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Chaotic Interruption Temporarily Disabled in PvP


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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> All plebs assembled in this thread to protecc their lame build. No matter if its on core or mirage, it is unfun. Good riddance.


we dont assemble becouse we think CI was fine, we assemble becouse we sure as hell know they wont stop complainingm. CI is gone gr8 now they will try to get something

else removed, and on and on it goes, CI was unfun, now play against 2 condi thiefs, 3 holols and ocasional warrior. have fun getting hit for 8k from stealth with aoe stun on immortal class. have fun dealing with rampaging warriors hitting for 6k+ with literarly everything.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > All plebs assembled in this thread to protecc their lame build. No matter if its on core or mirage, it is unfun. Good riddance.


> we dont assemble becouse we think CI was fine, we assemble becouse we sure as hell know they wont stop complainingm. CI is gone gr8 now they will try to get something

> else removed, and on and on it goes, CI was unfun, now play against 2 condi thiefs, 3 holols and ocasional warrior. have fun getting hit for 8k from stealth with aoe stun on immortal class. have fun dealing with rampaging warriors hitting for 6k+ with literarly everything.


Good, things are getting fixed one at a time. Better than never getting fixed. Btw ci mesmers were the most obnoxious thing in current meta. More so than rampage or condi thief. Now that its gone, other things can get addressed. Also warrior damage is ok for its kit, only rampage needs nerf. Aside from rampage, holo sustain and slightly annoying condi thief pvp seems balanced rn.

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"XECOR.2814" said:

> > > All plebs assembled in this thread to protecc their lame build. No matter if its on core or mirage, it is unfun. Good riddance.

> >

> > we dont assemble becouse we think CI was fine, we assemble becouse we sure as hell know they wont stop complainingm. CI is gone gr8 now they will try to get something

> > else removed, and on and on it goes, CI was unfun, now play against 2 condi thiefs, 3 holols and ocasional warrior. have fun getting hit for 8k from stealth with aoe stun on immortal class. have fun dealing with rampaging warriors hitting for 6k+ with literarly everything.


> Good, things are getting fixed one at a time. Better than never getting fixed. Btw ci mesmers were the most obnoxious thing in current meta. More so than rampage or condi thief. Now that its gone, other things can get addressed. Also warrior damage is ok for its kit, only rampage needs nerf. Aside from rampage, holo sustain and slightly annoying condi thief pvp seems balanced rn.


nothing got fixed, instead of fixing CI they removed it from the game. you said rampage needs nerf, fuck it lets remove it from the game. not its fixed.

as if putting 8s internal CD as a hotfix was a such a problem, now you will have CI mirages that just play for fun and dont read forums run around with trait that doesnt work for months, not to mention its one of the only grandmaster apart from IH that actually made a difference in how you play.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> We did it boys! One more mesmer traitline is useless now.

> Mirage - 1 good trait (smack the forums with IH complains now)

> Chrono - dead lul

> Chaos - PU (useless in pvp anyway)

> Dueling - 1 good trait (after IH we will come for deceptive evasion)

> Illusion - 1 good trait

> Inspi - meme traitline

> Dom - 2 or 3 good traits (power mesmer is awful so no worries)


> We're getting there!


thats good.

and next please " kill " holos and spellbreakers so we can play what we want :-D


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It was so obvious for months but they chose that (late) moment to 'correct it' - I mean how many more seasons with meme mirage tricks can this community stand? If there's still any playing cause I am sure new people trying to get into PvP and getting trolled by 'such mechanics' are quitting the mode and never look back.


Devs have to understand gw2 shouldn't be counter-strike - we don't need a game with ...headshots. The power-creep was a mistake and has to go. Balance still needs some hard work (holo , Soulbeast) and above all there should be direct counters to any class. Plus the gap between most core professions to PoF ones must close.


