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I'm Bad

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Does anyone else play one class so much that when they actually hop onto a different class they realize just how bad they are at the game? I mostly stick to my Necromancer but I wanted to pick up the new elite specializations for all of the other classes. Granted, my alts aren't geared well and their builds were selected by a blind monkey, but it felt like I was playing a completely different game. With my Necro it feels like I just press 1 and win. Meanwhile, my other classes get clobbered by ambient creatures.


Alright, so Ranger was also easy-mode. Mesmer wasn't too bad and Thief was surprisingly not horrible. But oh no...Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist, and Engineer. I might as well have been running around with my computer monitor turned off. And Revenant was somehow even worse. I just had to AFK next to a hero point and wait for someone else to pick a fight with it.


Running through the hero points 9 times has really depressed me. I need to send my Necro back in there for some revenge. Oh hello Mr. Djinn! And hello to your friends...two Veteran Hydras, Sand Sharks, a pack of Sand Lions, that wandering patrol of Forged...remember ME! <3

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You know it. (Sorry you put the song in my head with that title).

I knew I was bad since day 1.

I use dual pistols on thief and staff + sceptre/daggers on my Necro and 6 7 8 9 0 are all minions.


I'm struggling to find another class good enough for me, but I can't seem to find another class I could play at range and like. Been struggling with that for quite a while.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> You're not alone, I'm the same way. I heavily depend on my Reaper Minion Master. I mean, I know when to use my crowd control skills, but I'm just not comfortable with any other class.


> Yep, I'm bad, but I have fun.


Yup. That's literally me, minus my Thief.

Necromancer was my first class I kept because the first I tried was Engineer and it was "all wrong" in what I wanted in a ranged class... until I learned Thief could use pistols which is when it became my 2nd class.


> @Sartharina.3542 said:

> My Renegade keeps eating dirt because it's not my Warrior.


Tried Renegade when I got HoT because "why not? New class I didn't have access to before."

Loathed it but still stuck with it thinking maybe by the time I get to 80 I would like it... but the whole way through I was struggling.. then PoF announced with short-bows so I tried it and... while I play much better and "enjoyed" it... it felt much weaker in attacks which completely disappointed me.


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You may have potential but just never ventured outside of your comfort zone. Before HoT or Gw2, I never play a melee class, I played mostly engineer, ranger and ele, always ranging everything. But when raids came, I stepped out of my comfort zone, and learned to melee the bosses. And now I'm playing melee and range and confident in all classes. I never even used berserker gear before HoT, all my gear had toughness in them.


So it's good that you're stepping out of your comfort zone, it just takes practice and getting used to. I would never imagine myself as a raid seller, until I tried it and succeeded and the confidence just keeps building up.

I also never thought of myself as a Pvp player, but last few months I played over 400 games, and have more confidence and knowledge. I don't like to read guides, I like to learn and discover things by myself. I acknowledge my weaknesses, and compensate them in other ways, for example, I'm just not good at 1v1, so I just always 2v1 someone else.

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oddly enough with the build i have my rev does quite well. i just seem to have a problem adjusting to the mesmer mindset, so mesmer would be my weakest class - followed by ranger. (since i find ranger fairly boring tbh so i don't play it often.)


also having quite a bit of fun playing a celestial weaver, since i can just utilize most roles solo.

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I felt the same way a year ago. Till then i played only my first char a necro. Then i was getting a little bit bored and tryed out other classes and died a lot. Some classes just need some time till you get it imo. Taken the guard. I died so much the first few weeks i played it, it wasn't any fun at all. But after i got how and when i have to use blinds/aegis i was getting better and better. Nowadays i can facetank pretty everything with it and i'm dying rearely. Also with my mesmer wich is my new second mainchar. Sometimes if i get swarmed by mobs i also die easlily those days aber overall it makes so much fun to play it. The problem as pure necro player is that you can ignore much of the enemys stuff wich they trow at you also a lot of mechaniks in case of the shroud. Also you have no active defensive wich you need to time and handle. So the first step into the jungel with a new class could be pretty frustraiting at the first time.

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I have a comfort zone of playing with set builds i rarely deviate from. I know Im not going to be allowed to raid because of it, but i have fun in other areas of content.


Occasionally i try a diff a class or elite, but if it requires too much effort to get into, I wont bother and go back to what i normally use (pvt mace and shield warrior ftw!!)


Praise Joko!

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Stuck on engineer for more than four years now. I do create new classes once in a while, design a build and spend hours with selecting a name, look and outfit. Then I unlock the elite, clear all the neccessary waypoints and ... abandon it. My second main is a lowlevel thief, I use to run JPs with for collecting silver doubloons XD. The other 11 characters catch dust, are used for crafting or as mules for items.


It is a special love I have with the engineer. I actually play it, because of its bad reputation and the low effort/gain ratio. It is challenging and I feel no pressure, as we are not superior in any game mode. Noone questions me if I run not the meta. Currently running two builds, with two full ascended sets (full AR). I also try out a lot of stuff and still find new things every week. Tried out several different stat combos as well, re-organized both builds right _before_ PoF and it works great. Every bossfight, every field battle is fun. I tried all classes and most elites so far, nothing comes close to the engineer - and ofcourse not the elementalist (imho).


The negative side-effects: Playing engineer and not obeying the meta is simply a double NO for raids XD. I have not tried it yet, because I fear my dps is too low. If it wasn't for the stupid time-limit ... . The dps-fanatics wanted a playground, now they have one. Being a minority in squads. Seen as a stubborn freak, who is unable to adapt to the situation - until the fight starts. Being resurrected last or never - no matter if I deal damage, heal or buff. Again, we are not superior in anything, that makes us expendable.


