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So no healing in Reaper's shroud? Srsly? Now Scholar runes are almost useless, becouse Reaper can't keep his health above 90% all time. Our DPS will be much lower. If Soul Eater trait won't heal us, you should make us vulnerable for healing of healers. If I can't be healed while in shroud I'll be dead when I'll leave shroud. -.-#

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:


> >



> If it is any consolation, a lot of other specs are getting nerfed. Holosmith, Herald, Renegade, Reaper, Chronomancer, Druid, and Soul Beast are definitely getting nerfed.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:


> >



> If it is any consolation, a lot of other specs are getting nerfed. Holosmith, Herald, Renegade, Reaper, Chronomancer, Druid, and Soul Beast are definitely getting nerfed.


What the hell are we supposed to play for damage? Do we just go heal tank and be done???? I don't get this at all. And why are they touching Druid???? Where was druid EVER a problem in the competitive modes???


I feel like I'm in the goddamn Twilight Zone rn when reading these patch notes.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> * Unyielding Anguish: This skill has been reworked and renamed Call to Anguish. It is now a leap finisher skill that pulls foes to the center of your landing point and chills them. This skill has an energy cost of 35 and a 5-second recharge.

> * Embrace the Darkness: This skill is now a mobile dark field. Increased recharge to 10 seconds. This skill no longer grants a stat increase and is no longer unblockable and unblindable. The amount of torment applied per pulse is unchanged, but using a skill that costs energy now increases the stacks of torment applied on the next pulse by 2. This skill now deals a small amount of damage each pulse.


This isn't going to fix Mallyx's issues in Pvp/WvW. Reducing its mobility makes Shiro EVEN BETTER than it now and there's no extra sustain here for it to compete with Glint. Also these changes certainly are not helping it much in PvE. Mobile Dark Field is going to screw over every other field your allies may or may not want to use.


Also on Call to Anguish can we at least get an evade on it now that it has a 5 second recharge and an increased cost?? That would give Mallyx more of the sustain that it needs to be a viable option in competitive formats. A wider radius for the effect would be nice too considering most other pulls are larger and 240 radius is pretty pitiful (assuming it maintains the size of the previous Unyielding Anguish).



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* Merciful Ambush: This trait has been moved to the adept tier. It no longer increases revive speed and instead causes **applying stealth to an ally** to heal and **revive them over 3 seconds**.

* Leeching Venoms: This trait has been moved to new slot in the same tier. It no longer reduces recharge of venoms. Instead it causes the thief to stack **spider venom automatically while in stealth**.


PvP new meta? Shadows Refuge for revives/support and condi for damage? Not to mention the portal!! So good!!

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I am so happy about Mallyx changes. Finally it won't feel like a condi spam machine. I am super excited to try this in game as the update to Unyielding Anguish brings back the old HoT-launch Mallyx to the table!

Great idea to nerf OH Sword for Rev, it is way too similar to Axe in its functionality. I like the nerfs to Might generation for Revenant and would be happy to see the same treatment being applied to all of the classes in game. Some of them are able to do too much stuff on their own.


My suggestion would be to decrease the skills functionality. If a skill is meant stun, let it be just a stun. Headbutt is the best example of it. Basically the whole Berserker Spec is very concrete and I'm looking forward to seeing more.


As for other classes, well. Soulbeast, Mirage and Rampage could get an extra nerf-love as I still don't think these changes are going to cut their power significantly.


Anyway, great patch! And keep up the good work. Giving us a look on the Balance Update is cool!

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Necro's underperforming, nerf necro!


You also took a fun talent (that isn't even used in min/maxing) and nerfed it... One we just got, that still isn't used in meta builds....




Our only way to heal in shroud. Healers can't heal us. Either change it so healers can heal us in shroud, or revert this ASAP.

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> @"Tarragon.4302" said:

> am i missing something with the changes to eles fire traits? it seems a bit redundant to have two traits in the master set that are for condi damage when the new burning rage will be picked over power overwhelming almost always.


THIS exactly is what i thought... why not make power overwhelming a power is converterd into ferocity instead of making it another useless trait... so you could have a strong condi and power build on the class

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

>the defense-focused Elusive Mind.



Proving once again that you either are clueless as to the state of this trait, or you know how useless it is now and just want to rub salt on the wound.

Either way.

Not cool, and I'm glad this game is no longer on my radar for pvp

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The Chrono changes are beyond retarded, time to learn to play this class again for the 20th time because some random dude in balance team just can't make up his mind on what to do with this class.


It's not nuclear science, jesus 4 damn years balancing this thing, no wonder gw2 is going where it's going...

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> Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.

I assume this excludes the entire cool down time of the blasting module, right? Is this a 5s cd like kits have? Otherwise equipping blasting module would lock you down severely ... :|


> Laser's Edge: The bonus damage from this trait is now calculated dynamically based on the amount of heat you have rather than activating after passing a specific heat threshold. Because of this change, the effect icon will no longer be displayed. Bonus damage is now multiplicative instead of additive.

Here as well - you need to keep the 15% modifier when using blasting module. Right now you have 0-50 heat no modifier and 50-100-0 the 15% modifier. If it would scale while cooling down with the blasting module, that be a 50:50 instead of 75:25 uptime on 15% Laser's Edge, which is really really bad. So definitly make it stay 15% from 100 to 0 but make it scale while heating up.


Besides those two things, great changes, really! Looking forward to test these things.

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Anet mistook the "ninja medic" memes as actual player feedback it seems LUL. I mean, who in their right minds expects thiefs to actually play healing traits? :D

The life siphoning aspect of many traits need huge numbers to not be utterly useless, and i doubt that will happen.

