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half of top 10 NA pvp leaderboards is 1 person, sorry ppl ranked 11-15ish who should of got rewards

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> >

> > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


> I don't think you understand man


> The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.


> Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.


> If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5


> If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.


> Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


literally no one does that, im sorry, but no one does that anymore. Maybe in gold, but I've queued 800 games this season, I've watched 400 games that have been streamed and no one does this shit

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> >

> > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.


> I don't think you understand man


> The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.


> Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.


> If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5


> If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.


> Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.


What does happen is

1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.


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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> > >

> > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

> >

> > I don't think you understand man

> >

> > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

> >

> > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

> >

> > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

> >

> > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

> >

> > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


> I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.


> What does happen is

> 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

> 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

> 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

> 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.



^ that is what i call some respectable strategy. You're fighting for an individual rank in a 5 man team game, so if you really wanna be at the top, you should be trying your best to massage the environment of your matches. That's some ninja thinking there.


If you just keep hitting the que button randomly without any strategy as to with whom and when, then may i also recommend slot machines in vegas. There are plenty of them waiting for you. I hear they give out free booze too!


EDIT: i mean you should be doing this if you really care about being at the top. I randomly que without thought of with whom or when, but that's justified by the fact that i don't give a shit

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> > > >

> > > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

> > >

> > > I don't think you understand man

> > >

> > > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

> > >

> > > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

> > >

> > > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

> > >

> > > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

> > >

> > > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.

> >

> > I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.

> >

> > What does happen is

> > 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

> > 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

> > 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

> > 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.

> >


> ^ that is what i call some respectable strategy. You're fighting for an individual rank in a 5 man team game, so if you really wanna be at the top, you should be trying your best to massage the environment of your matches. That's some ninja thinking there.


> If you just keep hitting the que button randomly without any strategy as to with whom and when, then may i also recommend slot machines in vegas. There are plenty of them waiting for you. I hear they give out free booze too!


> EDIT: i mean you should be doing this if you really care about being at the top. I randomly que without thought of with whom or when, but that's justified by the fact that i don't give a kitten


I don't know, personally I don't like it. PvP for me is about queuing on my main account and winning with the classes/specs I like to play. Manipulating the system to get easy games to climb the system isn't fun PvP for me. I'd rather have me and if I duo, also have my duo on our main accounts so we can get the best games possible. If I/we are good enough it shouldn't matter how good their team is and how bad my team is. We should still be able to win. Outplaying the other team and your own teammates is part of the game... which is one reason why old free tourneys were so great. You had time to work with your teammates and adjust for the next game (assuming you won the last game).


Problem is with the added leaderboard ratings with people manipulating the system the balance gets shifted. Losing a ton of MMR is frustrating. Losing a game is frustrating. But losing both because the duo queue on the other team is manipulating the system is frustrating when if they were on their mains, I would win the match (due in part to the lower average MMR their teammates would have) because their teams skill level would match their average team MMR and not be boosted up due to queueing on alts. What's even more annoying is that even if I win, I gain less MMR than I deserve because of their alt account having a lower MMR than their main account.


I shouldn't have to manipulate back just to compete that's not fun. Players sniping players and doing whatever just to inhibit someone else from threatening their main account isn't fun for either player. I don't understand how people find it fun to spend extra money on a dying game to not play on their main account to abuse the system and snipe other players.


Game would be a lot better if people just had to play on one account. As it stands, you don't make it to the top 10 on just skill. You have to match manipulate like this too. Top 25, it's possible but there aren't many spots and you still have to fight others doing it too.

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Well, it's human nature. You wanna be at the top, you gotta get a little dirty. Bernie Sanders n Hillary Clinton will never understand this and thats why they'll always be 2nd place at best while some nut like Trump takes the god of pvp title. (BILL CLINTON WASNT AFRAID TO GET A LITTLE DIRTY THO AMIRITE [monica where u attttt])

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> > >

> > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

> >

> > I don't think you understand man

> >

> > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

> >

> > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

> >

> > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

> >

> > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

> >

> > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


> I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.


> What does happen is

> 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

> 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

> 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

> 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.



While classic wintrading isn't extinct, @"Eurantien.4632" is right I think.