If I have to quit my engineer one day, I may have to quit GW2 as well. Playing the content, even the story, never feels real with another class :S.

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I used to have this same problem, I'm a thief main who's used to dpsing everything to death, and with daredevil I got really used to the added mobility of three dodges. Cut to my alts and suddenly I'm getting downed every six seconds.


I'm trying to expand outside that comfort zone, started playing elementalist recently, the rotation is a lot more complicated than what I'm used to, but I'm really enjoying it. Just takes a little getting used to when I switch classes.

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I love my Guardian/Dragonhunter the most. Fighting with her is so easy and fun. I know her moves by heart.


When I switch to another class I always just randomly push some keys and hope for the best xD I tried to play mesmer but...I can't seem to forget my Dragonhunter skills.


Do you know how stupid I look when I create a portal without any reason in the middle of nowhere because I unconsciously wanted to use the Retreat-Skill of my DH to be faster? Doing world boss events and then creating a portal without any reason at all...and don't think it only happened once or twice! I don't learn from my mistake, oh no! xD


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I am fairly competent with my ranger and guardian, meh with warrior and I keep on dying with thief, elementalist, engineer and mesmer when things get a little tougher. Especially mesmer, it looks so easy when other people play them with lots of damage, but I am obviously unable to play them.

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I suppose it says something about me that thief is my main and my favorite class to play... and when I went to get the new elite specs on my Revenant and Elementalist that after unlocking both of them fully, I was dying far less often on both classes, often to mob sizes that I know would have kicked the crap out of my thief.... So I guess that I am having the opposite issue as the OP... I apparently play other classes better than the class I know like the back of my hand mechanics wise.

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I have 4 classes that I play frequently, but if I switch to any others I feel just terrible. For example, I can solo just about anything on my DD, but if a vet looks at my engi sideways I'm dead. I used to feel that way about thief though, but once I practiced with a build and tweaked it slowly I found that I got a lot better. I think you just have to play the class a lot with proper gear and be willing to experiment a bit. Right now I'm having issued with Deadeye because it's squishy, but I've got it geared in full assassin's, so of course it's squishy. Some of getting good with it will be adjusting my gear, but some of it will be learning how long I can stay in a fight, how to escape when I need to run, and what the best skill to use in certain situations is. So basically what I'm saying is you just need gear and practice, and then slowly adjust your build as you play so that it fits your style. You can make any class your main with enough effort.

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I wouldn't say you're bad at the game, just accustomed to the playstyle of a particular class. Not every class plays the same, nor are they meant to. Some people are better at playing some classes than others due to their playstyle and the class being more in line with each other. It's perfectly natural and expected. Take me for example...


I main a Mesmer, currently a core Mesmer at that, I tried out Chronomancer and the playstyle for Chronomancer was just too much of a paradigm shift for me, so I dropped the elite spec and returned to core. I'm looking forward to playing as a Mirage, since what little I got to try of it in the preview event felt in line with my playstyle, however until I can get a copy of PoF that's on hold. I've actually got one of every class, except for Revenant, out of them I find 3 classes to be very annoying to play.


The Thief, I feel like I'm locked into auto attacking more than anything due to how their initiative mechanic works, and weapon swap is far less useful on them than on other classes as a result. No matter how hard I try I just can't stand playing a Thief for long periods of time, and am quite frankly terrible with them.


The Warrior, oddly enough are just too simple... I don't feel like there's enough skill involved in playing a warrior... that and I find their utility skills to be excessively useless...


The Revenant... the most awkward class ever conceived... As interesting and unique as the Utility skill swapping mechanic may have sounded on paper, in actuality it's a horrible mechanic that completely removed any potential for making interesting builds let alone interesting elite specs. The class is the most boring and awkward class in the game. This, plus the fact that I simply can't stand cookiecutter builds, is the reason I don't play a revenant. I tried it out, and the whole experience was just absolutely horrible.


However every other class I have no problems playing... some are easier for me to play than others.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> I mostly play mesmer and sometime when I switch to my ranger I try to shatter my pet.



Ive wanted to shatter my pet on more than one occasion...and I rarely play mesmer.


"Hey wait, what are you doing aggroing those guys way over there, we arent done with this fight yet....!@#$%& cats..."

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Not entirely. Mesmer is my main class. When I do world bosses or help someone out, like in a dungeon, I'll usually use her. Each class is a learning experience, than each weapon they use is another one. I'm good at greatsword Chronomancer. Used that so much, even going back to leveling a mesmer was a challenge at first. I got so used to having the wells to help. Reaper is my story commander and I've since mostly weaned myself off using so many minions. Though she still has the potential to summon a little rat horde. So I'd say those are the two I'm not embarrassed about.


For me, close range is where I have the biggest issue. I've always preferred long range weapons, in all my years of gaming. It's probably not so obvious I'm still learning the class when I pick a long range weapon for them. My herald has a staff and sword/shield, so I've been forcing myself to practice. It is my goal to have one of each elite specialization so I always have what I need right there on hand. I also give each one their own story and personality, so I'd like them to stick to one elite.

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Necro can be a very forgiving class. I've played most of the classes, and 'mained' mesmer and engineer at different times, with side tracks into ele and warrior. Then I got the free 80 buff with PoF and popped it on a necro... I felt immortal (I run a condi reaper specced where chills cause bleeds, chills cause vulnerability, blinds cause chills, and 10% of my condi damage comes back to me as healing.) Playing other classes, I generally feel more fragile, but much more powerful, and have to move a lot more. Fights end much more quickly, one way or another. So finding a bit of a difficulty curve going from necro to something else seems natural to me, necro just seems to be the 'solo explorer' class for the game.

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