Tbh, this is just another patch where thiefs only get changes for the sake of changes, but nothing that is meaningfull in any way. as always...

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> @"memausz.7264" said:

> Why was Sic Em Soulbeast Longbow 2 cooldown not increased? It's unblockable with Choice 3 of Trait 1 options in Soulbeast line? I cannot even stealth out of it because of revealed, and once I have no dodges, I get canned because there's literally no counter to it at that point.


What on earth are you on about? They removed the unblockable portion of the trait you're refering to, sic em damage was nerfed in pvp/wvw and core longbow itself definetely doesn't need any nerfs. They literally nerfed everything about that combo except what belongs to core ranger, which is the proper way to do it. Call of the Wild is also reduced to number of attacks, meaning it won't last a full Rapid Fire either.


Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer grants an unblockable boon. Instead, it removes movement-impairing conditions in addition to its previous effect of stunbreaking when activating beastmode.

"Sic 'Em!": Reduced the bonus damage applied to a merged soulbeast from 40% to 25% in PvP and WvW only. Damage bonus for pets remains unchanged. Fixed a bug that caused this skill to not grant the listed movement-speed bonus.

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Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.


This is a terrible change. As others have stated, Photonic Blasting Module should be reworked to keep toolbelt skills available after overheating as well if this change is implemented. If not, then this will make one of the most beginner friendly raid builds borderline nonviable, making it more difficult to get people into an already relatively inaccessible gamemode.

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> @"Lazze.9870" said:

> > @"memausz.7264" said:

> > Why was Sic Em Soulbeast Longbow 2 cooldown not increased? It's unblockable with Choice 3 of Trait 1 options in Soulbeast line? I cannot even stealth out of it because of revealed, and once I have no dodges, I get canned because there's literally no counter to it at that point.


> What on earth are you on about? They literally removed the unblockable portion of the trait you're refering to, sic em damage was nerfed and core longbow itself definetely doesn't need any nerfs. They literally nerfed everything about that combo except what belongs to core ranger.




Yeah well I didn't have an issue with the 4 sec unblockable being used as a tactical CC or to add blind or poison or something to that effect, it was just a Quickness-Fury Longbow 2 burst that is persistently problematic. Not the entire trait. That's why I said specifically Longbow 2

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The nerf to reaper was not needed, nerfing their sustain is rediculouse considering shroud is their only sustain. Soul eater was fine as is. Why would the team not focus on useless traits and update things like staff etc on necro. The thief changes make no builds viable that went before so s/d will remain dominant build in pvp. DD still crap cuz swipe, d/p and D/D is still as unviable. Literally no build change other than traps for niche builds lmao. Ele dps nerfed more cuz was so strong before. Gues least rangers got hit. This is a great direction lmao wow.

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I guess I will just quit playing my ever since main class due to so called "balance" patches for Chrono/Mesmers over the past years. I dont see the balance in here. Removing F4 will make it so much harder and take a very usefull and necessary skill away. Only be able to use a shatter when theres at least one clone up? Well that wont be fun anymore, that just dont sounds realistic to me (still hope they are making a bad joke here). I think complaing about this wont be worth it anymore, anet does not see the point and thats really disappointing at least to me. They buff things, that dont need to be buffed because the spec is already op compared to other spec, like the warrior thing being invul forever if not hitting it with a ton of condis, but yea just give thiefs a portal i mean why do i even feel surprised by that. I would appriciate it more if anet would focus on like really "balancing" specs/classes . But guess this will never happen.


- just a from "balance" patch disappointed chrono

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_**Fear Me: The duration of fear applied by this skill now scales dynamically based on distance.**_

I still can not see a valid reason to take this skill? in PvE it has no place, in PvP you sacrifice a useful skill for a gimick. I would consider taking this skill if it had an Imobilise attached to it as well.

However I dont feel that Fear works very well with the design of the warrior.


_**Sight beyond Sight: Increased duration of reveal applied by this skill from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.**_

Where in this game am i going to use this skill? you sacrifice too much for a very small return that will be usable in very few scenarios. I'd rather this skill was reworked into something different and actually usable. Where this debuff 'reveal' falls flat is that, if said player is revealed, they'll teleport away till the debuff is gone, then running right back into the action. This skill also suffers from the same problem fear me does, too much to sacrifice and where do you use it? PvE? PvP? WvW? what ever you pick you lose too much for what it returns.

If say, chill was added to this skill it may make it useable as a chase utility, no hiding, no running for 5s. (reason for chill, it's like having someone give you the chills just by looking at you).

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> @"MicMacPattyWac.1560" said:

> > @"memausz.7264" said:

> >

> > Why was Sic Em Soulbeast Longbow 2 cooldown not increased? It's unblockable with Choice 3 of Trait 1 options in Soulbeast line? I cannot even stealth out of it because of revealed, and once I have no dodges, I get canned because there's literally no counter to it at that point.



> I think "Unstoppable Union: This trait no longer grants an unblockable boon. Instead, it removes movement-impairing conditions in addition to its previous effect of stunbreaking when activating beastmode" is actually the trait you are speaking of, which has had unblockable removed completely.

> Additionally, Clarion bond and call of the wild's unblockable are now limited not only by time but by total attacks (2 and 3 respectively). I believe this means the first couple of strikes only of rapid fire will be unblockable under any circumstances.



That's good to know. Still, you'd think this trait would've been tested thoroughly when they introduced the trait in the first place.

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