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Liadri the Concealing Darkness - Whoever came up with that, I despise you :)

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> the fact it's not instanced makes it several times worse, waiting in queue each time to give it another go is (insert curse word here).


yeah, it's a common complaint from last year


people doing gauntlet is annoyed how you need to queue up


people doing blitz is annoyed people doing gauntlet is taking up map population


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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > the fact it's not instanced makes it several times worse, waiting in queue each time to give it another go is (insert curse word here).


> yeah, it's a common complaint from last year


> people doing gauntlet is annoyed how you need to queue up


I haven't queued for more than one fight and that was only the first time gauntlet was a daily. I'm not fighting as many times this year, average of 1x/day, so it's a small sample even for anecdotal data. Still, it seems like there aren't any queues when I'm up there.



> people doing blitz is annoyed people doing gauntlet is taking up map population

Except it doesn't. Blitz (as described in another thread) requires as few as 5/boss, and more than 15/boss is worse, not better. So the map has plenty of room for both.


I like being able to watch other people fight, so I'd hate to have it 100% instanced. Still, I'd be fine if Gauntlet and Blitz took place in two different maps.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> As a complete noob, what class should i go in on? I have necro ranger engi mes. What one will help me the best.


the best class is the one you are most proficient at, obviously some class does provide an edge, i.e. perma block Guardian cheeses Turrai Ossa so easily


for Iiadri it it seems any class with skils that have pull ability will have a better edge compare to those doesnt

i.e Reapear Greatsword's Grasping Darkness, Dragonhunter's Spear of Justice, Mesmer Focus' Temporal Curtain

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > As a complete noob, what class should i go in on? I have necro ranger engi mes. What one will help me the best.


> the best class is the one you are most proficient at, obviously some class does provide an edge, i.e. perma block Guardian cheeses Turrai Ossa so easily


> for Iiadri it it seems any class with skils that have pull ability will have a better edge compare to those doesnt

> i.e Reapear Greatsword's Grasping Darkness, Dragonhunter's Spear of Justice, Mesmer Focus' Temporal Curtain


Good advice.




@"Zuldari.3940" as many people have pointed out, all the bosses have a super power that you need to figure out (on your own or via guides) and a kryptonite (a vulnerability) that you likewise need to know about. Any prof can manage to avoid the first and take advantage of the other. Some builds are cheezier than others.


Off the top of my head, power reaper, SB, kitless and bomb-kit engie, and core mes or mirage can do well at all the fights.


Up above, there's a link to Deroir doing the original on every class:

` https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgGYtWT2LCY`


And @"Lord Hizen.5918"'s self-proclaimed "easy & super strong build"


(he uses it to kill all the gauntlet bosses)


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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> As a complete noob, what class should i go in on? I have necro ranger engi mes. What one will help me the best.


My very first victory was with my core engi. Came up with a brain dead strategy; to run Bomb Kit while running laps in the arena with Liadri trailing behind. Trick is to maintain a certain distance for the bombs to trigger. Don't bother using turrets, the aoe will destory them.

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Having 'The Blazing Light' title is the equivalent of passing your driving test...


You have now proved that you can handle anything a Raid or Fractal could throw at you. Should be a pre-req for joining any serious raid guild imo :-)


I did it on a scourge which was not the easiest choice but only took 30 or so attempts!


I'm still struggling with Turai Ossa though :-( Cba to gear up a Chrono to cheese it!

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> @"bbop.9706" said:

> Having 'The Blazing Light' title is the equivalent of passing your driving test...


> You have now proved that you can handle anything a Raid or Fractal could throw at you. Should be a pre-req for joining any serious raid guild imo :-)


You get your filthy opinions out of here this instant, mister!

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