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Lightbearer: Too Many “Cute” Things

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I find it funny that a non-roleplayer is complaining about lore more than roleplayers are. And no, I am not talking about the ERP addicts/anime obsessed weirdos that stalk the Divinity's Reach, I am talking about the roleplayers that go around the world and actually roleplay their immersive adventures with the dice, stats, dungeon-diving, and immersive outfits.


If roleplayers can complain less, I am sure the non-roleplayer players can find ways to enjoy their immersion as well.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> I find it funny that a non-roleplayer is complaining about lore more than roleplayers are. And no, I am not talking about the ERP addicts/anime obsessed weirdos that stalk the Divinity's Reach, I am talking about the roleplayers that go around the world and actually roleplay their immersive adventures with the dice, stats, dungeon-diving, and immersive outfits.


> If roleplayers can complain less, I am sure the non-roleplayer players can find ways to enjoy their immersion as well.


How do you know I’m not a roleplayer? I was on Tarnished Coast before you were even using forums.


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> @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> Every day I grow more bored of this pre millennial masculinity front. Are things just never allowed to be cute and appealing? Is there some kind of fear of cute things affecting the way you play? I'm almost certain this is the same attitude of "female charr shouldn't wear feminine clothing" and "the SAB weapons break muh immersion".


> I don't believe there's such a thing as "too many cute things". I just think people are trying way too hard to be manly men.


There's such a thing as too many cure things being immersion breaking if the game world wasn't built around cute things. Go watch any trailer for GW2 and point me at things that made you think it's some My Little Pony knockoff please.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > Every day I grow more bored of this pre millennial masculinity front. Are things just never allowed to be cute and appealing? Is there some kind of fear of cute things affecting the way you play? I'm almost certain this is the same attitude of "female charr shouldn't wear feminine clothing" and "the SAB weapons break muh immersion".

> >

> > I don't believe there's such a thing as "too many cute things". I just think people are trying way too hard to be manly men.


> There's such a thing as too many cure things being immersion breaking if the game world wasn't built around cute things. Go watch any trailer for GW2 and point me at things that made you think it's some My Little Pony knockoff please.


yup; the world and aesthetics i expect from GW2

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> It's an animal. Animals are cute. That's all there is to it.


It was a general complaint about awful supposed cutesy looks ("supposed" because they are giving me the creeps) which are supported by some of the skins, not just mounts. Some player characters [look like this](https://66.media.tumblr.com/bb48c9b3fbd94500b0a081ac4b677490/tumblr_ouq0ehwAzw1vfdop5o1_400.jpg "look like this"). :s

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> that made you think it's some My Little Pony knockoff please.


This is absolutely hilarious to me and makes me not take your argument seriously at all. This single-handedly torpedoed any potential value your argument may have had.


Even if you combined all the cute things in this game into one ultra-cute thing, it still wouldn't have anything close to the vibe of MLP or any other fallacious examples you can think of, because GW2 has not ever been solely exclusively about dark things. There's nuance in the storytelling and environment that lends itself to both cute and dark things, hope and doubt, violence and healing. In a world of elder dragons and the potential destruction of reality itself, you still have children throwing snowballs at each other, that's literally a heart you can participate in. Cute animals have always existed in Tyria and the devs have never shied away from having anything that is positive or peaceful because this story has never been about 'super serious dark world fantasy where no one smiles'. The game has so much nuance to it, so much of both dark and light, cute and horrifying, and it all fits together because the devs have carefully created the world to extend to both ends of that range and more. The world has depth, the story has depth, and if you choose not to see that depth, then you're unfortunately missing a large part of what makes GW2 work. If you're so upset that cute things exist in this game, then maybe this game isn't for you, since it's had cute things from the beginning. And it will continue to do so because GW2 has enough depth to allow the gallant lightbearer to exist alongside some truly dark things like [sikandar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sikandar "Sikandar"). There's room in tyria for both the cute and the ultra dark.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > that made you think it's some My Little Pony knockoff please.


> This is absolutely hilarious to me and makes me not take your argument seriously at all. This single-handedly torpedoed any potential value your argument may have had.


