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Anet back in Silent Mode

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before.

> >

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > >

> > > For reference:

> > >

> > > Build templates 2014

> > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307

> > >

> > > Build templates 2017

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962

> > >

> > > Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.

> >

> > I just want to clarify one thing. Being "something they'd want to do" or "being on the table" is not the same thing as "actively working on" or "reasonable to be done soon". Their "on the table" stuff is basically a bucket list - things they want to do, but may take _YEARS_ to get to if ever.

> >

> > And the closest they've ever done to making attempts was the pre-made PvP templates, which is still a pretty far cry from universal build templates.

> >

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > All the rest are things that were already mentioned at some point in the game history - some recently, some not so recently.

> >

> > I'd argue over some things, but my point still does remain that they're not halfway through the list they recently posted - regardless of whether or not some of those things were "on the table" before (and I'll stress again: "on the table" != "we're now working on it") - so why in hell would they make a new post so soon?


> Your missing the point.. QoL and feature updates are not something that keep players logging in long term to play the game.. it is playable content that does that.

> How long do you think players appetites would stay wet if all they have to look forward to is another her WB rush or a buggy core swap feature in www. Yes when S5 commences we will get a few hours of new stuff, but perhaps now without even a new map to explore, who knows, but then there is another lull. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy LW it's pretty decent story expansion, but it's short time fun which is filled out with rotations of the same events, which grow old fast.. the game needs something that has genuinely more flesh on the bone that is going to keep players busy for much longer periods and that perhaps compliments all those QoL features and they have shared with us all whilst emessing it with LW .. but that just seems to not be on the cards else why not share some titbits to encourage player engagement.... where is the vision for their product??


Closest example i can think of is with the qol updates that gw1 saw a while back. Me and a couple of friends logged back in to check them out, we did some dungeons and hm story runs and havent really touched it since.


Qol is nice but i dont think anyone will be playing for months just because they will add cooking 500, legendary sigils and runes and tenplates.


Game really needs to talk about the bigger pieces of content down the line like expansion 3 or the next fractal, raid etc.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Game really needs to talk about the bigger pieces of content down the line like expansion 3 or the next fractal, raid etc.

Exactly. Players really need to have something they can look forward to. Previously, we could look towards the next LS chapter shortterm, and towards next xpansion longterm. Now, only that shortterm goal is left.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > Build templates were always "on the table" - something they said they would very like to introduce at some point. And i do remember them saying they made attempts at them before.

> >

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > >

> > > For reference:

> > >

> > > Build templates 2014

> > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Suggestion-Favorite-builds-button/page/1#post4094307

> > >

> > > Build templates 2017

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/302962#Comment_302962

> > >

> > > Yes build templates have been on the table for a very long time, I couldn't find anything from 2013, but there is that post from 2014 to consider.

> >

> > I just want to clarify one thing. Being "something they'd want to do" or "being on the table" is not the same thing as "actively working on" or "reasonable to be done soon". Their "on the table" stuff is basically a bucket list - things they want to do, but may take _YEARS_ to get to if ever.

> >

> > And the closest they've ever done to making attempts was the pre-made PvP templates, which is still a pretty far cry from universal build templates.

> >

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > All the rest are things that were already mentioned at some point in the game history - some recently, some not so recently.

> >

> > I'd argue over some things, but my point still does remain that they're not halfway through the list they recently posted - regardless of whether or not some of those things were "on the table" before (and I'll stress again: "on the table" != "we're now working on it") - so why in hell would they make a new post so soon?


> Your missing the point.. QoL and feature updates are not something that keep players logging in long term to play the game.. it is playable content that does that.

