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What do you want to see in season 5?

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I'm sure development is in some capacity under way for the next season of the living world, but what do people want to see most in the next major batch of content?


Things like;

Earn-able wardrobe skins

Another new mount

Under water combat

Vertical progression of some kind

Lucrative farms

Long term goals

An abundance of short term goals

A new race

New characters

Creative new story direction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My votes would go toward earnable weapons, armor, and auras with unique skins, an abundance of lengthy open world content (the kind that doesn't promote zergs as much), and if the gods blessed us.. a Tengu race.

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Replayable challenging content that is fun and fresh to do and not a grind or repeatal of doing exact same tactic over and over (think current HoT zones and story difficulty with an occasional challenge mote added with new mechanics so you actually need to think a little and npcs not doing all work for you). And not boring content you do 2 hours tops to never ever return to it anymore (or can never find ppl for to join in, like requiem armor events...)

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Canach and Faren.


No, wait, I should add something constructive... umm...


Let's leave off the crusading for awhile and take a nice trip somewhere new. Make friends. Relax. Enjoy the lack of any immediate world-threatening problems.


Or we can go poke Jormag. Whatever. Just let me bring Canach and Faren.

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Without knowing what the next major plot will be but knowing most of this season will be non-world ending events, I’d say each episode could revisit (and in some places conclude) story threads.


I like the idea of some time to not fight a big enemy, but little episodic ones. Or a recurring one that’s at Joko strength or preferably a bit weaker. It might even be cool to see an episode with no threat at all. We take a personal episode to go somewhere nice and catch up with our allies. The only threat is regional trouble (like seriously just some dangerous animals for renown hearts and all). I’d love to visit somewhere really beautiful like the mehtani keys in Istan that’s pretty much safe and just a really nice place. Or a full map like labyrinthine cliffs, I love that place so much!

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I would like to see more beach/coastal maps like labyrinthine cliffs/sandswept/ember bay/mount maelstrom. I'm quite fan of volcanic/wastelands landscapes like the giant walkway in iceland.


Racial threats could be great oportunities to fix races lores one time for all and discovering their origins:



We got a ton of ruins in HoT from rata novan in tangled depths and dragon stand.

At the end of rata novus step you have an easter egg if you follow instructions by I think who are survivor, you can use a special code to toggle a gate in the view to access a secret corridor leading to a closed door. The achiev is strangely named "New Horizons"


Also the strange dev comment about uncategorized fractal:



The similarities between the two maps cited is more a function of asuran architecture having common elements rather than a story-related easter egg. In other words, the maps look similar because they were designed and built by like-minded builders with similar design aesthetics, not because they represent the same place at different points in history.>>


Hope this helps,

—Scott McG


For me rata novans survived, in a deep underground facility + a floating cube like rata sum. The cube shown at the east of the map is the one from the fractal, the crazy cat azura at the summit is a rata novan imho, but it saw such a bloodbath in rata novus due to chaks that he became crazy. That underground facility with an extreme advanced technology is hidden to us, asura area 51 if you want. I think Inquest is aware of that place, maybe researching at the bottom of that cube. The whole area between tangled depth and metrica province. They just wanted to avoid the jungle, aware of the danger.



Recently with sandswept we discovered another facet of charrs, peaceful ones tied with the nature, able to bend sand. Different than citadel ones and flame legions, maybe exploring further in the north. Recently they wasn't under the spotlight, kinda ignored and that since a long time: ls3 doesn't have any charr map, in ls4 too, it was always human centered.... only sandwept.



Dunno if it would be nice or not to explore further north in mountains. Maybe big kodan cities, dredges or svanir.



Seriously, joko and kralk deaths were really bad, the fact of resurecting aurene is kitten dragons feelings too. But the worst was primeval dynasty and olmakhan joining us lol good joke, reminded me when we asked mushroom MUSHROOM to help us in dragon stand. Loved the useless hyleks in ls4e3. Also why introducing blish to kill him 2 episodes after? A waste, was one of the best character, showing that even if you are on the bad side you can still help the hero. The story is too much human-the commander centric. Also well dragons everywhere.

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No more Aurene.


Story episodes not confined to a framework unsuited to the episode's story. Write the story, then plan the episode. Don't shoehorn it in to make it work when it doesn't


The writers to care about and respect the lore and the continuity of the story and not throwing in moments only to undo them next time due to a lack of any kind of planning and some misplaced idealistic nature about shock and surprise


No vertical progression. None, never, no.


No more Aurene

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Season 5: The quest for more dragon eggs. Stealing dragon eggs to raise the next generation of elder dragons is not an easy task. The commander teams up with Countess Anise to acquire the parts and reconstruct a lost artifact of Lyssa, known only as the Legendary Shiny. Upon donning this item the commander transforms into an ascended Skritt and heads out to steal an egg from each of the remaining elder dragons, living and dead.

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- New challenging solo/group content other than raids and fractals, perhaps more difficult open world areas/events that dont have arbitrary fail conditions like "kill all the bosses at the same time or fail!"

- Larger open world maps, with mounts all the current zones feel very small and instanced

- exploration that is more than "find 50 pieces of paper lying on the ground"

- A new progression system replacing mastery. Having mastery approach 300+ is getting a bit ridiculous. It seems like an unachievable grind for very casual players, and veteran players reach the max each new episode in a couple days.

