot of potential still

- They can do like WoW => Release infinite expansions and just change the game on BETTER graphics, with new things

- Lore can be infinite

- New scenario dungeons (Like story but in dungeon with multiplayers, ou play a part of the next story as a group and have rewards at the end, scenarios can be multiples)



Gw2 4 ever.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> I would like GW3 only if the characters are transferable.


> Too many people have thousands of hours and (possibly) real money wrapped up in GW2 just to drop everything like we did for GW1.


That would be nice, or least account incentives from your achievements from the prior game. Downside is it can't be too much else people wouldn't try try it newn since the advantage would be too high to the vets, but more than we saw from a GW1 to GW2 switchover.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I wouldn't start a new MMO. GW2 was my first attempt at the genre and I doubt that I will ever sink that much time in another game.

> Ever wondered why there isn't a WoW2 or a FF15MMO?


Because WoW and FFXIV are still pretty popular, and really the only two remaining (so far, some are on the horizon) MMORPGs that can sustain themselves off of a pure subscription model (though both have convenience and cosmetic cash shops).


There's no need for either a WoW 2 or FFXV MMORPG, at this point. If there is, they're probably in development - and they aren't going to share that information with you.


Especially in the case of FFXIV, they basically redesigned the entire game after its initial release, and then re-released it. Obsoleting it now would be laughable. The game was basically released in mid-late 2013.


Personally, I stopped buying GW2 content/expansions because the game optimization is completely in the toilet. It seems to get worse over time, not better. I've done nothing but lose FPS, while other games make optimization updates that actually increase performance. Once you have to start turning down settings in this game, it starts to look like crap, because the aesthetics are heavily dependent on those Lighting, Blur, and Particle Effects. I never had this problem in other MMOs, like FFXIV, TESO, or WoW.


Buying expansions is like paying for a literally worse product, so I stopped after HoT. Also, after skipping out on Living World, I have no itch to get back into it - especially with some past episodes basically being unavailable at this point. That's like trying to catch up on Game of Thrones, except you can't buy Season 4 anywhere.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> GW3 would largely canabalize and hurt the franchise as too many people have devoted resources and time to this game. Id rather this game keep going as the graphics are still strong and the game is fine it just needs work. If they went into maitance mode right now and said Gw3 was next I wouldn't even look at it due to how this one came out, and how things have gone on and off over the years.


> We are not at a point where ending guild wars 2 is feesable money wise nor would it be good for business as it would take 7+ Years to develop and Im not sure if they have the funds considering the layoffs and all that has happened leading to this point. Plus there is no reason too as Guild wars 2 has proven its engine can be added too which was one of the reasons we went from Gw1 to Gw2 because the first games engine couldn't do some of the things they wanted to do so they had to build a new engine? What would be the reason to go to Gw3? If it is to escape some of the stigma among gamers for this game it won't work because all it would be to them is a sequel to a game they may not like which won't change their minds.


> Guild wars 2 should double down on what it is, and work to be better which I believe is what will happen going forward.

> * More customization for character creation

> * More nuisance and class customization

> * PvP and WvW fixes (We know its coming)

> * More customization in general (Appearances, since this game is fashion wars 2)

> * more elite specs/classes (New never hurts.)

> * New races

> * Revamping of Core Tyria

> * Focus on other races outside of sylvari/human


> All of this could bring player good will and good PR as it would show they listen, all of these things circle the forums at some way shape or form. So in the long game its good to give your playerbase what they are asking for. Cosmetics make a huge part of any game like this and making there more for people who either left, or haven't dived in yet to look at and go "Yea Ill try it why not!" Is good for business.


> They need to focus on retaining players and stop trying to be a theme-park and more of a world, give people a reason to care emotionally and even maybe grow attached to things in the world like you did in Guild wars 1, The only reason WoW has lived this long is because at some level they adhered to these ideals and now that they have discarded them in BfA look at how bad things have gotten for them? The proof is in the pudding, and I know you guys can fix this... its only a matter of time.


You're assuming it isn't already in development, and hasn't already been in developing - probably for years - at this point.


Honestly, where they messed up was the bad PvE content - especially in the Heart of Thorns expansion. I think TESO does a much better job at catering to both crowds. GW2 really just gave the middle finger to PvErs, for quite a while... and any discussion around that topic really brought the full force of its toxic community down upon you (we all remember the threads discussing dungeons and the problems with those in this game, from years ago).


Heart of Thorns really put me off. Just running around those zones made me quit, and I didn't even bother finishing the masteries until PoFire had released (and will not buy that expansion... I just did it for HoT because I paid for it and wanted to get my money's worth out of it).