> How long do you think players appetites would stay wet if all they have to look forward to is another her WB rush or a buggy core swap feature in www. Yes when S5 commences we will get a few hours of new stuff, but perhaps now without even a new map to explore, who knows, but then there is another lull. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy LW it's pretty decent story expansion, but it's short time fun which is filled out with rotations of the same events, which grow old fast.. the game needs something that has genuinely more flesh on the bone that is going to keep players busy for much longer periods and that perhaps compliments all those QoL features and they have shared with us all whilst emessing it with LW .. but that just seems to not be on the cards else why not share some titbits to encourage player engagement.... where is the vision for their product??


They tend to add lengthy collections / grinds to give players something to do between LW chapters, but I agree with your point. Up until recently, I'd never been 'caught up' to the current LW chapter, so I always had something to do. Now with Eternal War over and having the Skyscale (with no interest in Vision), I don't have any story content to do, outside maybe of AP hunting which is something I have little interest in.


So far, WvW and map completion is helping me find things to do, as well as running story mission with my wife (currently helping her with Griffon collection). But I'm reaching a point where I have less things to do each time I log in. I suppose that is inevitable in any game.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)


All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)


> All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.


Actually for every one player that raids theres prob 50 that only do open world lol

New meaning full content with various levels of difficulty that has good replayability in both pve and pvp and better balance especially for pvp and wvw would do alot to gain and keep players interested. New skins and gem store content make them quick funds but in long term do little to keep players interested for any length of time.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> >

> > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> >

> > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> >

> > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.


> So then if they have nothing right now, like *actually* nothing (which I doubt because then what are they doing every day at work?) then *tell* the community. What do they have to lose by trying to restore some faith and improve their communication and relationship with the community? Weekly developer streams going over the state of the game and its future would only benefit them in the short and long term, and then having them compile that information into a forum post that gets pinned on both the forums and even something on the Wiki then that could go a long way to improving things.


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> >

> > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> >

> > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> >

> > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.


> We sure there hasnt been any hirings since the layoffs? Anet has offered some of the positions they laid off to prob newer ppl with less experience for less money, but do we know if anyone took these positions?


* Frankly I haven't been paying much attention to anything going on as I don't care about the events/small things being added and have been dabbling in other games.

* They have alot to loose I suppose neither of you were here at the launch of core; When we had to pay to get in. And they made HUGE promises which never came to pass and people were pissed, alot of people left and alot more straight went at A-net with pitchforks and torches and for a while the game seemed dead. Then HoT happened ~ So they have alot to loose if they make empty promises.

* If they up and tell us right now what will happen in oh say six months, people will just stop playing until that stuff comes. Mind you I never once said their way of being silent and not saying a word is good. In fact I disagree with the silence but I don't believe they have anything concrete to show us as it seems alot of the time they just make stuff as they go along, and we just get it when its ready. I don't believe that there has ever been a true plan and the game reflects this pretty perfectly Power creep, storyline issues where things don't make sense, Disconnect between their player base and them?

* We know legendary runes, sigils and crap are coming. We know build templates are coming and this new event seems to me, at least to be hinting they might be trying out secondary professions.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)


> All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.


While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> > >

> > > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> > >

> > > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> > >

> > > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.

> >

> > So then if they have nothing right now, like *actually* nothing (which I doubt because then what are they doing every day at work?) then *tell* the community. What do they have to lose by trying to restore some faith and improve their communication and relationship with the community? Weekly developer streams going over the state of the game and its future would only benefit them in the short and long term, and then having them compile that information into a forum post that gets pinned on both the forums and even something on the Wiki then that could go a long way to improving things.


> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> > >

> > > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> > >

> > > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> > >

> > > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.

> >

> > We sure there hasnt been any hirings since the layoffs? Anet has offered some of the positions they laid off to prob newer ppl with less experience for less money, but do we know if anyone took these positions?


> * Frankly I haven't been paying much attention to anything going on as I don't care about the events/small things being added and have been dabbling in other games.

> * They have alot to loose I suppose neither of you were here at the launch of core; When we had to pay to get in. And they made HUGE promises which never came to pass and people were pissed, alot of people left and alot more straight went at A-net with pitchforks and torches and for a while the game seemed dead. Then HoT happened ~ So they have alot to loose if they make empty promises.

