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low effort suggestion to help increase player activity in raids

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> @"Shikaru.7618" said:

> Agree with the general sentiment but I think what the casual community needs is not something that the current raiding population can/will reasonably provide.

Oh, that's for sure. If any solution were to happen (which is honestly not so likely anymore), it would have been done by devs, not raiders.


> **The barrier of entry is so high because the game does such a terrible job at raising the average player.** In open world and story, you are never required to interact with your traits, utilities, alternate weapon sets, or change stats on your gear.

That's true, but for a different reason than you think. I'd bet that the differences in skill in GW2 population are about the same as in other MMOs. The problem lies in the impact those differences have on your performance.


Yes, other MMO games do a better job at "raising the average player", because that "raising" is being done by supplying better and better gear. People improve there by gear grind. In gw2 however you reach gear plateau very fast, and most of the progress is done using skill. And thus, the performance difference between someone of average skill and a top player is greater than in other games by an order of magnitude. _That_ is the problem.



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The way it's done with WoW is that it has 4 difficulty levels

1. LFR (which is equivalent to strike missions since it's just a small # of the bosses)

2. Normal

3. Heroic

4. Mythic


Each increase in difficulty levels comes with bosses that have my health, damage, and mechanics and rewards that aren't just higher quality gear: titles, cooler armor/weapon skins, mounts, pets, achievements


Generally guilds would start off on normal and keep working their way up in difficulty. Spent nearly 2 months on 1 boss in heroic.


The increase in difficulty kept the raids relevant.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> The way it's done with WoW is that it has 4 difficulty levels

> 1. LFR (which is equivalent to strike missions since it's just a small # of the bosses)

> 2. Normal

> 3. Heroic

> 4. Mythic


> Each increase in difficulty levels comes with bosses that have my health, damage, and mechanics and rewards that aren't just higher quality gear: titles, cooler armor/weapon skins, mounts, pets, achievements


> Generally guilds would start off on normal and keep working their way up in difficulty. Spent nearly 2 months on 1 boss in heroic.


> The increase in difficulty kept the raids relevant.


You are forgetting the most relevant part: each higher difficulty comes with higher item level gear.


LFR is not raiding. Even normal mode raids barely deserve this title in WoW (unless the only relevant factor for raids is player count, in which case GW2 has the most raid content woth open world).


and even with these 4 modes, the highest tier rais content (heroic/mythic) is cleared from only a tiny fraction of the player base. Until the vast majority outgears the content.


Two major contributing factors (progressive itemization, outgearing content) which do not work in GW2.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> You are forgetting the most relevant part: each higher difficulty comes with higher item level gear.

No, I explicitly said,

> and rewards that aren't just **higher quality gear**

Higher quality gear=higher item level translated for the non-wow player.


Heroic progress of some sort was very common for most guilds. And a full clear of one level wasn't required to start the next difficulty. Honestly, desire for better gear wasn't the most important reason for tackling more difficult content. In both Legion and BFA there were alternative sources for gear that were as good as top-tier Heroic and way, way easier to get. Gear really wasn't a factor for myself and many of the people I raided with. It was a group activity that could be enjoyed with 15-20 people.


An challenging, enjoyable content for large groups absolutely translates to GW2. If anything GW2 should be encouraging larger groups than 10.

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When i read the tittle of this post i thought oh cool some suggestion can get me back to raids.. but nope.. xD the only time i will play raids again is when friends call or to do raids achievements. Once complete achievement.. i dont hv the urge to do anymore.. perhaps tired of the players.. lazy or fc is taking too long on my dinner prep hours .. when i stop doing fc.. life is more relax. Each new wing addition just make it harder to dedicate time to get done.. its nicer to not do it.

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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > You are forgetting the most relevant part: each higher difficulty comes with higher item level gear.

> No, I explicitly said,

> > and rewards that aren't just **higher quality gear**

> Higher quality gear=higher item level translated for the non-wow player.



Okay let me rephrase since you did not understand what I was going for:

Higher quality gear is not possible for GW2.


> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> Heroic progress of some sort was very common for most guilds. And a full clear of one level wasn't required to start the next difficulty. Honestly, desire for better gear wasn't the most important reason for tackling more difficult content. In both Legion and BFA there were alternative sources for gear that were as good as top-tier Heroic and way, way easier to get. Gear really wasn't a factor for myself and many of the people I raided with. It was a group activity that could be enjoyed with 15-20 people.


Sorry, but I'm calling BS. You are either not honest, or oblivious as to why certain things existed in WoW Draenor/Legion for the majority of the player base (can't talk about BfA since I haven't played that).


- Players would run ALL raids, even LFR trying to get those warforged procs

- the highest level of mythic+ dungeon for the best weekly chest item chance

- get minimum item level to be able to join LFR to gear up asap in afk mode

- get the appropriate crafting discipline for the correct upgrades (back when crafting disciplines had unqiue bonuses)


At the top end, where heroic and mythic raids are settled, the actual games population which completes the content on level, aka not outgearing it to complete it a few weeks later, is tiny.


The only thing which WoW raids have is permanent content like low drop chance mounts, skins for their weapons/armors which people desire and the ability to low man previous expansions content. All derivatives of WoW's loot threadmill.


> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> An challenging, enjoyable content for large groups absolutely translates to GW2. If anything GW2 should be encouraging larger groups than 10.


No it doesn't. Not if you honestly look at which and how content in WoW is consumed and how the rewards in that game are temporary power levels while in GW2 they are permanent.


