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Can we get some buff for staff elementalist???

Tom Hsiao.9705

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I really wanna play elementalist but overall it feels like the movement/animation feels very clunky compare to other mage class (necro/Mesmer)

And many skills are so useless and weak ...why on earth after years of release this is still not fixed??


I’m gonna compare scourge with tempest since both them have f1-f4,f5 as active skill

The scourge f2-f5 is instant cast and each skill of them serves multi purpose, they can all do damage and either heal or cleanse condition while doing that.

BUT elementalist overload have 5 sec CD after changing attunment and upon casting, it is a channeling skill so you better pray you got the stabilization trait or you ain’t gonna cast that skill all the way through for sure. Let’s not forget it has 20 sec CD AFTERWARDS!! It’s like a joke come on!! The skill is mediocre with bunch of punishments why? Is it because it is HoT so gotta be trashy so people will buy PoF? But weaver staff is no where as good too...maybe viable for raid or with bunch of people tanking for you but solo in HoT or PoF is no where near efficient at all!!!!


I don’t even feel like comparing ele staff with Mesmer... Mesmer is just too strong in every way elementalist can’t compare lol!!

Sword is 1200 NONE projectile so can’t be reflected ...like seriously?? And have ele get 900 none reflect-able damage (sorry a little off topic here)

But staff have summon clones to tank/attack while Mesmer do their damage!!! F1-f4 all instant cast with some purpose.

While elementalist switch Away from fire you are waiting CD to go back or better yet use some utility weapon skill because you’re doing no damage from other elements aside from fire!! (And lets not forget can’t even change weapon!!!)


Just not sure why punish elementalist so much by giving it lowest health and restrict to no weapon change and still make it like trash???

Elementalist was so much fun in GW1 ...you can do damage from every elements!! But GW2 totally butchered it and don’t tell me S/D or D/D is strong...

I didn’t play mage class to go melee *sigh*


Sorry for the rant...I have been so frustrated with elementalist for years... I remember the very first time I saw gw2 advertise trailer the video was showing how elementalist killing mobs with EVERY elements!!! And that really got me excited like wow that looks really good!! But boy was I wrong...the moment I bought the game...it was farrrr from the advertisement..,almost feels like false advertisement... you can’t spam staff lighting skill 5 to CC constantly so not sure why they do that to confuse player or scepter water skill 3 or meteor shower monster die before reaching you....Extremely misleading... why even call it elementalist when only viable element is fire lol? Might as well call it fire mage or water healer ...because lighting and earth is totally useless here...


I hope the new expansion they will enhance elementalist’s range attack not making it another melee class AGAIN... 2 expansions of close range combat is more than enough already seriously...




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Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.


If you’re full zerker with a bit of health(retal is disgusting), You can simply throw down a meteor shower and obliterate everything standing in the aoe. Not to mention fire traits making fire 2 skill last longer with crit in blast, with the cool down coming back up you get another lava font. Then if traited for fresh air you can get higher crit damage on swap. The only thing is air 5 skill aoe radius was nerfed so trapping a large amount of enemies doesn’t happen as often. But with good positioning and a good fire retreat you can cast good meteors and control Zerg fights. and it’s decent in pvp if enemies let you free cast and While in pve it isn’t as bad as you think. You can drop a water 2 for huge aoe vulnerability, combo earth 2 and fire 2 where you stand and cast meteor. Also can grab glyph for more aoe or arcane utility for more damage. While cantrips like the stability and protection so you can cast meteor freely. The cooldowns on tempest for air. Is like casting that, then earth fire combo meteor. Like that should obliterate everything. And with fresh air you can swap back to air for crit damage and auto in air abit til fire comes back up. You destroyed all mobs easily. Also there is fiery gs, so while all the aoe is happening you can use that. I mean I don’t get where you’re going with staff. You set up combos and use them. As far as a dueling spec, S/D or DD works. If you don’t like melee there’s is S/F concentrating on single target with good protection for yourself when used correctly. And you can also go healer ele too which is extremely annoying in PvP WVW setting as you heal allies, and specced right you get condition damage with say sage or mixed damage with celestial. I think you just gotta know how to combo and have a good set of utility and build for staff ele if your attempting to dish out damage. Staff ele isn’t really a 1v1.. but a XvX. As in you and allies vs enemies. If you get off your combos you should be fine. There are some great zerker else on YouTube you can always check out. As well as other king of specced ele builds.


I prefer Scepter Focus or DD. Depending on the situation or mood. Staff is good too, but use that for huge Zerg fights... casting a well timed meteor shower can turn a fight around. Or kill me due to retaliation. Lol

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> @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.


just go play hammer herald and we'll be doing roughly the same damage(assuming we actually hit the majority of our meteors) while giving might, swiftness, fury etc and dmg mitigation through jalis elite.

even if they revert the old meteor shower nerf, I doubt any serious wvw guild would take an ele to do dps when scourges and heralds can do so much more. ele design is just mediocre in every aspect at this point. can't tank cuz squishy, can't support because fb is better, can't dps cuz TOO SQUISHY.

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> @"dS T nE.6823" said:



> even if they revert the old meteor shower nerf, I doubt any serious wvw guild would take an ele to do dps when scourges and heralds can do so much more. ele design is just mediocre in every aspect at this point. can't tank cuz squishy, can't support because fb is better, can't dps cuz TOO SQUISHY.