> * If they up and tell us right now what will happen in oh say six months, people will just stop playing until that stuff comes. Mind you I never once said their way of being silent and not saying a word is good. In fact I disagree with the silence but I don't believe they have anything concrete to show us as it seems alot of the time they just make stuff as they go along, and we just get it when its ready. I don't believe that there has ever been a true plan and the game reflects this pretty perfectly Power creep, storyline issues where things don't make sense, Disconnect between their player base and them?

> * We know legendary runes, sigils and kitten are coming. We know build templates are coming and this new event seems to me, at least to be hinting they might be trying out secondary professions.


Firstly no I've played GW2 since it launched back in 2012, in fact I played GW1 since all the way back when that launched so I'm well aware of what initial intentions were and how things changed or didn't change. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people that was hoping for GvG modes and a few other things that have yet to come to pass or that will never happen.


If they told us if something were to be released in 6 months and people ended up not playing for that period of time...how is that any different to how things are now? Speaking as someone who has done similar, for a span of time while I was playing BDO for a year I only got back onto GW2 for a LW release and then once I cleaned the story up in a day and then cleaned up any achievements I wanted after a couple of days I was off GW2 and back to BDO. The logic doesn't track there because by your logic because we don't know the time frame in which the next update is coming there should technically be no one online. Which...is not the case. Even if they have nothing concrete to *show* us they can at least inform us.


I suggested they do the developer streams because another game developer does something similar. Warframe's devs do a devstream every week and talk about things they are working on, the current state of the game and things that are in the pipeline being worked on much later on down the road, most of which tend to be 6+ months away. Yet people don't stop playing until those things come out and the Devs don't make specific promises, they talk about their intentions but they make a point to acknowledge consistently that things can change over time depending on what happens. In fact their devstreams have only contributed to a much healthier relationship with their community and helped grow and evolve Warframe exponentially over the years. Because they *listen* to and *communicate* with their players on a consistent basis rather than go into silent mode on things. They show what they are working, discuss it, discuss ideas they have and what they hope to do with it but always make sure to stress that its work in progress, it isn't final, etc. It hasn't hurt them in the least.


Yes we know legendary runes are coming, sigils as well, Season 5 is on the way and they are working on build templates as well as the swiss style tournaments for sPvP and the Alliance system for WvW, but we don't know the status of these things. I'm not asking for a release date on them (nor spoilers for season 5), I'm asking for them to keep the community updated and not in the dark on what their intentions and their plans are, it would also be nice to see them acknowledging the current state of the game and the problems with it and ideas they might have to try and remedy these issues. I highly doubt they have "nothing" to share with the community, I'm sure there is loads they can share with us if they just change the way that they communicate...i.e do better at it.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> >

> > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.


> While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

> The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

> The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.


Inb4 then ppl are burned out and should take a break and go play smth else.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> > >

> > > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.

> >

> > While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

> > The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

> > The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.


> Inb4 then ppl are burned out and should take a break and go play smth else.


That doesn't really fix anything for anyone and could potentially make things worse if enough of us take that view... but each to their own I guess.

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> Inb4 then ppl are burned out and should take a break and go play smth else.


ah yes? As a veteran player that played GW franchise since 2005, in the last 3 years or so I am basically not playing GW2. PoF was underwhelming, LS episodes are short. I play MMO to play with other players, and both PoF and LS5 did not do anything really to enhance that experience.


Vanilla GW was a much better party play experience, HoT with meta events also did a good job. PoF feels just like zerging and empty content, alright for exploring I guess, maps are beautiful.


I am tired of the focus on story episodes. I do not want to play singler player game. I want to play MMO. Give me co-op experience already. A refined one. Story episodes which need a party of 5 players? Open World content needed party members? COUNT ME IN. That is what I want, and that is what would make GW2 so much better experience and bring back my love for it.