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Isn't the real issue just the daze on sword ambush skill? Replace the daze by a flood of vulnerability (you know something that sword does) and CI automatically become balanced again without change on it. Why would you answer mirage balance issue by nerfing core? Ambush skills are the source of powercreep, why would you ever change everything around to balance them knowing that they are the issue? It's just gonna make core weaker while still keeping the mirage powercreep... Stop the balancing insanity, just nerf the "newly introduced" powercreep and leave the old balanced stuff alone.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Isn't the real issue just the daze on sword ambush skill? Replace the daze by a flood of vulnerability (you know something that sword does) and CI automatically become balanced again without change on it. Why would you answer mirage balance issue by nerfing core? Ambush skills are the source of powercreep, why would you ever change everything around to balance them knowing that they are the issue? It's just gonna make core weaker while still keeping the mirage powercreep... Stop the balancing insanity, just nerf the "newly introduced" powercreep and leave the old balanced stuff alone.


sword ambush is fine, its ment as a mobility tool, it has freaking 1/4s daze, if you make it do butload of vuln suddenly " omg 1shot mirage nerf"

what instead should have happened, chaos storm shouldnt randomly daze is 1 CI should have internal cooldown is 2.

in fact, nerfing ambush sword would nerf power mirage, thats kinda in a shit spot already, they wouldnt be able to apply power block due to missing it :/

then again its avoiding the problem and instead of nerfing random things untill community stops whining ( they wont ) they should nerf mirage and buff core.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Isn't the real issue just the daze on sword ambush skill? Replace the daze by a flood of vulnerability (you know something that sword does) and CI automatically become balanced again without change on it. Why would you answer mirage balance issue by nerfing core? Ambush skills are the source of powercreep, why would you ever change everything around to balance them knowing that they are the issue? It's just gonna make core weaker while still keeping the mirage powercreep... Stop the balancing insanity, just nerf the "newly introduced" powercreep and leave the old balanced stuff alone.


The build in question didn't even use sword

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > @"sephiroth.4217"

> > > > >

> > > > > Stability gets ripped by [Arcane Thievery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Thievery) or [sigil of Annulment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Annulment_(PvP)) on weapon swap. These two abilities can be used roughly every 20 seconds, much lower than the cooldowns for most stability skills. In other words, every time you pop stab, the mesmer can strip it.

> > > >

> > > > Assuming the mesmer is refusing to switch weapons and specifically waits for a stab to rip... of which you can reapply anyway.

> > > >

> > > > Like I said, its a handout in my eyes to those who don't like changing thier builds to adapt. Just my opinion.

> > > >

> > > > Anyway... most people are about to find out theres something much more annoying and stronger than CI there.

> > >

> > > All classes get nerfs. And now the shoe is on the other foot.

> > > Is it hypocritical for mesmer mains to chant for nerfs for other classes? Especially when those other classes don't have something 'more annoying' and 'stronger' than CI to replace it with? I don't know and I'm not saying it is. But I do wonder.

> > >

> >

> > I main DD Tempest. I think im being unbias about it but I could be wrong.

> >

> > But what evs... my DD tempest after a trait change was handling it ok so my opinion still doesn't change.

> >

> > So now im laughing because a DD temp has bested all of you. Never woulda thought Id see the day but hey here we are.


> I didn't say biased, I said hypocritical. It wasn't aimed at you directly, but rather at the very vocal minority that rarely plays.


> Your point would hold up if only DD eles and mesmers were the only two playable classes in PvP.





Ah your use of words had me believing you thought I was Mes main.


The point about DD Temp is that its largely considered useless. CI has little effect on DD Temp with the right build and all it took was a sigil and trait change.



I may be wrong... but I predict core mes will be complained about next.

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and now we can play power mirage spellbreaker holosmith and necro in peace


ahh this will be even without CI a cc circus


it doesnt matter if its mirage or chrono and core mesmer, the amount of cc is available to the core class itself is too much with little cooldown oh and its duration is too long


Mirage isnt dead as long as infinite horizon deceptive evasion and mirage clock and ambush skills are interacting as they do now. power or condi the golden combination is still there. this shit is manageable in wvw where you dont have to sit like a wood log and take it in the face from all the clones and the mesmer like in pvp capture nodes


well welcome back power block with sword clones all leaping on your behind. enjoy your cooldowns unless you are a thief



E v e r y t h i n g I n P v P I s B r o k e n

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Isn't the real issue just the daze on sword ambush skill? Replace the daze by a flood of vulnerability (you know something that sword does) and CI automatically become balanced again without change on it. Why would you answer mirage balance issue by nerfing core? Ambush skills are the source of powercreep, why would you ever change everything around to balance them knowing that they are the issue? It's just gonna make core weaker while still keeping the mirage powercreep... Stop the balancing insanity, just nerf the "newly introduced" powercreep and leave the old balanced stuff alone.


