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Skyscale: another great mount that (like the Griffon) just can't fly!

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Cristian A.7095" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > > **Skycale:** Grant full flight without having to land to recharge. ELIMINATE that stupid kung-fu never-let-go-grip. Keep the ability to hover.

> > >

> > > no

> > No reason? Then yes.


> My reasoning here is as "good" as his (which is "none", to make it absolutely clear). So still no.

Of course yes. And his "reasoning" is still better than yours (which is none).



> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > > **Griffin:** Grant full flight - no hovering but add superspeed much like the beetle but without having to dive first.

> > >

> > > no

> > Same as above - yes.


> Same as above -still no.

Still yes. *



> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > > **Jackal:** My favorite mount! I love the way it looks: it's made up of falling sand how cool is that? It's really unique because it's the only mount capable of traversing the sand portals. I think improving it's ground speed would entice peple to use it more.

> > >

> > > Not needed, would make it a direct upgrade over raptor

> > Playing the game is also not needed, so why do you play it? And what is the problem with being a direct upgrade over the raptor (which it wouldn't really be, raptors can jump over ravines easier than jackals, due to their slight altitude increase) ?


> See, this time I gave you the reasoning and all you came up with is... this? "you don't need to play the game"? It's not even relevant to what I wrote in the slightest. I guess you just want to find someone to argue with despite having nothing to say. :+1:

> What is wrong with it? The fact that they're not making other mounts worthless by releasing new ones. Because making each mount unique and useful in it's own way is a great concept and it should definitely stay this way.

"This" is showing you you didn't make any argument at all, actually. "Nothing to say" also applies to you here, it's you who game me the idea.



> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > > **Springer:** Other than being a cute little bunny this mount's usefulness has been nerfed since the Skyscale came out. I would give it "jackrabbit" speed and double the jump height to make it more attractive.

> > >

> > > True that its usefulness fell off after skyscale release, but it's still a faster 'hill climber'.

> > He didn't say the springer is not the faster hill climber, he said to buff it.


> And I said there's no need to, because it's still useful. What's your point here?

My point is that he didn't bring up "being the fastest climber".



> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > tldr: no.

> > Actually yes.


> Nah, still definitely not. But great non-constructive necroing for your first post. Welcome, I guess. :lol:

I'm afraid the ArenaNet team is the one to decide this, *definitely* not you :)

Define "necroing", I don't find this word in the dictionary. Also, first post, but not first day in the game.

Thank you for the welcone :)


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Because flying ruined WoW and we don't want to ruin GW2. This topic has been answered countless of times, no need to reopen this wound every two weeks


Flying did not ruin WoW. In fact the expansion that introduced flying (WOTLK) was the peak of WoW's player population.


Blzzard ruined WoW.

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Depends on your way to play. It's your choice.

Personally, I rarely use Griffon, a bit more Skyscale but still not that much, only for specific objectives like crossing over a zone safely or reaching something elevated.

The mounts I use the most remain raptor and springer. I use warclaw in wvw and skimmer over water. I never use beetle and jackal (very rarely).

At the end, I think it is purely a matter of taste. Some of my friends love the jackal and use almost only this mount for example, what I cannot understand! LOL

Each his/her preferences :)

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Because flying ruined WoW and we don't want to ruin GW2. This topic has been answered countless of times, no need to reopen this wound every two weeks


> Flying did not ruin WoW. In fact the expansion that introduced flying (WOTLK) was the peak of WoW's player population.


> Blzzard ruined WoW.


Of course, how could people claim something was bad until they bought the game?

The discussions come *afterwards*


Besides, WOTLK was the best selling expansion *Because* of the lich king

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I much prefer our interactive mounts here. It actually takes a bit of practice to fly the griffon and skyscale well, and it's fun. I enjoy doing map completion with the skyscale, seeing if I can touch down fast to grab a point of interest and get out of there again without getting hit by mobs. The griffon is even faster for that, but takes more skill to dive and pull up low to the ground. Plus, my skyscale has a skin, which for some reason makes me able to mount up without winding up in the ground for 30 seconds. One day I'll have to get my poor griffon a skin too, I suppose.

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> @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> I'd have to say this is one of the most annoying things Arenanet has done in the game - given us a flying mount that can't maintain flight.


Did you know that if you ask a Blizzard dev what the biggest mistake they made in WoW's history was, they'd answer Flying mounts.

That's why they disable it behind a wall of gold every time there's a new expansion. They want you to experience the content, not fly over it.