But it's not gonna happen. GW2 became too singler player and story-oriented. It is not MMO for me anymore.


I will still play all the updates because I am a part of the GW universe for almost 15 years, but it's gonna be one-time playthrough, 2-3 weeks and I am gone. Which also means that I will not spend any money on this game because it fails to engage me as a veteran player. I am sure many are like me.


So yeah, I already took your "advice", but not because I am burned out. It is because there is less and fewer MMO content.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> > > >

> > > > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.

> > >

> > > While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

> > > The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

> > > The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.

> >

> > Inb4 then ppl are burned out and should take a break and go play smth else.


> That doesn't really fix anything for anyone and could potentially make things worse if enough of us take that view... but each to their own I guess.


Thats the point telling ppl to go play smth else is like asking the possible problems to go away.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You probably should not lump all 'veteran' players into the same group. Many of us are 'veterans', and still have plenty to entertain us.


we are probably different veteran players. I am hardcore and you are probably casual.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:

> > Inb4 then ppl are burned out and should take a break and go play smth else.


> ah yes? As a veteran player that played GW franchise since 2005, in the last 3 years or so I am basically not playing GW2. PoF was underwhelming, LS episodes are short. I play MMO to play with other players, and both PoF and LS5 did not do anything really to enhance that experience.


> Vanilla GW was a much better party play experience, HoT with meta events also did a good job. PoF feels just like zerging and empty content, alright for exploring I guess, maps are beautiful.


> I am tired of the focus on story episodes. I do not want to play singler player game. I want to play MMO. Give me co-op experience already. A refined one. Story episodes which need a party of 5 players? Open World content needed party members? COUNT ME IN. That is what I want, and that is what would make GW2 so much better experience and bring back my love for it.

> But it's not gonna happen. GW2 became too singler player and story-oriented. It is not MMO for me anymore.


> I will still play all the updates because I am a part of the GW universe for almost 15 years, but it's gonna be one-time playthrough, 2-3 weeks and I am gone. Which also means that I will not spend any money on this game because it fails to engage me as a veteran player. I am sure many are like me.


> So yeah, I already took your "advice", but not because I am burned out. It is because there is less and fewer MMO content.



I really enjoyed how team focushed gw1 was even tho it wasnt an mmo. Id like to see the hm return as a feature. Make hm versions of lw that are scaled for 5 mans, make hm versions of worldbosses and metas that work as 100 man isntances for guilds and oraginsed mega groups to open and do.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I don't understand the need to be spoken to every second by the developers. I've still got plenty of stuff to do and plenty of stuff to work on. We know they're working on new content. Like what can they say that's actually going to make a difference and change anything?


Are we being spoken to every minute? No? What about every hour then? Nah not that either, maybe every day? Nah ill be generous how about once every month? Not even that? Dammmmnnn.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I don't understand the need to be spoken to every second by the developers. I've still got plenty of stuff to do and plenty of stuff to work on. We know they're working on new content. Like what can they say that's actually going to make a difference and change anything?


Where did anyone say they wanted to be spoken to every second... no need for the dramatical where it's not necessary.

Asking for some future direction, a slice of their vision for the game is hardly asking for a constant dialogue. The more players feel like they are being treated like mushrooms the more they crave the light, which often means they go elsewhere.

We all likely have stuff we can do, but without any inclin of where the game is going, that stuff begins to lessen day by day and eventually becomes largely repetitive and replay value is not something I personally hold ANET in high regard for.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> >

> > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.


> Actually for every one player that raids theres prob 50 that only do open world lol

> New meaning full content with various levels of difficulty that has good replayability in both pve and pvp and better balance especially for pvp and wvw would do alot to gain and keep players interested. New skins and gem store content make them quick funds but in long term do little to keep players interested for any length of time.