Alot of outclassing... sadly, But I think an organized guild could use a zerker DD to just dive in dps and get out. Or supporty tank auramancer. Both still very viable. Just gotta recruit a good ele main.

Tbh I play DD zerker with some concentration for boon durations( fire air arcane) in WvW at times and I just blow things up. Quite fun, but yes very very squishy no sustain(but that’s what supports are for helps heal you and get you through the fight with stab) But it’s about when to go in and focusing/micromanaging your abilities. Playing with infusions and legendaries while being that squishy but having that burst? Can change fights. Bursting through with fire at the right time is deadly. I think any guild would like one. Just the ele has to be good, helps to be ascended etc for extra stats.

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> @"dS T nE.6823" said:

> > @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> > Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.


> just go play hammer herald and we'll be doing roughly the same damage(assuming we actually hit the majority of our meteors) while giving might, swiftness, fury etc and dmg mitigation through jalis elite.

> even if they revert the old meteor shower nerf, I doubt any serious wvw guild would take an ele to do dps when scourges and heralds can do so much more. ele design is just mediocre in every aspect at this point. can't tank cuz squishy, can't support because fb is better, can't dps cuz TOO SQUISHY.



Guilds that run one or two competent weavers benefit greatly from it

I've been on enough servers and ran with enough fight guilds to know that heralds can't outdps me consistently. Haven't even found one that can. I also see my bomb (which is not **just** meteor) generating a lot of the downs. One or two staff eles is very nice to have if they know what they're doing.


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> @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.


> If you’re full zerker with a bit of health(retal is disgusting), You can simply throw down a meteor shower and obliterate everything standing in the aoe. Not to mention fire traits making fire 2 skill last longer with crit in blast, with the cool down coming back up you get another lava font. Then if traited for fresh air you can get higher crit damage on swap. The only thing is air 5 skill aoe radius was nerfed so trapping a large amount of enemies doesn’t happen as often. But with good positioning and a good fire retreat you can cast good meteors and control Zerg fights. and it’s decent in pvp if enemies let you free cast and While in pve it isn’t as bad as you think. You can drop a water 2 for huge aoe vulnerability, combo earth 2 and fire 2 where you stand and cast meteor. Also can grab glyph for more aoe or arcane utility for more damage. While cantrips like the stability and protection so you can cast meteor freely. The cooldowns on tempest for air. Is like casting that, then earth fire combo meteor. Like that should obliterate everything. And with fresh air you can swap back to air for crit damage and auto in air abit til fire comes back up. You destroyed all mobs easily. Also there is fiery gs, so while all the aoe is happening you can use that. I mean I don’t get where you’re going with staff. You set up combos and use them. As far as a dueling spec, S/D or DD works. If you don’t like melee there’s is S/F concentrating on single target with good protection for yourself when used correctly. And you can also go healer ele too which is extremely annoying in PvP WVW setting as you heal allies, and specced right you get condition damage with say sage or mixed damage with celestial. I think you just gotta know how to combo and have a good set of utility and build for staff ele if your attempting to dish out damage. Staff ele isn’t really a 1v1.. but a XvX. As in you and allies vs enemies. If you get off your combos you should be fine. There are some great zerker else on YouTube you can always check out. As well as other king of specced ele builds.


> I prefer Scepter Focus or DD. Depending on the situation or mood. Staff is good too, but use that for huge Zerg fights... casting a well timed meteor shower can turn a fight around. Or kill me due to retaliation. Lol


I was talking about staff elementalist why are you suggesting s/f...? The thread is about boosting staff..... And fire skill 2 on staff you do realize mobs will charge at you instead of sitting in that fire circle right? So in order to get the most out of that damage you gonna have to stand still and get beat up so mobs will get stay in that circle. And if you run full zerker like you suggested gl standing still hoping the mobs will die before you do in PoF or HoT especially if they’re elite... and my whole point is Mesmer and necro can use their staff and fight 1vs1 and be sufficient about it but ele’s staff only works for party play. For a class that can’t switch weapon during combat shouldn’t our weapon be more versatile than others?


I see most of the replies are talking about how strong their staff is running with Zerg...the thing is if you’re running with a Zerg it doesn’t even matter what you’re running. The real play really comes in when you are by yourself with staff and that’s what I’m talking about here...

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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> > @"dS T nE.6823" said:

> > > @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> > > Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.

> >

> > just go play hammer herald and we'll be doing roughly the same damage(assuming we actually hit the majority of our meteors) while giving might, swiftness, fury etc and dmg mitigation through jalis elite.

> > even if they revert the old meteor shower nerf, I doubt any serious wvw guild would take an ele to do dps when scourges and heralds can do so much more. ele design is just mediocre in every aspect at this point. can't tank cuz squishy, can't support because fb is better, can't dps cuz TOO SQUISHY.


> ??????????????????????

> Guilds that run one or two competent weavers benefit greatly from it

> I've been on enough servers and ran with enough fight guilds to know that heralds can't outdps me consistently. Haven't even found one that can. I also see my bomb (which is not **just** meteor) generating a lot of the downs. One or two staff eles is very nice to have if they know what they're doing.

> `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uLht2Q2VLo`


This doesn't make staff an actually good weapon that is designed well. The only reason why it's even usable with weaver in zergs is because weaver can quickly get back into fire and they can mix fire with the other attunements. On any other spec, swapping out of fire to use your CCs or utility is a massive damage loss that you cannot afford. You basically do no damage for 10 seconds. The other attunements are severely lacking, compared to other ele weapons. This will keep being an issue for staff with every new elementalist elite spec that Anet could implement, unless it has very specific design that helps cover this huge weakness that staff has.