> Even if you combined all the cute things in this game into one ultra-cute thing, it still wouldn't have anything close to the vibe of MLP or any other fallacious examples you can think of, because GW2 has not ever been solely exclusively about dark things. There's nuance in the storytelling and environment that lends itself to both cute and dark things, hope and doubt, violence and healing. In a world of elder dragons and the potential destruction of reality itself, you still have children throwing snowballs at each other, that's literally a heart you can participate in. Cute animals have always existed in Tyria and the devs have never shied away from having anything that is positive or peaceful because this story has never been about 'super serious dark world fantasy where no one smiles'. The game has so much nuance to it, so much of both dark and light, cute and horrifying, and it all fits together because the devs have carefully created the world to extend to both ends of that range and more. The world has depth, the story has depth, and if you choose not to see that depth, then you're unfortunately missing a large part of what makes GW2 work. If you're so upset that cute things exist in this game, then maybe this game isn't for you, since it's had cute things from the beginning. And it will continue to do so because GW2 has enough depth to allow the gallant lightbearer to exist alongside some truly dark things like [sikandar](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sikandar "Sikandar"). There's room in tyria for both the cute and the ultra dark.


GW1 on the left, GW2 on the right.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want a grimdark hellhole. But I also don't want to play a game on the other end of the spectrum, and GW2 is headed straight there. There's a limit and GW2 is way past the point where I could take this game seriously. It's an abomination and a mockery of the franchise as far as aesthetics go.



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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> GW1 on the left, GW2 on the right.


> Don't get me wrong, I don't want a grimdark hellhole. But I also don't want to play a game on the other end of the spectrum, and GW2 is headed straight there. There's a limit and GW2 is way past the point where I could take this game seriously. It's an abomination and a mockery of the franchise as far as aesthetics go.


> https://i.redd.it/e6eottnci8l21.jpg


The GW1 example is an NPC, a creation by arenanet who have direct control over every aspect of an NPC's look. The GW2 example you provided is a player creation, one that while Anet gave the tools to create it, is not what the devs themselves have created for NPCs or the look in the world through the use of NPCs. If you want to make a comparison, make it a GW1 NPC and a GW2 NPC. Don't mix and match, because that doesn't help you or prove your argument in any way.

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > GW1 on the left, GW2 on the right.

> >

> > Don't get me wrong, I don't want a grimdark hellhole. But I also don't want to play a game on the other end of the spectrum, and GW2 is headed straight there. There's a limit and GW2 is way past the point where I could take this game seriously. It's an abomination and a mockery of the franchise as far as aesthetics go.

> >

> > https://i.redd.it/e6eottnci8l21.jpg


> The GW1 example is an NPC, a creation by arenanet who have direct control over every aspect of an NPC's look. The GW2 example you provided is a player creation, one that while Anet gave the tools to create it, is not what the devs themselves have created for NPCs or the look in the world through the use of NPCs. If you want to make a comparison, make it a GW1 NPC and a GW2 NPC. Don't mix and match, because that doesn't help you or prove your argument in any way.


But they **did** give the tools to create it. Which is what this thread is all about. The store is breaking immersion, hard, and is only getting worse with floating gaming chairs and such.


How many immersion breaking or overly cute things were in the game as gemstore offerings or ingame rewards at launch? Can't really recall any. Look at where we are now. Anything goes if it brings in a few bucks now..


Most of the cute things are stuff you'd expect to see in our shopping malls, not Tyria..

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> But they **did** give the tools to create it. Which is what this thread is all about. The store is breaking immersion, hard, and is only getting worse with floating gaming chairs and such.


i mean players were breaking immersion to begin with by not having lore immersive names. If 'immersion' is your true issue then yes it was an issue since launch.


> How many immersion breaking or overly cute things were in the game as gemstore offerings or ingame rewards at launch? Can't really recall any. Look at where we are now. Anything goes if it brings in a few bucks now..


But the Lightbearer isn't anywhere near as "lore immersion breaking" as you think, since cats, bunnies and other cute things have existed since the beginning of the game back in 2012. they made it fit thematically with the game. It's not a change in art style at all, it's a tyria looking thing but cute. Several things in tyria already look cute, having more cute things in tyria doesn't change that cute things have always existed.


And again, for 'immersion breaking', there are a lot of things that are immersion breaking in gw2, have been since launch. There's obviously more now, because they've had 7 years of developement to add things to the game (many of which are NOT cute in any way, immersion breaking or not). So to me, it just seems that you're mad because there's cute things in the game, which is a non-argument in my opinion because like i said, GW2 has room for it. I will admit that there are things that don't hold my favour fashion wise with what they've introduced, i won't argue that there are things i may have preferred not exist, but it's not an 'immersion breaking issue' by any means. You have tools to cull player looks. Also, let people have their fun.


