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New Core Necro balance notes next week


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Patch notes in a nutshell


> https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-ec1738-1563184048.jpg.html



> Btw. How can I post this link, without showing the link but showing the picture? So people don't have to click the link?

> Tried this one but didn't work:


> ec1738-1563184048.jpg


> Also putting the URL in the image URL option doesn't show any picture... :(


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( Commission of my Ranger )

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > Chill damage was my favourite trait, I still don't get why they removed it when Necromancers have had some of the WORST Damage per Second of all professions.

> > >

> > > There is 2 reasons:

> > > - The first reason is that at that moment the necromancer had longer chill and it gave to much condi burst to some condi build. This led to a lot of "nerf necro condi cancer" threads in the PvP subforum.

> > > - The second reason is the way chill work as a condition. Chill is a condition that stack in duration to a maximum of 5 stacks. This mean that technically only 1 chill affect the target at a time and the owner of this "chill" can be reset at any moment creating mechanism "conflict" instead of "synergy" in group fights. In short the trait fonctionnality was effectively a burden to the efficiency of the build as soon as you were playing with other players using the same trait.

> > >

> > > To prevent these 2 point ANet butchered necromancer's chill duration and replaced the chill damage by a proc of bleed. Replacing the chill damage by a bleed proc wasn't a bad thing at all, especially since this game is a mmorpg where you are supposed to take on challenges with other players not be a solo hero.

> >

> > then why not make it so necromancers applied a unique debuff that did damage when they applied chill and lasted as long as chill applies does, stacking, so if you applied a 5s chill and someone else applied a 5s chill, the chill would be 10s but you would only have 5s of that debuff, but if you did 3 instances of 5s of chill both would be 15s, as multiple necromancers can use signet of vampirism on the same target etc.


> Because proc'ing bleed was easier to introduce as a hotfix than a "new condition" that would have to work alongside mechanism such as cleanse, condition conversion and resistance.


Not so sure how i feel about that, Posion and burning often had the same problems and the problem was solved by allowing them to stack in intensity instead of duration. No one really bothered to complain about those conditions at the time because well... people didnt care as much about condition damage back then. Secondly condition damage was not as strong as it is now. Bleeds were stronger than most conditions back then because it could stack where as other condition types could not.


bleeding is now the weakest condition because everything else can stack just as freely and the raito for bleeding damage is very low.


To be frank allowing chill to stack in intensity now wouldn't be bad at all. In pve it wouldn't matter and in pvp there is more than enough condition clear for it in todays meta.


Even if what you say is really the case note that you used the word "hotfix" as which is usually implied as a temporary solution. From that aspect we can possibly still argue that the trait could be retouched to be better than its current form even more so now that chill has been nerfed countless times and even the bleed procking was culled down in several ways. In most cases the trait had to be exploited to be considered viable and thats not a good sign. Deathly chill in 2019 or 2020 could certainly use a more perma retouch to how it functions be it new effect or changing the conditions applied.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> To be frank allowing chill to stack in intensity now wouldn't be bad at all. In pve it wouldn't matter and in pvp there is more than enough condition clear for it in todays meta.


It would be a flat nerf to power build if they do, outside of the fact that chill would only be a dps condition traited in reaper. That'd be a waste of manpower to change it from what is right now.


_Deathly chill_ have found a sweet spot right now, it's not perfect but it's fine at least. If it was proven to not be enough, I'd rather have ANet allow reaper to have access to more instances of short chill (via an ICD reduction on _chilling nova_ for example) than a change to the trait.


I'd rather have _chilling nova_ not deal any damage and proc 0.5s chill in an aoe with 3 seconds ICD than a rework of the current _deathly chill_. Bleed is a condition that is way more practical than chill due to the ease to build for it. The choices for chill are just awful in comparison.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Patch notes in a nutshell

> >

> > https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-ec1738-1563184048.jpg.html

> >

> >

> > Btw. How can I post this link, without showing the link but showing the picture? So people don't have to click the link?

> > Tried this one but didn't work:

> >

> > ec1738-1563184048.jpg

> >

> > Also putting the URL in the image URL option doesn't show any picture... :(


> **Upload image**

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/dinZFYC.jpg "")


> **Copy image address**

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/EjpaMK1.jpg "")


> **Paste in "Image" tab here.**

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/t7xdyRJ.jpg "")


> **Image will appear as such**

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CEYa205.jpg "")


> ( Commission of my Ranger )


Seems to not work on my device...

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952"


> Let's say soul eater was broken (Which it isn't, only in your pve raids where you're able to stack obscene amounts of damage)


> Then at least give us SOMETHING ELSE in exchange for the removal of the heal.

> Then at least make a SPLIT change between pve and pvp.

> Then at least REVERT some of the terrible changes made in the previous patch.