Overall staff weaver is not that bad in zergs, though not the best class you could bring. However, staff itself is a terribly designed weapon when you compare it to how all the other ele weapons function. It needs less focus on fire being your only source of damage.

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> @"SoulSlavocracy.4902" said:

> ??????????????????????

> Guilds that run one or two competent weavers benefit greatly from it

> I've been on enough servers and ran with enough fight guilds to know that heralds can't outdps me consistently. Haven't even found one that can. I also see my bomb (which is not **just** meteor) generating a lot of the downs. One or two staff eles is very nice to have if they know what they're doing.

> `https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uLht2Q2VLo`


I never said herald outdpses a weaver, if so, that weaver seriously needs to find another game to get into...

sure having a weaver benefits the team by providing dmg, yes I was top dmg ALL THE TIME when I used to bring staff weaver to wvw, heck some commanders hated ele so much they put weavers in a separate party to not share support and I still dealt top dmg. But that's the only thing it could ever provide. sure there are some cc, enemy train just walks through static field with multiple stacks of stability. I'm just saying if that same competent person who knows what he is doing was on scourge or herald, he'd be providing much more for his squad, and I plainly HATE this meta because I can't use my 95% playtime ele in wvw and had to pick up scourge.

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Okay maybe I should compile all infos about Staff Ele I posted before here what I see possible and not^^





max DPS: I can only guess 10-15k dps with staff.

Conclusion: Absolute not viable anywhere in the game besides open world in the core game maybe.


Simple improvement possibilities:None

You could only better balance the trait lines giving water another 2% more dps , choosing other weapons from the player sides would also a option. Problem is anything substantial would also increase a lot the DPS of the other Elite trait lines meaning Tempest and Weaver. I don't think improvement isn't impossible but just that difficult.



**Tempest with staff : (fire-wind)**


I use that in Wvw while Tempest with other weapons has more DPS metorshower is something you need to have as zerg built.

After a few tests on the golem I recently found out that fire-wind with bolt to the heart is the best possible combo for DPS so far.


max DPS: 20-22k


Conclusion: This is not viable in PvE content like fractals or raids but while not meta in wvw it is viable there


Simple improvement possibilities: give me back my old metorshower , give fire overload also 20% more dps, cherry on top would be increase number of targets per pulse back from 3 to 5. (Basically what I'm doing in wvw is bombing from distance and pushing with overload)



~~**Weaver with staff:(arcane-fire)**~~


~~I use this mostly in raids and fractals because I found sword weaver somewhat hard to get in because I know to rota like the back of my hand and with sword I need to learn a new and possible harder rota while I'm also in the danger of getting downed easier.~~


~~max DPS: 30-32k~~


I use now:

**Weaver with staff:(fire-wind)**

max DPS: 30-31k


Conclusion: Viable anywhere but to be called meta in PvE fractals and raids I feel like a half step is missing like 2k dmg


Simple improvement possibilities: Again give me back my old metorshower this would surely gave me the missing dmg


**Staff skills**

Skills I think have really problems:




Meteorshower : It's like trying to suck dps out at the end


Static Field: Doesn't work on most mobs because most mobs are veteran now and even on normal mobs this skill doesn't wok on all of them ( so make it work up to Veteran)


Unsteady ground: The duration is just too short to be useful in most situations




Pressure Blast : It's trying everything and accomplish nothing I would make it a skill with cast time 3-4s and a lot more dps ala Kamehameha better even would be when the dmg change with distance like they did with ranger. On top of this with some changes on the water trait line this could be part of a new rota for staff weaver.


Monsoon : Again it's trying everything and accomplish nothing but if you increase the healing a lot and the chill duration so say 2-4s this would be interesting for PvP.



I also tested staff weaver with trait water-fire this had less dps then the normal built but gave me an idea for another rota because of the extra dps from the water trait but failed in the end because of missing dmg for Lahar(9.5K) and even more from Pressure Blast(1.6k)


+ the beauty of it would have been going away from arcane trait line(which depends on the number of boons) and be a lot more self sustaining in encounters

- the rota would have gone a bit more complicated.


by the way when you just use the old rota with water-fire-weaver you lose 3-5k


max DPS: 27-30k

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Tom i went through the same frustration in 2012, 2013, Kept on mixing in gw, with gw2, so much a vastly different game, especially with the short comings of the gw2 ele. Load up 7 henchmen do a dungeon in HM, Heroes, Well that was now awesome to have, u can only mix 3 with the party at introduction, the other 4 had to be henchies(for those who did not play gw, later on u could use 7 heros!) do UW, FOW , DOA for another challenge, u could do that if u wanted if no guildies were on, or did not have time or commitment to join u. Tom i was having a big time problem with going from the 42nd battalion( 8 in party, 22 spirits, 12 minions, while i spammed SEARING FLAMES(remember that 1 anet???) or savannah heat, or a few others from air, earth, even water). Now here u are in gw2 , ele, lol u get pulvarized up close kinda like a little sticker shocked.


