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New Quest Rewards

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> The game in GW2 could just be grinding ingame money if you wish, but it wouldn't be a very good game.


That depends on what "grinding" consists of. Plenty of people like grind, of various kinds, even in this game. And there are other games entirely built around it. Are they good games? I dunno. Does it matter?


You do a thing, have fun, and get Cool Stuff. Whether that thing is killing mobs or crafting or exploring, whether there's a possibility of failure or not, whether it's easy or hard, what difference does it make? As long as everyone gets a chance at some Cool Stuff through whatever method they prefer - even just buying it with their (possibly) hard earned money - I'd call it a good game. I think ANet has done a decent job at making this game one of the good ones.


But now I see some people are talking about prestige, which is an entirely different kettle of fish than creating a meaningful acquisition experience.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.



A couple of reasons come to mind.


+ Players who still have a list of things they have not gotten yet might not mind more stuff being available, but may feel more comfortable with a more sedate release rate. At best, players who fit this speculation might not feel any real need to have more, because they already have enough.

+ A lot of posters over the years can't seem to get the idea of opportunity cost out of their heads. They look not only at what's asked for, but also what they think it would cost. In the case of rewards in game that currently appear in the store, the opportunity cost might be less resources for some (or all) aspects of the game. As far as the content those rewards could be made available by doing, the opportunity cost might well be content they'd prefer. This one is rooted in a context of scarcity, which does not seem inappropriate for game development. Anything put into the game means something else would not be done.


tl:dr: indifference to the idea because it would be overkill for some; or feeling if the idea were implemented, they'd lose out on stuff they would prefer instead.



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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Accessibility is great and all, but using it as an excuse not to add *more* content like what was suggested to the game just...it doesn't help anything. Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.

But it isn't about more content. If it were that easy to provide more, I'm sure ANet would do it in the blink of an eye. It is about offering content through different avenues of availability.


Less gem store stuff, more in-game rewards sounds like a player's dream, but how is ANet going to make up for the loss in revenue? Somebody somewhere has to pay for it.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Less gem store stuff, more in-game rewards sounds like a player's dream, but how is ANet going to make up for the loss in revenue? Somebody somewhere has to pay for it.


The thing is, not having in-game items to strive for also leads to a loss in revenue because players get bored and leave. Players that leave because they have nothing to work for in the game won't even see the new gem store items. I'm not saying we don't get enough items through the game by the way, Season 4 gave us lots of items to go for, way more than say Season 3 which had very little in-game items to go get in-game. I'm just pointing out that adding more items in-game compared to the gem store doesn't necessarily lead to a loss in revenue, in fact it can have the opposite effect.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> items in-game compared to the gem store

It strikes me that a mix achieves the best results.



I think the primary root cause is: there's never enough content; there are never enough skins. Unless ANet delivered millions of new skins, we'd each hate a large enough fraction to feel that something was missing... and it wouldn't be the same fraction. Unless ANet were adding more than a story every other week (their peak pace during LS1), the quickest among us would still feel that there wasn't ever enough new stuff.


And it's simply not financially viable to offer as much as we want. Heck, it's not even economical to offer as much as ANet wants.


Given that, some of us are always going to feel that there's nothing near enough to meet our interests.


So while I think the OP's phrasing was unfortunate (it assumes more than the OP seems to realize), I can agree with the sentiment:

* More skins would be better

* More content would also be better

* All else being equal, having more skins tied to more content would be more fun more often.


(Where we disagree: all things aren't equal.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > items in-game compared to the gem store

> It strikes me that a mix achieves the best results.


> ****

> I think the primary root cause is: there's never enough content; there are never enough skins. Unless ANet delivered millions of new skins, we'd each hate a large enough fraction to feel that something was missing... and it wouldn't be the same fraction. Unless ANet were adding more than a story every other week (their peak pace during LS1), the quickest among us would still feel that there wasn't ever enough new stuff.


> And it's simply not financially viable to offer as much as we want. Heck, it's not even economical to offer as much as ANet wants.


> Given that, some of us are always going to feel that there's nothing near enough to meet our interests.


> So while I think the OP's phrasing was unfortunate (it assumes more than the OP seems to realize), I can agree with the sentiment:

> * More skins would be better

> * More content would also be better

> * All else being equal, having more skins tied to more content would be more fun more often.


> (Where we disagree: all things aren't equal.)


Below is where I think Anet should strive for:

> * All else being equal, having more skins tied to more content would be more fun more often.


I should clarify. When I said, I don't agree with having it both in gemstore and in game. It would diminish either or and should be either or. I meant the an exact same item should be either or but a different item in the gemstore enhancing a hard to obtain prestigious item (thus making it cooler) . Think Skyscale skins, etc. Similar concept, except it can be for weapons/armor/ , you name it. House decoration (when housing comes) :).

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> @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > > @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > > There is no game, obstacles are what make a game.

> >

> > To you. But there are [lots of people](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/11/a-brief-history-of-the-walking-simulator-gamings-most-detested-genre/ "walking sims") out there who [think differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel "visual novels") about [what games should be](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/flower-review/1900-6415537/ "Flower"). Your fun is not everyone's fun.


> Very true, and I can respect that line of though. But this is an mmo we are talking about, obstacles are the fundamentals. Quests are the bricks that make up the wall.


That's still your opinion, whether it's an MMO or not is really besides the point...it's the market they appear to be going after that is the point here. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but in the end it's what type of game ArenaNet wants to make and who they want to make it for that matters...some people find walking fun, some don't, to each his own.

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I think that besides LW skins, the last time they added quest-like ways of obtaining skins were with the weapons of the design a weapon contest:





They were all very well recieved from the active playerbase, and although these things are great to keep players engaged and happy, I wonder if they can justify their development cost if they will never by themselves generate revenue or get players into the game :/

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > Less gem store stuff, more in-game rewards sounds like a player's dream, but how is ANet going to make up for the loss in revenue? Somebody somewhere has to pay for it.


> The thing is, not having in-game items to strive for also leads to a loss in revenue because players get bored and leave. Players that leave because they have nothing to work for in the game won't even see the new gem store items. I'm not saying we don't get enough items through the game by the way, Season 4 gave us lots of items to go for, way more than say Season 3 which had very little in-game items to go get in-game. I'm just pointing out that adding more items in-game compared to the gem store doesn't necessarily lead to a loss in revenue, in fact it can have the opposite effect.


Exactly. Keeping people around and playing is a much better long term course of action as these players will be interested in the game and *want* to buy things because they are so interested in the game. Keeping people playing...isn't a bad idea, even if it "sacrifices" something from the freakin' gem store. As things have been for a while now, GW2 might really only ever see a brief influx of players every time they release a LW episode, which makes sense, but there is practically nothing in between. So giving players more to work towards could actually keep them around and playing longer, and spending.

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> @"Myriada.7580" said:

> I think that besides LW skins, the last time they added quest-like ways of obtaining skins were with the weapons of the design a weapon contest:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guide_to_Greater_Understanding

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Heir

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legend_Builder


> They were all very well recieved from the active playerbase, and although these things are great to keep players engaged and happy, I wonder if they can justify their development cost if they will never by themselves generate revenue or get players into the game :/


They also added the current events portal thing which I personally haven't finished yet but I will eventually.

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