Match Manipulation evolved with DuoQ and the ever-decreasing population to be less obvious. You don't need someone to leave or throw anymore, because you can just snipe low-ranks and exploit broken features to get those top spots more easily, and at little to no virtual or actual monetary cost.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Well, it's human nature. You wanna be at the top, you gotta get a little dirty. Bernie Sanders n Hillary Clinton will never understand this and thats why they'll always be 2nd place at best while some nut like Trump takes the god of pvp title. (BILL CLINTON WASNT AFRAID TO GET A LITTLE DIRTY THO AMIRITE [monica where u attttt])


TL;DR Helio is Trump.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> > > >

> > > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

> > >

> > > I don't think you understand man

> > >

> > > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

> > >

> > > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

> > >

> > > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

> > >

> > > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

> > >

> > > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.

> >

> > I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.

> >

> > What does happen is

> > 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

> > 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

> > 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

> > 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.

> >


> ^ that is what i call some respectable strategy. You're fighting for an individual rank in a 5 man team game, so if you really wanna be at the top, you should be trying your best to massage the environment of your matches. That's some ninja thinking there.


> If you just keep hitting the que button randomly without any strategy as to with whom and when, then may i also recommend slot machines in vegas. There are plenty of them waiting for you. I hear they give out free booze too!


> EDIT: i mean you should be doing this if you really care about being at the top. I randomly que without thought of with whom or when, but that's justified by the fact that i don't give a kitten


Why should the competitive eleader board operate like a slot machine? Because the top tier populace MAKES that happen apperently. With such manipulation u think thats brakes some kind of tos and should be banned for manipulating the leader boards for a few seasons.

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> @"Saharo Gravewind.5120" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > It would be fantastic if free to play accounts were banned from rank.

> >

> > I don't mind if someone who paid for an expansion several times is up there multiple times though. Im envious of that person with enough time and money to dedicate themselves to that.


> ... you’re joking right? Don’t see that as a valid reason to lock f2p people out of ranked as a whole.


Then dont complain about match manipulation or the top 250 spots being held by the same 40 players.


But if you want a valid reason... then tell me why f2p accounts have access to disrupting a paying customer? There's always unranked for them but instead they're allowed to also disrupt the service of a paying customer in ranked who's trying achieve something.



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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.


> Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.


> For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


Not true. I played in the final week with a Top 10 Plat 3. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83854/how-does-top-10-player-appear-in-gold-1-match

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What does it say about a player's skill if they have to use exploits to get a spot on the leaderboard? I mean it's not like we're playing for anything real, it is all virtual rewards. How frail must some ego's be if the need the buffer of multiple alts to keep their main account "safe".

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.


> Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.


> For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


Is it true tho ? I queued with a low gold friend as a p2 player and the games really felt lower rated.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Well, as long as they got their rating legitmtely, there's no foul there.


no, they dont get theyr rank legitimely, fulling top places makes the mm look further to make matches, if mm looks further more imbalanced matches in their favor they get, duoing with other top one, qdodge posible other top ones and filling all top ranks ensures bad imbalanced matches in their favor

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> @"Kamskill.9457" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.

> >

> > Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.

> >

> > For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


> Is it true tho ? I queued with a low gold friend as a p2 player and the games really felt lower rated.


Well it would if u a p2 player and have a gold on your team. Has half your team will be gold anyways both sides so u just got a extra one lol

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Just stop caring OP like many of the others that used to take SPvP seriously did., it's that simple. There's no hope for the game mode especially with its bad history, it's always going to be conquest support only, balancing comes out too slow. bad practice ringleaders continue to do w.e they want with no worry of punishment. There's no competative scene only a meme scene.

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> @"Kamskill.9457" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.

> >

> > Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.

> >

> > For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


> Is it true tho ? I queued with a low gold friend as a p2 player and the games really felt lower rated.


it is true, your low gold friend will be as p2 in matchmaking

team averages (both yours and enemies) will use actual rating however, this just means that you'll get a bunch of silvers to compensate as you will be counted as 2x p2

i've had the same experience as you, im mid plat queueing with all ratings - getting way lower ranked teams overall. Rating gain/loss also reflects this

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care less about the rating and LB status and More about the quality of games you are getting.


