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Without another expansion would this be feasible?

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > How about racial skill lines which offer augmentation to current skills; Basically making them function differently and having different effects based on class. (An example lets say is engineer. Your racial skill line/spec could change how your turrets look and function; Perhaps they offer different effects to the norm. ) This would mean having one of each race on each class could be cool; Your charr warrior vs human warrior would have different cosmetics on skills and functionality.

> >

> > Or heck how about just Racial specs which are unique to the races. (Norn get havroun which is all based around the spirits of the wild, Charr get legionnaire, humans get dervish, Sylvari get Wyld hunt valiant and the asuran get golemancer.)


> I can almost imagine as if it worked this way.

> Basically all classes play the same, but thematically, they are very different, so here is some:

> **Engineer**:

> - Shaman (Norn): - You don't spawn turrets, just the norn effigies

> - Engineer (Charr): You set normal turrets

> - Technician (Asura): You set asuran cube turrets

> - Occultist (Human): You summon lesser god-like elementals

> - Summoner (Sylvari): You can summon Sylvari constructs.


> Functions the same, looks differently. This adds to the visual clutter but it would be so cool.



Basically in a perfect world Id like it that they used different weapons for vanity; Such as shaman using a staff rather than a rifle. Id like for it to effect elite specs as well this way every class + Race custom tailors your feel and immersion. You would get cosmetics appropriate for your race which would add to the feel; Heck In a perfect world Id like every armor set to be different based on race (Something I hope for going forward) so that every-time we get new armor the appearance of it is based on your race. This way everyone has armor coming in that they like; We all get a lil something for being there. Where as now alot of the stuff looks either weird as hell on charr/norn/asuran/sylvari or it just doesn't fit the character.


This is an mmo-rpg after all, immersion would on enrich the experience.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > How about racial skill lines which offer augmentation to current skills;

> > >

> > > Isn't that exactly what Anet was avoiding by making the racial skills weaker than regular skills? To avoid LFG "charr warrior only" syndrome?

> >

> > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > How about racial skill lines which offer augmentation to current skills;

> > > >

> > > > Isn't that exactly what Anet was avoiding by making the racial skills weaker than regular skills? To avoid LFG "charr warrior only" syndrome?

> > >

> > > We kinda already see that with classes :)

> > >

> >

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Acheron.4731" said:

> > > > > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > > > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > > How about racial skill lines which offer augmentation to current skills;

> > > > >

> > > > > Isn't that exactly what Anet was avoiding by making the racial skills weaker than regular skills? To avoid LFG "charr warrior only" syndrome?

> > > >

> > > > We kinda already see that with classes :)

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yea, but youd see it by RACE + CLASS.

> > >

> > > Which i dont want to see in this game.

> >

> > I mean this game is already human dominant so I mean does adding racial bennefits really matter? Answer is no, its just people who wana min-max complaining that it gives other races a chances to be run by people who would maybe ignore them. Cosmetics are fine; But frankly we already have X race is superior, which is primarily a human players mentality.

> >

> > Cosmetics or maybe unique takes on current classes could be a way to change this ~ which the community is against. Like everything else it seems


> Youll have to forgive me for saying, but it does matter. I play soley charr, i dont like playing as humans, norn, sylvari, or asura. If i was forced into playing them just to do content i would be very displeased with this game. Race should never matter, period, sorry if you disagree, but overall(as in spread among the other 4) there are more players who play the other races than those who just play soley humans.


> Humans consist of 40% of players by themselves. The other races put together = the remaining 60%.

> https://gw2efficiency.com/account/player-statistics


> Do you play male characters? cause we should give the players who play female characters boosts as well, they are the majority afterall.


> Im not against unique takes on current classes, so long as they arent race specific unique takes.