I agree there are more open worlders than end game raiders. More casuals than hard core players, probably by quite a big factor. That said, I say I believe and I refuse to put a number on it, because I really don't know and guessing isn't strengthening my argument. However, if raiders made up the bulk of the population, surely we'd see more raids than living stories. There's some logic in that.


Anet is a company that wants to make money. They're going to put their resources into what they perceive their strength to be. The more people doing open world meta events, leveling alts and such would account for the kinds of stuff they're putting into the game. It would indicate casual players seem to be in some sort of majority.

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> @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > You probably should not lump all 'veteran' players into the same group. Many of us are 'veterans', and still have plenty to entertain us.


> we are probably different veteran players. I am hardcore and you are probably casual.


What a silly differentiation... what makes your "hard-core "any more important than the "casual"...

What makes you hard-core? The amount of time you play, how much gold you have acquired, how much real coin you spend or how awesome sauce you think yourself to be over others. Or is it cos you can speedrun a raid or dungeon or fractal a few seconds quicker than the next player.

Yeah your veteran is worth so much more than my veteran status so ANET should panda to your silly season notions....

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Well from the forums it's easy to see how happy people are with things so just stop playing the game. Everyone for the most part keeps playing the same tired meta, same modes etc etc all while complaining it should be better whether on development side or game direction. Maybe the team is working their butts off but their team isn't large enough to meet expectations. Maybe the whole plan for the remainder of the team was to some what drag out gw2 as to get as much money as they can from a project they know is failing or maybe it's their plan to have it fail. Maybe they're working hard on another project and using gw2 best they can to make a little money to sustain any new projects. Hell maybe they have something huge gw2 related or unrelated dropping soon. No one but the team knows what the plan is but it doesn't take much to notice that their almost feels like a lack of drive and passion from the development team to try to make this game live up to the potential It can and if things continue as they are I'd be surprised if continued support occurs for gw2 by 2021 cuz from what I have gathered gw2 isn't gw1.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> >

> > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.


> While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

> The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

> The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.


Doesn't prove his point, because if there aren't enough of other demographics and there's a limited time on resources, then decisions have to be made on what to cut. Let's pretend you're a developer and you have resources to produce 2 different things. 10% the game's population are raiders. 50% play Living World stuff. 20 % do Fractals. 25% do WvW regularly. Now you have to make stuff to keep the PvE open world guys happen. There are more of them than any two groups. If you're even a day late with the living world, some guy is online calling you out about it. In fact, there's already threads talking about when is Season 5 coming and what date and will it be late. Those people are holding you to account.


If the 10% of the raiders all left, you'd lose 10% of your population. But you'd lose more than that if a significant group of PvE'ers left, and that's the issue. Anet probably doesn't have the resources and has never had the resources to keep it all going, because it takes a lot of resources. They have the resources to focus on what they perceive to be their strength which is what they've done. They haven't put the same energy into PvP or WvW as they have into open world PvE. It should be obvious to anyone watching, or anyone who reads those parts of the forum. My guess is they know which side their bread is buttered on and that's going to be their focus, with left over resources being put to stuff that they don't think there are enough people to cater to. It's like any business.


Given infinite resources, you'd be right. Also the numbers in this post are obviously pulled out of my kitten and don't represent anything approaching reality. The point is I don't have those numbers, but Anet does. I do believe there was a post by a dev a while back saying that 60% of the game were predominently PvEr's, 30% werre predominantly WvW'ers, and 10% were PvPers. To my knowledge there has never been any announcement about what percentage of the playerbase raids. The only time I've ever seen that sort of statement from any game was from a Lotro dev who left the company who said that only 10% of the Lotro population ever raided or PvPed, but those two demographics accounted for a full 50% of all forum posts.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

> > > > I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

> > > > I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

> > >

> > > All the stuff you're listing to get into for months wouldn't interest me for minutes. It's like people who like challenging and competitive content think other people can't play the open world for years on end, and some of us do. I spend probably 90% of my time in either story instances or the open world and I'd wager I play quite a bit more than you do...nor am I alone. For every raider, I guarantee you there's a least one person who rarely leaves the open world. Just because content doesn't involve you and your demographic doesn't insure that demographic is some kind of majority.

