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The Special Forces Training Area needs a serious overhaul

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You know what I want out of Anet? I'll tell ya. A complete overhaul of the special forces training area. I think the below things would be sweet. The fact that at best the training area is a single stationary golem that doesn't fight back is just depressing.


1. The ability to save your buffs and profession skills to a single button click the next time you enter the instance. (Saves time when training dps rotations.)

2. The ability to train in fight mechanics without raid pressure such as the following.

a. Vale Guardian Teleports/Greens

b. Sabetha Cannons/Heavy Bombs/ Flak Kiting

c. Deimos Hands/ Oil Kiting

d. Sabir group CC phase.

e. Dhuum Greens

f. and all the other things I'm forgetting.

3. NPCs that let a person practice healing as various classes with different configurations.

4. A Golem that fights back to be able to practice timing tanking defensive skills.


I mainly wanted to write this because I wanted to learn how to do Deimos hands, but if I don't have a bunch of people together to do the prephase of the fight, I can't even begin to practice. It just wastes the time of the other players. That's not fair to them.


The training area is an excellent place to improve you ability to do a dps rotation on a stationary golem, but it could be so much more.


Please let me hear your thoughts on these ideas and anything else you might think could be cool!

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To 1:

Pretty sure it was planned feature but then abandoned as too finicky to implement. Might I remind you that GW2 is a game that has been out for years and been added onto for all those times. Things that seem easy to implement usually arent in those cases.

To 2:

Those are all things you can easily practise in trainings or low LI/KP raids. Dhuum greens you can practise as a thief alone - howtos have been posted plenty on youtube.

The majority of the things you have listed also are not so much a matter of recognition, but rather timing. And the "feeling" for those timings - no matter if its teleports on VG or when black spawns on Deimos - is something you just have to train at the boss together with all the additional mechanics.

To 3:

Uhm? Not quite sure what you mean there, since healing in GW2 is very straightforward. You look at the tooltip of all your skills, you memorize the ones that heal big/give regen/heal constantly and then you just.... use them. And if you want to see how much each skill heals - ask a friend to join you in aerodrome, activate the dmg field, heal him/her.

To 4:

A golem that hits you would really be nice. Best not just 1 attack but rather also different ones in a chain... like 2 small ones, then 1 big wind up animation. A normally attacking one is/was in heart of the mists for training evade/block.

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1. Maybe when we get build templates they'll add "templates" to the special forces training

2. For most of these what kind of training do you want? Other than Dhuum's greens (eating the orbs) the rest aren't really gonna do you any good if you do them outside the fight itself. For example what kind of training do you need for Sabetha's cannons?

3. You can already activate the damaging aura to practice your healing skills. I guess a random npc that you can practice your target healing on wouldn't be so bad to have but I don't see it as something absolutely important

4. Since tanking depends heavily on the boss and its mechanics this wouldn't be so useful. I mean you can get your tanking build and go practice on a random champion or legendary mob if you want to test tanking on a live target. But what would the point be?


Let me add mine to the list

5. Way to select new Runes to try out builds without investing lots of gold/materials

6. Add food in buffs so we can try out different food/utility options without wasting our crafted/bought ones

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I think adding food buffs is the most important thing, it feels terrible to waste food just to try to improve your rotation and compare it with the benchmarks. From the OP sugestions i think only 1 is possible/usefull, the rest i don't think you can train in the training area, or at least change 4 in order to spit out some aoes in order to train your rotation with a few "distractions"

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  • 2 weeks later...

In response to some of the comments, I think that people are just too focused on the training area only being for DPS roles. My main reason for posting this in the first place is due to the fact that finding groups of people patient enough to let you practice something is nearly impossible. Most people stick around for 1 pull, even when it says "training please stay" or the like in the LFG. it just ends up being a huge waste of everyone's time. A major example of this would be Deimos hand kiting. It's super easy to mess up if you're inexperienced at doing this mechanic, but it's also locked behind the pre-event of the fight. So 10 people have to do a pre-event just for the one person to be able to practice the mechanic.