- player housing could be amazing if designed well

- some kind of new legendary items that arent just a gold grind



Pretty much all areas of the game are feeling very stale right now. Hopefully season 5 does something new to get players interested in the game again, and bring in new ones.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"anninke.7469" said:

> > I'd like to see Laranthir finally finding love. Come on, devs, show some mercy...


> Poor guy. We haven't even seen him since the end of HoT, have we?


No, we haven't, as strange as it is; I'd expected to see him in Thunderhead or Dragonfall. I hope he'll have a great reason to not be sad anymore when we meet him next time.

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More customisation options, especially hairstyles. More earnable armor skins, I loved the collection part as well as the recent armors they introduced. More variety would be nice (no more trenchcoats for medium, less skirts for light armor). Maybe a bit more laid-back episode or 2 without world-ending threats.

Maybe lifting the lvl restrictions on elite specs? I mean, I understand that you learn the skills of the Elonian people once you go there, and adapt to the jungle when you visit HoT, but ingame it's like, okay you ding lvl 80, rush to 15 PoF Skill Challenges and you unlock a spec that you want. What if you could unlock elite specs at lvl 50, and gain its skills and traits as you level up?

Slowly revamping old regions with the updated graphics, and make it more immersive like the expansion maps?


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> @"Random Wax Orc.7695" said:

> Season 5: The quest for more dragon eggs. Stealing dragon eggs to raise the next generation of elder dragons is not an easy task. The commander teams up with Countess Anise to acquire the parts and reconstruct a lost artifact of Lyssa, known only as the Legendary Shiny. Upon donning this item the commander transforms into an ascended Skritt and heads out to steal an egg from each of the remaining elder dragons, living and dead.


Finding more dragon eggs and teaming with anise (since she knows a lot about magic) are both good ideas, joke aside

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I want to finally start bringing the sea dragon into the world and branching out beyond Tyria to Cantha and some of the other continents and islands.

I also want to start exploring other areas of Tyria such as the Mists the Depths and the Ocean.

I want an underwater mount.

I want more dungeons.

I want expansions to existing masteries such as each mount getting a new skill 2 ability unique to them to add more flavour to each mount, and gliders getting a conjure updraft skill that makes gives them a small updraft boost or something.

I want Living world Season 1 to finally be reworked into the game.. it's ridiculously long overdue.

I want minipets to gain some alternative functions like a battle system minigame or something that gives them a bit more value other than just a cosmetic pet the game often turns off when the pop count gets too high.


Those are just a few things I'd like to see in the game :)

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> @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> I'm sure development is in some capacity under way for the next season of the living world, but what do people want to see most in the next major batch of content?


> Things like;

> Earn-able wardrobe skins

> Another new mount

> Under water combat

> Vertical progression of some kind

> Lucrative farms

> Long term goals

> An abundance of short term goals

> A new race

> New characters

> Creative new story direction

> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> My votes would go toward earnable weapons, armor, and auras with unique skins, an abundance of lengthy open world content (the kind that doesn't promote zergs as much), and if the gods blessed us.. a Tengu race.


That's very expansion heavy imo

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I would like:

* Accessory Skins(give me earrings)

* New weapon types

* New animations for old weapon types(even if they are gem store exclusive)

* Bat mount(it can crawl along ceilings and, briefly, hover)

* Cheaper stat-swapping without legendary gear(or more ways to access legendary gear)

* Let me side with Jormag

* Innsmouth equivalent

* Refocus instanced story content into Open World story content

* More customization

* Give Norns some love

* Add a 4th option to every trait set

I don't see most of these happening, but these are my wants.

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What I want:



- A non-world ending event. Back to the usual with the fight against Elder Dragons. Still a threat, but won't crush reality as we know it. I want a simpler storyline more focused on characters and world building. Something more light hearted.

- Norn!



- Challenging meta events that require intense coordination, with lucrative rewards.

- Snowy mountains and the depths of Tyria!


Instanced content:

- New raids

- New, difficult dungeons which exist as a separate entity from Fractals

- Difficulty modes for the story instances.



- Secondary professions

- New elite specs



- Underwater weapons on land. (I want spears....)

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Hopefully no new mount.


Most importantly I hope the world will become a little more alive, like old maps seeing some changes from stuff that is happening and just in general involving more of the world instead of just a new map with every chapter. All living world maps so far felt entirely insignificant and useless, I'd only ever visit them for the story chapters and once I'm done with them I'd only visit them for some collections and whatever, not because I feel like they matter in any way.


Also I'd like to see some more meaningfull ways to develop our characters, beyond legendarys and cosmetics - maybe masteries that make you feel like your mastering a specific aspect of your class instead of some insignificant mechanic which only matters on a handful of maps and only in some specific scenario.


But yeah, as long as they don't just release a boring new map with every chapter which basically doesn't mean anything to the world because everything is timelocked and nothing actually happens I'd be happy :)


I'm not saying destroy Lions Arch again, but...

> Lionguard Tyrro: I'm glad to see the city up and running again, but it isn't the same.

> Alainn: What's wrong with it? It's grander than ever!

> Lionguard Tyrro: That's my point. The old LA wasn't grand. It had character. It has spirit. It had grit. This just isn't the same.

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LS5: Destruction of major parts of the known core worlds by the Margonites.

Hunting them down and finding major areas "infested" with the monsters that need us to "liberate" them.


The next expansion could then focus on a full assault on the Margonites home-base, new allies, races, modes of travel, etc.

A new line of Tormented Weapons/Armor would look pretty cool. Especially if they had glowing-dye color channels.


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