> >

> > While i agree with your point... it actually makes @"vyncius.6105" point valid also.

> > The game is not about any one demographic it has tried to cater for many... and we are approaching stalemate for all. There is only so long we can keep going back and playing out the same story content, much like some of us grow tired of running the samecraids over and over, the same fractals and the same.. anything.

> > The game needs something that is going to keep us all intrigued, busy and willing to keep supporting it and piece meal LW and a some QoL I feel isn't going to suffice for too long.


> Doesn't prove his point, because if there aren't enough of other demographics and there's a limited time on resources, then decisions have to be made on what to cut. Let's pretend you're a developer and you have resources to produce 2 different things. 10% the game's population are raiders. 50% play Living World stuff. 20 % do Fractals. 25% do WvW regularly. Now you have to make stuff to keep the PvE open world guys happen. There are more of them than any two groups. If you're even a day late with the living world, some guy is online calling you out about it. In fact, there's already threads talking about when is Season 5 coming and what date and will it be late. Those people are holding you to account.


> If the 10% of the raiders all left, you'd lose 10% of your population. But you'd lose more than that if a significant group of PvE'ers left, and that's the issue. Anet probably doesn't have the resources and has never had the resources to keep it all going, because it takes a lot of resources. They have the resources to focus on what they perceive to be their strength which is what they've done. They haven't put the same energy into PvP or WvW as they have into open world PvE. It should be obvious to anyone watching, or anyone who reads those parts of the forum. My guess is they know which side their bread is buttered on and that's going to be their focus, with left over resources being put to stuff that they don't think there are enough people to cater to. It's like any business.


> Given infinite resources, you'd be right. Also the numbers in this post are obviously pulled out of my kitten and don't represent anything approaching reality. The point is I don't have those numbers, but Anet does. I do believe there was a post by a dev a while back saying that 60% of the game were predominently PvEr's, 30% werre predominantly WvW'ers, and 10% were PvPers. To my knowledge there has never been any announcement about what percentage of the playerbase raids. The only time I've ever seen that sort of statement from any game was from a Lotro dev who left the company who said that only 10% of the Lotro population ever raided or PvPed, but those two demographics accounted for a full 50% of all forum posts.


You missed the point vayne... what content they choose to focus on at any one time is anets decision absolutely, but the game is multi faceted and caters for a range of player tastes aside from the core story/story arc.

No one expects ANET to update everything at once or any specific facet all the time.... that's why some roadmap, some slice of their vision and directions would be useful right now because from what I see.. all those different demographics are starting to ask questions and getting restless.

LW is now their core element but it's small piece meal content bulked out with rotational fillers and some QoL but beyond s5 there is no clear direction on any front or any facet of the game and that is the crux of it.

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Thanks everyone for their comments and opinions. I hope ANET will read these...

The thing is, I love this game and I am sad about the status right now, I mean this game is awesome and it HAD so much potential and still has. But I dont understand how this game is not more widely known? How bad can the marketing/advertising? Most people have no clue about this game! Most of my friends ask what I play and when I say gw2 they just say “never heard that”. Not releasing an expansion this Summer was a big big mistake, as WoW BFA turned out to be really bad and most players quit and started searching for a new game. But guess what, they went for ESO, warframe etc. why? Because they are advertising the game everywhere! they are releasing an expansion and make sure everyone hears about it and they are growing SO FAST right now! But Anet decides to go for Living World season 5, how can a person be interested to start this game when they dont even know what Living World means and nothing is being advertised? Anet missed a great opportunity to gain insane amount of players and not only that.. they are losing us, at least most of my friends and me.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > > > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > > > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > > > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > > > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > > > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> > > >

> > > > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> > > >

> > > > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> > > >

> > > > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.