> The build in question didn't even use sword


So globally people cry about something that was long in the game and feel OP all of a sudden, it's a lot like the _epidemic_ nerf. That said, not using sword ambush with this trait feel like a waste. Maybe players just aren't as good as they think they are and they should work a bit on their build like sephiroth suggested with reason.

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> We've been listening to your feedback following the previous balance update, and we heard about issues around the mirage's Chaotic Interruption (CI) playstyle in PvP—in particular its lack of counterplay and present dominance. We agree that this is an issue, and that it's creating degenerate play and negatively affecting PvP.


No counter play ? You allow snipers to kill anybody while never being visible or findable. You also allow no counter play finishers. Counter play, lmao as they say.

That said, the trait is obviously a bit weird. A "random" idea for this trait : immobilization + boon corrupt or boon steal (2nd is random, this is chaos after all)

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048"

Thank you for communicate your reasoning. We appreciate it but next time could you use something else than disabling skills and traits?

I don't know maybe hire a pvp balance team/game designers and run beta servers to test out changes etc... just some ideas. no offense.


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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> CI may have been available for years but that doesn't mean it wasn't broken. Personally, didn't touch it; won't miss it. Just glad this FOTM didn't linger as long as others. Can people leave Mes alone now?


Yes hopefully people just won't touch the class anymore, while they're at it I think they should just disable the whole class to essentially delete it. That'll teach those mesmer players. /s

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I main DD Tempest. I think im being unbias about it but I could be wrong.


> But what evs... my DD tempest after a trait change was handling it ok so my opinion won't change.


> So now im laughing because a DD temp has bested all of you. Never woulda thought Id see the day again but hey, here we are.


well tempest is one of the few classes that can completely ignore CI mirage since diamond skin is a thing+ cleanse on aura's.

i do agree tho that the mesmer CI build wasnt rly that big of a deal, looking from a holo perspective (dont know how much that say since holo is overperforming more than mesmer imo)


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> @"toxic.3648" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > I main DD Tempest. I think im being unbias about it but I could be wrong.

> >

> > But what evs... my DD tempest after a trait change was handling it ok so my opinion won't change.

> >

> > So now im laughing because a DD temp has bested all of you. Never woulda thought Id see the day again but hey, here we are.


> well tempest is one of the few classes that can completely ignore CI mirage since diamond skin is a thing+ cleanse on aura's.

> i do agree tho that the mesmer CI build wasnt rly that big of a deal, looking from a holo perspective (dont know how much that say since holo is overperforming more than mesmer imo)



And because of that, Tempest had finally become a bit more useful, auras became a little more unique.


Shame really, there could have been a complete meta shift.

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> CI may have been available for years but that doesn't mean it wasn't broken. Personally, didn't touch it; won't miss it. Just glad this FOTM didn't linger as long as others. Can people leave Mes alone now?


I used to play the old lockdown mesmer back in core, to take the trait you either had terrible damage or no IP. It was a fun build that required good timing and set up to get any real use out of it. Back then you could counter it in any of the ways you would normally counter skills + you could use stab or cleanse the immobilise which most classes except necro could manage very well.


The trait wasn't a problem because it didn't have devs that power crept the game into a spamfiesta, where wasting your CC skills was met with 30+s cool downs so if you didn't time your interrupt you got 0 value and were usually pretty much dead due to the way balance was back then. Fast forward to today and this trait that's largely been the same for the entire life of the game is causing "degenerate play". What changed? I dunno maybe adding chaos storm on heal was a bit short sighted. Maybe reducing an instant cast daze to 12s cool down for 2 charges, buffing it's daze by 50% and allowing it to recharge the class mechanic daze was not a good idea.


Now is that because someone has utterly failed at making elite specs a side step and not power creeping the game into a low skill spamfiesta that caused a lot of people to leave or is it because the trait was sleeper OP?

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