Tom what kept me coming back to gw2 was the intrigue of using the 4 attunements, freely, without having to build for just 1 before starting a run in gw. You need all 4 attunement's when running especially when going after something tuff, or Hot, Pof, or if u want to challenge champions. As stated above, combinations are extremely valuable whether group or solo, with tempest/core using staff, earth 2, then fire 2 will give u might, or u can start in air, skill 5, earth 5, water 2 fire 2, so many more fields , can keep u alive and help your team mates. Tom you might want to consider some defense if u are soloing around, I tempest tank , so earth is actually good enough, with -as a-net puts it- damage over time lol To take down champs NP. Tom with 1,000 power i can slow walk in Hot with NP just as a example. Use the 4 attunements!!


Tom if tank is not for u , as with most people, try adding some more toughness, more than u have been using, use all 4 attunements, i think u will see a difference if u are running solo, try maybe using a armor that has a least a minor with toughness, Soldier's, Dire, Sentinel's,Commander's, to name some. You can add more power etc, with your trinkets to try to find what u are looking for then have fun testing!!!!! STAFF needs some buffing for sure Tom, fire 4 for example, i would never build with it, i use it yes, when it calls for, its on the skill bar lol. Our ele elites fall way short in gw2 from gw1 not EVEN CLOSE, GOT IT A-NET, 14 years, ELE, like some other die hards on this forum. You can still work it to do what u want any where vs 99% of foes solo if u build for it, even with our ele shortcomings , i do and you do more damage than i do! GL TOM!





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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Staff needs no damage buffs. It already can outdps any class in WvW in mid-large scale fights. What staff needs are QoL changes to survivability/utility/delays/projectiles/etc.


**This is a long post, so get ready. Mainly aimed at ArenaNet developers.**




Increase Lava Font and Meteor Damage. Make the red ring for the #5 skill a lot more visible, especially on water-covered ground—maybe a pulsing effect would do the trick.


Change Stoning's speed so that it matches Fireball, and also make it an AoE skill.


Decrease the activation time of Eruption.


Change Pryoclastic Blast so that it is NOT a projectile, as there is so much projectile hate in the game, i.e. Winds of Disenchantment and so on. Make it so that it is a ground skill like its predecessors.


Change Pressure Blast so that it has a similar effect to Ice Spike, as the former also "violently explodes if it hits the the ground".


Plasma Blast is fine as it damage-wise, but I would like to see the skill actually track a target, instead of mindlessly going forward and backwards, hoping to hit someone along the way.


Lahar is not a part of my rotation, so I can't comment on it. Same goes for Monsoon, lol.


Remove the rooted effect on Pile Driver. Why do we have to be stuck in place for a skill like that? It's not as if the skill does crazy amounts of damage like Meteor Shower. And it certainly doesn't have the same number of impacts as the latter, which is 24. If that cannot be done, then at least increase the damage to a fair amount to compensate our for long-standing vulnerability.




Now that I've said my piece regarding the issues with staff skills, let me talk about Conjure Frost Bow—mainly Frost Storm.


This skill had its damage reduced by 50% on the 29th of September 2015. This was just a month prior to the release of Heart of Thorns. Before the first expansion, the meta revolved around a coordinated Frost Storm spike and well-timed CC skills, as we didn't have much else to work with.


I can understand that when HoT was on the horizon, you felt somewhat concerned that our damage potential would be "too much", when pitted against other classes and specialisations. That would be the case if the damage of Tempest was something to write home about. What seems mad and illogical to me, is that when Path of Fire came out, you went ahead and reduced the damage per impact by 10%, to a minimum of 20%, while other classes are free to have overpowered skills and the like.


It's bad enough that we are rooted to the spot, like Meteor Shower, but to reduce the damage when we're basically a sneeze away from death, is foolish.


I suggest changing this skill back to how it was, and then maybe we'll actually see players conjuring the weapon again, because I know for sure that I haven't seen an Icebow actively used by a competent person since the nerf in 2015. That's almost a good four years, you know. Take that into consideration when you're busy with our "concerns", boys behind the work desk.


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist/p1 - 15 pages btw, since August 16, 2018.


![](https://i.imgur.com/4oSO182.png "")


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> @"antorios of boxius.1043" said:

> Tom i went through the same frustration in 2012, 2013, Kept on mixing in gw, with gw2, so much a vastly different game, especially with the short comings of the gw2 ele. Load up 7 henchmen do a dungeon in HM, Heroes, Well that was now awesome to have, u can only mix 3 with the party at introduction, the other 4 had to be henchies(for those who did not play gw, later on u could use 7 heros!) do UW, FOW , DOA for another challenge, u could do that if u wanted if no guildies were on, or did not have time or commitment to join u. Tom i was having a big time problem with going from the 42nd battalion( 8 in party, 22 spirits, 12 minions, while i spammed SEARING FLAMES(remember that 1 anet???) or savannah heat, or a few others from air, earth, even water). Now here u are in gw2 , ele, lol u get pulvarized up close kinda like a little sticker shocked.


> Tom what kept me coming back to gw2 was the intrigue of using the 4 attunements, freely, without having to build for just 1 before starting a run in gw. You need all 4 attunement's when running especially when going after something tuff, or Hot, Pof, or if u want to challenge champions. As stated above, combinations are extremely valuable whether group or solo, with tempest/core using staff, earth 2, then fire 2 will give u might, or u can start in air, skill 5, earth 5, water 2 fire 2, so many more fields , can keep u alive and help your team mates. Tom you might want to consider some defense if u are soloing around, I tempest tank , so earth is actually good enough, with -as a-net puts it- damage over time lol To take down champs NP. Tom with 1,000 power i can slow walk in Hot with NP just as a example. Use the 4 attunements!!