So you're against cosmetic changes to make them fit the race better? Im not asking for them to make a new class in general; I mean racial classes could be cool only if they limit them to x race. (This has nothing to do with the cosmetic idea, this is just personal wants. The cosmetics idea for races are just that. They change the cosmetics of existing classes to fit the races.) For example Havroun should ONLY be a norn class, period end of statement I Can't see a charr ever going to worship the spirit of the wild however only charr can be legionnaires. Only humans can be dervishes as well~


Id like for this to happen so that they could be classes that

1. Don't require armor weight, you decide which armor you wear because the class is not limited to such a standard.

2. They are unique and offer something to people who might of never played the other races before

3. it offers something to people who do play the races currently

4. They shouldn't out-preform one another, in a perfect world at least

5. It would be good for the game to have something unique to each race. Currently we have cosmetics which is limited to the charr/asuran as with how the game is structured they are the most unique.


I play norn because of their lore and who they were in guild wars 1, werebeasts who change into monsters during combat to decimate their enemies. They don't do this however in current guild wars and have been scaled back to almost a laughable level of comedic relief. Meanwhile everyone else gets polish and taken seriously; I mean I Get that no one seems to care but I Care. Now In a perfect world Id love for there to be cosmetic differences based on race + class, so as stated above you could be an engineer but look and feel different based on your race (Really wouldn't be that different in the grand-scheme just the theme.)


Racial classes would be cool simply because its something fresh that most games don't touch, something A-net could capitalize on and make work if they took the time or bothered to care enough about it. Think of it thats five classes whom are not limited to armor weight, who have the tools to fill any role and have the capability to be accessible to everyone. Id like the racial classes to have more customization than current classes while they don't master a specific field they can fill in a role and make it work for them. Granted this would mean they could only ever have one extra spec, not so much an elite spec but a dark spec that you must give somethings up to have it for your character. (Flame legion skill line, Jormag themed skill line, Mursaat skill line, Nightmare/mordrem skill line, Inquest based skill line.) Which are all additions but as well drawbacks to the class. Example perhaps these skill lines have niche rolls similar to E-specs but might not be as game changing as and E-spec after this they would get no further additions to them ~ They would remain as they are so while other classes get new additions the only thing these classes might get is upgrades to mechanics as new mechanics and ideas come out but they wouldn't get new skills.


Pair this with their potential to capitalize on RvR because no game is in this market right this moment they could establish a foot-hold if they double down on WvW; So when Camelot unchained, ashes of creation and the lord of the rings MMO's come out they won't utterly destroy WvW because as it is now that game mode will die when those games arrive. Guild wars has a unique place where it can capitalize in the areas other mmo-rpgs struggle primarily in pvp and rvr, leave raids to WoW and Eso sure update them but trying to out-do them and overcome them is hubris at best. Their whole game is built around the idea of end-game pve so why not do the opposite, hell why not make tiers that are from X level to X level? So this way you can level characters in WvW so like tier 1 could be levels ten through twenty, and you split the 80 levels so that people can play how they want.


This would offer people a chance to learn as they level up; And work a lot like how warhammer online did , which was ahead of its time in regards to how it handled RvR. This would get new players in (you could work on unlocking your mount as you level up, this way its not end game suffering for everyone and you could learn you class through experience.)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


You know, this just sounds like GW1 but with Races and I'd love it. If the class was different because of profession it would be a perfect love.

Engineer Sylvari doesn't make sense to me.

This would be the best implementation of Races X Classes in the entire MMO market. Non-limiting, you can choose whatever class you want. It's just slightly different and themed around your race - a perfect world indeed. :')

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Many skill lines lack entries, so it would be good if those were filled out completely. Example: Ranger's have traps for all slots except the elite, and no healing or elite signet.


> But I don't see why Anet would have to limit new elite specs to expansions, if LW is to be their new content delivery standard.


> [edit] Oh, and what about revenants? How would they benefit?




For years the lack of complete skill sets has annoyed me, and add to that underwater skill availablity is even more restrictive.

Allowing Flesh Golem to be used underwater was a happy moment for me as it's something i've wanted for years but there are still far too many skills that need to be made usable underwater and sets of skills that need to be completed.


I am all for new skills to be added to flesh out both core classes and elite specs as well as providing more build options.

