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Kittymarks Returns (...again)

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**If you're interested in optimal META rotations and numbers, go to Snowcrows.com or https://lucky-noobs.com/dps-tabelle/ .**


Since the balance patch cadence has become longer again, Kitty finally has time to do some dps testing (though like everyone knows, she's not exactly a top-tier dps as she's actually a support main). Though Kitty has improved quite a bit and she's now using a gaming mouse instead of oldschool skill clicking.

Since doing it in a website form is pricy and slow, Kitty's this time using a google docs spreadsheet ('cause excels are nice) as it'll also allow doing some Top-listing and stuff (once Kitty figures how to fetch some cells). And the spreadsheet ofc includes link to each test's video and Kitty's included the traits, skills and gears at the end of each video.

Kitty will fill it as she gets the testing done and at the time of posting this original post, there's 62 builds tested this far.


Long url to spreadsheet (gotta copy-pasta to address bar since forums are broken atm): `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZTdQqAYMN_IBnEwuYgQlHnNTxvLLlhzCMhNUOqiQra0/`

Short url to spreadsheet: `https://tinyurl.com/Kittymarks`

Builds tested this far: 364 (updated 6th September)


Like usual, Kitty's testing pretty much all weapons and popular runes and spec/trait variations as well as some tank variations, boonbot variations and stuff (and most of all, MEMES).


And since there's lots of people who don't approve of what Kitty's doing...

Disclaimer: Kitty's not a top-tier DPSer and thus her test results don't represent what kind of dps top-tier dpsers should be doing, just what some decent dpser does. If you can outperform Kitty, you're better than her at the build, yush. These test results are just intended to give some clue about what various variables(weapons, traits, runes) to the builds do to dps and to help people estimate what their preferred weapons might do dps-wise in case someone doesn't find the metabuilds best suited for their playstyle (or just don't have the optimal weapons yet). And obviously lower number means you need to play it better relatively to reach the same dps and builds with lower numbers shouldn't be used for speedrunning or with very skilled squads as they likely won't like them.


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> she's now using a gaming mouse instead of oldschool skill clicking

Finally :)


How do you like it?


PS always interesting to see what folks come up with for "good|great" builds that are fine for non-speedclearing groups. Thanks for posting.


PPS if you put an accent grave around text (keyboard shortcut: `ctrl-o`), the links are easier to copy (because you can double-click them to select)





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>she's now using a gaming mouse instead of oldschool skill clicking.


One of the best things someone can do. I bought a gaming mouse some years back and having buttons on that to use rather than doing a pretzel with my fingers or clicking makes a big difference.


>62 builds tested this far.


Thanks for taking to time to get information like this for others like me to use.

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Some people just absolutely have to do their own thing.


I would find this semi interesting if it had some goal like say: what is the maximum performance classes can achieve with very basic rotations or builds?


That would be of significant value to new players and even veterans who might want to play a different class but don't feel like investing a lot of time for whatever reasons.


But, it is not my place to tell you how to spend your time.


The entire 3rd person Kitty thing is tedious (and likely causes a lot of people to take you less serious), but again, not me to tell you how to address yourself.

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Look, Ill always appreciate people trying to help newer players and trying simple-to-play off meta builds. However if you want to make build guides, PLEASE stop talking in the 3rd person. Guides should be clear and easy to read and the way you speak is just not appropriate for teaching people. It can be confusing in large posts and to me and some others is just unpleasant to read in smaller ones. The word 'yush' too...


I do think there is some value in testing these builds, even if most are unsuable, you might find a few that are ok but if you insist on this 3rd person stuff, keep it out of guides.

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Personally, I'd be more interested in the output of META-builds when played by players of various skill levels vs. them playing various non-META builds to see which might be most optimal depending on the person in question. Testing such a thing would be a pain and probably require multiple players to get involved in the process.

Running some of these builds at your already own decent level where you might be better off going with something more optimal seems to be nothing more than "doing something noone else does so you can be special" to me. But then that is just my personal opinion. You are free to do whatever you like.

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This topic will basically go the same way as the thread we had last time, this is the thread she posted a while ago:




TL;DR Summary: She posted a ton of really bad builds with blatantly wrong rotations, people talked about it. White knights defended, sane people pointed at flaws and tried to discuss, Kitty basically only ever responded with "But if i don't test this, then who will?!" and in the end the thread faded into obscurity. As it should have, and as this one will also do. Everything you ever need to know how this will end up can be found in the old thread.


But that's just my opinion.

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Since most of the people that read these posts in Gw2's forum won't ever post here in their entire lives... I'm pretty sure it will be usefull for at least some players passing by.

You guys are caring too much about who this person is, and why this person is talking that way, have you ever seen players taking roleplaying TOO, seriously ? I've seen far, far worse, it's even a joke compared to some crazy roleplayers we got back in the days in Divinity Reach...


Don't fall for the hate & salt game, this person isn't insulting or harming anyone, it's surprising how bad one can be triggered by the 3rd person thingie, in the worst case it makes me laugh, that's all...

We can try to act as a community sometimes, won't hurt anyone, I don't see anything wrong behaviour wise in Op's post, yet.