If i'm getting a hell of a close game during a rank match up , then yes im having fun regardless if I lose or win rating.... This game has long lost it's glorious rank prestige so why should you or anyone else keep caring at this point?


Monthly taken away till it's "fix", and Rank doesn't really do much for you.

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Duo queue and playing at different times to avoid each other is the key to top 10. They can't possibly have the win loss ratio if they face each other. I often notice some top players playing late OCX or SEA time when it's quieter.

Duo queue has made leaderboards pretty meaningless.

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"Sampson.2403" said:

> > > I actually think it's hilarious that someone would do that. And i even have more respect for them because they can.

> > >

> > > If u dont like it then get better at the game than them and it won't matter how many alt accounts they have.

> >

> > I don't think you understand man

> >

> > The alt accounts are used to manipulate games so the main accounts can climb without worry.

> >

> > Duoq+1 solo on an alt. All three in comms. Only accept games that pop for all 3 of you at the same time.

> >

> > If alt is on the enemy team they can throw making the game a 4v5

> >

> > If alt is on your team you try hard with 3 in comms. If the game is a loss, alt logs so the main accounts don't lose rating.

> >

> > Skill has nothing to do with it. Ever see a core ele or mes in a p2 game? Guess which team wins or how that match was rigged.


> I don't think anyone does this, havent experienced or heard of it.


> What does happen is

> 1. people only queue on their main with their optimal duo partner. Said duo partner plays on an alt with a low rating. This causes their other 3 teammates average MMR to be higher in rating than it would be if they both queued on their high ranking mains. This makes those games easier to win.

> 2. Queue on the 2 same class you want to see on the other team. If 2 duos queue necro, the matchmaking makes sure at least one necro is on the other team. And then the 2 duos swap off necro and now have something easy to kill (and create a snowball) while their team probably has no necros now.

> 3. When not able to duo they queue on alt accounts to snipe other players trying out climb the ladder. Since the alt account is lower than their main account, just like number 1, this means their teammates have higher MMRs than they would if the player had queued on their main account. Therefore, the person trying to climb has a harder time. And they can do this with no risk to their main account.

> 4. Duos trying to climb will queue dodge other Duos by waiting until they're in a match. Then Duo 1 will queue knowing most of the good players are in Duo 2's game. Allowing for both duos to climb easier than just constantly taking rating from each other.



This definitely happens I’ve seen my fair share of this since duoqueing came. I’ve made posts on this and given proof. Those who don’t believe just don’t think it would happen. You can easily tell a match manipulated game from a normal game.

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No, that's false. There is only one person playing PvP. Everyone else is a bot or one of Team USA's alts. Jokes aside, ranked has been exploited and busted since inception. There isn't much to do about it because there will always be another exploit. I vehemently condemn the players exploiting, and I am no way defending them. What I am saying here is not to take ranked or anything else seriously. Because what's left of the pvp "community" is pretty Honk honk.

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> @"Loki.1763" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> >

> > Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.

> >

> > For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.


> Not true. I played in the final week with a Top 10 Plat 3. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83854/how-does-top-10-player-appear-in-gold-1-match


Yeah but do you understand how the matchmaking system works?


If it can't find anyone within a certain range of the higher rated player's rating, it will slowly expand that range until it find enough players to fill the match.


The plat 3 player was probably in que for around 10 minutes.

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> @"Koen.1327" said:

> > @"Kamskill.9457" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > also they duo q with a way lower rank so they get placed in easier games.

> > >

> > > Matchmaking uses the higher duo's rating when placing them in matches.

> > >

> > > For example, a legend and bronze que together. Matchmaking will use the legend's rating.

> >

> > Is it true tho ? I queued with a low gold friend as a p2 player and the games really felt lower rated.


> it is true, your low gold friend will be as p2 in matchmaking

> team averages (both yours and enemies) will use actual rating however, this just means that you'll get a bunch of silvers to compensate as you will be counted as 2x p2

> i've had the same experience as you, im mid plat queueing with all ratings - getting way lower ranked teams overall. Rating gain/loss also reflects this


No, it's not true. Your ally and yourself will average out using a rather complex coding. It's a myth to say that the lower rating player will be "bumped" to the higher rating player.

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