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> @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > How do you see them adding unlimited flight without making every non flying mount useless?


> How often do you use the other mounts now? Tell me you don't use the Skyscale all the time.


Skyscale has one main use in my game.. AFK'ing while I go grab another cold one from the fridge.

I don't enjoy the Skyscale either but not because of its inability to fly limitlessly.. nah I just find it clunky as heck and the constant grabbing on to anything and everything just makes me switch back to griffon and go speed burst and swooping.

Heck my little dragon cant even flame attack in flight and needs to come to ground only to find mobs have moved in and my circle of flames now target around a few unwitting praire dogs.

It was a nice idea, climbing up cliff faces was fun for a day or two, but I find all the other mounts far more useful in making my gaming experience a little less frustrating.

Favorite - Beetle

Most used - Jackal

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It should at least stay in the air a little longer. If you take off from ground level and try to fly from the bank to the TP in LA the dang thing just runs out of juice. Its an ugly mount too, never seen such an fugo face on a mounts. These mounts are really just like a glorified glider.

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> @"Cristian A.7095" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Cristian A.7095" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > > > **Skycale:** Grant full flight without having to land to recharge. ELIMINATE that stupid kung-fu never-let-go-grip. Keep the ability to hover.

> > > >

> > > > no

> > > No reason? Then yes.

> >

> > My reasoning here is as "good" as his (which is "none", to make it absolutely clear). So still no.

> Of course yes. And his "reasoning" is still better than yours (which is none).


If it's the same -and you confirmed it is- it can't be "better". You need to try a little harder :(


>"This" is showing you you


Calm down, everything's fine.


>My point is that he didn't bring up "being the fastest climber".


He didn't need to, repeating literally the same thing someone wrote before you is not how discussing and making arguments works. Seems you just can't keep up. :(


>I'm afraid the ArenaNet team is the one to decide this, definitely not you


Yes, just like in the case of randomly buffing mounts. And they already did make their decision :)


>Also, first post, but not first day in the game.


Literally irrelevant, but I appreciate the effort.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > How do you see them adding unlimited flight without making every non flying mount useless?

> >

> > How often do you use the other mounts now? Tell me you don't use the Skyscale all the time.


> Skyscale has one main use in my game.. AFK'ing while I go grab another cold one from the fridge.

> I don't enjoy the Skyscale either but not because of its inability to fly limitlessly.. nah I just find it clunky as heck and the constant grabbing on to anything and everything just makes me switch back to griffon and go speed burst and swooping.

> Heck my little dragon cant even flame attack in flight and needs to come to ground only to find mobs have moved in and my circle of flames now target around a few unwitting praire dogs.

> It was a nice idea, climbing up cliff faces was fun for a day or two, but I find all the other mounts far more useful in making my gaming experience a little less frustrating.

> Favorite - Beetle

> Most used - Jackal


No joke, its really clumsy i wish they would fix somethings with it, like the clunky way it moves, the constant grabbing on to everything, and the attack should be on target. It gets wasted more times than not.

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> @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> The Skyscale is an awesome mount and is an excellent addition to the mount roster. However it has one major flaw like the Griffon: it's a bird that really can't fly.


This is a bird

![](https://travelafricamag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/shutterstock_677423788.1024.jpg "")


And so is this.

![](https://assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/iKIWgaiJUtss/v2/1000x-1.jpg "")


You should probably go have a talk with nature about it's design.

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> @"Jzilla.5418" said:


> as far as usefulness I rank it only slightly higher than a high vault springer and advanced gliding and a kitten sight more annoying to use



You can't judge usefulness on borowed mounts. The fully unlocked skyscale is brilliant and is my primary mount.

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> @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > How do you see them adding unlimited flight without making every non flying mount useless?


> How often do you use the other mounts now? Tell me you don't use the Skyscale all the time.


No I don't, its' use is situational and many things can accomplished faster and more efficiently using an other mount. Of course learning to use them( all the mounts) properly is a LTP issue. and how about using the search function instead of resurrecting a dead topic?


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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"echolynfan.2049" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > How do you see them adding unlimited flight without making every non flying mount useless?

> >

> > How often do you use the other mounts now? Tell me you don't use the Skyscale all the time.


> No I don't, its' use is situational and many things can accomplished faster and more efficiently using an other mount. Of course learning to use them( all the mounts) properly is a LTP issue. and how about using the search function instead of resurrecting a dead topic?


Situational, lol? Are you talking about the fully unlocked version or the crappy loaners/fresh skyscale?