> Tom if tank is not for u , as with most people, try adding some more toughness, more than u have been using, use all 4 attunements, i think u will see a difference if u are running solo, try maybe using a armor that has a least a minor with toughness, Soldier's, Dire, Sentinel's,Commander's, to name some. You can add more power etc, with your trinkets to try to find what u are looking for then have fun testing!!!!! STAFF needs some buffing for sure Tom, fire 4 for example, i would never build with it, i use it yes, when it calls for, its on the skill bar lol. Our ele elites fall way short in gw2 from gw1 not EVEN CLOSE, GOT IT A-NET, 14 years, ELE, like some other die hards on this forum. You can still work it to do what u want any where vs 99% of foes solo if u build for it, even with our ele shortcomings , i do and you do more damage than i do! GL TOM!






I am actually running celestial with divinity runes (fire/ water/ weaver or tempest) for pve (earth/water/tempest) for PvP depends on the situation because I was so tired of dying with zerker build and needing Rez every so often it was also impossible to solo majority of the hero point at HoT so I had to made some changes but it’s quite awkward since I hit like a wet noodle and lack survivability stillll. I have to admit it is better but still no where near as efficient as my scourge or as strong as my condition mirage...what’s more frustrating is when I was solo roaming in WvW I was literally useless against a reaper...or a strong Mesmer... that non projectile axe from reaper hit like a truck or the 1200 range non projectile greatsword from Mesmer!! Even with a tank build I was dead on the floor in no time.


Believe me I switch attunments according to situations, I may not play like a godly player but certainly was able to kill many players I fought against (I’m talking about 1vs1 situations). However in comparison the skills are just not as smooth compare to scourge or mirage (sorry I’m using this two classes to compare because I only like to play with mage classes) with scourge I can 1 vs 2 easily and mirage 1 vs 3 was pretty easy ... but no matter what build I try with my elementalist ...I can’t fight more than 1 vs 1. I’m a big PvP player and it’s quite sad to see how elementalist is just weakest of the bunch (and I’m talking about pure staff plays) only thing that elementalist got going is the fancy animations that attracts me...


Btw I do miss those henchman from gw1!!! I was quite disappointed when I realize I’m gonna be my one man army in GW2...

it was like in GW1 they were unique but in GW2 they just wanna be a boring MMORPG like everyone else.

GW1 was leading the trend back then with the auto combat teammate system and able to gear them up as well. Many mobile games nowadays are trying to copy that idea except they add the lame stamina system and rarity of the henchmen.



I actually thought perhaps dev should add a new element to f5 perhaps arcane damage or maybe f5 staff skills can be summoning elemental pets like how Mesmers weapons are able to summon clones and phantoms. Majority of staff skills all have some sort of delay damage or slow cast time having something/someone to tank for elementalist while casting and channeling those staff skills is quite crucial and would probably be able to fix those staff issues.


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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> I suggest changing this skill back to how it was, and then maybe we'll actually see players conjuring the weapon again, because I know for sure that I haven't seen an Icebow actively used by a competent person since the nerf in 2015. That's almost a good four years, you know. Take that into consideration when you're busy with our "concerns", boys behind the work desk.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist/p1 - 15 pages btw, since August 16, 2018.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/4oSO182.png "")



Ty so much I will add my thoughts to that fabulous post and hopefully dev will see it <3

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > Staff needs no damage buffs. It already can outdps any class in WvW in mid-large scale fights. What staff needs are QoL changes to survivability/utility/delays/projectiles/etc.


> **This is a long post, so get ready. Mainly aimed at ArenaNet developers.**


> -------


> Increase Lava Font and Meteor Damage. Make the red ring for the #5 skill a lot more visible, especially on water-covered ground—maybe a pulsing effect would do the trick.


> Change Stoning's speed so that it matches Fireball, and also make it an AoE skill.


> Decrease the activation time of Eruption.


> Change Pryoclastic Blast so that it is NOT a projectile, as there is so much projectile hate in the game, i.e. Winds of Disenchantment and so on. Make it so that it is a ground skill like its predecessors.


> Change Pressure Blast so that it has a similar effect to Ice Spike, as the former also "violently explodes if it hits the the ground".


> Plasma Blast is fine as it damage-wise, but I would like to see the skill actually track a target, instead of mindlessly going forward and backwards, hoping to hit someone along the way.


> Lahar is not a part of my rotation, so I can't comment on it. Same goes for Monsoon, lol.


> Remove the rooted effect on Pile Driver. Why do we have to be stuck in place for a skill like that? It's not as if the skill does crazy amounts of damage like Meteor Shower. And it certainly doesn't have the same number of impacts as the latter, which is 24. If that cannot be done, then at least increase the damage to a fair amount to compensate our for long-standing vulnerability.


> ---------------


> Now that I've said my piece regarding the issues with staff skills, let me talk about Conjure Frost Bow—mainly Frost Storm.


> This skill had its damage reduced by 50% on the 29th of September 2015. This was just a month prior to the release of Heart of Thorns. Before the first expansion, the meta revolved around a coordinated Frost Storm spike and well-timed CC skills, as we didn't have much else to work with.


> I can understand that when HoT was on the horizon, you felt somewhat concerned that our damage potential would be "too much", when pitted against other classes and specialisations. That would be the case if the damage of Tempest was something to write home about. What seems mad and illogical to me, is that when Path of Fire came out, you went ahead and reduced the damage per impact by 10%, to a minimum of 20%, while other classes are free to have overpowered skills and the like.