As for the 'anything goes if it brings a few bucks', I agree Anet has started going in less than desirable directions when it comes to the monetization of the game and that impact on the game itself, and I won't deny that some fashion elements are an extension of that issue, but if THAT is your issue, then contributing to this thread doesn't address that, because this thread is ultimately not about the shady things that arenanet does.


From where i'm standing, you're either worried about immersion, which was being broken since the early entry days, Tyria theming, which has always had room for cute things, or you're worried about unethical business practices, in which case this thread isn't the place to talk about it because it's specifcally not addressing that issue.

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> But they **did** give the tools to create it. Which is what this thread is all about. The store is breaking immersion, hard, and is only getting worse with floating gaming chairs and such.


> How many immersion breaking or overly cute things were in the game as gemstore offerings or ingame rewards at launch? Can't really recall any. Look at where we are now. Anything goes if it brings in a few bucks now..


> Most of the cute things are stuff you'd expect to see in our shopping malls, not Tyria..

![](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429876928950829067/613495570576834710/Gw2-64_2019-08-20_15-10-41.png "")


Evon Gnashblade has somehow (and sketchy) come into possession of a bunch of Inquest chairs, and is selling them through the Black Lion Trading Company to any willing buyers.

There's your immersion.



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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > But they **did** give the tools to create it. Which is what this thread is all about. The store is breaking immersion, hard, and is only getting worse with floating gaming chairs and such.


> i mean players were breaking immersion to begin with by not having lore immersive names. If 'immersion' is your true issue then yes it was an issue since launch.


> > How many immersion breaking or overly cute things were in the game as gemstore offerings or ingame rewards at launch? Can't really recall any. Look at where we are now. Anything goes if it brings in a few bucks now..


> But the Lightbearer isn't anywhere near as "lore immersion breaking" as you think, since cats, bunnies and other cute things have existed since the beginning of the game back in 2012. they made it fit thematically with the game. It's not a change in art style at all, it's a tyria looking thing but cute. Several things in tyria already look cute, having more cute things in tyria doesn't change that cute things have always existed.


> And again, for 'immersion breaking', there are a lot of things that are immersion breaking in gw2, have been since launch. There's obviously more now, because they've had 7 years of developement to add things to the game (many of which are NOT cute in any way, immersion breaking or not). So to me, it just seems that you're mad because there's cute things in the game, which is a non-argument in my opinion because like i said, GW2 has room for it. I will admit that there are things that don't hold my favour fashion wise with what they've introduced, i won't argue that there are things i may have preferred not exist, but it's not an 'immersion breaking issue' by any means. You have tools to cull player looks. Also, let people have their fun.


> As for the 'anything goes if it brings a few bucks', I agree Anet has started going in less than desirable directions when it comes to the monetization of the game and that impact on the game itself, and I won't deny that some fashion elements are an extension of that issue, but if THAT is your issue, then contributing to this thread doesn't address that, because this thread is ultimately not about the shady things that arenanet does.


> From where i'm standing, you're either worried about immersion, which was being broken since the early entry days, Tyria theming, which has always had room for cute things, or you're worried about unethical business practices, in which case this thread isn't the place to talk about it because it's specifcally not addressing that issue.


Increasing something's presence increases its impact.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > > Wut.

> > > > That's the new raptor skin right? I wouldn't call any of its other skins overly cute or anything. Don't see what's wrong with it getting a cute skin for all the people that prefer that aesthetic.

> > >

> > > It's impossible to ignore. I don't buy any. And? They still fill up my screen to the point where I want to puke.

> >

> > I see tons of fashion and color choices in game that I think look hideous. But who cares, it's not my character. Don't stand near people I guess?


> Ah yes, don't stand near people. How do I do that in an MMO short of not logging in?


Maybe that's an option to look at if releasing a cute skin is enough to cause you this much grief.

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The only thing that really bothers me about this new raptor is the 'stiffness' and the armor...it also looks like it has a really large head compared to its body? Somehow tail is shorter than usual and the head is too big? Could be just me.

I didn't buy this one as it strikes me as odd. I don't know if I find it cute or weird. :thinking:


Either way it's optional so good for people who like it!

Dredgenaught Raptor is one menacing beast, so having a cute-looking one isn't harming anyone.