Gear is one of the main motivators in WoW to push players into certain content. It has been ever since vanilla and became excepationally fast toward the end of WotLK. The system is so streamlined by now, people are actually enjoying WoW Classic more than the current endgame since for once, you don't feel the threadmill as bad crushing you with constant influx of new items and grinds making previous grinds meaningless.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> The easiest way to increase player activity in Raids is to wait until summer is over. Summer means less activity in games.

> Second way is to make sure the next Raid Wings have actually good rewards to get and not some worthless trinket.

> If they make Gen3 Legendary Weapons available as next Raid rewards, it would be great and you'll see a lot more activity. Obviously they'd need to be staggered and released over a long period of time (like all legendary weapons) but you'd be able to make a few precursors.




I have multiple legendaries weapons like minstrel(first gen) astralaria (second) and sharur ( second without story just a shitload of mats) I do not like raid so I would not like to have weapons locked behind raid wall.


You have your special skins and drops leave legendaries for everyone.



Oh btw to increase raid accessibility just make them like fractals : 5 ppl and diffent level

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > > > Adding harder CMs / more rewards will do nothing,

> > >

> > > Then explain why the Heart of Thorns wings are so much more popular.

> > Apart from w4 that is popular due to being the easiest, the popularity of others is due to them being the first wings (they got caught in the initial hype at first, and now people are just used to them already), and the legendary armor. New wings are unpopular because ring just isn't as good as armor, but also because when they released, raid popularity has already started to wane. There were only few new raiders, and many of the old ones weren't interested anymore. So yeah, rewards do matter, even if they are not the only factor. CMs... not so much.

> >

> > Remember, though, that the popularity of w5 was the lowest even when it still offered LIs instead of LDs. Higher difficulty made players _less_ interested in it, not more.


> I agree that rewards are way more important than CMs. Better rewards increase Raid popularity, CMs keep current Raiders busy for a bit longer.

> But even more important than rewards I think it's the popularity of the game as a whole as those joining -just for raids- shouldn't be any kind of high number. Maybe they'll stay and enjoy Raids more than anything else, but I can't imagine anyone reading about Guild Wars 2 and saying "I'll play this game because it has the best Raids". Arenanet should put some serious effort in bringing new players in.


I wouldnt consider myself a new player but I am definitely not a veteran. There are 3 main reasons why I play gw2.

1) free to play core game

2) fast leveling

2) combat system.

Friends were playing gw2 for years. They tried to convinced me to play but I had bad experiances with mmos (too static combat and loooooong grinds) so I didnt want to pay for it. When game went free to play i give it a shot. I picked ele as my first character and I was enjoying the combat.... until lvl ~25.

What drive me was the story. Reason to get next 10 lvls. But after I figured out the combat I relised that there is no reason to do any of those combos since everything died to few hits of AA chain. Leveling became a chore again and quickly after that I stopped playing.

Half a year later my friends gave me HoT so I gave it a shot one more time. I picked revenant because It was something new and started again. Energy system was very fun to figure out for me. I also liked the reactive gameplay of rev instead of proactive of ele. I havent made the same mistake as last time and leveled mostly by killing yellow enemies multiple levels higher (and multiple at the same time).

When I reached lvl 80, i run few CoFs to get gear with my friends and then I started hot. I was quite happy with dificulty spike. After finishing my elite spec and geting few thousands from trading posts I finished my crafting, get ascended gear and started with fractals. In around T3 I discovered meta and support chronomancer, rerolled and quickly got to T4s and CMs. After that it was short step to raids.


So no, raids are not what lure in new player but a logical step for players that dont want to just press 1.


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Having played Strike Missions, I feel they are a good way to bring the community together. The difficulty is low, which is fine as long as they implement a much harder mode if possible, but not raid hard. This ensures they can focus resources on making raids very difficult. Remember, Strike Missions is a way to familiarize with more mechanics, but let's be real here, current Strike Mission is too easy. But it's a good start. Higher difficulty strike missions will solve this.


I also like the way Strike Missions brings the community together. We don't ask for KP, anyone can join, Anet provides a shrine for teleportation, so clearly a lot of thought was put into this to make it accessible. It's refreshing.

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> @"ListenToMe.5130" said:

> Having played Strike Missions, I feel they are a good way to bring the community together. The difficulty is low, which is fine as long as they implement a much harder mode if possible, but not raid hard. This ensures they can focus resources on making raids very difficult. Remember, Strike Missions is a way to familiarize with more mechanics, but let's be real here, current Strike Mission is too easy. But it's a good start. Higher difficulty strike missions will solve this.


> I also like the way Strike Missions brings the community together. We don't ask for KP, anyone can join, Anet provides a shrine for teleportation, so clearly a lot of thought was put into this to make it accessible. It's refreshing.


You are free to start a squad with no li or kp req in any raid aswell.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > Adding harder CMs / more rewards will do nothing,


> Then explain why the Heart of Thorns wings are so much more popular. It can't be difficulty because Wings 6 and 7 are rather easy, even compared to 1,2,3.

> Adding more rewards to existing raids won't do them any good. But it's good to consider better rewards for the future.


They are more popular bc those who want to get into raids and/or gain PVE legendary understand that Wings 1-3 are the first collection. W4 (other than Deimos) is super easy to learn and run ppl through but players want Q1-3 because they know it will get them closer to the legendary gear collection completion.

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