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New Raid idea : Wizard's Tower


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We always wondered what was going on inside that flying castle, and when you read the dialogs of the npcs in Garrenhoff, it's very suspicious, the fact that people were invited in the Tower to never come back, the fact that the elementals do everything in town without Isgarren asking for anything in return, and that he himself is very rarely seen by the townsfolk, it's one of the most mysterious characters in Guild Wars in general. I think there is interesting material for a Raid, here, with the huge door in Garrenhoff making a good spot for a Raid portal. What is your opinion ?

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I think it's best left untouched. Some mysteries are worth more left unexplored and this is one of them.


I also have no real faith in Anet producing something worthy of the speculation over nearly 15 years. Their track record with such things leaves a lot to be desired and I'd rather this was left to the imagination as that is where the magic is.


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If the Wizard's Tower ever comes a place players can visit, then it should be as a multiple release, to make the most of it, leaving as little as possible out:


1. Story:

* The Priory lead us there while we investigate how to replace the dragons. Apparently the wizard living there has been researching all sorts of stuff, including the dragons.

* The interior of the tower is *bigger on the inside*, actually quite the massive map, so it's actually a whole living world map that appears in a separate 'mists' layer (like dungeons, mistlock observatory and the mad king's labyrinth ) instead using space in the world map.

* Turns out the wizard has been trapped by a bunch of elementals going rogue, and we have to free him and help him take back some critical locations within the wizard's tower, and seal off some dangerous parts, after which he tells us he may need a bit more help with something else, but the tower is safe now and he can help us. At the end he gives us a hint on where to find a possible replacement for a dragon.

* 1.b: Dungeon. Once the story is completed, a 5-player dungeon version of the chapter's instances is unlocked, which can be replayed against tougher enemies and has recurring rewards on a reasonable recharge, like daily or weekly.

* 1.c: Guild Hall. Isgarren offers the certain areas of the tower as a guild hall, to whoever can take it back from the rogue elementals there.

2. Raid:

* The wizard asks for the help of a 'band of mercenaries' to find and eliminate the cause of the elemental revolt. A powerful demon has summoned mists entities and manipulated elementals to take over them. In the story the demon and its minions have been sealed away, but the seal is temporary, and so Isgarren recruits you to deal with the origin of the problem in the raid.

* The raid includes surreal architecture as the interior of the tower shifts and transforms influenced by the demons. A new engine mechanic would allow "M.C. Escher" designs for maps that change the direction of gravity and tilt and rotate characters, allowing players to walk on walls and ceilings. The M.C. Escher room in Vexa's Lab would also be updated with this mechanic to become an actual M.C. Escher room.

* The first boss would be a chromatic elemental that is constantly changing between forms and elements.

* The second encounter would be a massive composite fleshreaver leading an army of necromantic minions and [abominations](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Abomination). The fleshreaver rearranges his flesh during the fight, taking different shapes with different powers. In the last phase the fleshreaver gathers all corpses of all defeated enemies and turns into a massive fleshreaver abomination. While fighting it, players tear pieces of it that in turn become more enemies.

* The third boss is the demon leading other demonic creatures like shades and imps. On the last phase it is revealed it is actually a tiny wingless imp who was possessing a mortal body that had been horribly mutated by the possession. After destroying the host body, it runs away to what seems to be a boulder, but it's actually the last remaining Titan body, and the imp somehow manages to activate it but dies in the process, and the mercenaries are left with dealing with a massive titan monster that splits into smaller titans as each split piece is defeated.

3. Fractal:

* The story of how the current wizard, the elementalist Isgarren, took over the tower.

* During this fractal, the players are transformed with a random elemental skin effect into elemental humanoids. These 4 effects will be obtainable as infusions from very rare drop from the CM version of the fight as random drops, and purchasable at the BLING golem with a currency obtained from CMs.

4. Personal instance.

* If and when personal housing is introduced, the Wizard's Tower map would include a large space usable for personal housing.

5. VIP Lounge.

* There would also be a gemstore lounge pass to a VIP area inside it, with all the modern amenities.



It's all or nothing, I say.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I think it's best left untouched. Some mysteries are worth more left unexplored and this is one of them.




I agree,


Also understand the history of the tower and the reason why it is still in game (and a mystery).

the quests in GW1 where numbered 1 ,2 ,3, 4, etc (in the dat-file). So the first quest created was the one with number 1. This was to stop Galrath who was trying to get into the tower to unlock it's mysteries.


There are specific reasons for the devs to leave it at there. Most likely cause the story didn't fit into the bigger story. It was before the main outline of GW1:prophecy's was made. It also means that this quest and so this tower was one of the first things ever made. This makes it unique. This is simular with the garison in Shaemoor. It was designed very early in the development of GW2 and much more in style of the old krytan architecture. They could have easliy changed it to match the newer architecture, but they left it in for nostalgic reasons.


So they made the wizard tower with a mostly abanded idea in mind in GW1. They brought it to GW2 for two possible reasons.

1: nostalgic reasons, without anything in mind for it.

2: With specifics in mind, that never got implemented for some reason.

We know from the Asura personal story step there, as well as the story about the elementals, it is likely they had more plans with it, that where once more abanded.


the conclusion is that they tried to make it work on several occassions, but failed to make it work (or didn't even really try too). In either way it is unlikely that they make a story that is fun and worthy of breaking the mysteries.


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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I think it's best left untouched. Some mysteries are worth more left unexplored and this is one of them.


> I also have no real faith in Anet producing something worthy of the speculation over nearly 15 years. Their track record with such things leaves a lot to be desired and I'd rather this was left to the imagination as that is where the magic is.


In all honesty, I agree on the first two. The last bit - their track record - I kinda disagree with, at least when it comes to raids. Though the Hall of Chains was a horrid mess, Mythright Gambit and especially Bastion of the Penitent was pretty good for "years old mysteries people are curious about".

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