> There's plenty of options for anet to not screw over the necro community again for the 100th time. Soul Eater change was the only positive thing in the last patch, out of a trough of what are essentially nerfs.


> Now they take away soul eater's main positive mechanic away and what's left is necromancer in a spot so bad that it's just basically a deadeye meme build that can one shot some nub in the middle of a teamfight.


If Anet balanced for reasons of performance between classes, you might be on to something there.


The fact is that if Soul Eater didn't have the heal added in shroud in the last patch ... no one would have labeled it as screwing necros over not having it, so the idea we are losing some critical thing that is necessary for necros to work good is nonsense to begin with. . It's not screwing necros over at all, because it would have never occurred to anyone that healing the amount it does in shroud was reasonable to ask for in the first place.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> I got a question why is obtenna defending sustain nerfs to necro?


Because I recognize that other things won't get fixed if we have broken or unintended tools in the toolset. I can't tell you how many times I've seen EXACTLY this behaviour in every MMO I've ever played; the bugs and unintended elements are always targetted first, no matter what the current state of the game.


You can sit there and think that because I recognize behaviors, that somehow I'm thrilled. Like somehow what I think directs the activity at Anet? You must think REALLY highly of me if that's the case.


You know what screws me over as a necro? I can tell you it's not the loss of OP'ed healing in shroud because I'm pretty sure OP'ed healing in shroud wasn't in the plan in the first place. Maybe you think denying this was too strong changes that ... pretty sure that doesn't play into how anet makes plans for any class they are changing.

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I am new GW2 player. I'd like to play necromancer but I have noticed tomorrow new game balance patch will hit servers. I have read patch-notes and discussion above but I am not very familiar with game mechanics. Is that all mean necromancer will be nerfed hard?

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> @"Numerian.8092" said:

> Hi!

> I am new GW2 player. I'd like to play necromancer but I have noticed tomorrow new game balance patch will hit servers. I have read patch-notes and discussion above but I am not very familiar with game mechanics. Is that all mean necromancer will be nerfed hard?


Necro will not be nerfed hard. Some other professions will be nerfed harder than Necro and Death Shroud will be buffed.

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I would be super pissed off if I still played this game.


I just visit this place once in a while, to see what's up with the necro community. And, oh boy, it's always the same story: Anet take away from necros whatever is good at the time, never fixing what's actually broken, no communication with the player base beside patch notes.


That's the reason I left, and now I guess I'm never playing GW2 ever again. It's been too long since Devs stop caring about players' feelings, and I just realize I don't give a fuck about this game anymore. GL necro mains.

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> @"vicious.5683" said:

> I would be super pissed off if I still played this game.


> I just visit this place once in a while, to see what's up with the necro community. And, oh boy, it's always the same story: Anet take away from necros whatever is good at the time, never fixing what's actually broken, no communication with the player base beside patch notes.


> That's the reason I left, and now I guess I'm never playing GW2 ever again. It's been too long since Devs stop caring about players' feelings, and I just realize I don't give a kitten about this game anymore. GL necro mains.



If nothing else comes, I'm just going to log in, do dailies. Go off.

And 2days per week raiding - maybe- as I really don't want to leave my raiding group, because I like the people.

But else, gonna play eso.

And I was playing the game 2-5hours per day...

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> @"Numerian.8092" said:

> Hi!

> I am new GW2 player. I'd like to play necromancer but I have noticed tomorrow new game balance patch will hit servers. I have read patch-notes and discussion above but I am not very familiar with game mechanics. Is that all mean necromancer will be nerfed hard?


There will be changes to core necro's shroud, mostly buffs (eg. Reduced cd etc) so there's no problem there.


The discussion is mostly about removal of the healing from the trait Soul Eater under Reaper (necro's elite specialization). Necros/Reapers will not receive healing during shroud. However its possible with Soul Eater (Striking foes within 300 range threshold deals increased 10% damage and **heals you for 5%** of the damage dealt). Lots can be said, in short there's no limitation applied to it (internal cd/number of strikes).

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Yeah, instead of completely removing it, they could have just said, after recieving 2000heal in shroud in 8seconds or less, this trait can't heal you in should for the next 10 seconds.

Something like this. Wouldn't change anything for PvP modes, would nerf it for pve without completely killing the sustain

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Is there another class that can only heal itself and not receive heals at a specific time by others out there? Obtena can you explain the rationale behind Anet having our healing/sustain designed in such a way. Also does the 'only self heal while in shroud option seem like a better trade off. Once SE's removed will wh5s sustain return or? Are we being channeled into using BB thereby slow attacks in both forms. Alot of questions I'd love these guys to answer. I thought they said we were in a good spot and represented well. Why not leave us be. 'Change for the sake of change'.

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at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE



after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET


honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock

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It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!


> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE



> after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET


> honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock


This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!


> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> >

> >

> > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> >

> > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock


> This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.


> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!


> > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> >

> >

> > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> >

> > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock


> This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.


With that logic, guard shouldn't do any dmg at all, due to its sheer amount.of block it can provide for the whole group, and that's infinite amount of dmg reduction, while necros dmg reduction is only effective against a very specific numbers.

But yet, guard can do more dps, than necro can, while providing blocks and much higher burst

Then there's firebrand that can provide perma quickness + blocks while doing the same dmg, that Condi scourge can do. + Pure Condi FB also has higher burst than slow ramping up scourge.

Then we could compare healer specs, firebrand dishes out blocks, quickness, and also mitigates dmg with protection, while also being able to give fury and might and scourge can give barriers+ a bit of might?


Sorry, but that's really not a good point you made.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!

> >

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> > >

> > >

> > > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> > >

> > > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock

> >

> > This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.


> > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!

> >

> > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> > >

> > >

> > > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> > >

> > > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock

> >

> > This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.


> With that logic, guard shouldn't do any dmg at all, due to its sheer amount.of block it can provide for the whole group, and that's infinite amount of dmg reduction, while necros dmg reduction is only effective against a very specific numbers.

> But yet, guard can do more dps, than necro can, while providing blocks and much higher burst

> Then there's firebrand that can provide perma quickness + blocks while doing the same dmg, that Condi scourge can do. + Pure Condi FB also has higher burst than slow ramping up scourge.

> Then we could compare healer specs, firebrand dishes out blocks, quickness, and also mitigates dmg with protection, while also being able to give fury and might and scourge can give barriers+ a bit of might?


> Sorry, but that's really not a good point you made.


I have a more difficult time surviving with guard in open world than I do any type of necro. But to be fair I have played necro for longer. Also for guard to provide infinite blocks, they need to stop dpsing. Reaper's defense mechanic is also their best offensive mechanic. Heal scourge is the best at power rezzing, damage mitigation (VG greens for example, you'd want a heal scourge instead of 2 pure healers) and the sheer condi cleanse. If you have a full plaguedoctor build, you would be surprisingly versatile, from might generation (25 stack pre-fight/start of fight), slight condi damage, a good epi should you need it and the regular heal scourge stuff. It is stupid to bring, say, 2 druids when one can bring all the buffs a druid can plus the healing, and then you have heal scourge mitigating damage and giving that druid an easier time for it.


At the end of the day, my post is not about sheer damage output, it's highlighting the out of proportion whining that is going on. I already saw a few posts from new people and the one I linked where they didn't read the patch notes and thought that Reaper had a hard nerf coming. It IS a nerf, I AGREE that it's a stupid and unneeded nerf, but IT DOES NOT BREAK THE CLASS >_>

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Except for the last few months, Reaper has always had to leave shroud to be healed. The soul eater change coming today simply places Reaper back where it was. Scourge can still support PUGs as it was designed and core Necro will get a very minor buff.


Necro could have been nerfed harder or had clunky core mechanics fixed. I view this patch as another, "We feel that Necromancer is in a good place," statement.

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> @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > > It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!

> > >

> > > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> > > >

> > > > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock

> > >

> > > This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.

> >

> > > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

> > > It's a stupid nerf; this trait's healing in shroud was indeed quite awesome...but the way some of you are acting is like they halved HP and DPS of the profession. We still get healing outside of Shroud, and frankly most of us are used to no healing within Shroud so I don't see why we couldn't revert back. Is it unfortunate? YES. Is it the end of Necro? Wth NO!

> > >

> > > > @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > > > at the moment of my typing this I have not read them but my guess is more nerf to necro overall to somehow make them even WORSE in PVE

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > after reading them: yep WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? but srsly the worst PVE class gets nerfed more. NICE BALANCE TEAM ANET

> > > >

> > > > honestly at this rate im gonna have to wait until the next elite spec comes out for a CHANCE for necro to be usable again without being a laughing stock

> > >

> > > This for example. Hyperbole much? The nerf is indeed significant if you're face tanking everything and rely on Shroud for heals (which no good player should be doing in the first place). But honestly, the nerf itself is not MAJOR; it's annoying and for stupid reasons but not a hard nerf to the profession. For PvE your damage is still untouched (if anything, core got a pitiable buff) and for open world, necro is still the king. Reaper is in a good position now in end game content; no one even bats an eye if you bring a Reaper to raids. 31.2k DPS plus a lot of inherent tankiness and CC puts Reaper in a good place. You can't expect to be doing 37k on a necro because while in PvP that second life bar melts in no time, in PvE it is actually quite a huge deal.

