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Life without Mounts

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Having an account with mounts and one without, I'd very highly suggest that your question be posed only to those who have actually gone back and played without mounts for at least a week. I don't believe you will get fully accurate and realistic responses based on actual experience without that requirement. Short of that, I seriously doubt most players would be able to evaluate just how lost they would be.


It might also be interesting to see how many players are still playing, but also bearing a grudge over the severe and complete destruction of the efforts they made for achievements that are now done effortlessly with mounts. I see how mounts can bring a limited appeal to the game and use them all the time, but I am most seriously still holding that grudge and will always believe mounts should never have been allowed in core Tyria.

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I was originally against mounts and concerned they'd hurt the game / how it's played, but the way the handled them was done well I think and I've been enjoying them since they were added. Certainly I'd be able to go back to playing without them, but have to admit I'd really miss the convenience of them for map completion with alts.


The only thing I think that's been a downside from mounts in the gameplay is that now it seems as if fewer random people tend to stop and help other players in combat, they just mount in, get their node or chest then mount up and get out of there even if there's some downed players, it just feels a little less sociable in that regard. Though that's just what I seem to have noticed, weather or not it is actually fewer people stopping / helping / interacting with people randomly is impossible to say for certain.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Mounts are OK. Made a lot of jerks into bigger jerks though. And wish Anet would channel their talents elsewhere.


They actually did the only thing their talent would allow to achieve....


That’s why game is a lowskill based for casuals to overperformance trough gimmicks/rotations.



That’s all they can achieve...sadly that’s all gw2 will ever achieve.


WvW (only thing that worth playing) tends the best game has to offer yet the development has been done more harm than improvements, because mounts were were really needed....

I don’t mind the mounts but there’s way more things that should hapoen first.

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> How do mounts magically make the beautiful terrain turn into ugly cliffs?


Especially because of Springer and Griffon. They can easily jump and fly over hill, mountains. So Anet made vertical high cliff and wall everywhere PoF and L4 maps. Obviously mount did destroied terrain.

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The 1 skills on the mounts detract heavily in the lower leveled zones. Mobs being 1 hit by someone charging through an area makes mapping and events frustrating.


Outside of that it’s difficult to complain too much. The implementation is near flawless, aside from there being no skins earnable through gameplay.

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I was skeptical of the addition of mounts to GW2, and even now I would still prefer not to have them. I prefer having full-time availability of the animations and skills/utilities of my character, rather than a few simplified skills and a common animation of a mount. And going around on foot makes the world more dangerous generally (I prefer a challenging game rather than a casual game). Further, some of the mounts are simply not fun to use (e.g. Springer, Skimmer), and are only used when the terrain demands it.


I do thoroughly enjoy the glider and other movement capabilities added in HoT (e.g. mushrooms, leylines).


And despite my dislike of mounts, GW2's implementation of mounts is the best I've seen in any MMO.

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I enjoy the mounts. That being said, I would have no problem playing the game without them. Hell, I did for years before the mounts ever showed up. They do, however, add a nice level of convenience and laziness when you just want to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible. And the mounts make a lot of the what were once tough places to get to, not much of a problem to get to, anymore.


And, it's easy to just not use them when you want to experience the real challenge of a particular area, or you want to play 'old school' for awhile. :)

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As someone who experience a time even before gliders were a thing (and then could only be used in HoT areas when they were a thing) I'd say that I find a special day or weekend event removing mounts and gliders and going back to the core feeling of the game pretty interesting. However both tools opened a whole new level of exploring to the world and made stuff like 100% exploring a bit easier for some. Good thing 100% WvW exploration isn't required anymore. A lot of new players would be farmed then ;)

It's almost like if you'd remove cars or vehicles from real life. They're not needed but they make our life easier. And so do gliders and mounts in the game.

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Still play often without mounts.


The mounts are well done, but I still don't really like them in all areas, especially OW Tyria. I also tend to not use them much in HOT just because I'm used to do that with glider instead. I'd actually have a harder time losing gliding than mounts.

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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> It's almost like if you'd remove cars or vehicles from real life. They're not needed but they make our life easier. And so do gliders and mounts in the game.

Gliders are the thing I absolutely won't want to do without anymore. I lost count on the times I crashed to death because I was too busy with everything, except noticing that cliffside :p

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With post Path of Fire story such as Living World Season 4, I'd say the mounts are ingrained too much to the point you can't really play without them but it makes sense. You need to have the PoF expansion in order to even access these episodes.


However, with the core maps (HoT I don't play often) I'd say I could definetly live without them. But I enjoy the mounts simply because of the creatures they are, the animations, how they look, which makes the journey more enjoyable. And the speed aspect is especially handy when I'm trying to save money by running through maps instead of porting. I spent my time on my first chara without a mount as I was still free to play and it was immense fun. Particularly since I like to get sodetracked and climb a house or talk to npcs. (both of which I still do now) but the Mounts make it highly enjoyable and satisfying for my curiousity when I get compelled to see if I get to the top of a nearby mountain, wall, ledge, or tree.


> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> if I'm trying to get to a vista which isn't actually a jumping puzzle but does require some jumping and figuring out the route to reach - I know I could just hop on my springer and get there in one jump (or maybe 2), but I also know sooner or later I'll find myself in places where I can't use the springer and I'll have to figure out an alternative so I want to keep in practice. Also there's a sense of satisfaction I get from figuring out the path which doesn't happen when I just bypass it with mounts or gliding.


I agree with this a lot. In the core maps trying to remember how to climb up to a vista is one of my favorite things to do so i deliberately don't use mounts for this. No matter how many times I've been at the same vista on a different chara I will always climb or try to glitch myself up the wrong spot in hopes that it works :P.


So yeah, I can go back to being without mounts but I do enjoy them right now and love them all dearly.






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I often feel that mounts ruined the base Tyria content maps in a certain way. Do "X", hop on mount, go to "Y" jump off, mine/harvest/chop, "mount, go to "Z", etc etc a billion times per day. This isn't so bad but the fact mounts are absolutely everywhere kills it for me. I have all of the expansions and I paid for GW1 and GW2, so I'm not a free player moaning about mounts. But I just feel that everything is mount-bound now and it kinda sucks and it's rather odd to me that everyone gets so giddy and defensive over them. Also, I feel sorry for those doing events where they don't have a mount to use and can't get to events before the mob of mounted players get there first.


I feel that there should have been more mountless zones in Tyria and HoT (not forgetting JPs and cordoned-off areas of course), but not excessiely so. Meanwhile I have no objection against the entirety of PoF being mount specific throughout since it was the expansion to introduce such things and the majority of the maps from the expansion have been designed to utilise them.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> Definitely not. I _refuse_ to go back to the days of having to use traveler or speed runes on my guardians and revenants (non-herald), or slotting speed-boost skills or traits on all of my other characters.


I still consider these necessary. Mounts are a luxury, combat speed is essential.

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LOL I can remember a time before mounts of any kind, a lot of us here remember when it cost to have armor repaired or you had to walk everywhere, people yelled and screamed for mounts and now we have a lot of them, but would I go back....nope, mounts make the game more enjoyable as does gliding, in fact I wish areas like EOTM would let us use mounts and gliding but that's just me.

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