> It's bad enough that we are rooted to the spot, like Meteor Shower, but to reduce the damage when we're basically a sneeze away from death, is foolish.


> I suggest changing this skill back to how it was, and then maybe we'll actually see players conjuring the weapon again, because I know for sure that I haven't seen an Icebow actively used by a competent person since the nerf in 2015. That's almost a good four years, you know. Take that into consideration when you're busy with our "concerns", boys behind the work desk.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist/p1 - 15 pages btw, since August 16, 2018.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/4oSO182.png "")



Agree with all ideas. Lava Font is nothing but an Aegis remover now. The damage output for a oneshot glass cannon build should be high, especially that if I channel for 4s, then it's a deserved death.


For someone new, I have only watched videos of Ice Bow, it seemed useful before it got hit twice.


And regarding ANet's thread on this sub, I just want an answer or something like: we read the suggestions.


Last patch was a damage/sustain buff and it was good, but the issues remain.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > Staff needs no damage buffs. It already can outdps any class in WvW in mid-large scale fights. What staff needs are QoL changes to survivability/utility/delays/projectiles/etc.

> >

> > **This is a long post, so get ready. Mainly aimed at ArenaNet developers.**

> >

> > -------

> >

> > Increase Lava Font and Meteor Damage. Make the red ring for the #5 skill a lot more visible, especially on water-covered ground—maybe a pulsing effect would do the trick.

> >

> > Change Stoning's speed so that it matches Fireball, and also make it an AoE skill.

> >

> > Decrease the activation time of Eruption.

> >

> > Change Pryoclastic Blast so that it is NOT a projectile, as there is so much projectile hate in the game, i.e. Winds of Disenchantment and so on. Make it so that it is a ground skill like its predecessors.

> >

> > Change Pressure Blast so that it has a similar effect to Ice Spike, as the former also "violently explodes if it hits the the ground".

> >

> > Plasma Blast is fine as it damage-wise, but I would like to see the skill actually track a target, instead of mindlessly going forward and backwards, hoping to hit someone along the way.

> >

> > Lahar is not a part of my rotation, so I can't comment on it. Same goes for Monsoon, lol.

> >

> > Remove the rooted effect on Pile Driver. Why do we have to be stuck in place for a skill like that? It's not as if the skill does crazy amounts of damage like Meteor Shower. And it certainly doesn't have the same number of impacts as the latter, which is 24. If that cannot be done, then at least increase the damage to a fair amount to compensate our for long-standing vulnerability.

> >

> > ---------------

> >

> > Now that I've said my piece regarding the issues with staff skills, let me talk about Conjure Frost Bow—mainly Frost Storm.

> >

> > This skill had its damage reduced by 50% on the 29th of September 2015. This was just a month prior to the release of Heart of Thorns. Before the first expansion, the meta revolved around a coordinated Frost Storm spike and well-timed CC skills, as we didn't have much else to work with.

> >

> > I can understand that when HoT was on the horizon, you felt somewhat concerned that our damage potential would be "too much", when pitted against other classes and specialisations. That would be the case if the damage of Tempest was something to write home about. What seems mad and illogical to me, is that when Path of Fire came out, you went ahead and reduced the damage per impact by 10%, to a minimum of 20%, while other classes are free to have overpowered skills and the like.

> >

> > It's bad enough that we are rooted to the spot, like Meteor Shower, but to reduce the damage when we're basically a sneeze away from death, is foolish.

> >

> > I suggest changing this skill back to how it was, and then maybe we'll actually see players conjuring the weapon again, because I know for sure that I haven't seen an Icebow actively used by a competent person since the nerf in 2015. That's almost a good four years, you know. Take that into consideration when you're busy with our "concerns", boys behind the work desk.

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/51752/concerns-about-elementalist/p1 - 15 pages btw, since August 16, 2018.

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/4oSO182.png "")

> >


> Agree with all ideas. Lava Font is nothing but an Aegis remover now. The damage output for a oneshot glass cannon build should be high, especially that if I channel for 4s, then it's a deserved death.


> For someone new, I have only watched videos of Ice Bow, it seemed useful before it got hit twice.


> And regarding ANet's thread on this sub, I just want an answer or something like: we read the suggestions.


> Last patch was a damage/sustain buff and it was good, but the issues remain.


Lava Font does much more then this I tested it today or better I wanted to see how much difference it does when I just remove the trait which gives basically one pulse more (fire last row -top), on the tool tip it says 708 dmg per pulse. What do you then must know is with trait it is 6 pulses and the crit mulitpikator from ele is with air around 3.5= 14k dmg and you can cast it very often.



You will lose 2 k DPS with just losing the one pulse from the trait


This was a side idea after I tested today Staff Weaver with fire and wind after I had already the tested the idea with Staff Tempest and bolt though the heart 'successful'



Since neither metabattle update nor snow crow brings an built out. The page hasn't updated either but you can see what traits you need to change : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAWnUMANNgF5CGQA8RgFBA7eVPrv1BBgQ5BQ4SeBSBA-jhRBABmpEEPdEUq+jxXQgr2fU+BwDCIAwBw5nHY+558zP/8zPvrP/8zP/8zP/8zPvUAjqMC-e

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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> > @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> > Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.