I know the balance teams dread this but I do believe it will be worth doing.

As for Revenant, a little utility skill diversity isn't going to ruin anything imo, hell there are a lot of revenant skills I flat out don't even use.. ever.

So having the ability to swap them out for something I would, would be nice to have.

With their energy management mechanic I don't think it would be that hard to balance either.. if a skill is too powerful up the energy cost rather than nerf the skill.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


> You know, this just sounds like GW1 but with Races and I'd love it. If the class was different because of profession it would be a perfect love.

> Engineer Sylvari doesn't make sense to me.

> This would be the best implementation of Races X Classes in the entire MMO market. Non-limiting, you can choose whatever class you want. It's just slightly different and themed around your race - a perfect world indeed. :')


And ya know what? I bet it would sell like hop-cakes. And everyone would be pleased, people would roll several alts of the same class and character slots would by proxy sell like hop-cakes. There is no game on the market that gives cadence too it and if you expanded racial armor, racial weapons and heck even racial mount skins and start offering unique stuff that are cosmetic rewards (The end game is fashion wars after all.) I believe would solve a lot of issues people have with the cosmetics, but what do I know.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >

> > You know, this just sounds like GW1 but with Races and I'd love it. If the class was different because of profession it would be a perfect love.

> > Engineer Sylvari doesn't make sense to me.

> > This would be the best implementation of Races X Classes in the entire MMO market. Non-limiting, you can choose whatever class you want. It's just slightly different and themed around your race - a perfect world indeed. :')


> And ya know what? I bet it would sell like hop-cakes. And everyone would be pleased, people would roll several alts of the same class and character slots would by proxy sell like hop-cakes. There is no game on the market that gives cadence too it and if you expanded racial armor, racial weapons and heck even racial mount skins and start offering unique stuff that are cosmetic rewards (The end game is fashion wars after all.) I believe would solve a lot of issues people have with the cosmetics, but what do I know.


That would exponentially increase Anet's work just for the skins, an area in which it seems they struggle to produce. May be a cool feature...until your sylvari "engineer" wants to wear norn armor...


Side note: unless you were being intentional, referencing something I'm unaware of, it is Hot Cakes, another name for pancakes.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> >

> > You know, this just sounds like GW1 but with Races and I'd love it. If the class was different because of profession it would be a perfect love.

> > Engineer Sylvari doesn't make sense to me.

> > This would be the best implementation of Races X Classes in the entire MMO market. Non-limiting, you can choose whatever class you want. It's just slightly different and themed around your race - a perfect world indeed. :')


> And ya know what? I bet it would sell like hop-cakes. And everyone would be pleased, people would roll several alts of the same class and character slots would by proxy sell like hop-cakes. There is no game on the market that gives cadence too it and if you expanded racial armor, racial weapons and heck even racial mount skins and start offering unique stuff that are cosmetic rewards (The end game is fashion wars after all.) I believe would solve a lot of issues people have with the cosmetics, but what do I know.


> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > >

> > > You know, this just sounds like GW1 but with Races and I'd love it. If the class was different because of profession it would be a perfect love.

> > > Engineer Sylvari doesn't make sense to me.

> > > This would be the best implementation of Races X Classes in the entire MMO market. Non-limiting, you can choose whatever class you want. It's just slightly different and themed around your race - a perfect world indeed. :')

> >

> > And ya know what? I bet it would sell like hop-cakes. And everyone would be pleased, people would roll several alts of the same class and character slots would by proxy sell like hop-cakes. There is no game on the market that gives cadence too it and if you expanded racial armor, racial weapons and heck even racial mount skins and start offering unique stuff that are cosmetic rewards (The end game is fashion wars after all.) I believe would solve a lot of issues people have with the cosmetics, but what do I know.


> That would exponentially increase Anet's work just for the skins, an area in which it seems they struggle to produce. May be a cool feature...until your sylvari "engineer" wants to wear norn armor...


