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Is there anything in the balance patch that excites you?

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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> > > With the new mechanic, delaying 20% dmg by 2s, I'm actually optimistic about the sustain.

> > I am a little interested in this, doesn't only 20% of whatever dmg come 2s later?

> Maybe it's because I'm tired, but I think that's what I wrote. ^^


> To put more words into it: To my understanding, a burst dmg, for example, rev-hammer-3 hitting for 8k will with this trait only hit for 6.4k and 2s after you get an additional 1.6k damage without "hit". The latter bit is interesting for rune/sigil/trait proccing. If this has an ICD it would be completely trash, since every single auto-attack keeps it on CD. Without ICD, it might actually buy some time in a bomb to use medikit or have your guard heal you. ^^



From testing earlier it looks like it has a 2 sec ICD as well just like the old barrier generating skill when hit. Even with full zerk and traited, the barrier gen is awfully slow and barely worth it. Condi against large groups might work better. Scrapper is back to crapper for the most part unless all you plan on doing is running medi condi cleanse POP antitoxin or just running away from everyone with superspeed.

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I can confirm that there is no ICD.

The fight-log now lists "you hurt yourself with damage dampener for 1.2k". There were entries closer than 2s listed there.

Barrier generation also triggers with every hit of pistol-2.


During yesterday's guild WvW raid, as a zerg-healscrapper, I felt pretty tanky despite only 14k HP. Damage dampener took a lot of edge out of the enemy burst together with cleric's toughness. Condibombs don't work against scrappers anyway, so


According to wiki the old bulwark gave me 3670 base + 1140 per pulse (=9400) barrier.

The new bulwark gives 2733 base + 723 for every ally (zerg = 5 target = 3615) + 848 per pulse (=10.6k) barrier.

So, as a zerg healer, bulwark also got buffed.


The superspeed-output is also noticable buffed. We run p/s and have a group superspeed uptime of near 100% now.

The heal output is decreased by around 2khps, though.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > Basically, you're going to see a lot of perma-stealth thieves, hiding inside structures, porting in

> >

> > Sniff and use skills that can reveal.


> Not everybody has a reveal, and sniff is useless. Deadeye just removes reveal.


> @"alain.1659" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > Basically, you're going to see a lot of perma-stealth thieves, hiding inside structures, porting in

> >

> > Sniff and use skills that can reveal.


> Like scrapper f5? Oh wait.



Something that’s needs some “QoL”.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> >

> > use skills that can reveal.


> The best skill in the game for that was just removed from the one build that used it.


We still have herald one but its a short range, imo makes sense scrapper with gyro receive a big reveal on its F keys.



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> @"Dediggefedde.4961" said:

> I can confirm that there is no ICD.

> The fight-log now lists "you hurt yourself with damage dampener for 1.2k". There were entries closer than 2s listed there.

> Barrier generation also triggers with every hit of pistol-2.


> During yesterday's guild WvW raid, as a zerg-healscrapper, I felt pretty tanky despite only 14k HP. Damage dampener took a lot of edge out of the enemy burst together with cleric's toughness. Condibombs don't work against scrappers anyway, so


> According to wiki the old bulwark gave me 3670 base + 1140 per pulse (=9400) barrier.

> The new bulwark gives 2733 base + 723 for every ally (zerg = 5 target = 3615) + 848 per pulse (=10.6k) barrier.

> So, as a zerg healer, bulwark also got buffed.


> The superspeed-output is also noticable buffed. We run p/s and have a group superspeed uptime of near 100% now.

> The heal output is decreased by around 2khps, though.


Weird, I noticed it was missing some damage ticks in 1v1 duels with friends. (Was GH though and not Armistice) I guess that is a little better then and the intention was to work with bulwark. Either way I would take back the old or the old old scrapper any day compared to this frankencrapper. If Anet though that gutting and reworking almost every trait in the trait line would get it to be played more, they are probably going to end up wrong.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> Thief portal

Im wondering if you run thief, because I saw you're comment under scrapper being to OP, the barrier that was activated under Protection injection, purity of purpose and emergency elixer was the real problem, it gave to much barrier, but just got hit by Revenant Hammer 2 for 6021 Hit, thats 1 hit, so still trying to understand the mechanics and ideas behind the changes, where some OP professions have now increased damage. I run most professions, but my suggestion is to use what you like, spend time and money tweaking it for you're game style and play, and that way you may get to enjoy playing, until the next patch comes. I will still play Scrapper (my favourite) but currently running Chrono, and although bit squishy with my build, getting some nice results, I have 4 friends left the game in the last 2 weeks (mostly WvW players), so just enjoy the patch and changes, have fun as all changes are subject to change.


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> @"MarkBecks.6453" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > Thief portal

> Im wondering if you run thief, because I saw you're comment under scrapper being to OP, the barrier that was activated under Protection injection, purity of purpose and emergency elixer was the real problem, it gave to much barrier, but just got hit by Revenant Hammer 2 for 6021 Hit, thats 1 hit, so still trying to understand the mechanics and ideas behind the changes, where some OP professions have now increased damage. I run most professions, but my suggestion is to use what you like, spend time and money tweaking it for you're game style and play, and that way you may get to enjoy playing, until the next patch comes. I will still play Scrapper (my favourite) but currently running Chrono, and although bit squishy with my build, getting some nice results, I have 4 friends left the game in the last 2 weeks (mostly WvW players), so just enjoy the patch and changes, have fun as all changes are subject to change.



I run scrapper for one guild and firebrand for another. I barely play thief. I was looking forward to the portal because it sounded like the most troll thing to get added, right up there with sand swell. Now more people can drop troll portals at nodes and downed players. Lol

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