> >

> > If you’re full zerker with a bit of health(retal is disgusting), You can simply throw down a meteor shower and obliterate everything standing in the aoe. Not to mention fire traits making fire 2 skill last longer with crit in blast, with the cool down coming back up you get another lava font. Then if traited for fresh air you can get higher crit damage on swap. The only thing is air 5 skill aoe radius was nerfed so trapping a large amount of enemies doesn’t happen as often. But with good positioning and a good fire retreat you can cast good meteors and control Zerg fights. and it’s decent in pvp if enemies let you free cast and While in pve it isn’t as bad as you think. You can drop a water 2 for huge aoe vulnerability, combo earth 2 and fire 2 where you stand and cast meteor. Also can grab glyph for more aoe or arcane utility for more damage. While cantrips like the stability and protection so you can cast meteor freely. The cooldowns on tempest for air. Is like casting that, then earth fire combo meteor. Like that should obliterate everything. And with fresh air you can swap back to air for crit damage and auto in air abit til fire comes back up. You destroyed all mobs easily. Also there is fiery gs, so while all the aoe is happening you can use that. I mean I don’t get where you’re going with staff. You set up combos and use them. As far as a dueling spec, S/D or DD works. If you don’t like melee there’s is S/F concentrating on single target with good protection for yourself when used correctly. And you can also go healer ele too which is extremely annoying in PvP WVW setting as you heal allies, and specced right you get condition damage with say sage or mixed damage with celestial. I think you just gotta know how to combo and have a good set of utility and build for staff ele if your attempting to dish out damage. Staff ele isn’t really a 1v1.. but a XvX. As in you and allies vs enemies. If you get off your combos you should be fine. There are some great zerker else on YouTube you can always check out. As well as other king of specced ele builds.

> >

> > I prefer Scepter Focus or DD. Depending on the situation or mood. Staff is good too, but use that for huge Zerg fights... casting a well timed meteor shower can turn a fight around. Or kill me due to retaliation. Lol


> I was talking about staff elementalist why are you suggesting s/f...? The thread is about boosting staff..... And fire skill 2 on staff you do realize mobs will charge at you instead of sitting in that fire circle right? So in order to get the most out of that damage you gonna have to stand still and get beat up so mobs will get stay in that circle. And if you run full zerker like you suggested gl standing still hoping the mobs will die before you do in PoF or HoT especially if they’re elite... and my whole point is Mesmer and necro can use their staff and fight 1vs1 and be sufficient about it but ele’s staff only works for party play. For a class that can’t switch weapon during combat shouldn’t our weapon be more versatile than others?


> I see most of the replies are talking about how strong their staff is running with Zerg...the thing is if you’re running with a Zerg it doesn’t even matter what you’re running. The real play really comes in when you are by yourself with staff and that’s what I’m talking about here...


Are you really complaining, that one of ele weapons isn't good at dueling?

And even comparing scourge facilities to ele elements?

That's just.... LoL


That's like asking, getting thief dagger, or necro dagger to be viable everywhere. Why? Cause we want to walk in a zerg and do big DPS with autoattacking on dagger.

Also: wheres necro buffs for 1v1 situations? It's still the worst class to duel on.

I wanna play heal soulbeast: not possible, needs a buff.


-thats just hilarious.


Not every specialisation or weapon has to be viable everywhere.


A well played staff-ele will still outclass all other classes in terms of dmg in a zergfight. - you just don't see them at top dmg in DPS meter often, because there aren't many good zerg ele players


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> > > @"Blood Lord.5687" said:

> > > Tbh, staff ele is quite strong in the right hands.

> > >

> > > If you’re full zerker with a bit of health(retal is disgusting), You can simply throw down a meteor shower and obliterate everything standing in the aoe. Not to mention fire traits making fire 2 skill last longer with crit in blast, with the cool down coming back up you get another lava font. Then if traited for fresh air you can get higher crit damage on swap. The only thing is air 5 skill aoe radius was nerfed so trapping a large amount of enemies doesn’t happen as often. But with good positioning and a good fire retreat you can cast good meteors and control Zerg fights. and it’s decent in pvp if enemies let you free cast and While in pve it isn’t as bad as you think. You can drop a water 2 for huge aoe vulnerability, combo earth 2 and fire 2 where you stand and cast meteor. Also can grab glyph for more aoe or arcane utility for more damage. While cantrips like the stability and protection so you can cast meteor freely. The cooldowns on tempest for air. Is like casting that, then earth fire combo meteor. Like that should obliterate everything. And with fresh air you can swap back to air for crit damage and auto in air abit til fire comes back up. You destroyed all mobs easily. Also there is fiery gs, so while all the aoe is happening you can use that. I mean I don’t get where you’re going with staff. You set up combos and use them. As far as a dueling spec, S/D or DD works. If you don’t like melee there’s is S/F concentrating on single target with good protection for yourself when used correctly. And you can also go healer ele too which is extremely annoying in PvP WVW setting as you heal allies, and specced right you get condition damage with say sage or mixed damage with celestial. I think you just gotta know how to combo and have a good set of utility and build for staff ele if your attempting to dish out damage. Staff ele isn’t really a 1v1.. but a XvX. As in you and allies vs enemies. If you get off your combos you should be fine. There are some great zerker else on YouTube you can always check out. As well as other king of specced ele builds.