> >

> > With that logic, guard shouldn't do any dmg at all, due to its sheer amount.of block it can provide for the whole group, and that's infinite amount of dmg reduction, while necros dmg reduction is only effective against a very specific numbers.

> > But yet, guard can do more dps, than necro can, while providing blocks and much higher burst

> > Then there's firebrand that can provide perma quickness + blocks while doing the same dmg, that Condi scourge can do. + Pure Condi FB also has higher burst than slow ramping up scourge.

> > Then we could compare healer specs, firebrand dishes out blocks, quickness, and also mitigates dmg with protection, while also being able to give fury and might and scourge can give barriers+ a bit of might?

> >

> > Sorry, but that's really not a good point you made.


> I have a more difficult time surviving with guard in open world than I do any type of necro. But to be fair I have played necro for longer. Also for guard to provide infinite blocks, they need to stop dpsing. Reaper's defense mechanic is also their best offensive mechanic. Heal scourge is the best at power rezzing, damage mitigation (VG greens for example, you'd want a heal scourge instead of 2 pure healers) and the sheer condi cleanse. If you have a full plaguedoctor build, you would be surprisingly versatile, from might generation (25 stack pre-fight/start of fight), slight condi damage, a good epi should you need it and the regular heal scourge stuff. It is stupid to bring, say, 2 druids when one can bring all the buffs a druid can plus the healing, and then you have heal scourge mitigating damage and giving that druid an easier time for it.


> At the end of the day, my post is not about sheer damage output, it's highlighting the out of proportion whining that is going on. I already saw a few posts from new people and the one I linked where they didn't read the patch notes and thought that Reaper had a hard nerf coming. It IS a nerf, I AGREE that it's a stupid and unneeded nerf, but IT DOES NOT BREAK THE CLASS >_>


what im saying tho is that the class was already broken and underperforming in nearly all places except niche things like boon corrupt bot but other than that it is a crap class and this nerf on top of it pretty much needing buffs all around just makes it even worse

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> Is there another class that can only heal itself and not receive heals at a specific time by others out there? Obtena can you explain the rationale behind Anet having our healing/sustain designed in such a way.


Sure ... Necro has a unique theme and Anet doesn't want them healing for ridiculous amounts in shroud. If you want a more detailed explanation of why we can't heal effectively in shroud or why Soul Eater healing in shroud was removed completely instead of just toned down to more reasonable levels of healing, Anet would be who you ask.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"vicious.5683" said:

> > I would be super pissed off if I still played this game.

> >

> > I just visit this place once in a while, to see what's up with the necro community. And, oh boy, it's always the same story: Anet take away from necros whatever is good at the time, never fixing what's actually broken, no communication with the player base beside patch notes.

> >

> > That's the reason I left, and now I guess I'm never playing GW2 ever again. It's been too long since Devs stop caring about players' feelings, and I just realize I don't give a kitten about this game anymore. GL necro mains.


> Yeah.

> If nothing else comes, I'm just going to log in, do dailies. Go off.

> And 2days per week raiding - maybe- as I really don't want to leave my raiding group, because I like the people.

> But else, gonna play eso.

> And I was playing the game 2-5hours per day...


I don't even do dailies anymore. Just log in and open a few parked JP chests. I want to fall back in love with GW2 but I don't know what that will take.


I still like to participate in conversation and help people so I stick around here and Reddit though.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> The fact is that if Soul Eater didn't have the heal added in shroud in the last patch ... no one would have labeled it as screwing necros over not having it

That's nonsense. Since HoT it's obvious that reaper has not enough healing sources to be able run any base armor gear without blowing up by just being looked at.


For years I said that the healing of blighter's boon has to be increased. After PoF release things became even worse because onslaught became mandatory as every single class except necro now can build for evasion and/or mobility.


Soul eater was a perfect tool to solve that issue. They could have lowered the healing to 2% for PvE and everything would be fine. In PvP you heal yourself by somewhat around 500 to 1000 hp in one shroud uptime. That's far from being overpowered, but it's a life saver very often and buys you time to cast your heal after leaving shroud without getting killed in the process.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > Is there another class that can only heal itself and not receive heals at a specific time by others out there? Obtena can you explain the rationale behind Anet having our healing/sustain designed in such a way.


> Sure ... Necro has a unique theme and Anet doesn't want them healing for ridiculous amounts in shroud. If you want a more detailed explanation of why we can't heal effectively in shroud or why Soul Eater healing in shroud was removed completely instead of just toned down to more reasonable levels of healing, Anet would be who you ask.


Sure I can ask but will I get an answer like countless posts have done similar. I'd like your take on it as you have a unique perspective. KrHome's points +1. Pvp. Dont just look at this change via a Pve perspective. It's made a vast difference in my playstyle and I'm sure a number would agree. How have you faired in your Pvp dealings with vs without the trait?

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