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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> Since most of the people that read these posts in Gw2's forum won't ever post here in their entire lives... I'm pretty sure it will be usefull for at least some players passing by.

> You guys are caring too much about who this person is, and why this person is talking that way, have you ever seen players taking roleplaying TOO, seriously ? I've seen far, far worse, it's even a joke compared to some crazy roleplayers we got back in the days in Divinity Reach...


> Don't fall for the hate & salt game, this person isn't insulting or harming anyone, it's surprising how bad one can be triggered by the 3rd person thingie, in the worst case it makes me laugh, that's all...

> We can try to act as a community sometimes, won't hurt anyone, I don't see anything wrong behaviour wise in Op's post, yet.


See below

> @"Digit.1823" said:

> This topic will basically go the same way as the thread we had last time, this is the thread she posted a while ago:


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11645/kittymarks-the-kitten-girls-comprehensive-benchmark/


> TL;DR Summary: She posted a ton of really bad builds with blatantly wrong rotations, people talked about it. White knights defended, sane people pointed at flaws and tried to discuss, Kitty basically only ever responded with "But if i don't test this, then who will?!" and in the end the thread faded into obscurity. As it should have, and as this one will also do. Everything you ever need to know how this will end up can be found in the old thread.


> But that's just my opinion.



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You put so much work into this game kitty. Hopefully your disclaimer about meta builds being available at sc will cut out some of the hate you receive. It makes me sad to see the negative responses you get. I understand the builds you post aren't meta and hence constructive criticism is to be expected, but your also one of the few people who post on these forums with created content. I just wish some people were nicer to you. I hope your having fun.


Anyways, your comment about the lingering light trait on druid in the boon thief thread was legitimately helpful, I had honestly forgotten that trait existed, and it helped make my static's run this week a little smoother.

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  • 1 month later...

Phew. Kitty's soon done with her first round of testing. The results this far have been quite interesting. Apparently even condi weeber builds without conjures do a good amount of dps and many builds have alternative weapon options within 1-2k from best. And ofc Kitty's ofc discovered some powerful memes like condi Pistol+Empty deadeye and power lb/axe+axe soulbeast (which somehow is Kitty's best power soulbeast build atm). 2nd round will be more about supports and renegade-rune versions of condi builds and maybe some grieving stuff!

And at least Kitty now has some time to test. Stay tuned!

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Very interesting stuff here. I love that you test off-meta builds.


I'll second someone else's comment above and say that if you focused purely on finding the "easiest" builds possible, that would have even more value than what you're already doing. Maybe you can make a "best of the easiest" list/ranking within your guide? (I'm thinking builds without weapon swapping, with a lot of insta-casts or signets so you don't have to worry about interrupting autoattacks).


Anyway, just my thoughts. Thanks for doing this!

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> The annoying third person talking aside, this is pretty useless.


> Stick with meta builds; they’re meta for a reason.


Lol not everyone plays tryhard builds all the time. Some people care more about having fun than getting the best dps. As long as you still do fine who cares if you play core ele or some other meme build? It's more interesting than playing the exactly optimal meta for months/years with almost no changes.


Third person thing _is_ kinda weird, but who really cares that much?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Kitty I love what you do.


For those that don't see the value in what Kitty does, people like me can't even make the simple meta builds work (yeah I get 15k dps on daredevil staff...pretty sure I'm better off just pressing 1), though with off meta builds that are either press skill when available or wait till 3-4 skills are available and press them sequentially I manage to hit around 24k.


So thanks again to Kitty for posting builds that are easy and fun to play.

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> @"Angelweave.1856" said:

> Thanks Kitty I love what you do.


> For those that don't see the value in what Kitty does, people like me can't even make the simple meta builds work (yeah I get 15k dps on daredevil staff...pretty sure I'm better off just pressing 1), though with off meta builds that are either press skill when available or wait till 3-4 skills are available and press them sequentially I manage to hit around 24k.


> So thanks again to Kitty for posting builds that are easy and fun to play.


So you're already acknowledging the fact that simply doing 1-1-1-1-1-1 on Daredevil would be better for you, so why didn't you just do that and get 24k on auto attack Daredevil?


And what off-meta build are you using? Out of curiosity.

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> @"Digit.1823" said:

> > @"Angelweave.1856" said:

> > Thanks Kitty I love what you do.

> >

> > For those that don't see the value in what Kitty does, people like me can't even make the simple meta builds work (yeah I get 15k dps on daredevil staff...pretty sure I'm better off just pressing 1), though with off meta builds that are either press skill when available or wait till 3-4 skills are available and press them sequentially I manage to hit around 24k.

> >

> > So thanks again to Kitty for posting builds that are easy and fun to play.


> So you're already acknowledging the fact that simply doing 1-1-1-1-1-1 on Daredevil would be better for you, so why didn't you just do that and get 24k on auto attack Daredevil?


> And what off-meta build are you using? Out of curiosity.


From what Kitty last tested auto-attacks, staff 1111111 on DD (full ascended zerker's scholar's) is around 23k while sword DE 111111 is 24k'ish. When it comes to pure auto-attacking, power sword/pistol DE is most likely the strongest build in the whole game even at this very moment.

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