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How Verdant Brink meta should be reworked to make people do the events?

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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> ....Are we deliberately ignoring mesmer portals and teleport to friends to make this a mount gripe?


or simply using HoT masteries ...


> My issue has always been with how the waypoints are a pain in Verdant Brink. I can get to the paths if people need more on one or the other just fine in Auric Basin because they don't go under 'contested' the way Verdant Brink's does. So go help out noble means I get sent to somewhere else if it's contested and by the time I get there even with a mount, the rally point has either fallen or they no longer need help.


Noble's doesn't get contested and in fact most of the WPs do not get contested. Shrouded Ruins and Mellagan's are the only ones that can get contested.


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  • 2 months later...

do you think ppl will come to verdant brink doing all events and then a boss that maybe takes an hour or more just to get rewarded with junk loot? events are just for fun or for a achievement/collection. chak gerent have chance for infusion. for dragon stand i don’t know. the reward is most times disappointing so then you only want to loot. i won’t do events for hours every day to waste time. tequatl is for hoard. but no meta. and only 1 amalgamated gemstone for 1 gold isn’t worth farming meta for 1 hour. but that’s me.


if you only gather mussels for a pearl you get better reward then the whole event alone. i always choose keys or crowbars

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> @"Antycypator.9874" said:

> Noone does the events in VB, because we don't need to defend camps. Most people are coming to VB only for Wyvern Matriarch and Amalgamated Gemstone. All you have to do is get on the platform with your griffon and just wait for boss. Not everybody can get there, because there are people that don't have griffons. Primary rally point is often fallen, so sometimes VB meta seems to be only for people with mounts.

> I think reward should be granted after killing all bosses or reaching participation threshold or after the night. Same in AB. You don't have to participate in meta event. You can come after the event and just loot all chests. Maybe reward chest in AB should be granted for killing an octovine?


> Rewards from TD and DS requires completing the events. Why not in AB and VB?

> In PoF maps: Junundu can be looted without participation.

> Forged With Fire and Serpent's Ire needs to be completed.

> Maw require defeating the Legendary Demolisher.

> Piniata: You have to destroy the piniata.

> Doppelganger: Boss needs to be defeated.


Hot maps are now 4 long years old now, there have been a lot of new maps added to the game, and I’m pretty sure most players who come to these older zones are meta event hoppers. I’m also pretty sure that’s the lifecycle of most maps in this game, and I don’t think we need the devs to backtrack on every old map and create a system that now forces players to spend hours on a single map just to get pitiful rewards.


If you want players in old maps, then it needs to be heavily incentivized at this point, it’s not by doing the annoying participation mechanics. Do dead maps kinda suck? Sure, but trying to force players in for long periods of time, just for bad rewards, will have the opposite effect of what you’re thinking. And the devs loosened up the participation mechanics in these maps before because they were annoying and not casual friendly.

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> @"Braynz.2906" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > I have only done one event there, seems like i can never find a group

> >


> I've been trying to get the Tetrad achievement for over 3 months now - no one seems to be interested


In the last three months, what has been going on? New map released. Halloween festival. People have probably migrated to those. Maybe joining a guild might help to get this achievement?

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Well the last NA guild that routinely did this has collapsed, with many leaving the game. Its a shame this meta is not more attractive; its my favorite. It just does not fit in with the gold per hour metric that drives most of the players. The map is also plagued with hero point trains, so any small group trying to get a full night meta going will be crowded out so often no one will try.

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