> > >

> > > I prefer Scepter Focus or DD. Depending on the situation or mood. Staff is good too, but use that for huge Zerg fights... casting a well timed meteor shower can turn a fight around. Or kill me due to retaliation. Lol

> >

> > I was talking about staff elementalist why are you suggesting s/f...? The thread is about boosting staff..... And fire skill 2 on staff you do realize mobs will charge at you instead of sitting in that fire circle right? So in order to get the most out of that damage you gonna have to stand still and get beat up so mobs will get stay in that circle. And if you run full zerker like you suggested gl standing still hoping the mobs will die before you do in PoF or HoT especially if they’re elite... and my whole point is Mesmer and necro can use their staff and fight 1vs1 and be sufficient about it but ele’s staff only works for party play. For a class that can’t switch weapon during combat shouldn’t our weapon be more versatile than others?

> >

> > I see most of the replies are talking about how strong their staff is running with Zerg...the thing is if you’re running with a Zerg it doesn’t even matter what you’re running. The real play really comes in when you are by yourself with staff and that’s what I’m talking about here...


> Are you really complaining, that one of ele weapons isn't good at dueling?

> And even comparing scourge facilities to ele elements?

> That's just.... LoL


> That's like asking, getting thief dagger, or necro dagger to be viable everywhere. Why? Cause we want to walk in a zerg and do big DPS with autoattacking on dagger.

> Also: wheres necro buffs for 1v1 situations? It's still the worst class to duel on.

> I wanna play heal soulbeast: not possible, needs a buff.


> -thats just hilarious.


> Not every specialisation or weapon has to be viable everywhere.


> A well played staff-ele will still outclass all other classes in terms of dmg in a zergfight. - you just don't see them at top dmg in DPS meter often, because there aren't many good zerg ele players




I was talking about using staff to fight mobs... what on earth are you talking about dueling???

Your reply is totally irrelevant lol,


I will repeat again since you don’t read...

elentalist weapon should be more versatile compare to other classes because elementalist is the only class that cannot change weapon during combat. So why shouldn’t their weapon be more versatile when other classes can change weapons during combat?

The reason elementalist cannot change weapon during combat because their weapon should be able to do multiple purpose.


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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> I was talking about using staff to fight mobs... what on earth are you talking about dueling???

> Your reply is totally irrelevant lol,


> I will repeat again since you don’t read...

> elentalist weapon should be more versatile compare to other classes because elementalist is the only class that cannot change weapon during combat. So why shouldn’t their weapon be more versatile when other classes can change weapons during combat?

> The reason elementalist cannot change weapon during combat because their weapon should be able to do multiple purpose.



In the rigth hands, to fight mobs, the elementalist's staff is a very effective and versatile weapon. The elementalist's staff totally got the necromancer's staff aoe potential and the mesmer's staff mobility. You can do anything with an elementalist's staff. Control, damage, heal/support and mobility, nothing is out of reach when you care to use all your skills and attunments properly. Mesmers and necromancers don't have 4 attunments at hand, they only got 2 weapon sets.


Fire staff give you the edge on aoe damage over both necromancer's and mesmer's staff. You also have a nice mobility skill.

Air staff have nice crowd control habilities. Thought since release I still wonder why there is such a long cast time on staff air 2.

Water staff allow you to dish out a lot of healing support and a bit of crowd control.

Earth staff have nice crow control (again) and some support (you can both perma weaken and grant protection with a staff in earth).

On top of that, none of the attunment lack damage, they are not all optimal but the worst damage you'll do are equal to the best amount of damage you'll do with a necromancer's staff.

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> @"Mystic Angelique.4021" said:

> Problems with elementalist is that we can't compete to remove boons like necro we re just not design to do that.


> Even if we could it still subpar compare to necro


> But we do have larger aoe size to reach harder to hit places with staff but how many meteor will hit that another question.


The problem is more the other classes can make the breakbar completely away in 5-7 sec e.g fractal 100 B2 when she splits into 4 or 5 parts. When you are core or Tempest you make only 25% damage on that bar while Weaver can make 75%. In the past we had at least also Ice Bow(strong cc with 5) in the meta but because Arena NET decided it has too much dmg we have now this. I also remember fogy that this on core air cc got nerfed at some point.


Boon Removal we don't have and we don't need to Ele was always high risk high gain class when compare to necro the only things which is annoying is that necro got still his 5-10 targets per pulse while ele skills got all nerfed to 3.(Besides fire overload which I don't know the max number of targets)


Okay other Topic :


After I reviewed some of the changes it might not the best to change the Metorshower again to make him again deadlier under the view of pvp and wvw.


Okay under pvp/wvw view what I said before

Meteorhsower can hardly be increased I must say.

Fireoverload of Tempest increasing 20% should be okay because of the small aoe size.

Instead of Meteorhsower 2 more pulses of Lava Font of the staff should be make it


I think for Staff Tempest that would make about 28k DPS and for Weaver 34k.


About the water rota idea basically the damage must be distributed over the skill Lava Font, Pressure Blast, Ice Spike and Lahar.

Lahar is a hard to get to skill has a small aoe and does dmg over time on that point from pvp perspective a safe skill in theory it could also get 2 more pules with out worry.


Ice Spike has a slow animation and low damage(also pvp no worry) I guess about 6k with all boons increasing the dmg increase would also be possible about 15-20%.


Pressure Blast is a problem because of easy access and not making damage over time through an aoe field over 6-8k with 25 might it should never go and my idea scaling dmg over distance scaling and 3s cast time making it also an hard cc would be nice


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