> > >

> > > So then if they have nothing right now, like *actually* nothing (which I doubt because then what are they doing every day at work?) then *tell* the community. What do they have to lose by trying to restore some faith and improve their communication and relationship with the community? Weekly developer streams going over the state of the game and its future would only benefit them in the short and long term, and then having them compile that information into a forum post that gets pinned on both the forums and even something on the Wiki then that could go a long way to improving things.

> >

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > * They have nothing to announce, It was pretty clear on the ending of this living world we would not be getting much going forward (At least immediately) I fully believe we were gonna be put on maintenance mode with soft content launches.

> > > > * I don't think they know where they want to go storywise, or even gameplay/new development wise in terms of guild wars 2.

> > > > * We know their other projects hurt them badly, we don't know how badly and how moral is in the office since the lay-offs and projects being canned.

> > > > * There has been no new hires, so fresh blood is not pumping into the game so we can rule that out.

> > > > * Regardless of how they go about it, we will either be mad when they announce and fail to deliver (Has been an issue since launch of the base game.) Or we will be mad that they DONT say anything. Its a loose loose situation for A-net, we as a community kitten and moan alot so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to talk to us considering how condescending and rude people get.

> > > > * They worry it won't be enough, and if they announce it then they get hounded to release it and that can add stress ontop of stress.

> > > >

> > > > Im not a white knight, Im a harsh critic of this game and the people making it. I call them out alot but I believe alot of above is playing hard into the factor of them not talking and its probably because there is not anything worth talking about. We know about the Restructure for pvp and wvw, and I feel it might of been a mistake to tell us and not just work on it and then pump it out. Because see now if they don't do it then those two modes are dead in the water, worse off then they are now and no one will continue because it will show they won't support those modes (Even if that is not the case, which Im not saying it is one way or another.)

> > > >

> > > > In reality, I think and feel that they just have nothing to show us. There is no punching power in their arms so to speak at least at this moment, they are also watching their competition to see what they are doing so there is that. I feel its a mixture of fear, and perhaps concern that if they come out and make more promises that they find out they cant keep it will become a game of how long they can last with a community who does not trust or believe in them. (Which might be happening regardless of their efforts to prevent it.)

> > > >

> > > > I only hope this passes, I love this game. I Want it to succeed.

> > >

> > > We sure there hasnt been any hirings since the layoffs? Anet has offered some of the positions they laid off to prob newer ppl with less experience for less money, but do we know if anyone took these positions?

> >

> > * Frankly I haven't been paying much attention to anything going on as I don't care about the events/small things being added and have been dabbling in other games.

> > * They have alot to loose I suppose neither of you were here at the launch of core; When we had to pay to get in. And they made HUGE promises which never came to pass and people were pissed, alot of people left and alot more straight went at A-net with pitchforks and torches and for a while the game seemed dead. Then HoT happened ~ So they have alot to loose if they make empty promises.

> > * If they up and tell us right now what will happen in oh say six months, people will just stop playing until that stuff comes. Mind you I never once said their way of being silent and not saying a word is good. In fact I disagree with the silence but I don't believe they have anything concrete to show us as it seems alot of the time they just make stuff as they go along, and we just get it when its ready. I don't believe that there has ever been a true plan and the game reflects this pretty perfectly Power creep, storyline issues where things don't make sense, Disconnect between their player base and them?

> > * We know legendary runes, sigils and kitten are coming. We know build templates are coming and this new event seems to me, at least to be hinting they might be trying out secondary professions.


> Firstly no I've played GW2 since it launched back in 2012, in fact I played GW1 since all the way back when that launched so I'm well aware of what initial intentions were and how things changed or didn't change. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people that was hoping for GvG modes and a few other things that have yet to come to pass or that will never happen.


