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The biggest problem Guild Wars 2 will face...

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> I wrote this as a comment to already to another thread...after writing i realized how important it is for me to just say it, to the PVE population in general. i read through a few other threads that seem to touch on this, but not really getting the full picture and the extent to which how bad this problem has/is and will be for gw2.


> **The Problem**

> This game is too self-sufficient, and there is a lack of community interaction.


> **Go right now to any PVE zone.**

> How many people are engaging and talking with each other? I've been sitting in Queensdale/Shaemoor for a good 30 minutes now and not a SINGLE person in either Map Chat or Say

> chat has said anything...This is supposed to be the HUMAN starter zone.


> **So what is the deal?**

> Why is everyone so quiet? The maps are full they have people in them...but nobody is talking. Why does this bother me so much? It's because there's no reason for people to talk to each other...there's absolutely no mechanisms in place to encourage player to player interaction.


> 1) **Questing**

> Questing is so braindead simple in these zones, that there is no need for anyone to go out and find groups of people. And when there are groupings of people, like near bosses, the bosses are so braindead simple to beat, that you can just auto-attack them and they will eventually die. There's no need to discuss tactics, strategies, or trouble shoot problems, or solve puzzles...


> 2) **Crafting...**

> where do i start with this absolute monstrosity of a system. Crafting is too self contained and self sufficient. If you want to make something with crafting, you need the materials to craft that something, which you must either farm or purchase from the T.P. The only interaction you have is with an autonomous spreadsheet. There is no OTHER players involved in this transaction... Even worse if the material you are looking for is exclusive to a certain profession, so lets say you are a Tailor, and you need to get a material that is exclusive item to Leather-working, to craft something in the Tailor proffession. Then you need to not only be a tailor but you now need to learn leatherworking. HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY SENSE AND WHY IS NOBODY UPSET BY THIS? It's the dumbest thing i've ever encountered and it doesn't seem to bother anyone...Everyone says "Oh just learn all 8 proffessions and you'll be good" but no...this is not good. This is me punching buttons into a keyboard and crunching numbers endlessly at a crafting station by myself. This is not interactive or fun in anyway.


> 3) **Lack of PvP interaction in PVE**

> This is actually a "hot topic of debate." and a back and forth battle between PVE'ers and PVP'ers. What people don't realize is that dueling zones are actually really important to building communities and serve as a critical mechanism that introduces newer players into content that they would have otherwise been clueless about.

> The main argument against this is that PVE'ers will be "ganked" while doing PVE activities...but this is simply a misguided view on what dueling areas actually are. Dueling areas are specific zones within a town, in which duels can only happen when two players agree to fight one another.

> **These area's serve as a location in which players are drawn toward... much like how the concentration of player population in Lions arch are around the Banker, or the Black Lion Auction NPC.** These are places where players congregate. Dueling areas are such places, but rather than everyone crowding by an npc to watch a spreadsheet and punch numbers...players gather to watch other players fight each other. One does not need to go far to actually SEE this interaction in action. Visiting a duel server you will see players congregating in small circles to watch other duelists duel each other. People talking, chatting and having fun while 2 people try to best one another. PEople who have never been to a duel server simply don't understand how refreshing a duel server is, and people who want dueling areas in PVE want to spread this sense of community to others. PVP as we all know is DYING and yes, there are PVPer's who still want to play and have fun too.


> Anyway, these are just three examples in which the game lacks any sort of community interaction. This lack of interaction has handicapped gw2 since launch, and it has continued to weaken guild wars 2, in all areas both PVE and PVP, to the point to where we see it today...

> Truth is, the game is currently in a crisis...a tipping point...we are not sure if we will even see the end of the GW2 storyline...we don't know the future of Spvp or WvW....people are quiting left and right and anet is getting roasted by every single commentor on the forums. All these things are just side effects...side effects to one singular tumor of issues that deal with the basic fundamental mechanics of the game....lack of community interaction and too much self sufficiency.


Thank you

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> Oh, I understand now.


> tl;dr

> "Dear ANet,

> I want Open World PvP"


> No.


eh...i don't think you understand. It's okay.


> @"neoteo.3975" said:

> Thank you


NP. I did my best to try and sum up what i wanted to say without it being pages and pages long. Trust me on this, that there are a lot more things i could have talked about. I just choose these three cause it's the topics i feel most passionate about.

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Most people give the vibe that they are being bothered in text chat so I lose interest of socializing and I get the feeling that people are on discord so why bother using text chat since people clearly find discord the best way to communicate. It seems like out of 15 people you could private message in one day, only one will actually be responsive so.. sadly this can be a downer for people who want to make random friends.

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> @"Sovari.7246" said:

> Most people give the vibe that they are being bothered in text chat so I lose interest of socializing and I get the feeling that people are on discord so why bother using text chat since people clearly find discord the best way to communicate. It seems like out of 15 people you could private message in one day, only one will actually be responsive so.. sadly this can be a downer for people who want to make random friends.

One out of 15 isn't that bad of a result I think. Try your local mall and just chat up random strangers, you'll probably have a similar quota for finding people that actually mesh with you.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > Not sure this is a problem than it's actually a characteristic of the community. It BECOMES a problem if Anet start introducing content that doesn't align with these characteristics.

> > > > >

> > > > > Disagree, if this wasnt an mmo then sure but since its an mmo i believe such content has place in it.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not really defining any content so not sure what the disagreement is about here. If the community has a characteristic that generally defines it, there wouldn't be a faster way for Anet to fail than introducing content that is in direct opposition to that characteristic. That's what almost killed HoT as one example.

> > >

> > > Oh and here i though 9 months of neglect for ow pve and and terrible pvp balance gave hot a bad name. Tho im not sure what you mean by killed, i saw plenty of ppl running around during hot, ow and instanced content alike.

> >

> > I guess you don't understand what almost means.

> >

> > The fact is that the biggest problems GW2 faces aren't the characteristics that generally define the players. You're talking about some kind of content that has a place in it ... maybe you are talking to yourself because I never specified content.


> You spoke about content that doesnt go in line with the "characteristic" of the community to which i said the game is an mmo and such content is vital for mmos.


... apparently not GW2. It's been like this for years.

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