> Side note: unless you were being intentional, referencing something I'm unaware of, it is Hot Cakes, another name for pancakes.


After all, GW2 is mostly about cosmetics so I don't see this hurting current GW2 development. I'd rather have these skins over Shiny meta. I know that this is too much work and is very unlikely but this is the perfect MMO i'd want GW2 to be.


As for Sylvari wearing Norn outfit. I can already be a Sylvari that wants to wear a Norn outfit, not much would change.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > Many skill lines lack entries, so it would be good if those were filled out completely. Example: Ranger's have traps for all slots except the elite, and no healing or elite signet.

> >

> > But I don't see why Anet would have to limit new elite specs to expansions, if LW is to be their new content delivery standard.

> >

> > [edit] Oh, and what about revenants? How would they benefit?


> This!


> For years the lack of complete skill sets has annoyed me, and add to that underwater skill availablity is even more restrictive.

> Allowing Flesh Golem to be used underwater was a happy moment for me as it's something i've wanted for years but there are still far too many skills that need to be made usable underwater and sets of skills that need to be completed.


> I am all for new skills to be added to flesh out both core classes and elite specs as well as providing more build options.

> I know the balance teams dread this but I do believe it will be worth doing.

> As for Revenant, a little utility skill diversity isn't going to ruin anything imo, hell there are a lot of revenant skills I flat out don't even use.. ever.

> So having the ability to swap them out for something I would, would be nice to have.

> With their energy management mechanic I don't think it would be that hard to balance either.. if a skill is too powerful up the energy cost rather than nerf the skill.


Exactly what I had in mind. Fill out some of the missing skill sets. Well said.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i personally think that all racial skills should be prof specific skills and the ones who are way to race specific be removed, they ether make them on pair with the rest of the skills or don't bother even adding them if balance is such an issue.


That makes to much sense!(Sarcasm dont hit me)


Though, having a variety of skills that are available but useless suddenly be available to races(with minor changes to fit that races theme) and have them be useful for once...that would be neat.


To the previous comments, i think i misunderstood what you where asking, so let me clarify, if all races had the same skills available with different looks, i wouldnt mind, so long as they functioned the same.



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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i personally think that all racial skills should be prof specific skills and the ones who are way to race specific be removed, they ether make them on pair with the rest of the skills or don't bother even adding them if balance is such an issue.


I've long thought the racial skills should be reworked into F6+ skills.

Each race gets 1 big one like a mini Elite.

Human gets Hounds of Balthazar

Norn gets Transform depending on their character choices.. bear etc

Asura gets Summon Power Suit transformation

Sylvari get Summon Druid Spirit

Charr get Warband Support

These would have fairly long durations.. say a minute but would suffer from a very long cooldown.. like 15 minutes to half hour so they wouldn't be viable as regular use skills, more gimmick skills that might help you out in a bad spot, each of these skills would need to be reworked too for balance, likewise players who have access to the mistfire wolf would be able to swap out this mini elite for the wolf summon.


As for the smaller race skills, also give them long cooldowns (say 5-10 mins) but rework them into minor attacks or buffs.

Blessing of Dwayna (Human) could give you a 30 second unique buff that gives you 1-5% damage reduction based on RNG

Healing Seed (Sylvari) could put down a 30 second Aoe healing ring that buffs all healing skills used in it by 5% (non stackable.)

Pain inverter (Asura) could give a 30 second buff that deals 1% of incoming damage back to it's source (stack capped at 5 players per enemy/5%)

Call Owl (Norn) could be a ground targeted AoE, Spirit Owl swoops in and deals small damage and bleeding to enemies in it.

Battle Roar (Charr) Could empower Charr giving him 1-5% damage increase for 30 seconds, % based on RNG, 1% dmg 45% chance, 2% dmg 25% chance, 3% dmg15% chance, 4% dmg 10% chance, 5% dmg 5% chance.


Stuff like that, situational skills that could work on any build and give each race a bit of a unique flare.

I think the devs are more than capable of making this concept work in Gw2 without messing with balance.

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