I would, however, love if the game took on a more serious and darker approach with story and dialogue, as sometimes the 'needless' humor truly does ruin the whole purpose/feel of the threats we are facing and makes me cringe.

Mount skins aren't something I'll complain about as they're purely optional.

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> The only thing that really bothers me about this new raptor is the 'stiffness' and the armor...it also looks like it has a really large head compared to its body? Somehow tail is shorter than usual and the head is too big? Could be just me.

> I didn't buy this one as it strikes me as odd. I don't know if I find it cute or weird. :thinking:


> Either way it's optional so good for people who like it!

> Dredgenaught Raptor is one menacing beast, so having a cute-looking one isn't harming anyone.


> I would, however, love if the game took on a more serious and darker approach with story and dialogue, as sometimes the 'needless' humor truly does ruin the whole purpose/feel of the threats we are facing and makes me cringe.

> Mount skins aren't something I'll complain about as they're purely optional.


Is it that needless, though? For a lot of people graveyard humor and sarcasm is how they cope with tragedy. I don't know that many soldiers who have actually been to combat zones that don't have a pretty over-developed sense of humor, particularly when some might consider the timing inappropriate. To me this honestly feels consistent with reality.


For my part on the topic, I personally want a "mammalian" type skin for every mount, and this one fits the bill well enough for me to have purchased it. It has little to do with cuteness factor. I think there should be variety, and am happy to see it. I personally hate the Dreadnought raptor, but don't begrudge it existing or anyone else having it, and don't think it is ruining the game by being there.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > The only thing that really bothers me about this new raptor is the 'stiffness' and the armor...it also looks like it has a really large head compared to its body? Somehow tail is shorter than usual and the head is too big? Could be just me.

> > I didn't buy this one as it strikes me as odd. I don't know if I find it cute or weird. :thinking:

> >

> > Either way it's optional so good for people who like it!

> > Dredgenaught Raptor is one menacing beast, so having a cute-looking one isn't harming anyone.

> >

> > I would, however, love if the game took on a more serious and darker approach with story and dialogue, as sometimes the 'needless' humor truly does ruin the whole purpose/feel of the threats we are facing and makes me cringe.

> > Mount skins aren't something I'll complain about as they're purely optional.


> Is it that needless, though? For a lot of people graveyard humor and sarcasm is how they cope with tragedy. I don't know that many soldiers who have actually been to combat zones that don't have a pretty over-developed sense of humor, particularly when some might consider the timing inappropriate. To me this honestly feels consistent with reality.


In many cases it's waaaay too over-used and annoying, where I just roll my eyes. I myself use humor to overcome bad things in life, but there's a time for humor and there's a time for some seriousness and taking the situation seriously and not like a stroll through the park, honestly.

I really appreciated "All or Nothing" because of unexpected twist to the story and finally some seriousness to the situation.

I liked the feel and atmosphere of GW1 story as it balanced these things really well. In GW2 there's a ton of silly situations where you just can't take a threat seriously at all, or world for that matter.


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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > The only thing that really bothers me about this new raptor is the 'stiffness' and the armor...it also looks like it has a really large head compared to its body? Somehow tail is shorter than usual and the head is too big? Could be just me.

> > > I didn't buy this one as it strikes me as odd. I don't know if I find it cute or weird. :thinking:

> > >

> > > Either way it's optional so good for people who like it!

> > > Dredgenaught Raptor is one menacing beast, so having a cute-looking one isn't harming anyone.

> > >

> > > I would, however, love if the game took on a more serious and darker approach with story and dialogue, as sometimes the 'needless' humor truly does ruin the whole purpose/feel of the threats we are facing and makes me cringe.

> > > Mount skins aren't something I'll complain about as they're purely optional.

> >

> > Is it that needless, though? For a lot of people graveyard humor and sarcasm is how they cope with tragedy. I don't know that many soldiers who have actually been to combat zones that don't have a pretty over-developed sense of humor, particularly when some might consider the timing inappropriate. To me this honestly feels consistent with reality.


> In many cases it's waaaay too over-used and annoying, where I just roll my eyes. I myself use humor to overcome bad things in life, but there's a time for humor and there's a time for some seriousness and taking the situation seriously and not like a stroll through the park, honestly.

> I really appreciated "All or Nothing" because of unexpected twist to the story and finally some seriousness to the situation.

> I like the feel and atmosphere of GW1 story as it balanced these things really well. In GW2 there's a ton of silly situations where you just can't take a threat seriously at all, or world for that matter.



