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Q&A with the Narrative Team - Another broken promise?

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I guess I will agree with op.

Anet shouldn't be scared to announce what they are doing though, but rather word it different, as in - "We will be doing x next week, but there's a chance we might not be able to, it depends how busy we'll be"

So that would let people know to look out for it but not to really expect it 100%.

You people are obviously defending Anet, cuz ... well... it's Anet, but if someone IRL told you "hey I'll do that for you next week" and when they show up and say "nah didn't do it", you'd probably be displeased because you expected them to since they said they will. Don't know why people think so highly of Anet, it's their job to do things and as a consumer who is giving them money, ofc I should expect them to do something they said they will do unless they tell me it might not happen.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I guess I will agree with op.

> Anet shouldn't be scared to announce what they are doing though, but rather word it different, as in - "We will be doing x next week, but there's a chance we might not be able to, it depends how busy we'll be"

> So that would let people know to look out for it but not to really expect it 100%.

> You people are obviously defending Anet, cuz ... well... it's Anet, but if someone IRL told you "hey I'll do that for you next week" and when they show up and say "nah didn't do it", you'd probably be displeased because you expected them to since they said they will. Don't know why people think so highly of Anet, it's their job to do things and as a consumer who is giving them money, ofc I should expect them to do something they said they will do unless they tell me it might not happen.


I am going to have to guess that the dev who directly responded falls under your defending ANET just to defend them category.

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> @"Yargesh.4965" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > I guess I will agree with op.

> > Anet shouldn't be scared to announce what they are doing though, but rather word it different, as in - "We will be doing x next week, but there's a chance we might not be able to, it depends how busy we'll be"

> > So that would let people know to look out for it but not to really expect it 100%.

> > You people are obviously defending Anet, cuz ... well... it's Anet, but if someone IRL told you "hey I'll do that for you next week" and when they show up and say "nah didn't do it", you'd probably be displeased because you expected them to since they said they will. Don't know why people think so highly of Anet, it's their job to do things and as a consumer who is giving them money, ofc I should expect them to do something they said they will do unless they tell me it might not happen.


> I am going to have to guess that the dev who directly responded falls under your defending ANET just to defend them category.


It's pretty obvious I'm talking about players, but you can act smart if that makes you feel better.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > This is why anet doesn't tell us anything anymore. You people nail them to a post and call them straight up liars, sometimes for the smallest things. Chill, the skritt, out!

> > If they can't make it, they should've made a post cancelling something announced. But your aggressive call outs are the reason they're normally so radio silent


> Keep excusing the lack of communication.


I'm not saying i like it.

But you guys throwing gas on the fire isn't gonna make them come out with marshmallows

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> This is why anet doesn't tell us anything anymore. You people nail them to a post and call them straight up liars, sometimes for the smallest things. [sic] These aggressive call outs are the reason they're normally so radio silent



> Keep excusing the lack of communication.


3 years ago, what was promised was that they would stop communicating with us except for imminent changes.


Players demand communication (entertainment/gossip), but it is NOT their right. In competitive industries, smart companies NEVER reveal future plans unless it helps them gain market position. Any other thoughts are foolish to expect.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > This is why anet doesn't tell us anything anymore. You people nail them to a post and call them straight up liars, sometimes for the smallest things. Chill, the skritt, out!

> > > If they can't make it, they should've made a post cancelling something announced. But your aggressive call outs are the reason they're normally so radio silent

> >

> > Keep excusing the lack of communication.


> I'm not saying i like it.

> But you guys throwing gas on the fire isn't gonna make them come out with marshmallows


Is this gas on the fire? To simply state that the qna was cut short and from what i understand even the continueation of it last week didnt happen?


I dont care if they set a goal or smth smth but then dont manage to deliver at the end, all i want is for them to let us know in advance, a simple "hey the narative team is more busy than expected today and they wont be able to continue with the qna as planned, we will update you at a later date on when the rest of the answers will arive".


I can understand if the op was toxic and called the devs and the company a bunch of names and even tho i find the title clickbait i think his claim holds true. Just lets us know.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> > This is why anet doesn't tell us anything anymore. You people nail them to a post and call them straight up liars, sometimes for the smallest things. [sic] These aggressive call outs are the reason they're normally so radio silent


> ---

> > Keep excusing the lack of communication.


> 3 years ago, what was promised was that they would stop communicating with us except for imminent changes.


> Players demand communication (entertainment/gossip), but it is NOT their right. In competitive industries, smart companies NEVER reveal future plans unless it helps them gain market position. Any other thoughts are foolish to expect.


I guess SE, Ggg and DE are all stupid for communicating with their fans, im sure their games are suffering just for that as we speak... oh wait.

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I guess I will agree with op.

> Anet shouldn't be scared to announce what they are doing though, but rather word it different, as in - "We will be doing x next week, but there's a chance we might not be able to, it depends how busy we'll be"

> So that would let people know to look out for it but not to really expect it 100%.

> You people are obviously defending Anet, cuz ... well... it's Anet, but if someone IRL told you "hey I'll do that for you next week" and when they show up and say "nah didn't do it", you'd probably be displeased because you expected them to since they said they will. Don't know why people think so highly of Anet, it's their job to do things and as a consumer who is giving them money, ofc I should expect them to do something they said they will do unless they tell me it might not happen.


The devs did say that they would try if they weren't busy. So they did as you said they should

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So much anti for something that was never actually promised.. guess some players just need to take a few Kalma pills with a hot coco and a large dose of fresh air to boot.

Seriously was it really worth all the"your liars, you broke my self perceived promise, you bad shame on you!!"..


Oh well at least no Skritt were harmed in the making of this nonsense.


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> @"Tom Abernathy.5893" said:

> However, the good news is, those answers are still coming. I’m out on vacation this week, but even in my absence, Julia’s gonna try to get them posted while I’m gone.


I appreciate that you have replied to us during your vacation, but honestly:


* This is the kind of thing ArenaNet could have told us about before their self-defined deadline had expired

* It should not have required someone to interrupt his vacation to talk to us. How many community managers does GW2 have? One of them should have talked to the players and told us what you did


Being able to ask questions directly to the narrative team was great; the communication around it was a failure. I hope ArenaNet uses this as a learning experience and manages to do better in the future.


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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Tom Abernathy.5893" said:

> > However, the good news is, those answers are still coming. I’m out on vacation this week, but even in my absence, Julia’s gonna try to get them posted while I’m gone.


> I appreciate that you have replied to us during your vacation, but honestly:


> * This is the kind of thing ArenaNet could have told us about before their self-defined deadline had expired

> * It should not have required someone to interrupt his vacation to talk to us. How many community managers does GW2 have? One of them should have talked to the players and told us what you did


> Being able to ask questions directly to the narrative team was great; the communication around it was a failure. I hope ArenaNet uses this as a learning experience and manages to do better in the future.



They did in their announcement. That they would post more answers if there was time. No posts meant that there was not time. Simple as that. There may not have even been time to give a heads up to the community manager(s) that they would not have time, which means any interruption by the community manager would have been detrimental to their work as well.


I don't think the situation was mishandled at all. Or anywhere near a failure.

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