> If they told us if something were to be released in 6 months and people ended up not playing for that period of time...how is that any different to how things are now? Speaking as someone who has done similar, for a span of time while I was playing BDO for a year I only got back onto GW2 for a LW release and then once I cleaned the story up in a day and then cleaned up any achievements I wanted after a couple of days I was off GW2 and back to BDO. The logic doesn't track there because by your logic because we don't know the time frame in which the next update is coming there should technically be no one online. Which...is not the case. Even if they have nothing concrete to *show* us they can at least inform us.


> I suggested they do the developer streams because another game developer does something similar. Warframe's devs do a devstream every week and talk about things they are working on, the current state of the game and things that are in the pipeline being worked on much later on down the road, most of which tend to be 6+ months away. Yet people don't stop playing until those things come out and the Devs don't make specific promises, they talk about their intentions but they make a point to acknowledge consistently that things can change over time depending on what happens. In fact their devstreams have only contributed to a much healthier relationship with their community and helped grow and evolve Warframe exponentially over the years. Because they *listen* to and *communicate* with their players on a consistent basis rather than go into silent mode on things. They show what they are working, discuss it, discuss ideas they have and what they hope to do with it but always make sure to stress that its work in progress, it isn't final, etc. It hasn't hurt them in the least.


> Yes we know legendary runes are coming, sigils as well, Season 5 is on the way and they are working on build templates as well as the swiss style tournaments for sPvP and the Alliance system for WvW, but we don't know the status of these things. I'm not asking for a release date on them (nor spoilers for season 5), I'm asking for them to keep the community updated and not in the dark on what their intentions and their plans are, it would also be nice to see them acknowledging the current state of the game and the problems with it and ideas they might have to try and remedy these issues. I highly doubt they have "nothing" to share with the community, I'm sure there is loads they can share with us if they just change the way that they communicate...i.e do better at it.


I and many others wanted the same thing, A-net won't change and no matter how much we beg it won't change the fact that they don't desire to speak to us about the content coming or being developed. I've come to terms with that and I understand that this is how they want to do business, and as I have said I Disagree with it and would love for them to hype me up and give me something to be excited about. This is what I trust them to do and what I believe they will do~

* Make content( Living world, perhaps some small events for WvW or some such and festivals.)

* Make skins for mounts

* make raids

* Perhaps and expansion at some point, maybe.



These are the things I've learned they will not do, and it will not change. Not that I hate them or that I don't think things could be better, but I've learned from the time I've spent with them that this is how things will be done. I've been here as well since guild wars 1 but when Gw2 came out they changed and things became blurry, since this games launch I've learned to have little faith in communication.

* Tell us anything ahead of time, typically they will wait till the day before or maybe at best a week.

* Listen to anyone

* Take into account the communities desires, unless said desires are extremely profitable (Mounts are good example.)

* The Restructuring for WvW ( Im on the fence of believing its going to happen, only because of how long we've gone with no word.)

* Anything for Norn players.



Build templates, legendary whatevers are all nice and cool but I really don't care. They don't hype me up at all and really don't give me anything to sink my teeth into, while nice additions I feel they fall short of something that would offer hours of playtime (Especially if you have memorized your builds.) I want new cool looking armor, Id love for perhaps some more class reworks because its exciting and adds flavor sometimes and can make your class feel semi-fresh. Some classes still need some love in specific areas and it would be cool if they finally addressed all of it.


These are what I think are coming, from taking an educated guess which most likely is wrong.

1. Secondary professions (The new event seems like a test to see if it could work, maybe a soft test for a future addition to the game?)

2. more mounts

3. more outfits

4. festivals

5. small events

6. maybe a new fractal?

7. More living world (A given as its the only thing they have openly stated, probs in a few more months.)


Just learn to accept this is A-net, I had too as did many others and no matter what we do I doubt they will change their ways this late in the game.

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