I orginally thought it was crap too, but doing world exploration with it... Its *by far* the best mount. You dont need any other. Using dodge you can zip through the sky like there is no tomorrow. And the recharge happen regardless whether you are flying or not so you only need to touch ground a second (similar good to know thing to how the griffon flaps at 70%). I barely even use it for its actual intended purpose of climbing things, lol.


The only advantage other mounts have is mount specific abilities (like the jackal portal) or the griffon under extreme level flight distances (or speed if you got the drop distance).


Otherwise the skyscale is an omnimount.


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I like how GW2 make there mounts, they bring something special that didn't exist in other games that i play. Instead of being some simple reskin of a mount they give you abilities that you can use depending on situation.

When i was playing Wow i could not wait to get my flying mount so i can move faster from point A to B, that all that matter to me, the skin of some mount were nice but that all.

I go back to play Wow a little after i got some free trial, wanted to get Ashes of Al'ar( i got it in second run with alt). But it was simple, there was nothing interesting on them, just push the lock button and allow it to fly until you arrive at your destination or to try to skip mobs so you can do quest faster to level.

Gw2 mounts are perfect how they are, i just hope they will bring more skill and other unique mounts.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Sorry no. I hope they never introduce a pure flying mount. Mounts already invalidate almost all content as is, and having a flying mount that could fly forever would invalidate all content completely. By forcing players to land, it creates the chance for said player to get demounted and have to interact with the world, which wouldnt happen otherwise.


> The springer is still faster for getting up cliffs than the skyscale at least in my experiences, even with a fully upgraded skyscale, i honestly think all the mounts with the exception of the Jackal(needs to be a little faster) and the beetle(needs more control) they are fine as is.


And again the same stupid argument all over again and you even earn appreciation. It's beyond my understanding. It was the same thing before mounts were even announced. Everyone cried we don't need mounts and now everyone loves it! No really, you _don't_ invalidate content by permanent flying. If you wanna do something then do it. People pass through 'content' anyways if they want.

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Of course you invalide content with permanent flying. You know what is so wrong with permanent flying:

The fact that it becomes effortless. And the fact that it pretty much makes all the other mounts pretty much irrelevant.


Players can pretty much bypass everything already (even core players can bypass content with the waypoints system) but the fact is, in order to bypass, you have to spend some amount of resources.


You can decide to skip an entire part of the world with a WP but for that you need to make sure that you are ooc. And the best way to casually idle ooc in any part of Tyria is to get on that Skyscale (provided of course that there are no foes that throw projectiles at you in the surroundings) and then effortlessly travel by using a feature in conjunction with another feature.

You can fast travel an entire region with your beetle but you gotta make sure to control the mount in the first place and also make sure that you know enough of the maps to evade environmental obstacles and large concentration of of foes that might dismount you.


The truth is that we can bypass most stuff even without the Skyscale. We just need a little time investment in figuring out good keybinds to easily switch from one mount to another and of course know enough of the map surroundings in conjunction to good uses of the dodge key when dismounted.


One last thing thing also. I don’t think that most people on forums were against mounts per se pre-PoF (except for a tiny minority of a minority of players commenting on forums).

What most were against on forums is a copy pasta implementation of mounts like in wow (or any other games). So obviously now that we know mounts are implemented differently, most are praising mounts in GW2.


Edit: spellchecking


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These poor mounts should fly with these heavy Charr and Norn sitting on them?


Only possibility would be:

- Asura can climb indefinitely

- Human and Sylvari cannot climb indefinitely, but fly indefinitely

- Charr and Norn have only very limited range.


But of course ANet doesn't want racial limitations :)

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I think there are too many mounts. I already have a whole row of binds just for mounts. I'd rather they ADD additional/suitable abilities to our current mounts. The Skyscale main ability should have been a griffon mastery or something. Ground, water, sky and add addition mastery to improve their competency in their designed field. Seriously, if they add even ANOTHER mount it will feel like there are more mount hotkeys than actually abilities.

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> @"Despond.2174" said:

> I think there are too many mounts. I already have a whole row of binds just for mounts. I'd rather they ADD additional/suitable abilities to our current mounts. The Skyscale main ability should have been a griffon mastery or something. Ground, water, sky and add addition mastery to improve their competency in their designed field. Seriously, if they add even ANOTHER mount it will feel like there are more mount hotkeys than actually abilities.


I could see one more mount option added...a true underwater mount whenever we go after Bubbles.

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