Now just imagine if there was an option in the training area that said "Practice Deimos Hands". It simulates the hand on the ground and the mind crush mechanic. Nothing else, just those core things. You could on your own go into the SFTA and sit there until you felt completely comfortable enough to go into the real fight.


The reason I mention this specific mechanic is because lfg groups will either A only do the first 3 bosses in Wing 4, or B state that it is a full clear wing and still only do the 3 bosses. And mostly it falls to a lack of enough hand kiters. Anybody can DPS though, and I truly believe that's because the golem exists to let anyone learn how to do a skill rotation.


In reference to the work on the raid team, these mechanics already exist, so it's just a matter of creating the interface that allows the code to be copied over. I know I'm simplifying, but I don't feel it's an impossible task.


I do concede that some things are outside of the realm of possibilities, but the biggest concern I have as a raider is that the community is quite small and many feel it's too big of a barrier to entry and I think a change to tools that let you get better at raiding could help with that.

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I would like more training available. Even an option to practice healing..so having injured allies there, that you heal..that get conditions randomly (including yourself) and you're trying to keep them alive for as long as possible.


And other mechanics. Even in training groups, I don't feel comfortable going into something, I don't know at all. Adding more training option to the golem, woyld help alot.



I don't see it happening tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

> You know what I want out of Anet? I'll tell ya. A complete overhaul of the special forces training area. I think the below things would be sweet. The fact that at best the training area is a single stationary golem that doesn't fight back is just depressing.


> 1. The ability to save your buffs and profession skills to a single button click the next time you enter the instance. (Saves time when training dps rotations.)

This would be QoL, yush, but there's the issue of how they'd save the setup to account.

> 2. The ability to train in fight mechanics without raid pressure such as the following.

> a. Vale Guardian Teleports/Greens

Greens are simply going to a circle so seriously: what's the point? If you want to practise greens, just get a friendly engi to shoot mortar fields at random places and go to them. Teleport are probably kinda practiseable by doing certain bounties and evading stuff.

> b. Sabetha Cannons/Heavy Bombs/ Flak Kiting

Cannons are simply "move to place X at proper timing. If you have issues with timing and directions, get TacO. Flak kiting is practiseable with friendly mortar engi and heavy bombs are simple "evade out of squad".

> c. Deimos Hands/ Oil Kiting

Hands are practiseable by going into some poison field and trying to survive as long as possible.

> d. Sabir group CC phase.

Already doable at golem by setting a breakbar.

> e. Dhuum Greens

Already doable by getting a Dhuum instance and stealthing the first reaper as thief.

> f. and all the other things I'm forgetting.

> 3. NPCs that let a person practice healing as various classes with different configurations.

Set damage aura and get a friend stand in it.

> 4. A Golem that fights back to be able to practice timing tanking defensive skills.

Already doable in fractal lobby.

> I mainly wanted to write this because I wanted to learn how to do Deimos hands, but if I don't have a bunch of people together to do the prephase of the fight, I can't even begin to practice. It just wastes the time of the other players. That's not fair to them.


> The training area is an excellent place to improve you ability to do a dps rotation on a stationary golem, but it could be so much more.


> Please let me hear your thoughts on these ideas and anything else you might think could be cool!



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I can understand the wish to be able to easily practise specific mechanics such as "greens" or "hands". Might not be the worst of things.


Done my own share of tries against the damaging aura to test some healing specs. It provides you with a feeling for the builds in question similarly to DPS practice. Real healing practice, though - now that is tricky. We would need an exact copy of the raid encounters for you to gain the experience needed to be prepared. Replacing players with dummies wouldn't do, nor would not being able to practice common community strategies like "No updraft Gorseval" or "No greens VG".


Tanking practice is a similar issue. The only way to properly prepare new tanks for all of the variables present during real fights would be to exactly replicate said fights. Unless we are talking about a dummy version of the bosses which does not have any mechanics or phases. Simply standing there letting the boss slap you in the fact is already the easiest part of tanking in this game. There are few who actually hurt you, even less so if you go for tanky gear.


Would people even be interested enough for you to be able to form squads for this practice? I kind of doubt it if there are no rewards involved.

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