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(Feedback) Noble Courtier Outfit

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I love this outfit. It's over the top but within the realm of plausibility. It fits all my characters, all races and genders, in an elegant fashion. (Minor clipping on male asura thigh poking through the coat, but that doesn't bother me). No outrageous shoulders, charr tail/horn/ears unaffected and tail gets a flap (forgot to check asura toes). I'm a little sad the female asura get the dress rather than coat version, but I know many many players will be thrilled by that.


My only real critique goes to the male dye channels. On something this intricate I know it can be hard to choose where to apply the four channels. But for my personal aesthetic I would suggest that rather than coat/boots, vest/gloves, pants/coat edge, and trim, it be coat/pants, gloves/boots/coat edge, vest, trim. (That coat edge is what makes it so hard to aportion -- but really, coat and boots are almost never a gentleman's choice of color matches :) And my suggested distribution allows color contrasts to show the details).

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I also wanted to add my voice to this topic. I am normally firmly rooted in the "armor skins only" camp and very rarely buy outfits but this one checks all the boxes for me. Finally an outfit that makes my character appear to be part of this world. A dress my character could wear while be on a soiree with Queen Jennah.

The details on the bodice, the pattern and embroidery on the cloth itself are breathtakingly beautiful.


I think the armor designers of ArenaNet are some of the best in any MMO I have ever played and I am happy to be able to own this gown ^.^


Thank you to whoever designed this.

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Thanks for the info on the dye channels. :)


I love this outfit and I'm tempted to get it but I'm worried it's too similar to the noble count and (on some races) wedding outfits and I'd just end up using it at times when I'd use those, or the Winter Monarch outfit. I'll have to look out for examples of how it looks dyed and see how that affects my opinion of it.

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It's nice, but being another outfit makes it not worth it. In a game that has a heavily-driven cosmetic endgame, outfits are super restrictive and offer less choice than swapping out individual pieces like with armour sets. I'll keep my money in my wallet until they decide to pursue more armour sets.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Thanks for the info on the dye channels. :)


> I love this outfit and I'm tempted to get it but I'm worried it's too similar to the noble count and (on some races) wedding outfits and I'd just end up using it at times when I'd use those, or the Winter Monarch outfit. I'll have to look out for examples of how it looks dyed and see how that affects my opinion of it.


Here are some samples, from some hasty donning and dyeing (or just keeping the channels from the previously worn outfit).


Female human https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610884471650123807/NobleCJin.JPG

Male human (greens) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610885536630177834/NobCDonari.JPG

Male human (reds) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610891627984191518/NobCLordV.JPG

Male sylvari https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610892988457156629/NobCAndret.JPG

Male charr https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610896920038342666/NobCRev.JPG

Male norn (not my character, a guildie posted this one to complain about the big feet) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405207401315434496/610898798012530708/unknown.png


Female asura gets the dress, female charr gets the coat. I didn't screen shot female sylvari but it hangs well on them too. Female skirt physics are pretty good, there's sway with movement and a flare out in a dance spin. I also didn't closely examine female dye channels because my existing dye setups worked on the alts I tested.

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For me outfits are nothing my character would wear while being out and about fighting (see my last post about being of the armor skins only fraction). For "adventuring" I always wear armor skins. However I always wanted to have a "normal", "beautiful" (feminine) dress which does not look like my character dropped from a different world into GW2. This new outfit is probably the first one achieving this for me.

The wedding dress to me looks strange from the front and the noble dress has a kind of "evil" vampire feel ^///^.


For being in town outfits fill the right kind of slot because I can just "change" without having to switch all my adventuring gear. But can switch from dungeon diving hero to civilian in one click XD.

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> @"Eleandra.4859" said:

> For me outfits are nothing my character would wear while being out and about fighting (see my last post about being of the armor skins only fraction). For "adventuring" I always wear armor skins. However I always wanted to have a "normal", "beautiful" (feminine) dress which does not look like my character dropped from a different world into GW2. This new outfit is probably the first one achieving this for me.

> The wedding dress to me looks strange from the front and the noble dress has a kind of "evil" vampire feel ^///^.


> For being in town outfits fill the right kind of slot because I can just "change" without having to switch all my adventuring gear. But can switch from dungeon diving hero to civilian in one click XD.


That's exactly how I use outfits too. It's a habit I picked up playing Morrowind (the first RPG I played with non-combat clothing available to the player and one of the first where you could see your character in enough detail for it to matter). I'd "obtain" some clothing as early as I could and swap to it whenever I got into a town, because my character looked massively out of place walking around in their armour. I've done the same in every game which let me since then.


I don't have many outfits, but the majority of ones I've bought are ones which don't look like armour, and I like to have a mix of 'plain' clothes (e.g. common clothing, monk, cook's outfit) and fancy ones for special occasions (noble count, wedding, winter monarch). The exception is the arctic explorer's outfit which does look kind-of like light/medium armour, but I bought that because a lot of my characters are _not_ appropriately dressed for cold areas and watching them run around in the snow in sleeveless tops makes me feel cold.


The only outfits I have which look like armour are the royal guard, fallen Balthazar and hexed outfits, which were free and the sunspear one which was part of PoF Deluxe and I don't tend to use those as much.


As it stands there's 2 things which put me off getting more:

1) Dyes are shared across all of them, which means I either have to find ones that work with the same dye pattern (increasingly difficult as I get more) or I have to change them each time which ruins the convenience of having something to quickly swap to when the situation calls for it.

2) There's not many which suit my characters and how I use them (most outfits do look like armour) and then they end up being too similar to ones I already have, which is exactly the problem I have here.

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Only seen screenshots so far, but I *love* this and will likely be buying gems as soon as I get home. It favors an intricate design instead of an absurd silhouette (no WoW-shoulders here! and no creepy faces!) and the detail is incredibly striking. I definitely want more of *this* kind of work for outfits and armor.


..and a summer swimsuit, but I guess there's next year for that.

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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> I definitely want more of *this* kind of work for outfits and armor.


Quality-wise? Yes. Regarding the design? No.


Why? Look at my example link above. Imperial dress code of the late 19th century doesn't really fit into the original design of GW2 (yes, they have gone crazy in that regard with futuristic stuff, wild west outfits and what not, so it might not matter to many, but I still find it unpleasant when they break the immersion with random eras' designs).

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> @"GWMO.4785" said:

> I like the outfit in general. But once again poorly ported to other races. I mean seriously look how stretched that looks. I am amazed that there is not 1 person at ANet that thinks "hold up, this does not done right"....


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/aZwqzJf.jpg "")

> Edit; show direct preview. opening links seem to be broken lately.


That is awful. As a person that plays Asura, this would ruin it for me if I played female characters..

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> I hate that I can't choose my own headgear. That's the main issue I have with all outfits. This one has awesome potential with different head gear. I just don't do masks. A fancy hat would've been better.


Agreed here. Love the outfit, but I would love to put on another piece of headgear beside the mask. Like one of the crowns, or a monocle.

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