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Does anyone feel the same?

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > Keep in mind that people will always come and go in waves, I'm not leaving and I love WvW even with it's issues. I see players everywhere honestly not something I'd worry about, you'd know when something is dying, but GW2 is far from it.

> >

> > in my point of view, I am feeling like the game is actually dying because we didnt receive any constant and proper contents for a while, only gem store and some stupid events.



>Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs.


Oh really? Because the information about working on legendary runes/sigils, build templates and some other things they mentioned came after the layoffs. They did what any company would do in such a situation, namely release a statement about the current situation and plans for the future, to ease any concerns people would understandably have. And it was all posted right here on the Forum too.


Besides, is the concept of summer holidays such a rare one that most people haven't heard of it? You won't hear much from them at this point, in this transitional period between S4 and S5. But in a month it will be GW2's 7th anniversary, so you can bet you'll hear from them then. The summer festivals will be done by then as well and with no other annual releases until Halloween I expect at the least to hear from ANet about S5, if they don't just launch episode 1 around that time.


These knee-jerk emotional reactions (worry, after all, is an emotion) really don't make any sense if you take the bigger picture into account, and the fact that new releases are always a time-consuming factor with a MMO game.

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Can people stop suggesting subs. People are not gonna freaking add on another bill to the list of things they need to pay for just because you want to give more money. I give a lot to the gem store, so just all of these folks saying there should be a sub need to go.


I don't want WoW's or FF's crap staining the one mmo I want to focus on

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The topic has been done plenty of times. And a lot of people will defend the game by putting down their reality goggles and going complete defense mode. "Everyone quitting" obviously shouldn't be taken literally, but many people do, because that's about best they can do to defend their argument. In reality, it's simple to see game is not doing as well as it could. No, it's not going to die anytime soon and neither is there too low population to do anything in game, but fact is population is definetly dropping.


Obviously population decline is a case with every game, but in this case, many things could be done to reduce the effect and retain larger playerbase and therefore more income as well. People who log in for two days just for that one episode... You can't really call that healthy playerbase.

Therefore argument "they just took a break, they'll be back" is a very bad one and people should stop using it. Someone taking a break means or can mean following:

- There is a chance they might in fact not return, which is one player and potential supporter less.

- There is a chance another game will grab their attention and they will decide to invest in that game instead, which might mean one player and potential supporter less

- There is a chance, even if it's really a break, it might be a long break, meaning one less player for that long period of time and one less potential supporter

- Players who are on a break, don't spend money

- Players who are on a break, don't contribute anything to this community to make it feel alive and kicking

- Even one or two players can cause a big negative feel or even destroy a guild, if they decide to leave - if they were ones that contributed a lot, made things happen, and were big inspiration and admiration in guild

- and more but you get a point hopefully

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> @"fewfield.7802" said:

> I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.


> Does anyone feel the same?


Nah, this is NORMAL at this time of year. I've played probably 15-20 different MMO's for 20+ years. It's nothing different at all.


Most European Server MMO's are always less active in Summer because the weather is better, more daylight hours so people spend more time outside living their lives, chilling with family and mates, going on Summer Holidays etc. And Summer means so many things to people like hitting the gym for that elusive 6-pack >>>Stares at my fat stomach: I know you're in their somewhere abs! <<<


Gw2 Player: Mate I've been a no-lifer playing Gw2 for last 8 months, and I need to get shredded and get a six-pack before I go on Holiday..

Personal Trainer: Why ?

Gw2 Player: Because I've been eating junk food, sat on my lazy butt and the only exercise I've had is pressing 1,2,3,4

Personal Trainer: ...for 8 months ?

Gw2 Player: Yea I was proper hooked on all the subliminal incentives to login daily for my reward incentives

Personal Trainer: Okay..so how long have we got to get you in shape before you go on holiday ?

Gw2 Player: I go to Magaluf in 10 days time and I need to look like Mike Thurston when I take off my T-shirt

Personal Trainer: hahaha, you got no chance mate, go back to your gaming :trollface:


And on that note, I'm off to the Gym. Need to get a 6-pack, < 10% bodyfat, and looked shredded in a vest-top. No time for Gw2 nonsense.



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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"judgebeo.3976" said:

> > > > @"fewfield.7802" said:

> > > > I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

> > > >

> > > > Does anyone feel the same?

> > >

> > > Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:

> > > - Summer

> > > - Anet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates

> > >

> > > lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies...

> >

> > Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes.

> >

> > LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest.

> >

> > The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch?


> Balance patch? In what way is it balanced? Because your mains not affected? Good for you. And exactly what do you mean by good for a majority of people? All I see in this forum since the nerf patch are topics on unhappy complaints and negative feedbacks to ANet. And to-date, ANet is still not responding. So, I supposed this is good for a majority of people too? Stop being a pollyanna and be real for once.


People are always complaining about balance patches, that does not mean it was a bad balance patch. Just that some people didn't like the direction.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> The topic has been done plenty of times. And a lot of people will defend the game by putting down their reality goggles and going complete defense mode. "Everyone quitting" obviously shouldn't be taken literally, but many people do, because that's about best they can do to defend their argument. In reality, it's simple to see game is not doing as well as it could. No, it's not going to die anytime soon and neither is there too low population to do anything in game, but fact is population is definetly dropping.


> Obviously population decline is a case with every game, but in this case, many things could be done to reduce the effect and retain larger playerbase and therefore more income as well. People who log in for two days just for that one episode... You can't really call that healthy playerbase.