There was a pretty decent balance of humor in GW1 I think... it's the story in that one that.... wasn't great (at least prophecies which was a disjointed mess of dropped plot threads and the main character failing upwards. Factions was the best of the three story-wise.)

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> > > > @"Blur.3465" said:

> > > > The only thing that really bothers me about this new raptor is the 'stiffness' and the armor...it also looks like it has a really large head compared to its body? Somehow tail is shorter than usual and the head is too big? Could be just me.

> > > > I didn't buy this one as it strikes me as odd. I don't know if I find it cute or weird. :thinking:

> > > >

> > > > Either way it's optional so good for people who like it!

> > > > Dredgenaught Raptor is one menacing beast, so having a cute-looking one isn't harming anyone.

> > > >

> > > > I would, however, love if the game took on a more serious and darker approach with story and dialogue, as sometimes the 'needless' humor truly does ruin the whole purpose/feel of the threats we are facing and makes me cringe.

> > > > Mount skins aren't something I'll complain about as they're purely optional.

> > >

> > > Is it that needless, though? For a lot of people graveyard humor and sarcasm is how they cope with tragedy. I don't know that many soldiers who have actually been to combat zones that don't have a pretty over-developed sense of humor, particularly when some might consider the timing inappropriate. To me this honestly feels consistent with reality.

> >

> > In many cases it's waaaay too over-used and annoying, where I just roll my eyes. I myself use humor to overcome bad things in life, but there's a time for humor and there's a time for some seriousness and taking the situation seriously and not like a stroll through the park, honestly.

> > I really appreciated "All or Nothing" because of unexpected twist to the story and finally some seriousness to the situation.

> > I like the feel and atmosphere of GW1 story as it balanced these things really well. In GW2 there's a ton of silly situations where you just can't take a threat seriously at all, or world for that matter.

> >


> There was a pretty decent balance of humor in GW1 I think... it's the story in that one that.... wasn't great (at least prophecies which was a disjointed mess of dropped plot threads and the main character failing upwards. Factions was the best of the three story-wise.)


Exactly what I said. Humor is well balanced with the story, while in GW2 I feel it's a little over the top, where it just makes the world and story silly, sadly.

Don't want to derail the thread though, back to discussing the lil' raptor!

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > But they **did** give the tools to create it. Which is what this thread is all about. The store is breaking immersion, hard, and is only getting worse with floating gaming chairs and such.

> >

> > i mean players were breaking immersion to begin with by not having lore immersive names. If 'immersion' is your true issue then yes it was an issue since launch.

> >

> > > How many immersion breaking or overly cute things were in the game as gemstore offerings or ingame rewards at launch? Can't really recall any. Look at where we are now. Anything goes if it brings in a few bucks now..

> >

> > But the Lightbearer isn't anywhere near as "lore immersion breaking" as you think, since cats, bunnies and other cute things have existed since the beginning of the game back in 2012. they made it fit thematically with the game. It's not a change in art style at all, it's a tyria looking thing but cute. Several things in tyria already look cute, having more cute things in tyria doesn't change that cute things have always existed.

> >

> > And again, for 'immersion breaking', there are a lot of things that are immersion breaking in gw2, have been since launch. There's obviously more now, because they've had 7 years of developement to add things to the game (many of which are NOT cute in any way, immersion breaking or not). So to me, it just seems that you're mad because there's cute things in the game, which is a non-argument in my opinion because like i said, GW2 has room for it. I will admit that there are things that don't hold my favour fashion wise with what they've introduced, i won't argue that there are things i may have preferred not exist, but it's not an 'immersion breaking issue' by any means. You have tools to cull player looks. Also, let people have their fun.

> >

> > As for the 'anything goes if it brings a few bucks', I agree Anet has started going in less than desirable directions when it comes to the monetization of the game and that impact on the game itself, and I won't deny that some fashion elements are an extension of that issue, but if THAT is your issue, then contributing to this thread doesn't address that, because this thread is ultimately not about the shady things that arenanet does.

> >

> > From where i'm standing, you're either worried about immersion, which was being broken since the early entry days, Tyria theming, which has always had room for cute things, or you're worried about unethical business practices, in which case this thread isn't the place to talk about it because it's specifcally not addressing that issue.


> Increasing something's presence increases its impact.


True, but that doesn't really address any of the points being made.

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