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > I would like GW3 only if the characters are transferable.

> >

> > Too many people have thousands of hours and (possibly) real money wrapped up in GW2 just to drop everything like we did for GW1.


> That would be nice, or least account incentives from your achievements from the prior game. Downside is it can't be too much else people wouldn't try try it newn since the advantage would be too high to the vets, but more than we saw from a GW1 to GW2 switchover.


It's an MMORPG, not real life.


I think your expectations are laughably inaccurate, and you should recalibrate.


Unless GW3 is going to be nothing more than GW2.5, then character transfers will be literally useless... also, it's completely out of balance to transfer max (or near max) level characters into a fresh game. It would wreck the economy and instantly put the developers behind content delivery timelines.


This literally makes 0 sense at all. Less than zero, even. It's just a horiffically bad idea, and a really ill-informed request.

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> @"Tren.5120" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > I would like GW3 only if the characters are transferable.

> > >

> > > Too many people have thousands of hours and (possibly) real money wrapped up in GW2 just to drop everything like we did for GW1.

> >

> > That would be nice, or least account incentives from your achievements from the prior game. Downside is it can't be too much else people wouldn't try try it newn since the advantage would be too high to the vets, but more than we saw from a GW1 to GW2 switchover.


> It's an MMORPG, not real life.


> I think your expectations are laughably inaccurate, and you should recalibrate.


> Unless GW3 is going to be nothing more than GW2.5, then character transfers will be literally useless... also, it's completely out of balance to transfer max (or near max) level characters into a fresh game. It would wreck the economy and instantly put the developers behind content delivery timelines.


> This literally makes 0 sense at all. Less than zero, even. It's just a horiffically bad idea, and a really ill-informed request.


Why would you think account incentives to be laughably inaccurate? In fact your post makes no sense to me at all. You want games to encourage people to play the next in a series. Why would you think any company should strive to completely abandon their entire previous player base? Never heard of a business that has a mission statement of don't do business with us again. Note I think you have mis-quoted since I was referring to account incentives, you might want to be more careful in your quoting in the future. I took Game Of Bones point that they would like to leverage game time spent have value in future games which is not an unreasonable request. Its up to the developers to balance what format that would be.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Tren.5120" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > > > I would like GW3 only if the characters are transferable.

> > > >

> > > > Too many people have thousands of hours and (possibly) real money wrapped up in GW2 just to drop everything like we did for GW1.

> > >

> > > **That would be nice**, or least account incentives from your achievements from the prior game. Downside is it can't be too much else people wouldn't try try it newn since the advantage would be too high to the vets, but more than we saw from a GW1 to GW2 switchover.

> >

> > It's an MMORPG, not real life.

> >

> > I think your expectations are laughably inaccurate, and you should recalibrate.

> >

> > Unless GW3 is going to be nothing more than GW2.5, then character transfers will be literally useless... also, it's completely out of balance to transfer max (or near max) level characters into a fresh game. It would wreck the economy and instantly put the developers behind content delivery timelines.

> >

> > This literally makes 0 sense at all. Less than zero, even. It's just a horiffically bad idea, and a really ill-informed request.


> Why would you think account incentives to be laughably inaccurate? In fact your post makes no sense to me at all. You want games to encourage people to play the next in a series. Why would you think any company should strive to completely abandon their entire previous player base? Never heard of a business that has a mission statement of don't do business with us again. Note I think you have mis-quoted since I was referring to account incentives, you might want to be more careful in your quoting in the future. I took Game Of Bones point that they would like to leverage game time spent have value in future games which is not an unreasonable request. Its up to the developers to balance what format that would be.


No, I'm not misquoting. But, nice try, there. My reply applies to both Game of Bones and You, since you clearly agree with him.


Account incentives basically don't matter when they don't affect gameplay, so I'm not sure whether or not one should really care about this - frankly. If it affects gameplay, then it will simply be called "Pay to Win."


Being a long-time GW2 player doesn't mean you deserve any incentive in a completely different game. You can keep playing GW2 if you're that attached to your pixels. The fact that your time investment in an MMORPG is completely disposable has been common knowledge since the late 90s. It's the price we accept to be entertained. We don't even "own" the game :-P

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I'm gonna say let it die, they should wrap it up after season 5 and continue the story on gw3, the engine is not capable anymore to sustain modern hardware why do we have to stuck with cpu with great singlecore performance disregarding its multicore part, I mean there's alot of complain that I keep seeing from people that just upgraded their pc and complained they get like only 15 fps.

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