> Therefore argument "they just took a break, they'll be back" is a very bad one and people should stop using it. Someone taking a break means or can mean following:

> - There is a chance they might in fact not return, which is one player and potential supporter less.

> - There is a chance another game will grab their attention and they will decide to invest in that game instead, which might mean one player and potential supporter less

> - There is a chance, even if it's really a break, it might be a long break, meaning one less player for that long period of time and one less potential supporter

> - Players who are on a break, don't spend money

> - Players who are on a break, don't contribute anything to this community to make it feel alive and kicking

> - Even one or two players can cause a big negative feel or even destroy a guild, if they decide to leave - if they were ones that contributed a lot, made things happen, and were big inspiration and admiration in guild

> - and more but you get a point hopefully


The problem is that what we should do to retain players is not that obvious.


And they have been doing this using boss rush etc.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.


> Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.


Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.

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My guild has been adding people almost every day that are either new or returning to the game. The concept of a gaming thriving or dying is based on our perception of the game we each experience. Unless Anet releases data saying X number joined or Y number left it is hard to make a determination. I would say that Guild Wars 2 is a game that you can pretty easily leave and come back too, so the population will vary. We're in a "new content" slump. People who don't want to do the special events are doing new content in other games. When Living Story 5 comes out we'll see a huge increase for a bit.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> That's your opinion. Ele buffs were great, Scrapper definitely needed a nerf. Whatever they changed, it was needed.

Blocki, when you are right, you are truly right.

That balance path was great. So many entertaining choices were opened up even before the needed nerfs.

I would like to see another patch just like it.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> >

> > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.


> Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


It just seems like needless censorship to me, the post still opened up the possibility for discussion before the title change.


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> @"Noble.2670" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> > >

> > > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.

> >

> > Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


> It just seems like needless censorship to me, the post still opened up the possibility for discussion before the title change.



I actually think the attempt to focus on an open dialog rather than the same rhetoric as the previous recent threads on this topic is a nice way to attempt to redirect in an productive way.

Lets try. Both sides.

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It does feel like a lot of players are slowly leaving as the months go by. PvP and WvW have been barely holding on to their incredibly small populations, guilds continue to quit or go on extended breaks, new players are almost non-existent. Its harder to notice in pve, but the same decreasing trend is there. GW2 will always have its core casual pve playerbase who will defend this game until after its shut down, but if they claim the game is improving or gaining population they havent been paying attention.

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> @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> >

> > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.


> Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


Thanks for letting me know I'm not going crazy. :)

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I'm bored honestly. I remember saying back then that "oh, I have a lotta things to do! I'll never get bored!", months later I lack the motivations to even try and rush to complete ascended gears on all my characters. I'm just coasting at this point by doing dailies, maybe some metas, before turning the game off. Granted, it has been like this before anet's recent "lack of communication", but hey it does mean something that I feel bored, no?

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Humans are fairly predictable creatures, especially in terms of the way they socialize. Right now the narrative around GW2 has gotten uncharacteristically negative because of some influential figures pushing in that direction. There is no need to panic. This will pass, just like everything else that has its moment in the zeitgeist. It can be frustrating for people like myself, who love the game, but it won't last.

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> @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

> It does feel like a lot of players are slowly leaving as the months go by. PvP and WvW have been barely holding on to their incredibly small populations, guilds continue to quit or go on extended breaks, new players are almost non-existent. Its harder to notice in pve, but the same decreasing trend is there. GW2 will always have its core casual pve playerbase who will defend this game until after its shut down, but if they claim the game is improving or gaining population they havent been paying attention.


This is also how it feels like to me. And I've seen the whole "but there was a map full of people in this one map I was on so it's definitely not dead" argument. As for that, that's the mega server system at work. If LFG is dead outside of the two hours after reset for fractals, only raid sellers can be seen on raid LFG, and LFG only shows one squad looking for people for map meta events (compared to multiple squads from prior years) then the game's population is definitely decreasing.


I'm guessing that people that are making the argument that the game's population isn't decreasing are probably relatively new players because compared to how it was before, the game does appear to be dying. The new players might just not have any point of reference to how it was before population-wise.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> > >

> > > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.

> >

> > Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


> Thanks for letting me know I'm not going crazy. :)


You're not. Thanks for your understanding! We're not in the business of "censoring" people, but we sometimes take action to steer the boat in a productive direction, which is not always easy when it comes to negative feedback and topics that can trigger emotional responses.


That will be the last of my off-topic posts on this thread, but I wanted to give that kind of moderation feedback (which I refrained from doing until today's announcement because it would have triggered more anger than understanding). **I kindly ask everyone to not reply to me and stay on-topic.** Thanks everyone for your cooperation :)

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> @"Noble.2670" said:

> > @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Was the title just edited? I could swear it was something else.

> > >

> > > Well, I'm not leaving the game just yet. However, due to the recent balance debacle, I'm certainly not spending any more money on gems in this game.

> >

> > Yes I edited the thread title to make it less "sensationalist" (or less hyperbole). Oftentimes a title sets the mood of a thread, calling for opinions to be articulated against a controversial statement (e.g. "The game is dying") so changing the title allows for the discussion to actually be a discussion rather than a debate whether you agree with the title.


> It just seems like needless censorship to me, the post still opened up the possibility for discussion before the title change.



I think a discussion about a "feeling" of dwindling population and its possible reasons, is more constructive than one about the hyperbole of "everyone is quitting". Especially since some replies chose to take the title literally, with responses like " I still see players playing so OP is wrong."

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