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Increase the size of the Mount Swap button

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> @Obtena.7952 said:

> > @HardRider.2980 said:

> > You know you can always keybind the differnt mounts so you dont have to click the swap mount button all the time


> No I didn't know that ... THANKS!


Yeah, when I learn that you could hotkey them all, I kind of wanted that little thing removed actually... lol.


> @notebene.3190 said:

> > @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > We're on the same page.


> Is that the new 'First'? ????


I think they're trying to let them know that we are all on the same page. This topic never made it to page 2.

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I'm using the keyboard binds now for swapping. But there's not just one key to swap is that right? I think you have to hit one key to dismount then then another key to mount the other mount. Although of course I hope it can be done with one key. I haven't yet looked at the radial key video posted above so don't know how that plays in yet.

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I was using that annoying little mount button until I found out you could keybind them separately. I now use the mount key for the raptor and a separate key for each of the other mounts. That seems to do well enough. If it could be made so we didn’t dismount, wait through the cooldown then remount that would be good enough for me.

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I like radial bar idea. Hold-click on your mount icon and drag outwards to quickly select a different mount (and mount it if appropriate?)


Edit: I'd also like to be able to select different mounts in combat, even if i can't actually get on them. Sometimes you only have a split second window to mount before an incoming attack hits, and too often i find that my selected mount is not the one that i actually need to mount in that situation.

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  • 2 years later...

This might be a Necro, but I just wanted to say: The Radial menu for mount selection is an actual thing. It’s an addon you can add that’s within Anet’s TOS that was greenlit by Chris.


Just remember the usual disclaimer that adding this is at your own risk (not that it’s difficult though), and any problems it may cause if done incorrectly, Anet can’t help with. (Again, it’s easy though.) So making a backup is always a safe bet.


This video explains how to install if you need a tutorial, it’s the first one he talks about (Timestamp being 1:20). Links are also provided in the description.

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The button never bothered me, as it is the same size as the skill buttons. But I did key bind my mounts (currently have 4). What I found that pushing any of the 4 mount buttons will dismount any mount. So if I want the rabbit, but on the raptor, I just push the rabbit key, to dismount the raptor, then push the rabbit key again to mount. It just makes it easier that any of the bound mount keys will dismount you.


I use very few keyboard commands, I prefer the mouse. But for mounts I will use the keys.

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> @"Narrrz.7532" said:

> I like radial bar idea. Hold-click on your mount icon and drag outwards to quickly select a different mount (and mount it if appropriate?)


> Edit: I'd also like to be able to select different mounts in combat, even if i can't actually get on them. Sometimes you only have a split second window to mount before an incoming attack hits, and too often i find that my selected mount is not the one that i actually need to mount in that situation.


I use the NUM keys for my mounts. 0 - raptor, 1 - springer, 2 - skimmer, 3 - jackal, 4 - beetle, 5 - griffon, 6 - skyscale. Makes it very easy for me to mount up quickly, especially in escaping combat situations. Even better, if you have Air Rescue trained on your griffon or skyscale, you can jump off a cliff, glide, and mount in midair.

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> @"Tukaram.8256" said:

> The button never bothered me, as it is the same size as the skill buttons. But I did key bind my mounts (currently have 4). What I found that pushing any of the 4 mount buttons will dismount any mount. So if I want the rabbit, but on the raptor, I just push the rabbit key, to dismount the raptor, then push the rabbit key again to mount. It just makes it easier that any of the bound mount keys will dismount you.


> I use very few keyboard commands, I prefer the mouse. But for mounts I will use the keys.


Its ah, not actually the same size, its a little smaller, and now it also shares a slot with the novelty tab.

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You could use shift + 1-5, "R", "F", and "C". That's what I've done for every mount released in chronological order.


Keybinding mounts is so much more efficient than clicking on the mount option and clicking on your next mount. A lot of time and attention is wasted on that when it is exceptionally more responsive to do it the other way.


I think I found my keys for them shortly after getting the first for during PoF's original release.

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