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what's the point of 3 week reset period


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Yeah, I wonder that too. Anet is just bleeding whatever small playerbase is left dry. I don't play other gamemodes on those 3 weeks reset, I just don't play the game at all. Unranked is a waste of time compared to ranked, and the rest of the game is pretty boring.


Just delete mirage, add 2v2 queues, make it a 3 day reset instead, and pvp will be saved.

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To play other games! Lol


No but for real, could be a gaming law or something.


Quick google search gave me this:

Gaming law is the set of rules and regulations that apply to the gaming industry. Gaming law is not a branch of law in the traditional sense but rather is a collection of several areas of law that include criminal law, regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.


I wish it was a little more to the point because in my country, "gaming" also means poker machines.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> To play other games! Lol


> No but for real, could be a gaming law or something.


> Quick google search gave me this:

> Gaming law is the set of rules and regulations that apply to the gaming industry. Gaming law is not a branch of law in the traditional sense but rather is a collection of several areas of law that include criminal law, regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.


> I wish it was a little more to the point because in my country, "gaming" also means poker machines.


What the hell are you on?


This is nothing more than ANet controlling their game and how people play it.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > To play other games! Lol

> >

> > No but for real, could be a gaming law or something.

> >

> > Quick google search gave me this:

> > Gaming law is the set of rules and regulations that apply to the gaming industry. Gaming law is not a branch of law in the traditional sense but rather is a collection of several areas of law that include criminal law, regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.

> >

> > I wish it was a little more to the point because in my country, "gaming" also means poker machines.


> What the hell are you on?


> This is nothing more than ANet controlling their game and how people play it.


Do you know the laws of game developers do you? I did a bit more research myself and turns out theres quite a bit directed at game developers.

.... I actually spent a good half hour using Google on the matter, I'm sure anyone could actually.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We've always had a break in-between seasons. The purpose was always to both give people a break and time to reset. Additionally, when the break used to be about 4 weeks, we'd try to use that time for balance updates. In the past couple years or so, we reduced the break to more or less 2 weeks. We sometimes delay an extra week, if there is good reason to do so. (Holidays, too close to some other event/balance release, etc.)


We do have some talk on doing something with the off-season time, but aren't really ready to talk about that in detail yet.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've always had a break in-between seasons. The purpose was always to both give people a break and time to reset. Additionally, when the break used to be about 4 weeks, we'd try to use that time for balance updates. In the past couple years or so, we reduced the break to more or less 2 weeks. We sometimes delay an extra week, if there is good reason to do so. (Holidays, too close to some other event/balance release, etc.)


> We do have some talk on doing something with the off-season time, but aren't really ready to talk about that in detail yet.


How long have you guys been in this discussion? Two maybe three years? Nothing has changed in PvP.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"Lighter.5631" said:

> > it makes no sense, any community would be killed with 3 week reset period lol, while other pvp games has like 1,2 days reset period for ranked.

> > really smart anet.


> GW2 is not a PvP game though. That's the flaw in your logic.


It was suppose to be... but you're right, they abandoned it long ago and now its just a PvE game where you can play PvP on the side.

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> @"Impact.6213" said:

> How long have you guys been in this discussion? Two maybe three years? Nothing has changed in PvP.

I mean a fair amount has changed, whether you agree with what has is up to you.


As far as the break goes, I quiet like a couple week break in between seasons. Four weeks always seemed too long when it first started but 2 seems like a nice sweet spot for it.


I think it was talked about with some pvp events that might happen (no details given) when they announced the things like the world boss event weeks and such coming in. Will be interesting to see what those are. Could be good to have them between seasons for the people who want to keep playing pvp through the rank breaks.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > To play other games! Lol

> > >

> > > No but for real, could be a gaming law or something.

> > >

> > > Quick google search gave me this:

> > > Gaming law is the set of rules and regulations that apply to the gaming industry. Gaming law is not a branch of law in the traditional sense but rather is a collection of several areas of law that include criminal law, regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.

> > >

> > > I wish it was a little more to the point because in my country, "gaming" also means poker machines.

> >

> > What the hell are you on?

> >

> > This is nothing more than ANet controlling their game and how people play it.


> Do you know the laws of game developers do you? I did a bit more research myself and turns out theres quite a bit directed at game developers.

> .... I actually spent a good half hour using Google on the matter, I'm sure anyone could actually.


When it comes to software development I do. I know quite a bit because I deal with it on a daily basis - from contracting and licensing, product management, software development, etc. - 12 years doing this I've been through pretty much most of it.


What you're stating above has nothing to do with software development but rather gambling.


Regardless of any of this, Ben's response is clear as to why they do these breaks.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> We've always had a break in-between seasons. The purpose was always to both give people a break and time to reset. Additionally, when the break used to be about 4 weeks, we'd try to use that time for balance updates. In the past couple years or so, we reduced the break to more or less 2 weeks. We sometimes delay an extra week, if there is good reason to do so. (Holidays, too close to some other event/balance release, etc.)


> We do have some talk on doing something with the off-season time, but aren't really ready to talk about that in detail yet.


Rarely are balance changes made before the season start. All changes so far have been done mid season. I dunno why.


Unless this time is used for resolving issues with match making/PvP behind the scenes systems, it does not have a reason to exist.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The purpose was always to both give people a break and time to reset.


give people a reset? a reset of what...me don't really understand...and what kind of reset needs 3 weeks, we are not working, we do not need a reset of 3 weeks..

i mean i would probably be playing something else by then..


balance updates was explainable, at least we have something to do when off season, but now, it's nothing, really. completely nothing

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > To play other games! Lol

> > > >

> > > > No but for real, could be a gaming law or something.

> > > >

> > > > Quick google search gave me this:

> > > > Gaming law is the set of rules and regulations that apply to the gaming industry. Gaming law is not a branch of law in the traditional sense but rather is a collection of several areas of law that include criminal law, regulatory law, constitutional law, administrative law, company law, contract law, and in some jurisdictions, competition law.

> > > >

> > > > I wish it was a little more to the point because in my country, "gaming" also means poker machines.

> > >

> > > What the hell are you on?

> > >

> > > This is nothing more than ANet controlling their game and how people play it.

> >

> > Do you know the laws of game developers do you? I did a bit more research myself and turns out theres quite a bit directed at game developers.

> > .... I actually spent a good half hour using Google on the matter, I'm sure anyone could actually.


> When it comes to software development I do. I know quite a bit because I deal with it on a daily basis - from contracting and licensing, product management, software development, etc. - 12 years doing this I've been through pretty much most of it.


> What you're stating above has nothing to do with software development but rather gambling.


> Regardless of any of this, Ben's response is clear as to why they do these breaks.


I had that feeling in my first post when I mentioned it... so googled Game Development Laws and was hit with a crap load of information about player protection regulations, copyright infringements and so on.

It was informative as I never knew till know that theres a lot of legal crap involved with making a game outside of copyright.

Also learnt people use WoW and Second Life to launder money lmao and a bunch of questionable illegal choices people are using video games for now.

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The ranked game mode in GW2 is actually pretty toxic. Not the most toxic, but it really is an exhausting 2 months of ranked with high toxicity. The 2 to 3 weeks break is good for your mental health, trust me!


That aside, I still do not understand why they don't push balance patches 1 week before the season starts, instead of just shifting everything midseason.

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